Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1098 The Bible Lecture Ceremony attracted much attention and strong people gathered together

Every three years, many sects and families under the jurisdiction of the Yunlan Kingdom will send saints and saints to be evaluated and selected by Fairy Luomei, the special envoy of the Immortality Sect.

Fairy Luomei will also give sermons and give guidance on people's cultivation. In return, she will give people the opportunity to glimpse the secret method of the Immortality Sect.

In addition, there are young talents of the younger generation who compete in discussions and show off their talents at the sutra lecture ceremony. If they get the favor of Fairy Luomei, they can jump over the dragon gate and worship into the Immortality Sect.

Even if you can't enter the Immortality Sect, it is a good thing to be appreciated by other sect leaders and be able to embark on the path to immortality.

Therefore, every time the sutra lecture ceremony is held, it can attract countless eyeballs from Yunlan Kingdom and even the northern border, attracting the attention of all major forces.

Moreover, the people selected this time are true disciples, who can get guidance from the leader of the Immortal Cult and many elders, and the popularity is even higher than before!

"The competition for true disciples this time is fierce! You must know that Yunlan Kingdom has produced a lot of talents in the past three years. Prince Moyang of Yunlan Kingdom has already entered the first level of Jindan. The young master of Yushou Sect, Beast Lei, The Foundation Establishment has been completed, the Divine Eye Thousand Beast Path has been opened, and the strength is earth-shattering and enviable! Feng Batian, the son of the Lord of Wind Blade City, has achieved great success in Wind Blade, and can level mountains with one blow!"

"Yes, in the past few years, the entire young generation in the Western Territory has been full of talents! Not to mention, the great sects outside the northern border, such as the Changsheng Sect, Tingyu Tower, and Zoroastrian Sect, are all full of talents, just like the stars in the sky. And you don't Forget, the one from Leiyin Mountain!"

When he said this, everyone was immediately in awe.


The future abbot of Jinpeng Temple in Leiyin Mountain and a direct disciple of Tathagata Tathagata, it is said that when he was born, he had supernatural powers, his eyes could shoot lightning and lightning, and his body was indestructible, which shocked Zen Master Juxiang.

Nowadays, he is only in his thirties and has reached the perfection of the golden elixir. His cultivation is so powerful that he dominates the entire western land. He is invincible to the younger generation. People like Luo Ming and Jiang Long will bow down and bow to him three times when they see him. .

"I heard that not only Prince Moyang will come in person this time, but also many young people from other parts of the Western World will come to watch the ceremony! For example, Hong Lian, a strong man from the Zoroastrian Cult in the Western Region, Leng Jianfeng, a disciple of the Sword Palace in the Southern Region, and a senior monk from the Demon Rock Temple No need to wait!"

Some people were excited and their eyes were excited.

Whether Fairy Luomei lectures or the top experts from Yunlan Kingdom compete, it is a major event that attracts attention.

Such as Honglian, Leng Jianfeng, and Wuxin, they are all on par with or even slightly superior to Prince Moyang, and their reputations are astonishing.

They are not from Yunlan country and will not participate in the competition, but they are invited.

First, listening to Fairy Luomei's sermons and watching the duel between top players also inspired me greatly.

The second is to see if we can help the sect behind it recruit some talents. After all, the Immortality Sect only accepts one direct disciple this time.

"There are so many talented people in our Western Earth world. I really can't imagine how there are ants in the Earth world who dare to be enemies of our Western Earth?"

Someone suddenly remembered the previous rumors that Luo Ming and Ai Lian had fallen into the earth world, and couldn't help but snorted coldly, with arrogant eyes:

"When our troops gather together and attack the Earth Realm with great changes, Jiang Taichu from the Earth Realm will be scared to death!"

But what everyone pays most attention to is Fan Luomei, the special envoy of the Northern Territory of the Immortality Sect!

It can be said that Fan Luomei came to the Golden Lotus Platform outside Maolin City to preach scriptures, select personal disciples, and introduce the holy boys and saints. When the news came out, the entire Yunlan Kingdom, and even the entire northern border, was shocked!

For a time, everyone was talking and looking forward to it.

Within a few days, countless people came to hear the news, especially the young monks, who were extremely excited and wanted to see the fairy's supreme grace.

Fan Luomei is not just a special envoy from the North of the Immortality Sect, she is also a strong person in the middle stage of the Golden Core, and has an extraordinary appearance. She is one of the most beautiful women in the Western World.

When some monks saw her beauty, they all said that this girl should be in heaven, and how many times can we see her in this world!

There was even a well-known eminent monk who became worldly after seeing her. He immediately returned to secular life, joined the Immortality Sect, and became a servant, just to have a chance to see her from a distance.

In this world, countless princesses of a country, daughters of city lords, and wealthy people are all proud of their appearance, talents and talents.

However, it is said that when many women saw this girl, they immediately became eclipsed, ashamed of themselves, and did not dare to compete with her.

