Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1115: Kill ten golden elixirs and break the Daluo Tianxing Formation

"Yeah, isn't that nice?"

Fairy Luomei took it for granted, with a stern look in her eyes, and said proudly:

"The earth world is so filthy! Humans on earth are just a bunch of weak ants. Being enslaved by our Immortality Cult is your great luck! A rare opportunity in thousands of years! We will realize your sublimation and evolution! "

"Not convinced?"

Seeing Jiang Tian's disdainful expression, Fairy Luomei suddenly sneered:

"Don't think it's a big deal if you take over the Tianxing Dimension World. It's just an inferior secret realm."

"In the Immortal Ruins sequence, the Star Realm only belongs to the fourth-level dimensional world! There are only a handful of golden elixirs, and there are no Jieyings at all! And there are only a dozen or so golden elixirs under my control!"

"Well, it seems that after the death of Master Gaye, your connection with the earth world was severed, and the news was blocked."

Jiang Tian sighed leisurely, with a bit of regret on his face, and said with a wry smile: "Didn't your leader tell you my true strength?"

"Your strength? According to my observation, you are not strong enough to survive the middle stage of Golden Core! How can you be our opponent!"

Fairy Luomei was stunned for a moment, and then said proudly:

"My leader has been in seclusion for many years. She will not leave seclusion until the bloody ceremony! Her goal is to challenge the Tathagata of Jinpeng Temple! How can she look at you, an ant on earth?"

"In seclusion?"

Jiang Tian suddenly felt enlightened and said with a smile:

"No wonder! If your leader knew that I was coming, he should have come out to see me obediently instead of letting you come out to provoke me!"

"What do you mean? How dare you disrespect my leader, the Immortal Cult!"

Fairy Luomei looked furious and shouted harshly.

In her eyes, the Immortal Cult Master is stunningly talented and brilliant. He is a saint who appears only once in thousands of years, just like a true god!

How can we allow an ant like Jiang Tian to blaspheme!

"What I mean is that your vision is too low and you don't even know Jiang Taichu's strength and ability!"

Jiang Tian turned his head to face Fan Luomei, and said every word:

"If the leader of the Changsheng Cult knows that I am coming, she should kneel down and kowtow, praying that I will not destroy your entire sect and your entire religion, leaving no chickens or dogs behind!"

"If you knew my true strength, you shouldn't offend me like this!"

Jiang Tian now dominates the three realms and is the master of the three realms.

In particular, Jiang Tian killed dozens of golden elixir masters in the heavenly world, including the infant and old monster Chi Liao. This kind of strength is so shocking!

It's a pity that Fairy Luomei is too young after all and is too far away from the real top.

She is not the leader of the great religion, the master of the famous mountain, or even an elder. She does not know the top secrets, and she does not know that Jiang Tian has gone to heaven to destroy everything.

Her eyes are always limited to Yunlan Country!

She is better at playing tricks, fighting for power and profit, ruling the mortal world, and just making small fuss in this three-acre area.

"Jiang Taichu, your death day has come. I tried my best to persuade you, but you didn't listen. You are looking for death!"

Fairy Luomei was furious and could no longer suppress the anger in her heart.

Originally, she wanted to spare Jiang Tian's life for Fan Xiuzhu's sake.

Unexpectedly, this person is already a turtle in the urn, but he is still stubborn, speechless, and arrogant!

"kill him!"

A strong foundation-builder shouted loudly, stamped his right foot on the ground, and a fire dragon burst out from under his feet and burned towards Jiang Tian.

"Haha! Playing with fire with me, you are too far behind!"

Jiang Tian stepped on it, and the fire dragon was frozen on the ground by the forbidden method, like a dead snake, unable to move at all.

"How can it be?"

The foundation-building expert was suddenly startled, but saw Jiang Tian flick his finger.

Before he could dodge, a golden finger light entered from his forehead and exited from the back of his head with a cloud of blood and brains.


This person's death was like blowing the clarion call for attack, and all the foundation-building experts immediately swarmed forward, each showing off their unique skills, leaping high and low, and killing Jiang Tian like a swarm of locusts.

"Like an ant!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were disdainful, and he rose into the air, turned around, and waved his hand.

Tsk tsk tsk!

One after another Geng Jin Daomang has Jiang Tian as the center of the circle.

The fan nature is constantly spreading, criss-crossing, intertwining and stacking, changing instantly, extremely magnificent, and sweeping and slashing in all directions.

In the sky, it looked like a huge golden flower blooming, but it was extremely sharp and dangerous.


Screams were heard all over the sky, and countless people were torn apart, minced into pieces, and fell to the ground one after another.

With this strike, Jiang Tian killed thirty foundation-building experts.

"How can it be!"

Fairy Luomei was stunned.

Killing thirty foundation-building experts with one strike was ten times more powerful than Jiang Tian's combat power on the stage of life and death.


The Daluotian Star Array erupted, and a dazzling golden light erupted from the virtual stars and passed through Jiangtian Cave.

But Jiang Tian didn't even dodge. He stamped his right foot, and the Gengjin Divine Body erupted, like a golden Buddha. The light only left a weak scratch on it, and could no longer harm Jiang Tian in the slightest.


Everyone's eyes were so wide that they didn't even pop out of their eyes.

