Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1135 Unparalleledly powerful, sweeping six golden elixirs

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

For a strong foundation builder to fly around this continent, it would take several days to cross it.

But for the early stage of Jin Dan, I am afraid it can be passed through in one day.

But for the Immortal Cult Master who has reached the level of Golden Elixir Dzogchen and masters many secret techniques of teleportation, it probably only takes a few hours!

Even shorter!

To her, this world is like a small city, no, even just a community.

For thousands of years, a person is confined to one community!

Time will seem extremely long, space will seem even narrower, and life will seem extremely boring!

This is no different from going to jail!

I'm afraid people will go crazy holding it in! go Ape!

"In this world, spiritual energy is still too thin and resources are too scarce."

The bald elder lamented:

"In the tens of thousands of years recorded in history, only three people have stepped into the Yuanying, but not one has stepped into the Nascent Soul, let alone transformed into a god!"

His face was slightly stern and he said solemnly:

"It's harder to become a god than to reach the sky! If you want to step into the realm of god transformation, there is only one way to go. Collect thousands of golden elixirs and forcibly eat them and refine them!"

His eyes were extremely firm and he said in a cold voice:

"You want to wipe out the four top forces of the Zoroastrian Cult, Jinpeng Temple, Hehuan Sect, and Tingyu Tower! You need the blood sacrifices of ten thousand or one hundred thousand foundation-building monks!"

"Disciple understands!"

Ming Ruyi nodded calmly.

"Ruyi, even if you are shattered to pieces, you still want to poke a hole in the sky! Why do we, the ancient Tianzhu people, live in this dark world!"

The bald elder called him by his first name and said in a cold voice:

"When you reach the stage of becoming a god, you can shake the door of creation, tear open the sky, embark on the ancient road in the starry sky, and reach the outside world."

"If you have the chance, you will create a passage to lead our children and grandchildren out! To the wider world!"

"Disciple will never forget this oath!"

Ming Ruyi's face was solemn.

"Then let's fight!"

A hint of determination flashed across the bald elder's face, and he said with emotion:

"I have been a monk in Jinpeng Temple for three years and learned the Five Thunder Zhentian Bell, combining thunder techniques with boxing techniques!"

He moved and punched.

Suddenly, a voice like a yellow bell sounded.

Thunder and lightning as thick as an arm surrounded the body and spurted out, forming a large thunder bell that shook as the fist was blasted out.


Ming Ruyi bowed deeply and was meticulous.

When she raised her head, her face was already filled with murderous intent. She stepped forward, stepped on the steel pole, punched out her pink fist, gathered her Qi soldiers, and smashed the thunder bell.

The two immediately fought together. The bald elder opened and closed, his fists and kicks were fierce and clean.

With any punch, the big bell vibrates, like a morning trumpet blooming, blasting out endless power. With a sweep of the palm, the golden bell spins and rolls out; with a punch, the thunder bell falls from the sky, covering Ming Ruyi. A punch and a kick, a thunderous force, as heavy as a mountain, comparable to a nuclear explosion, and powerful enough to shake up a modern army.


Ming Ruyi was also merciless. He displayed his magical powers and all his skills. His figure was as graceful as a dragon and graceful as a startling giant.

Her vitality exploded, sometimes her sword flew across the air, and sometimes her fists surged, breaking the bell again and again, creating a series of earth-shaking explosions.

Less than ten minutes later, the leader of the Immortality Sect, Ming Ruyi, swept across with his sword.

Waves of blood spurted out, and the bald elder's head flew up, then fell together with the corpse.

His head and eyes were wide open, with a look of surprise on his face, and he praised: "The leader's skills are almost complete, good swordsmanship, good swordsmanship..."

"Golden elixir, I took it!"

The Immortal Cult Master's eyes were cold and merciless, and his vitality fixed on his body. He took out the blood-stained golden elixir and the body fell to the ground.

"Take it, take it! Good swordsmanship..."

The bald elder sighed in admiration again and again, and his head finally fell to the ground, splashing with blood, and he slowly closed his eyes with a peaceful look on his face.

The four Keqing elders including Feng Chuishan and Beast Ruhai did not move, while the remaining six elders stood up together.

"Leader, pick one!"

The leader, a skinny elder, had a solemn face, but his eyes were filled with flames, full of the passion of a martyr, and he said in a deep voice:

"Today, we all have to sacrifice ourselves, burn our cultivation, and assist the leader to reach the ultimate sublimation and ascend to the sky!"

Each of the six elders is accomplished in learning, has strict laws, and is extremely powerful. They are all in the late stage of the Golden Core, and even have two ninth-level Golden Cores.

If they come to the earth world together and use their magical powers, they may be able to dominate the entire world in less than a month.

"Let's go together!"

Feeling the powerful momentum coming, Ming Ruyi raised her jade-white chin. Not only did she not show any fear, but her momentum kept rising, soaring into the sky.

The cold murderous aura, the high-spirited and unyielding fighting spirit, and the vast and surging true energy momentum were like a turbulent wave pushing in all directions, suppressing the entire audience, making people's hearts palpitate.

