Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1131 A bloody battle, cruel and ruthless

Fan Luomei was worried, her lotus steps were as heavy as mountains, she walked to Jiang Tian who was meditating, and said softly:

"Senior, let's set off! This time, Na Ming Ruyi should be back!"


Jiang Tian happily agreed, opened his eyes, flashed a sharp cold light, and stood up.

This time, Jiang Tian put on the clothes of a candidate disciple and accompanied Fairy Luomei as he walked towards Changsheng Square.

The highest peak on Long Live Mountain is called Yongsheng Peak!

The top of the mountain was flattened by the majestic force, and the whole was built into a platform, which is the famous Changsheng Square.

This square is the most important place for the longevity sect's large-scale competitions, canonization ceremonies, and other large-scale collective affairs of other sects.

It is also the venue for this bloody ceremony.

The foot of the mountain is huge.

When Jiang Tian came here, he stopped and saw camps on the mountain.

Ten thousand people were stationed in each camp, totaling 100,000 people, who were guarded by religious corps.

There are men, women, old and young among them, some are practitioners and some are ordinary people.

But the strange thing is that all of them are energetic, full of blood, and even have strong bones. They have obviously been carefully selected.

The guards were heavily guarded. Some of the people under guard had confused eyes, while others were excited.

"Are they servant disciples?"

Ye Keren was surprised.

"It's blood food!"

Fairy Luomei said with a complex look in her eyes.

"Blood food? What is it?"

Ye Keren asked further.

"You... will know soon!" Fairy Luomei shook her head slightly, but did not explain any more, as if she did not want to talk more.

Jiang Tian had a mocking look on his face, snorted coldly, and climbed up the stairs!

The long stone steps, ancient and vicissitudes of life, seem to be endless, leading to the top of the mountain shrouded in clouds.

On both sides of the road, there are two large characters carved on it. These two lines of large characters are written in Chinese——

"There is no such thing as a strong one among the strong. Ten thousand mountains are not as high as this one!"

Each word is as big as a mountain and can be seen ten miles away. The iron hooks and silver strokes are majestic.

The domineering momentum of climbing to the top of cultivation and sweeping the world, no one else but me, is undoubtedly revealed!

"This was written by Ming Ruyi a hundred years ago when she ascended to the position of leader! Although she is from ancient Tianzhu, she likes the Chinese characters and spells of the Yanhuang tribe!"

Luomei Fairy explained.

Jiang Tian nodded slightly and walked up calmly.

The huge square on the top of the mountain, with a radius of ten miles, is paved with huge stones of the same color, simple and elegant, with many formations engraved on it.

In the center of the square, a huge stone monument stands majestically.

On one side are carved portraits of past leaders and their great achievements. Engraved on one side are the names of disciples who have made great contributions to the Immortality Sect.

At the highest position of the stele, there is a huge stone chair, overlooking the entire scene.

But at this time, the stone chair was empty.

This is the position of Ming Ruyi, the leader of the Immortality Sect.

Looking around the square, the seats gradually rise up to form a circular shape. Overall, it looks like the Colosseum in ancient Rome.

At this time, there are already tens of thousands of disciples sitting cross-legged on these seats. The higher you go, the more powerful your cultivation becomes.

Here, regardless of age or seniority, only strength is considered!

But the seats for the eight elders and the four guest elders at the top were empty.

But the seat of the Hall Master immediately below them is already filled with powerful men, each of whom has a cultivation level above the middle stage of the Golden Core.

These hall masters have very different temperaments, some are sinister like poisonous snakes, some are majestic and majestic like mountains, some are sharp-edged like peerless heavenly swords, or some are fierce and violent like flames and thunder.

But each of them has extraordinary strength. Not only can they push across the earth and become invincible, they can also be said to control every sect and religion in the kingdom of heaven or the world of stars!

The position of Fairy Luomei is still under the position of the Hall Master, occupying an area.

Jiang Tian, ​​along with Fairy Luomei and others, took their seats safely.

Although thousands of people gathered in the square, there was silence at this time.

Except for the whimpering of the wind and the chirping of spiritual birds in the clouds, there was no other sound.

Suddenly, bursts of sound pierced the air.

White rainbows, like long rainbows penetrating the sun, flew across the sky from the many palaces deep inside the sect like supersonic fighter planes, coming from all directions.

There are a total of twelve elders, their eyes are extremely deep and old. They have all gone through the body snatching several times, and their age is unknown.

Beast Ruhai and Feng Deshan were among them. They glanced at Jiang Tian and Luomei Fairy with malicious eyes, then sneered a few times and moved away.

"Well, they are all powerful men in the late Golden Core stage and even at the peak of Perfection!"

Jiang Tian's gaze was intense, and his eyes were filled with cold light.

"Those beasts like the sea and the wind destroying the mountains obviously have bad intentions!"

Next to him, Li Wuji looked horrified and trembled.

The strength of each of the twelve elders cannot be underestimated. I'm afraid today is bound to be a fierce battle!

"The leader has arrived!"

"Welcome to the leader!"

next moment.

Silently, a graceful figure came through the air and landed on the top of the huge stone tablet in the center of the square, overlooking everyone.

"We look forward to welcoming the leader! I wish the leader eternal blessings and a life as long as the heavens!"

Everyone bowed and saluted, and some kowtowed to the ground, appearing very humble.

