Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1087 The world of Xitu is full of strange things.

Everyone only heard constant crackling sounds outside, like electric sparks suffocating. It should be that the positive and negative electrical energy of the cocoon and the Death Hill lightning gate were constantly neutralizing each other, swallowing and entangled with each other.

As the electric energy was neutralized, a strong and pungent smell of ozone erupted from the cocoon-shaped cabin, which also trembled violently. From time to time, electric light as thick as an arm penetrated the cocoon cabin and hit everyone.

If this kind of lightning were to hit a strong person in the divine realm, he might not be able to withstand it.

But fortunately, the cultivation of everyone in the cabin was pretty good, and Jiang Tian was not in danger even if he erupted with purple lightning to intercept.

The purple thunder cocoon was also consumed extremely thin from time to time, and one could even see the distorted space and electric light outside.

But every time when it was about to be exhausted, Jiang Tian would hit it with a thunder technique and repair it with purple lightning.

The lightning cocoon has never been broken.

From what everyone felt, the time of traveling through the space passage lasted about half an hour.

Suddenly, the lightning outside disappeared.

Jiang Tian showed an indifferent smile, sneered, tore open the lightning cocoon, and stepped out.

Everyone looked down.

I saw silkworm cocoons floating hundreds of meters in the air, and beneath my feet were mountains undulating like giant dragons.

The Western World is here!

Jiang Tian raised his eyes and looked.

When you see the sun that looks the same size as the earth, you know that this folded space should not be far from the earth.

Among the mountains and forests, there are thousands of high peaks, wolves, insects, tigers and leopards roaming all over the ground. Huge trees block out the sky and the sun. Thigh-thick vines wind up around the trees like horned dragons. There are also unknown wild flowers swaying gently, full of excitement. A primitive and wild atmosphere.

"What a rich spiritual energy!"

Tang Linglong closed her beautiful eyes, looked intoxicated, stretched out her arms, let out a cheer, jumped down, and landed on the ground.

Ye Keren was also secretly shocked.

strictly speaking.

Kunlun Sect also belongs to a dimensional world, but its radius is only a few dozen kilometers, which is incomparable to the vastness of this place.

What's more important is the richness of the spiritual energy.

The spiritual energy here is rich, at least dozens of times that of the Earth Realm, even several times that of the Kunlun Sect!

Jiang Tian and several others also fell to the ground.


There were sounds of fighting in the distance.

Ye Keren had already sensed it, his expression changed, and he frowned and said: "Twenty miles to the west, someone is fighting!"

"What do you care about us?"

Jiang Tian looked cold and said calmly:

"We came here just to get rid of the old enemies of Jinpeng Temple and Changsheng Sect in Leiyin Mountain and get what we want!"

Li Wuji nodded slightly, deeply convinced.

"We'd better make some friends so that they can be our guides..." Ye Keren suggested.

Jiang Tian was noncommittal, and finally said with a smile: "Yes, you are all injured, so we are not in a hurry!"

At this time, the sound of fighting was getting closer and closer, and more than thirty men and women were seen chasing a girl who looked to be only thirteen or fourteen years old.

These were more than thirty men and women, ranging in age.

The eldest was a strong man in his forties, and the youngest looked to be in his twenties.

Some of them rode eagles and other spiritual birds, and some rode flying carpets and magic weapons. Fireballs, lightning, wind blades, and arrows and crossbows in their hands kept erupting, shooting at the cute-looking girl.

The leader is an ugly girl in her twenties, her face is covered with scars like earthworms, but she has a very hot figure, with bulging front and back, slender waist, wearing a gauze dress, and the magic weapon is a string on her arm. String metal bracelet.

This woman's attacks were cruel and merciless. Every time she raised her arms, dozens of bracelets flew out together, becoming larger in the wind, causing boulders to collapse and trees to break. When they hit the little girl, she was knocked into the air. Get up and scream.

There is another young man who is about twenty years old and handsome.

This man was wearing silver armor, a silver helmet on his head, and holding a silver gun. He seemed to be a soldier. He was coordinating her attack and driving the running girl away from her attack range.

"Build one level of foundation!"

Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly.

The girl headed by this girl, if placed in the Heavenly Star Realm, would be an elite disciple of a large sect. But they can be seen everywhere in the suburbs of the Western World.

Really worthy of the Western World.

Jiang Tian had learned about it in the Star Realm before.

The Western Earth World does not belong to the fragments of ancient China, nor does it belong to the Immortal Ruins System. It is self-contained and stands on its own.

If we insist on classifying him into the dimensional world formed by the Immortal Ruins and many ancient Chinese, I am afraid that he will have to reach the second dimensional world.

The hunted girl was wearing a red gauze dress that was hung to pieces by branches, and a string of white jade beads hung on her chest.

The little girl looks cute and young, but at this moment her face is full of dirt and tears, and her beautiful eyes are full of fear.

A pair of snow-white petite bare feet stepped up and down on rocks and thorns, running quickly, and three braids were dragged straight up in the air.

As she ran, she begged with tears in her eyes: "Why are you bullying me, a little girl? I didn't provoke you!"


The ugly girl with an earthworm face struck again, and the silver bracelet flew out, beating her until she rolled on the ground and vomited blood.

Seeing this, Wu Yaoniang couldn't bear it anymore, her face was filled with anger, she swung her swords and said in a cold voice:

"How can this group of people rely on their numbers to bully the weak?" He was about to take action against the group of pursuers.