But this woman is not only superficial in appearance and beauty, nor is she as simple as being in a respected position or having strong cultivation, but she has good fundamentals.

Legend has it that she possesses immortal bones, and her immortal bones are still between her eyebrows. She has strong mental power and amazing understanding.

This means that no matter what technique she practices, she can simplify the complex and obtain the essence, and her cultivation can advance rapidly.

Moreover, she is still in her lifetime. She is only in her thirties, but she already has golden elixir cultivation!

The Immortality Sect is best at reincarnation and longevity, so her lifespan is unknown.

This also means that in another life, she is likely to reach the late stage of the Golden Core, or even higher, and eventually transcend this world!

"Fan Luomei's sermon, I heard it three years ago in Yulan Kingdom in the East. It was really like flowers falling from the sky and golden lotuses pouring from the ground. When I listened to it, I felt like I was enlightened and made people forget about the ordinary world! After it was over, I still walked around for three days. Never stop!"

A monk rushed towards Maolin City, traveling thousands of miles away. Thinking of his previous experience of listening to the lecture, he was intoxicated.

"That's right! This is a rare opportunity. After listening to it, I have benefited a lot and it will be of great help to our cultivation! Let's go and listen!"

There was a sect leader who was in retreat. After hearing Fan Luomei's sermon, he immediately ended his retreat, came out, and led his disciples.

"Yes, the reason why Fan Luomei chose Maolin City is because the foundation of her Fan family is there! Otherwise, she would definitely choose the capital of Yunlan Kingdom!"

Maolin City was originally a small city. It was considered a small sect in the Northern Territory and the entire Western World. Its monks and population were not large.

But since the news of the grand ceremony came, powerful men from many countries and cities in the north have come in droves to break their heads.

In order to maintain order in Maolin City, the Mou family went out of their way to help, and the Fan family and Luo family also helped, which was heartbreaking. Even Mou Bilian was so busy that it could be said that her feet were off the ground.

At this time, Jiang Tian was the only one free.

He stayed in the back of Mou's house and went into seclusion. He didn't hear what was going on outside the window. He didn't feel nervous at all before the war. In his free time, he just looked at the scenery in the back garden. He lived a very comfortable and leisurely life.

It was not until the day before the grand lecture ceremony that Jiang Tian and others, accompanied by Mou Hongdie, rushed to Jinliantai Mountain.

During this operation, Jiang Tian disguised himself as Mou Hongdie's guard, pointed his sword at Fairy Luomei, captured her alive, and suppressed her.

Then she led and introduced him to the Immortality Cult and destroyed the leader of the Immortality Cult.

In this way, there is no need to kill the ignorant believers of the Immortality Sect, and there is no need to waste time. It is the fastest and fastest.

Mou Hongdie wears a veiled magic weapon.

When Jiang Tian asked, she said that she didn't want to cause too much trouble because there were too many young talents this time.

At this time, the sutra lecture ceremony attracted the attention of the entire northern realm. Many powerful people from other realms also came. There were many monks gathered in Maolin City, but it did not mean that everyone had the opportunity to ascend the Golden Lotus Platform.

In fact, those who can ascend the Golden Lotus Platform have gone through detailed assessment and screening. They can be said to be the elites of families and sects, and there are only a thousand people in total.

"Fairy Luomei is here!"

When Jiang Tian and others walked out of the city lord's mansion.

Suddenly, a scream was heard, and then the whole Maolin City was in a commotion, and the crowd was turbulent and restless like a savage beast.

"Fairy Luomei is here! The goddess in my heart!"

For a time, screams came one after another, and both male and female monks seemed extremely excited and agitated.

The eyes of the male monks are infatuated and burning, while the female monks are full of envy and admiration, hoping to become another Fairy Luomei one day.

A huge jade chariot pulled by six huge white luan came out of exhaustion. It was surrounded by colorful fallen flowers, the petals were as crystal clear as jade, blooming with thousands of rays of light, filled with rich aura, like a rainbow hanging in the sky.

Wherever the chariot passed, it almost became a fairyland paradise, full of vitality, rain fell from the sky, dead trees sprouted new branches, many people's illnesses disappeared, and black hair grew.

"Thank you to the special envoy of the Immortality Sect for giving me the rain to eliminate disasters!"

Countless people paid homage, were grateful, and were so excited that they shed tears.

"The Immortality Religion has blessed all generations and cared for all living beings. We are grateful and will serve and believe in you for the rest of our lives!"

"I wish the leader of the Eternal Life a long life, eternal blessings, and transcendence from the world. I wish the special envoy a long life and continuous improvement in cultivation!"

Many old people were so excited that they cried and kowtowed so madly that their heads bled.

Jiang Tian looked at it, a hint of ridicule appeared on the corner of his mouth, and shook his head.

The Immortality Cult has a great ability to confuse people's hearts. They have killed countless people by seizing their bodies to extend their lives, all quietly.

However, they use their magical powers with great fanfare, and a small favor is enough to make the people of the Western Region worship them as gods.

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