As soon as this word came out.

There was dead silence.

Everyone was so shocked that their eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. The leader also had the Golden Elixir Great Perfection, but he wanted to challenge six powerful men who had the Golden Elixir Great Perfection. How was this different from seeking death?

Only Jiang Tian's face was calm and he understood clearly.

The leader of Immortality Ming Ruyi is a middle-grade golden elixir, while the elders who challenge him are all low-grade golden elixirs.

Even if they have the same cultivation level, their combat power is still on the same level as hers.

Fighting alone, no one may be able to bring out the potential of the leader of the Immortality Sect and let her reach the ultimate level in battle.

In this way, Ming Ruyi cannot take the opportunity to swallow many blood foods and golden elixirs, sublimate the golden elixirs, or break through to the level of the infant.

"Go together?"

When the six elders heard this, they looked at each other in shock. No one moved or spoke, and then they all looked at the white-bearded Supreme Elder.

The white-bearded Supreme Elder had a deep expression on his face, his eyes were closed tightly, and his fingers were moving quickly, as if he was calculating something carefully.

After a while, he opened his eyes and sighed: "Let's take action together! This is the only chance!"


The six elders responded respectfully, and then shot out their lightning, showing no mercy, and all moved toward the Immortal Cult Master.

"Bring the blood food!"

The Supreme Elder sent a message and looked at a hall master in charge of logistics.


The hall master bowed his head respectfully and passed on the order.

Immediately, the blood food originally waiting at the foot of the mountain, totaling tens of thousands of people, was sent to the square by the strong men using magical powers and formations.

This battle was simply earth-shattering.

Flames penetrated the sky, swords radiated horizontally, fire phoenixes roared, and giant dragons hovered. Sometimes ice blocked the world, and sometimes arrows shot out like heavy rain. Big explosions broke out one after another, and the entire square was submerged, as if Like hell is coming.

Power Today, the level of the duel is too high, and even the strong men under the golden elixir cannot clearly see the moves and body shapes of several people.

I only saw streams of colorful air currents and light pillars, going up to the sky and into the earth, criss-crossing, bombarding, rubbing, sweeping, and exploding with each other!

If you try to watch it forcefully, you will be immediately agitated by the ever-changing pictures, your mind will be swaying, and you will be dizzy.

Many people felt extremely uncomfortable, opened their mouths, and vomited. The hall master immediately ordered them to close their eyes and not force themselves to watch.

At this time, even the supreme elder could not withstand the violent pressure. His face showed a hint of terror, and he swayed out of the square.

Terrifying shock waves hit one after another, like a stormy sea crashing on the shore, devastating the whole world and shaking the earth.

The protective cover of the auditorium cracked several times, and a violent shock wave suddenly swept across, causing huge ravines to appear on the ground, causing the disciples to flip over and the ground to shake.

Boom boom boom!

Under the earth, many formations were activated, and colorful light shields emerged one after another, covering the center of the battle.

Even so, many disciples in the early stage of foundation building couldn't bear it. Their faces turned pale, their whole bodies trembled violently, and some of them fainted.

The leader of the Immortal Cult, Ming Ruyi, fought against the six elders alone, but he did not lose at all. His graceful and charming body had the power to destroy the heaven and the earth. Every move of his hand and every move could shake the earth and annihilate the space. .

"Awesome, so awesome! Ming Ruyi is really a person with stunning talent and beauty. From now on, I will be her direct disciple!"

Prince Jihan was dizzy, his face was filled with admiration and yearning, and he was extremely excited.

He originally regarded himself as a genius, but after meeting Ming Ruyi, he realized that there are people outside the world, and there is a heaven outside the world. The leader is worthy of being the leader!


Suddenly, Ming Ruyi raised his eyebrows and shouted, his eyes were cold and cold, as if he had demonic nature, and he stepped out.

In the void beneath their feet, chains of flames suddenly shot out, making a clanging sound, crossing the void, piercing and entangling towards several people.

"Leader, you are still too weak! Your strength and realm should not be like this!"

An elder at the eighth level of the Golden Core shouted loudly, punched out, and his magical power exploded.

Behind it, a statue of a thousand-armed demon was condensed. It was hundreds of feet tall and made of lava. Thousands of long arms with billowing black smoke were waving around, grabbing the chains and tearing them to pieces.

"Sword cuts through thousands of mountains!"

The leader of Immortality, Ming Ruyi, had a calm face, turned around, and waved.

A sharp sword light about a kilometer long was condensed, and it seemed to be able to sweep across the nine heavens and ten places, and chop the Thousand-Handed Demon into pieces.

But gradually, the offensive of these six elders became more and more intense, and their momentum became more and more fierce. The leader of Changsheng fell into a disadvantage.

"If you can't conceive a baby, what's the use of you? Kill them all! Give it to me!"

An elder, with beard and hair flying, raised his hand, used his vast true energy to immobilize the leader's figure, and roared like thunder.


Another elder's eyes were filled with murderous intent, condensing the phantom of the hurricane spirit, and countless black wind arrows were shot at Ming Ruyi.

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