The light attack of this Daluo Tianxing Formation far exceeds that of military lasers on Earth, and can easily penetrate mountains, giant cities, magic weapons, etc. Killing the golden elixir is like killing a chicken. The true essence of the strong golden elixir is so vast and the physical body is so powerful. He must drink blood to beheaded.

"Do it!"

The top ten golden elixir masters burst out their vitality at the same time and attacked brazenly.

For a moment, there were many strange phenomena, including mountains falling from the sky and crashing down, huge beasts rushing to bite, flames flying across the sky, ice arrows shooting... killing Jiang Tian from all directions.

Such an attack can seriously injure a strong person in the early stage of Jindan. Even if Saint Ancestor Chi Liao is here, he must be careful in dealing with it, as he is easily injured.

But Jiang Tianli ignored him, snorted coldly, and the Suzaku divine body exploded.



Streams of blazing flames spurted straight out of Jiang Tian's dantian, rushing in all directions, expanding and spreading.

At this time, Jiang Tian descended to the mortal world like a god of fire, standing proudly in the sky, spewing endless real fire, destroying everything!

The Suzaku True Fire, the most powerful Yang, can refine the sky, burn the earth, burn everything, burn gold and turn iron!

Who can stop it?


The pupils of the top ten golden elixir masters became bloodshot and red, and then their eyes were burned by the dazzling white light. Tears surged and blood flowed.

Everything went dark and they were instantly blind.

Then, it was overwhelmed by the Suzaku True Fire, and the golden elixir exploded. The flames were so terrifying that even the golden elixir was smelted and exploded, turning into ashes.

"Zhenxian, we lost!"

"Spare our lives!"

The other foundation-building experts were so frightened that they dropped their weapons and knelt on the ground begging for mercy.

Such flames are so terrifying, even golden elixirs can be smelted, but they are still flesh and blood, how can they withstand it?

But Jiang Tianli ignored it, and flames poured out overwhelmingly, filling the entire Daluotian Star Array. From a distance, it looked like a huge fireball.

"Is this flame so scary?"

Fairy Luomei was stunned and wanted to run away, but she was already wrapped in the endless Suzaku True Fire.

There are flames all around, under your feet, and above your head!

As far as the eyes can see, there is no way out!

But those flames seemed to be controlled by Jiang Tian, ​​forming an isolation barrier around her and the driver's dead wood, without burning her.

Although she was anxious and sweating profusely, she did not dare to rush out rashly, because once she rushed out, she would be dead.

She only saw——

Endless Suzaku True Fire erupted from Jiang Tian's body, rushing in all directions like a sea of ​​fire, directly filling the entire back garden.

Countless people struggled and screamed in the flames, but the screams were short and ended abruptly.

Together with their magical weapons, protective clothing, and magic weapons, they instantly turned into a puff of smoke and nothingness, with not even ashes left.

The golden elixirs cracked rapidly in the fierce fire, and then exploded like huge fireworks, with colorful energy balls scattered in all directions!

She saw the dazzling flames taking on various shapes, some were like cages, trapping strong men, some were like swords sweeping and slashing vertically, some were roaring and rampaging like ancient wild beasts, some were like giant dragons baring their teeth and claws, Roaring in the air, opening its big mouth and biting and devouring crazily!

The Suzaku True Fire kills everything, burns everything, and destroys everything!

Whether it was a Foundation Establishing Immortal Master or a True Immortal of the Golden Pill, under the burning of Suzaku True Fire, he would die before he could even let out a scream. He couldn't hold on for even a second!

Instant kill!

Totally an instant kill!


Ruthless massacre!

In the twisted flames, the pond dried up in an instant, the trees turned into ashes in an instant, and the stiff earth and rocks turned into magma, undulating like an ocean of magma.

Suddenly, several poisonous dragon-like flames burrowed toward the ground.

The flame dragon disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving behind large holes, but the large holes were filled with cross-flowing magma.

Bang bang bang.

The ground shook violently, and the magma set off turbulent waves. A hundred meters underground, the base of the Daluo Tianxing Formation was destroyed by flames, the structure of the formation was destroyed, violent explosions occurred, and the earth collapsed into huge pits.

The surrounding light beams in all directions flickered a few times, then dimmed suddenly.

The curtain of the Daluo Tianxing Formation in the sky was like a piece of waste paper, instantly pierced by the Suzaku Fire Dragons, and then completely shattered with a roar!


Jiang Tianxin waved his hand, and the surging Vermillion Bird True Fire instantly gathered itself and penetrated into Jiang Tian's Dantian like a tired bird throwing itself into the forest.

In an instant, the smoke disappeared, and the entire backyard was empty.

All the masters died violently!

Only the billowing black smoke was left, the hot magma flowed shiveringly, and only the remaining flames on the ground were beating nervously.

Only Jiang Tian was left standing proudly in the void, overlooking the dumbfounded Master Kumu and the dumbfounded Fairy Luomei.

"I, Jiang Taichu, am an ant in the earth world. My life and death are controlled by you. I am in the middle stage of the Golden Core. I should surrender to you..."

Looking at the shivering Luomei Fairy, Jiang Tian put his hands behind his back, a slight mocking smile appeared in the corner of his eyes, and said calmly:

"Do you still think so now? Fan Luomei, you are really stupid and naive!"

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