Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1264 The Sea Clan is born, provoking the Mythical Alliance

During Jiang Tian's retreat, Jiang Tian had sent Chen Yang and other disciples to reach an agreement with various countries. Many countries wanted to support Jiang Tian in forming a global mythical alliance to attack many hidden secret realms. However, at this time, Jiang Tian had already defeated the Immortal Prisoner. The formation has broken the imprisonment of many strong men in the secret realm and foreign gods. However, now these heads of state have made their own plans, betrayed their promises, and pushed back and forth.

Senhan's murderous intent instantly appeared in Jiang Tian's eyes. Since his rise, no one has ever dared to let him go like this and speak without faith.

But Jiang Tian thought about it for a while, and finally concealed the murderous intent in his eyes, and just smiled calmly.

But Keynes was so angry that his face was livid, he slapped the table and roared: "You are too naive, you think that your gods are your protectors, you are wrong! They are not human beings, not a species, and they will definitely not share the same mind with us. . You should rely on the Taichu Alliance and the Tianqing Sect to rely on the Myth Alliance! Moreover, have you forgotten the previous agreement? There is only one Myth Alliance in the world!"

The Russian Emperor straightened his waist, his figure as steep as a dangerous peak, and said tit for tat: "Your Excellency Keynes, just like the leader of the Taichu Alliance is committed to protecting China, the powerful secret realms and gods in various countries will also protect their countries and people! Spiritual energy We support the revival, but the leader of the Taichu Alliance insists on killing the gods of other countries, which is too domineering and dictatorial! Especially when the defensive coalition forces enter our country, it also involves the issue of sovereignty. This cannot be ambiguous and cannot be compromised! "

Keynes pointed at the nose of the Russian emperor and shouted loudly: "You are just stubborn. If the day comes that they start to attack you and your country's regime, I hope you will not ask the Taichu Alliance Leader for help from the Global Defense Alliance!"

"Our country is fully capable of dealing with this matter! You don't need to worry about it!"

The Russian emperor had a tough attitude and would not give in.

"I think the leader of the Taichu Alliance is not willing to see that the common alliance of mankind has fallen apart before the Immortal Ruins have invaded, and the humans on earth will kill each other first, right?" The Russian Emperor said with a half-smile, which was meaningful.

The negotiations reached a deadlock for a while, with representatives from various countries insisting on their own opinions and arguing endlessly, and the conference room was noisy.

Jiang Tian pondered for a long time and sighed softly: "Let's do this. You can unite with your alien gods, or you can retain your independence. But I hope you will remain fully vigilant. Once they reveal their hostility, you have the Kuilian system. Immediately activate the killing system. If not, you can authorize the United States, China and Tianqing Sect to use the Kuilian system to attack."

After saying that, Jiang Tian flicked his sleeves and walked out of the conference room with a livid face.

The Russian Emperor and others smiled proudly and walked out of the conference room with their heads held high.

Keynes hurriedly caught up with Jiang Tian and said anxiously: "They hope to have their own Mythical Alliance. They want to compete with the Mythical Alliance of the Taichu Alliance Leader, and gain independent command and decision-making power after the spiritual energy is revived or when the Immortal Ruins invade. If left alone, If so, the global Mythology Alliance will go bankrupt!”

"If your country's super brains are still there, will your Pentagon easily surrender to the Mythical Alliance?" Jiang Tian said with a half-smile.

Keynes laughed awkwardly. Next to him, Yingsu, who had been promoted to the leader of the Chinese Guardian Alliance, said fiercely: "Master, what are you doing to be polite to them? If you don't surrender, I will kill you!"

Jiang Tian said calmly: "If I kill these representatives now, of course I can forcibly organize a global mythological alliance, but the foundation of this alliance is not solid, and they will never surrender willingly."

"Leader, what should we do? We can't let our plan abort, right?" Ying Su frowned, worried and unhappy.

Jiang Tian's tearing apart the Prison Immortal Formation has freed these mysterious realm experts and foreign gods from being imprisoned, and their strength has greatly increased. The resurrecting spiritual energy that follows will allow them to sublimate to the limit.

Many forces have benefited greatly from Jiang Tian, ​​but now they do not admit or accept Jiang Tian's leadership. Even these secular officials who originally promised good things are now betraying their faith and refusing to cooperate with the Mythical Alliance. Jiang Tian risked his life to tear apart the alliance. The Prison Immortal Formation has completely become a wedding dress for others.

"rest assured."

Jiang Tian's face was calm, and he said calmly: "I said that those small caves, the strong men in the secret realm, and those alien gods will definitely subvert their existing secular power and order, and the Russian Emperor will definitely beg me to take action. ! And it will be soon! The secret realm and the aliens don’t even have the patience to wait for me to recover my spiritual energy, and they will show off their sharp fangs!”

Hearing this, Yingsu's heart skipped a beat, and his face changed wildly: "According to the intelligence provided by the Pentagon, there are even strong men who are not afraid of nuclear weapons in these hidden secret realms. Wouldn't these countries suffer? Wouldn't their lives be destroyed?"

