Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1081 The new generation of strong men in China, the mainstay

"Yes, you are an overseas cultivator, so it's normal that you don't know the hidden royal family of China. Then you should know Situ Xiao, right? I heard that he is Jiang Taichu's disciple! I am a loyal fan of Jiang Taichu!"

Cheng Tiantian asked curiously.

"Yes, we know each other!" Jiang Tian touched his nose and said dumbfounded.

"Cheng Lulu, didn't you go to the airport to pick up the host of Huangjue Temple? Why are you still delaying here?"

Just as he was talking, a girl wearing Taoist robes walked towards her, with two small words embroidered on her chest: "Kunlun".

She is tall, has a pretty face, high breasts, and a slender waist, but her eyes are as sharp as a knife, and she exudes the powerful coercion of a powerful person in the divine realm, making people feel awe-inspiring and fearful.

Kunlun was born into a powerful man in the divine realm. He was only in his twenties, and he was beautiful. With this capital, he might be able to suppress the limelight of old Suzaku.

"This senior is an overseas casual cultivator, and I know senior Situ Xiao! I saw him as a stranger, and I wanted to take him to the auditorium!"

Sure enough, Cheng Lulu's momentum weakened by three points, and she shrank and muttered.

"Loose cultivators overseas? Do you know Situ Xiao? Are you a member of the Hongmen?"

The Kunlun female disciple asked with her eyes above her head.

"Well, that's right."

Jiang Tian smiled lightly.

"But, the ceremony is about to start, and there is no room left. Look... can you watch the ceremony standing up?"

The Kunlun female disciple looked at Jiang Tian up and down, feeling a little embarrassed.

Jiang Tian was indeed very handsome, but she didn't feel the monstrous momentum that a regular warrior should have from Jiang Tian at all. His cultivation level was probably average, and he just came to watch the ceremony.

"You are a female disciple from Kunlun. What is your name? You should know Ye Keren, right? How is her cultivation now?"

Jiang Tian asked without comment.

Nowadays, his vision has long gone beyond one country and one religion, and involves the struggle between different worlds and the fate of the earth's civilization system.

At his level, how could he get entangled with these little dolls.

No matter what achievements Ying Su and the others had achieved, in his eyes they were nothing more than a passing thought.

"My name is Ye Yuhui. Ye Keren is our senior sister, and she has surpassed the divine realm now!"

The woman sensed that Jiang Tian had some background, and did not dare to offend her, so she said:

"Since you are my senior sister's friend, I will make arrangements for you to take a seat at our Kunlun Sect's seat. Do you think that's okay?!"

"Ye Keren and I are not friends!"

Jiang Tian shook his head gently.

Ye Keren's grandfather was both his disciple, and she could only be considered his junior!

Hearing this, Ye Yuhui's face suddenly turned cold, he was a little impatient and was too lazy to talk to Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tian's spiritual consciousness instantly sent a message to Li Wuji who was deep in the station, contacted him, and then said:

"I'm here to find a friend. I've already informed him. He will come out to see me! No need to bother!"

With that said, Jiang Tian turned around and left calmly, his face neither sad nor happy.

"Maybe I've just heard of Senior Sister Ye's name, or maybe I'm just an admirer of her..."

"Oops! The ceremony has begun!"

When Ye Yuhui saw this, she didn't take Jiang Tian to heart. When she heard the applause in the training ground, she immediately threw Jiang Tian aside and hurried away.

Cheng Lulu, on the other hand, accompanied Jiang Tian out and comforted Jiang Tian: "Don't mind it, one day you will be as powerful as them! You came here in a Rolls-Royce Phantom. It seems you have some wealth. You are poor. If you are rich in culture and martial arts, you will have a foundation if you have money. If you work harder, you will definitely be able to cultivate well!"

"This old Les Les belongs to my cousin!" Jiang Tian laughed.

At this time, Cheng Lulu didn't know how to answer it.

At this time, Ying Su and the others were enjoying the admiration and cheers of the masses, being lifted to an unparalleled height by the country and placing high hopes on them.

Not only is Jiang Tian incomparable, but in fact, there are very few people in this world who can be compared to him!

"Okay! Little girl, you don't need to comfort me, I'm strong!"

Jiang Tian patted the woman's head and smiled.

"Oh! Can you leave me your contact information?"

Cheng Lulu was still a little reluctant to give up.

For some reason, she felt that Jiang Tian's eyes looked at her with warmth and care.

This kind of warm look has nothing to do with Fengyue, but more like an elder looking at a younger generation or an older brother looking at a younger sister.

"Forget it, see you later!"

Jiang Tian's words made Cheng Lulu feel disappointed, but then Jiang Tian smiled and said, "Here, I'll give you a small gift!"

