Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1256 You can’t do it, but I can!

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

At this time, the mark of the strong man in the mythical era and the mark of the powerful in ancient times reappeared.

The essence is that the Prison Immortal Formation imitates various magical powers of various ancient emperors and imprints them on the world.

To use an inappropriate analogy, the Prison Immortal Formation is like a huge video recorder, which records the magical powers and laws of the great ancient emperors and is played back at this time.

However, this image is entirely composed of terrifying Gang Lei and energy, and even has residual intelligence and magic power, and is extremely powerful.


Emperor Wa's eyes were indifferent and he didn't say a word. He suddenly waved the willow branch in his hand.

Immediately, endless thunder bloomed, winding out for dozens of miles, blazing like a laser, and as fast as lightning, hitting Jiang Tian.


A burning smell filled the air, Jiang Tian's chest was pierced, a puff of green smoke rose, and it was burnt black.

Centered on this wound, Jiang Tian's body, which was as precious as gold and jade, was instantly covered with dense cracks and almost collapsed.

Jiang Tian endured the endless thunder and lightning alone. His black hair flew like a waterfall, his Dantian roared, and his body exploded with lightning. It merged with Lei Jian's divine body into one, and was composed of almost pure lightning. It was composed of Lei Lei and The strong defeat the strong.

He used the Supreme Lightning Control Technique, and even if he was hit with broken bones and muscles, he would immediately obtain energy from the lightning and repair himself.

The Stone Cauldron, the Mother of All Things, floated above Jiang Tian's head, urging down the initial chaotic energy like a silk ribbon. While guarding Jiang Tian, ​​it was baptized and tempered by the sea of ​​thunder, and was forged again.

In the thunder and light that fills the sky, Jiang Tian's body shines with precious light and divine brilliance, constantly dissipating and reorganizing, bathing in endless thunder and lightning, tempering the immortal divine body, and baptizing the original consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness. After thousands of tempers, it will be used The cauldron of enlightenment.

After a while.

The phantom of Emperor Wa's brand waved the willow branch, put away the thunder light, and looked at Jiang Tian silently.

"Could it be?"

Jiang Tian suddenly thought of a possibility, and his eyes lit up.

But at this moment, there was no room for him to think about it.

Because with a buzzing sound, the five-colored sky-repairing stone shot towards Jiang Tian who was flying in the air.

Suddenly, endless tribulation light bloomed. These tribulation lights were so powerful that even a tiny ray of tribulation light could crush mountains and collapse the earth.

A powerful force of heavenly calamity appeared between heaven and earth, instantly enveloping Jiang Tian and capable of wiping the powerful Nascent Soul into dust.

This power is silent and invisible, but it is ten times more powerful than the Splendid Mountains and Rivers, and it is extremely powerful and strange!

It was as if the earth's gravity suddenly increased tenfold and a hundredfold, making Jiang Tian couldn't help but fall. He exploded his wind and thunder wings and fanned wildly to support himself.

It was as if the surrounding pressure suddenly increased tenfold and a hundredfold, threatening to destroy Jiang Tian into ashes!

Bang bang bang!

All the thick earth-suppressing chains in Jiang Tian's dantian exploded, and the power of the six divine bodies gathered together to resist, but the blood still spurted out from his mouth.

"You have to kill me? I fight for humanity. What crime do I have to do? Do you want us to be huddled in this small world for generations to come?"

Jiang Tian roared angrily, his eyes were sharp, and the six fake elixirs in his dantian jumped together. The six divine bodies merged into one, almost a chaotic divine body. There were hundreds of thousands of pores all over his body, and endless aura filled the air.

He no longer held back at all, let go of his hands and feet, went up against the sky, held the mother stone cauldron and smashed it hard at the five-color sky-repairing stone.


The sound was like a hundred nuclear explosions.

This was a great destruction, with thousands of rays of light and thunderous thunder. Mushroom clouds appeared in the sky. The space was exploded, and black lightning-like space cracks snaked out. Space fragments slid down like glass.


The colorful sky-repairing stone was smashed thousands of meters away, and all the meteorites around it that were as huge as mountains were turned into powder and scattered in the air.

Emperor Wa's shadow didn't say a word, but raised his hand to take back the Sky-Mending Stone. He retreated dozens of miles away in an instant and looked at Jiang Tian silently.

At this time, in the distance, another human-shaped thunderbolt emerged from the crowd, walking slowly but really quickly.

This person is riding a huge goat, wearing a curved goat horn as a decoration, carrying a fishing net on his back, holding a Bagua plate, and shaking it gently.

Suddenly, the simple and atmospheric black stone tablet was filled with black light, blooming with a huge attraction, like a black hole in the depths of the universe, swallowing everything, making the surrounding space distort, time suddenly stopped, and the light became It is winding and colorful, heading towards the stone monument.

Even light can be swallowed up and cannot escape.

This stone tablet is an extremely rare dark substance in the universe. It is very mysterious and has great magical powers. This devouring magical power is just one of them.

"Emperor Fuxi has taken action!" Yu Wending said in shock.