Those who are not afraid of nuclear weapons must basically reach the level of a strong Jindan. Once a strong person of this level takes action, his power is extremely terrifying. He can penetrate tens of thousands of armies and destroy large cities with just one move.

"It's not our country, so why do you have to be such a holy mother? It has not yet reached the level of a global community with a shared future, and internal conflicts are still fierce. Those strong men in the secret realm of the cave can do evil as they please!" Jiang Tian's smile remained, with a flash in his eyes. The indifference that made Yingsu's heart palpitate.

Sure enough, as Jiang Tian had guessed, many secret realms, small caves, and even the entire earth began to become restless. Countless powerful men hidden in secret realms and unborn appeared one after another, showing off their power.

"I am the King of Atlantis, Lord of the Ocean, Orm. Please tell me that our Atlanti civilization supports Mr. Jiang Taichu in reviving his aura, and is willing to join hands with Mr. Jiang Taichu to jointly defend human civilization! I'm going to visit him. he!"

On the southern side of Spain, near the Strait of Gibraltar.

Suddenly, the waves rolled, and the fishermen on a fishing boat were shocked to see a huge city made of gold, bigger than ten aircraft carriers connected together, setting off huge waves, and slowly emerged from the sea.

The buildings in the city are very exquisite, with tall towers standing straight like peerless heavenly swords, continuous palaces, horizontal and vertical roads, and reasonable planning.

The walls of the building are engraved with exquisite patterns, which are radiant and dazzling. There are strong mana fluctuations, which seem to be able to absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth.

A stalwart man wearing ancient golden armor, a seven-star crown on his head, holding a trident, and exuding endless holy light. He was like a dragon, floating in the air, bowed slightly to the fishermen, and said seriously:

"We are presiding over the spiritual recovery of Mr. Jiang Taichu, but our Atlanti civilization is a lost civilization. It has been in seclusion for thousands of years, self-contained and far away from the common world. We do not need to join the Mythical Alliance. Please convey it on your behalf!"

"We will definitely tell Tianqing Sect and His Excellency Jiang Taichu!"

The captain stepped forward tremblingly and said in a trembling voice.

"Thank you! If Mr. Jiang Taichu insists on forcing me, I, Om, will fight to the death with Jiang Taichu for the sake of my own civilization!"

The King of Atlanti's gaze was as sharp as a knife, and then he, his many generals, and the magnificent city sank into the sea and disappeared.

"Huh? Oh my god! The pain in my body has disappeared! The rheumatism that has plagued me for more than ten years!" Suddenly, a sailor exclaimed.

"Yes! My scar is healed too!"

"My broken little finger has recovered!"

Everyone exclaimed that after bathing in the divine glory of the King of Atlantis, all their illnesses were cured!

This scene was photographed by fishermen and broadcast on the media. BBC, AFP, CNN, and Associated Press are all the most influential media in the world.

The whole world was in an uproar.

It was recorded in Plato's "Dialogues" that Atlantis was an extremely advanced civilization with a billion people and was one of the most powerful civilizations in ancient times. However, it was submerged by a prehistoric flood and sank to the bottom of the sea, never to be seen again. Never appeared.

Many historians and explorers have investigated the history of this civilization, but have found no evidence of its existence. Over time, many people have regarded this civilization as a myth.

Unexpectedly, they really existed and wanted to join Jiang Taichu's Mythical Alliance. This was really shocking.

In the Bermuda Triangle.


A man and woman with a human head and a fish body, or a human head and eight claws, also emerged from the sea, attracting the media to come for interviews.

They claimed to be the Kraken clan and had been entrenched here for many years. They refused to join the Mythical Alliance and formed a Kraken army. If Jiang Taichu insisted on forcing them, they would not hesitate to fight to the death.

Their leader, known as the Sea King, is named Arthur.

He has turned into a human form, has four limbs, is tall, blond, and handsome, but his whole body is covered with golden scales. He is the king of Atlantis and the half-brother of Ocean Lord Orm.

He and Orm had fought many battles before, competing for the position of undersea lord.

Arthur pointedly said.

Previously, he and his tribe were responsible for many plane crashes and disappearances of giant ships near the Bermuda Triangle and even around the world. Even the famous Titanic crash.

Because humans have polluted the ocean and overfished, the living space of the sea tribe has become smaller and smaller, and they have no choice but to kill them.

"Ocean civilization is completely different from continental civilization. Since the industrial revolution, the ocean has been seriously polluted! Human beings are decadent, degenerate, shameless, and have no qualifications to be the masters of this planet!"

Facing the reporter's camera, Arthur stood proudly on the sea, his eyes were unruly and full of bloodthirsty, and he roared:

"As a human being, Jiang Taichu only represents mainland civilization and is not qualified to control the ocean and rule all races of sea monsters! But he actually issued an ultimatum to me, which is already disrespectful. I advise him to come to my seat within three days. Kneel down to accept your guilt, otherwise, I will start a war and massacre the Tianqing Sect!"

As soon as the news came out, the whole world was shocked. Unexpectedly, the Bermuda Triangle was so powerful and declared war on Jiang Taichu.

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