Jiang Tian put his hand into his pocket, dug around, then took out a book of Three Purity Foundation Building Techniques, put it into the woman's hand, and said:

"Cultivation by yourself, don't spread it to others! Follow your sister's example and surpass your sister!" He just drifted away.

A few minutes later.

Jiang Tian came to a teahouse near the station, drinking tea while waiting for Li Wuji's arrival.

Neither the Hidden Royal Family nor the Kunlun Sect is his direct lineage.

The Kunlun Sect even wanted to compete, and Ji Muxian even began to substantially weaken the power of the Chinese Dragon Group.

But Jiang Tian still planned to give them a chance.

After all, it is not easy for these Taoist descendants to survive to this day.

It is also the crystallization of ancient Chinese cultivation civilization. Nowadays, all the famous mountains and orthodox traditions are almost extinct and in decline.

Moreover, in the face of a powerful enemy, human beings should unite as one. As long as there is a chance of salvation, Jiang Tian will not kill him.

Of course, if they persist in their obsession, Jiang Tian will not be merciful.

And Jiang Tian had just left.

A burst of warm applause erupted in the training ground.

Kunlun headmaster Ji Muchian announced loudly that the winners one by one, Ying Su, Li Guangzhe, Zhu Xiaochen, Wu Yaoniang and others, will become the new round of eight dragon group four spirit generals, and many of them will also be allowed to practice in Kunlun. Opportunity.

Cao Shixiong also represented the top Chinese officials and commended and congratulated them for their bravery in resisting the invasion of Brahmins and the Holy See in Lancang River.

When Ying Su and the others walked onto the stage, their faces were filled with brilliant light, their eyes were proud and proud.

Military representatives Cao Shixiong, Kunlun leader Ji Muchian, and Dragon Group leader Ye Zhantian issued certificates to them and wore the emblems of the Shanglong Group and Kunlun Sect.

Kunlun Sect is a true blessed land of cave heaven and has given birth to countless strong men. For example, Ye Tianren, the strongest man in China back then, once walked the world through them.

Zhu Xiaochen and his ancestors had received assistance from the Immortal Ruins and many dimensional worlds to establish dynasties and leave a mark in the history books.

But in the end of the Dharma era.

They are no longer as good as they used to be, and have even been ostracized by the authorities, but from now on, things will be different!

The world is about to change dramatically, and they will step onto the stage of history again, become the mainstay of China, and write a new glorious chapter.

"Ying Su, I heard that he has already transcended the realm of gods at a young age, and he is practicing a completely different method! He was the one who led the hidden royal family to intercept the intruders from the Holy See and Brahmins in the Lancang River area!"

"Zhu Xiaochen is also amazing. He is a disciple of Huangjue Temple. And the strength of Huangjue Temple is actually no less than that of semi-hidden sects such as Wudang and Shushan. However, they are royal temples, so they don't show off!"

"Li Guangzhe is so handsome! He is indeed a descendant of the Tang Dynasty royal family!"

"I heard that this Wu Yao Niang has tens of billions of assets, and the Mingyue Dangkong Group belongs to her family. It is said that she is a descendant of Wu Zetian!"

"The royal family is the royal family, and they have a profound foundation! Ordinary people can't compare to it!"

At this time, many powerful people in the audience looked at the people on the stage with great excitement and envy.

Especially many female warriors, their eyes are shining, and their plump breasts are rising and falling violently, like a fanatical little girl seeing her idol.

To transcend the realm of gods, become a powerful person, reach the top of the list of China's strongest men, and defend their family and country are the lifelong goals of many warriors.

And they have achieved it at a young age.

At the entrance of the training ground, Cheng Lulu's eyes lit up after seeing Jiang Tian's skills, she couldn't believe it!

This turned out to be a completely different cultivation system, and it seemed to be better than many of the techniques he had seen before.

"He is an expert!"

Cheng Lulu was suddenly startled and murmured: "I know Situ Xiao and Ye Keren who are overseas loose cultivators, so it can't be him, right?"

Thinking of this, she was so excited that she trembled all over. She immediately ran to the training ground and found Ye Keren who was watching the ceremony in the front row.

Ye Keren was dressed in a red Taoist robe, looking even more dazzling and dazzling than before.

In fact, Kunlun Sect is the cultivation method!

Although the inheritance is incomplete, Ye Keren has also switched from ancient martial arts to cultivation and has reached the first level of foundation building.

He is the first genius disciple of the Kunlun Sect in hundreds of years to step into foundation building before the age of thirty.

"Senior Sister Keren!"

Cheng Lulu said in a trembling voice: "I seemed to have seen someone just now. It seemed that it was Jiang Taichu?"

Ye Keren's beautiful eyes lit up, her delicate body trembled slightly, and then she exclaimed in a low voice:

"No way! He has actually come back! He has come back from the dimensional world of heaven! Come with me and report to Master!"

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