Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1137 Jiang Tian takes action and challenges the leader Ming Ruyi

"I wish the leader a long life and eternal blessings!"

"Congratulations to the leader for condensing the top-grade golden elixir and entering the realm of birth. From now on, he will surely break free from the shackles and transcend this world!"

Countless hall masters and disciples knelt on the ground and worshiped, with eyes of reverence, as if they were facing the true god.

When the last drop of essence and blood was absorbed, the blood and ferocious aura on the woman's face slowly receded.

Her complexion became as fair as jade, and her temperament became ethereal, but a little more gorgeous.

From the outside, this woman's body has not changed at all. It is still so graceful and exquisite, but everyone feels that there is a beast dormant inside that can destroy this world.

This is not an illusion, it is the result of improving one’s realm.

At this time, she has used the secret method of Xuan Gong to refine the golden elixirs of eight elders and the essence, blood, and blood of tens of thousands of people. Using this as a resource, she has greatly improved the quality and cultivation of her own golden elixirs!

According to legend, the combat power of a baby formed by using high-grade golden elixir is comparable to that of an average Nascent Soul first-level warrior.

Now I am going out to preach that the Immortality Sect has a strong Nascent Soul. This is not a boast, it is completely worthy of the name!

"Counting from top to bottom, in the past five thousand years, this is the first time someone from the Immortality Sect has entered the Nascent Soul's combat power!"

Some people sighed with emotion, trembling with tears.

Among the senior leaders of the Immortality Religion, a consensus has been reached. Only by using the flesh and blood altar as a foundation and increasing one's combat power can one break through the shackles of this world, embark on the ancient road in the starry sky, enter a new world, and open up a new world.

Among many believers, fair competition, regardless of their origins, skills and status, the strong will ascend to the sky, while the weak will die and be transformed into flesh and blood!

The flesh and blood life of tens of thousands of people is given to one person!

This kind of sacrifice can be described as tragic, this kind of attitude can be described as resolute and decisive, and there is a kind of demeanor that can destroy everything without going crazy!

"The Nascent Soul is so powerful! The leader is invincible!"

"There is no such thing as a strong one among the strongest. Only this mountain is as high as the other among the mountains! The leader is invincible! Long live Master Ming Ruyi!"

Prince Jihan was so excited that he raised his arms and shouted hysterically.

"The leader is invincible in the world!"

In the crowd, countless people shed tears and worshiped, their eyes were so fanatical that they looked like crazy.

"Master, you are worthy of being the most talented and strategist leader in the five thousand years since our sect was founded. He dominates the world and illuminates the world forever!"

The white-bearded Supreme Elder had a penetrating gaze and made the most profound evaluation of the leader of the Changsheng Cult.

The pretty face of the Immortal Cult Master Ming Ruyi also showed a look of pride and joy.

Her waist was straight and she stood proudly in the sky, like a goddess, enjoying the worship of tens of thousands of believers.

At the same time, with a few snaps of the Supreme Elder's fingers, the formation suddenly opened.

Flashing nameplates floated in the air one after another, constantly flying and combining.

Immediately, new elders and hall leaders were generated according to their combat power, and in the blink of an eye, an update that was particularly difficult for other sects was completed!

But right now.

A faint, slightly mocking voice spread throughout the audience:

"A mere child of high-grade golden elixirs dares to claim to be invincible in the world! He is really a frog in the well, short-sighted, of low moral character, but arrogant!"

Jiang Tian's voice was not high-pitched, but he used a secret technique to sound loud and powerful, just like the sound of a great ethical voice, suppressing all other noises.

Suddenly, the whole place fell silent!

Everyone was stunned and couldn't believe it. They thought they were hallucinating.

The originally noisy sound seemed to be absorbed by an invisible sponge in an instant.

Disciples, hall masters and elders all stood there like clay and wood sculptures, motionless, leaving only a still scene in the whole place.

"Who, who dares to make trouble against the leader? How brave!"

A dark-faced hall master looked at Fan Luomei's seat with an angry look on his face, his eyes like lightning.

"He actually made provocations when the leader had just made a breakthrough and his skills were at their peak? Doesn't he want to live?"

Prince Jihan and the other three potential direct disciples looked at Jiang Tian in disbelief, and then gloated.

I've got a handle on you!

Prince Jihan was so excited that he immediately jumped up, pointed at Jiang Tian, ​​and gritted his teeth and said:

"Master, my mentor, this person is called Xingtu. He is from the Yanhuang tribe. He has been disrespectful to the leader many times before. You should expel him from the disciples immediately! No, he should be killed on the spot!"

Seeing Ming Ruyi looking over with stern eyes, Fan Luomei immediately lowered her head, her pretty face turned pale, and her eyes evaded.

Her heart skipped a beat and she was trembling with fear.

"You are crazy, Xing Tu, you are just a disciple who has just started, how dare you make trouble against the leader!"

Next to him, Mou Bilian scolded in a low voice.

She whined inwardly.

Ruined! Ruined!

This person does not know how to live or die, and provoking the leader will definitely cause wrath.

Both Fairy Luomei and herself would be affected, and maybe even her qualifications as an outer disciple would be lost!

“Don’t I teach to encourage challenges?”