"I want to tear apart the sky that binds me and mankind, I want to penetrate the earth and defeat the star of destruction, and I want to revive the spiritual energy! I want the earth to become the new core of the universe, and I want to make the human race on earth the strongest race in the starry sky. , I want the flowers of human civilization to bloom across the starry sky, and I want the footsteps of mankind to expand to every galaxy!"

"I, Jiang Taichu, made this oath today, and no one can change it!"

"If the ancient gods stop me, I will slaughter all the gods in the world. If the ancient emperors stop me, I will beat you to pieces!"

Jiang Tian's red eyes were filled with unyielding fighting spirit. He roared like a dragon and shouted like rolling thunder. It shook the nine heavens and ten places and spread throughout China, making many people tremble.

He ascended to the sky, fought to the point of madness, and used all kinds of secret techniques and techniques. Even at the cost of exhausting all his true energy, he also forced the laws of the immortal world and the divine world to be used. After a lot of hard work, he finally escaped from the darkest place. The Devouring of Stone Tablets.

With a canopy of miserable blood mist, he soared up again, fighting against the mark of Emperor Fuxi. Every move he made had the power to shake the mountains and tear the sky apart. His punches and kicks seemed to move mountains and fill the sea, and exploded. His many ancestral weapons tore apart fishing nets and defeated Bagua.

It's not that Jiang Tian is arrogant, it's not that Jiang Tian disrespects these ancient emperors, but there is a kind of pain, the pain of not being understood, and a deep loneliness.

He revived his aura and suffered a lot of misunderstandings. Many people regarded him as a disaster star, thinking that he would bring the earth into a place of eternal destruction.

But he understands.

The universe is like a dark forest, full of dangers. It doesn't mean that you cut off your own limbs, cut off your own path, cover the earth with the Immortal Prison Formation, and turn it into a Death Star with exhausted spiritual energy. This is a declaration of peace.

In other words, this peace declaration is not valid.

The resources of the universe are limited, and the strong have unlimited desires to become stronger and expand. The strong will eliminate all advanced and backward civilizations and look for all possible habitats.

If the Prisoner Immortal Formation was effective, if this declaration of peace was effective, there would be no time for the earth and the entire galaxy to turn into a dead zone eight thousand years later.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten. This is a universal and everlasting truth!

Only the strong can control their own destiny. The weak are begging for mercy. Even if they have a breath left, life, death and destiny are still controlled by the strong. If they let you die, you will die. There is no chance to choose!

In the face of threats, the only way to become stronger is to become stronger at all costs, and to reach a higher level of civilization!

There is no other way to go, let alone the future and give up on the great road to compete!


Suddenly, a sword that spanned the sky and the earth slashed towards Jiang Tian. There was nothing in the sky but a sword.

Blood stained the sky, Jiang Tian's intestines were pierced and his belly was broken, dozens of bones were broken by the shock, his flesh was charred, and he staggered and flew dozens of kilometers away.

It was the imprint of Shenghuang Chongli that suddenly took action!

He wears a golden crown, chain armor, and a heart mirror. He stands on a huge golden dragon about a hundred feet long, holding the sword that once cut off the ancient road in the starry sky. His body is as tall as a mountain, and his robes are flying like flags. .

His face was handsome, his eyebrows were like daggers from heaven, and the divine light that shone for dozens of miles enveloped Jiang Tian, ​​full of contempt.

"Shenghuang, you should understand me!"

Jiang Tian's eye sockets shed tears of blood, and he smiled sadly:

"It was you who resisted the foreign invaders, Jedi Tiantong, and formulated and implemented the wandering plan in the fairyland!"

"But why did you attack me? Are you training me and tempering me? Or are you testing me?"

This was the first time he shed tears of blood after returning to the earth. He was too anxious, Qing'er and his daughter were in danger!


Shenghuang Chongli roared angrily, and struck at Jiang Tian with a sword, as sharp and swift as lightning:

"It's not training you, tempering you, or testing you. It's because we really want to kill you!"

"You want to kill Immortal Xu? What's so great about Immortal Xu? What's so great about Nanmen Double Star! The real threat in this world is not them at all!"

"You can't do it! No one under this eternal blue sky can do it. You don't know how powerful the intruder is!"

Each move of his Absolute Heaven Sword was faster than the next, and each move was more ruthless than the last. He attacked like a violent storm, with a hint of crying in his roar:

"Compared with their civilization, we are all waste and bugs! You should live like a bug! We ancient sages can't do it, but you can? Who do you think you are? Revive your mother's aura! Give it to me! I give up! Give up! Give up!"

Jiang Tian was beaten until he was flying in the air like a marble, rolling and crawling, his skin and flesh were torn, his bones were broken inch by inch, and the sky was stained with blood, almost turning into a bloody gourd.

Shenghuang Zhongli suddenly swept out his sword, sending Jiang Tian flying dozens of kilometers away. Then he raised his hand to grab Jiang Tian and took Jiang Tian into his hand. His huge palm pinched Jiang Tian in his hand like an ant, and he shouted angrily. : "Are you going to give up!?"

"You can't do it, I can! If you don't come, let me do it!"

Jiang Tian roared, his Dantian roared, and six divine bodies burst out, flashing out and attacking Shenghuang Chongli from all directions.

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