Even the wind destroying the mountain and the beasts like the sea did not dare to neglect him. He bowed deeply, his face full of reverence and fear.

Fairy Luomei was harboring evil intentions and did not dare to look at her. She lowered her head and bowed, her delicate body trembling slightly.

"At the level of Golden Elixir Dzogchen, we are only one step away from entering the stage of becoming a child!"

Jiang Tian's pupils narrowed.

Being able to cultivate the golden elixir to perfection in less than five hundred years in this dimensional world is certainly an amazing and talented person, but Jiang Tian still doesn't take her to heart.

I saw that Ming Ruyi was a beautiful woman in her thirties, with beautiful eyes as deep and calm as a pool of water, a high nose bridge, a plump and slightly thick mouth, as bright as a cherry, charming and unparalleled beauty.

She has a phoenix crown, three thousand blue hairs rolled up high, revealing a snow-white neck, fair skin, high breasts, slender waist, slender legs, and a tall and straight figure.

Although this woman looks beautiful, she has a monstrous aura that has been cultivated by living in a high position. Her eyes are arrogant and arrogant, like a goddess overlooking everyone.

Tang Linglong has the stubborn spirit of refusing to admit defeat, Ye Keren has the heroic spirit, Wu Yaoniang has the charming spirit, and Luomei Fairy has the spirit of a fairy coming out of the world.

All the girls have their own strengths, and they are all elite and strong outside, but there is no way to compare with the leader of the longevity church, Ming Ruyi. They were suppressed by the overwhelming domineering force in every second, like a chicken meeting a phoenix, and were dwarfed by them.

"Don't be polite, everyone. In the three-year period, the day of the bloody competition has arrived. You all have the opportunity to challenge me. Maybe after the first battle, I will become a pile of withered bones. You will be the leader of the Immortal Sect, the supreme one!"

The leader of Immortality, Ming Ruyi, had cold eyes and slightly opened his red lips.

The clear voice of the seductive voice spread to the ears of everyone present, and everyone who heard it was stunned.

"That's right, the Immortality Cult has always respected the three laws of immortality. The strong will win, and the weak will be ants! Now, the whole sect's bloody challenge begins. Register immediately to catch them and fight!"

A supreme elder with a white beard and drooping chest stood up and shouted loudly.

He stamped his foot, and the many hidden energies in the square exploded.

Golden Sanskrit nameplates floated in the air one by one, with characters as big as buckets, as if they were cast in gold and filled with brilliance.

These are the names of all the elders, hall masters, special envoys patrolling the city and country, true disciples, elite disciples, and inner disciples.

The challenger only needs to put his name next to it and add the word "kill" to issue a challenge.

The person being challenged must accept the challenge. If he does not accept the challenge, he must let the other party decide!

The name tags of both parties are connected to their souls. Once the souls are extinguished and the name tags are shattered, the other party will immediately take their place and occupy the position.

Simple and straightforward!

Be bold and resolute!

A brutal decision!

No room left!

This is the style of the Immortality Cult!

"Elite disciple, Ji Wuming. Challenge the Master of the Iron Blood Hall!"

After a moment of silence, in the elite disciple seat below Jiang Tian, ​​a disciple walked through the air, landed on the square, shouted loudly, and his vitality exploded.

His nametag soared into the air, condensing a bloody ancient Sanskrit word for "kill" in the air, juxtaposed with the leader of the Iron Blood Hall.

"Ji Wuming, my good disciple, not bad!"

The leader of the Iron Blood Hall suddenly became filled with murderous intent and fierce fighting spirit. He flew past like lightning and said with a joyful face:

"You are worthy of my five years of teaching you. You finally mustered up the courage to challenge me! I am very happy! I will show no mercy to anyone today!"

"Being merciless is your greatest respect, Master!"

Ji Wuming's bloodshot eyes were icy cold, he was fully alert, his fighting spirit was surging, his murderous intent was crazy, and he roared loudly.

"Very good! The prestige of our Immortality Sect is earned through hard work, not words!"

Ming Ruyi, who was sitting cross-legged on the monument, had happy eyes and a charming face, and nodded in approval:

"Only by carrying out the most brutal internal fighting and mercilessly eliminating the weak can updates and iterations be completed, and resources can be concentrated on the strong in the most reasonable and rapid manner."

"Elite disciple Luan Feng challenges the master of the Skeleton Hall. I hope you can teach me!"

"My direct disciple Wan Hai challenges the master of Broken Blade Hall. Please strike with all your strength!"

"Inner disciples..."


Many believers were greatly inspired, their spirits were uplifted, and their blood was boiling. They jumped out one after another, sacrificed their famous names, created the word "kill", challenged the higher-ups, and wanted to replace them.

Among them, there are elite disciples who challenge each other, there are also special envoys who patrol the city challenge the special envoys who patrol the country, and the special envoys who patrol the city and the country challenge the elders.

Roars and shouts of killing rose into the sky, shaking the earth and the earth.

For a moment, the sky was filled with bloody killing words, thousands of them, and the blood filled the square, covering the sky and the sun.

A surge of murderous intent and an unyielding sense of fighting filled the entire venue!

The violent fighting spirit makes people feel hairy in their hearts, their scalps explode, and they are terrified, but at the same time they can't help but feel a sense of admiration and emotion.

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