Jiang Tianshi suddenly stood up and said:

"Anyone can challenge the leader. Once he kills the leader, he can replace him. Why can't I?"

"The Three Laws of Immortality, the ancient law is indeed true!"

The Supreme Elder looked at Jiang Tian for a few times, and a look of contempt appeared deep in his eyes.

A boy with a foundation-building cultivation who dares to provoke the leader is undoubtedly seeking death.

He cherished Jiang Tian as a talented person, shook his head, and sighed: "But, you don't know something. Over the years, the rules have changed! There is no precedent for the hall master and inner disciples to successfully challenge the leader. The gap is too far and the damage is too serious. .”

He flicked his sleeves and made the final decision:

"So, you'd better not mess around and conserve your strength! After a hundred years, there may be a glimmer of hope!"

"Xing Tu, if you want to challenge the leader, you need to defeat a hall leader first, and then defeat me, the guest elder! Come on! I believe you have the strength!"

Beast Ruhai laughed ferociously twice, Feng Chuishan's eyes revealed murderous intent, and he sneered a few times with malicious intent.

Originally, because Jiang Tian's position was too low, they had no chance to take action against Jiang Tian. They were scratching their heads but could do nothing.

But now, this Xingtu is seeking death on his own!

"A Yanhuang tribesman is like an ant and has no qualifications to join our Immortality Sect!"

The black-faced hall master had just come back from a distant place. He didn't know about Jiang Tian's previous fierce achievements. His face was filled with contempt, and then he shouted sharply:

"Luomei, how did you select your disciples? Long Ze, how did your escort team verify it! Do you regard the canon as a blank sheet of paper? Drive him out immediately!"

"Yes, Hall Master Meng!"

Long Ze was so frightened that he approached Jiang Tian with a pair of guards with foundation-building cultivation.

While he kept blinking at Jiang Tian and Fan Luomei, he shouted loudly: "Xing Tu, get out quickly!"

He also means well.

Jiang Tian's identity as a member of the Yanhuang tribe has been exposed. Not killing Jiang Tian is already a mercy of the Immortality Cult.

"Noisy! Are you Hall Master Meng? You're like an ant! I'm here to kill you!"

Jiang Tian pointed at the black-faced hall master, jumped out, and walked through the air with indifferent eyes:

"Then we will slaughter a few new elders. In your opinion, do they have the qualifications to challenge the leader?"

"What did you say?"

Hall Master Meng was so angry that his lungs were about to burst and his color suddenly changed.

In his eyes, the Yanhuang people were like weak insects, vulnerable to a single blow, without any orthodoxy or inheritance.

After all, he was a dignified leader of the Changsheng Sect, and even the king of a country would be a bit mean when he saw him. But now he was being humiliated and ridiculed by Jiang Tian, ​​how could he bear it.

"Have the Yanhuang tribe always been so arrogant? But in the middle stage of foundation building, they actually want to challenge the master of the Golden Pill Hall!"

"Idiots talk about dreams and don't know whether to live or die!"

"The Yanhuang people don't have any masters. Maybe he has never seen the power of a real golden elixir master! As the saying goes, a frog at the bottom of a well cannot speak to the sea!"

"No, he just saw Hall Master Meng take action! Hall Master Meng is a real golden elixir!"

The Immortality Sect is so big that there are hundreds of thousands of disciples inside and outside the sect, and the affairs are complicated. Many people have never heard of the word "Xingtu" and don't know Jiang Tian's strength. Seeing Jiang Tian's arrogant words at this time, they all thought that Jiang Tian God is crazy and unreasonable.

"Ignorant boy, you are full of arrogance! How will you continue to be arrogant when this hall master crushes you with one foot?"

Hall Master Meng's eyes were arrogant and his face was cold. He rose into the sky and stepped down towards Jiang Tian in the air.

He possesses the cultivation level of the late Golden Core, and his strength is even better than Fairy Luomei. When he takes action, it shakes the world.


The vitality of his right foot exploded, turning into a foot as long as a hundred meters, like a big ship, falling from the sky.

The huge foot stretched across the sky, crushing the ground in the square to tremble. It seemed that it could not only crush Jiang Tian, ​​but also crush a mountain.

The violent air flow pushed them sideways, and even the protective light shield in the auditorium rippled violently, as if it was about to be torn to pieces.

Just when this foot was about to step on Jiang Tian's head, Li Wuji and others' expressions changed wildly and they screamed.

Suddenly, a burst of flaming essence, like a volcanic eruption, exploded crazily at the feet of Hall Master Meng.

This force is vast and surging, and extremely violent. It has a temperature of 10,000 degrees, just like a nuclear explosion.

Everyone saw in horror that the giant foot of vitality was instantly bombarded to pieces, and then a flame like a giant dragon rose from the ground. The fire dragon grew longer and longer, bared its teeth and claws, and finally became a thousand meters long, burning towards Hall Master Meng. go.

Each flame can burn gold and turn iron, causing the clouds to explode and the void to snap and crack, twist and blur.


Hall Master Meng did not expect that this kick would actually hit the iron plate, and his whole body was immediately burned to pieces with cracks. He was so frightened that his soul escaped, and he retreated violently in the air with a scream.

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