Ye Keren's sword energy broke out and he wanted to help.

"Slow down!" Jiang Tian raised his hand to stop her, suppressing her sword energy so that she could not move at all.


Ye Keren was stunned for a moment, then became angry and said angrily:

“Isn’t it the duty of cultivators like us to hoe the strong, support the weak, and uphold justice?”

"Could it be that Master Jiang was injured in the Heavenly World and couldn't defeat them? Or was he afraid of them and didn't dare to go to war with the Western World?"

She was very contemptuous and disappointed with Jiang Tian at this time.

I miss you, Jiang Tian, ​​who rules the earth, claims to be invincible in all battles, and is not afraid of the gods and Buddhas in the sky!

Today, when a little girl was being bullied like this, she didn't even dare to help.

She even doubted it at the moment.

Is it true that Jiang Tian has taken over the two worlds of Tianxing and Tianguo as rumored to the outside world?

Maybe he was just bragging and bluffing?

After all, no one has witnessed this!

Li Wuji's face was as calm as water, and he said calmly: "Young people, please don't act without permission! What does their life and death have to do with us?"

"Is Jiang Taichu really afraid?" Wu Yaoniang also looked confused and doubtful in her heart.

But after all, she had experienced the Battle of Lancang River.

At that time, she also thought that Tianqing Sect and Jiang Tian did not dare to fight and could not defeat the Holy See and Brahmin.

But in fact, Jiang Tian and the others just lured the enemy deeper, and finally used Kuilian to kill the invading three thousand troops.

Therefore, thinking of the past, she did not question Jiang Tian, ​​but just asked: "Master Jiang, why don't we help?"

"Why else? He is obviously scared! Who is the head of a famous family! Who is the first lineage of Tianqing Sect! Ridiculous!"

Ye Keren glared at Jiang Tian fiercely, feeling inexplicably sad and angry, with a look of contempt on the corner of his mouth.

Tang Linglong was already dissatisfied with Ye Keren, but now she heard that she was disrespectful to her master, and she was even more annoyed. She couldn't bear it, and said in a cold voice:

"Where were you when my master was fighting against the Vatican and the Brahmins? Who didn't dare to fight? Who turned the tide? Who turned the tide? Who ignored the life and death of the Chinese cultivation world and ignored the matter!"

Her words were clearly scolded by the Kunlun Sect as well.

In fact, when the Holy See invaded, Ye Zhantian contacted the Kunlun Sect on behalf of the Dragon Group and the Chinese cultivation world to request assistance.

But the Kunlun Sect was very arrogant, claiming that they were outsiders, far away from the secular world, and would only take action when disasters of annihilation struck, and politely refused.

This is one of the reasons why even though the Tianqing Sect is located overseas, many people still regard it as China's first lineage and promote Tianqing, while restraining themselves from belittling the Kunlun Sect.

"Tang Linglong, do you dare to insult my Kunlun Sect?"

Ye Keren was so angry that he was shaking all over.

"Keren, would you like to listen to what Taoist Taoist Taichu has to say? Taoist Taoist Taoist Master naturally has his reasons for his actions!"

Li Wuji glared at her.

"The truth, I want to see what reason he has!" Ye Keren was furious, but did not dare to speak anymore.

"Does weak mean one must be kind?"

Jiang Tian was not as broad-minded as Ye Keren. He just smiled indifferently and asked slowly:

"Does weakness occupy justice and morality? In this case, the more righteous it is, the weaker it is. Isn't it true that the more despicable and evil the human civilization and the entire universe are, the stronger it is? Then, this world is not Ruined!"

"This..." Ye Keren was suddenly stunned.

Jiang Tian put his hands behind his back, and the breeze came slowly, slowly raising his waterfall-like hair, and said with a master's demeanor:

"Many times, those who are weak are evil. Because generally speaking, evil never defeats good!"

"Are you saying that the little girl being hunted is a bad person?"

Wu Yaoniang was full of confusion, frowned and asked: "But she looks young and fragile!"

"This Western World is full of weird things and wonders. Let's watch the show! Maybe the next plot will be amazing!"

Jiang Tian's face looked calm and calm, but there was a trace of vicissitudes deep in his eyes, and he sighed:

"How can it be so easy to distinguish between good and evil? Sometimes, everyone insists on their own opinions and starts from their own point of view. These many conquests and fights range from street fights to large countries competing for hegemony, and even the rise of civilization. Destruction, in the end, is just a struggle for survival, the weak eat the strong, just for a bite to eat and a place to live!"

Jiang Tian had already seen clearly, but he was too lazy to explain.

Wu Yaoniang took a closer look at the running little girl and suddenly realized something.

The little girl looked weak, but she ran so fast that her speed was almost as fast as the sound barrier. The branches and leaves blocking her would explode as soon as she hit them, forming a green smoke.

And every time he was hit and knocked away, he got up immediately without breaking any bones or muscles.

She can withstand the attack of a strong foundation builder, so she is clearly a strong person.

The little girl ran so fast. In just a few minutes, she crossed the mountain forest for more than ten miles and came to Jiang Tian.

She hugged Jiang Tian, ​​her plump breasts rubbed Jiang Tian's arm, and said hurriedly: "Little brother, you are so handsome and brave, you must be a hero, you won't ignore death, right?"

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