Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1272: Tear apart the Tunguska Demon Army, and all the armies are ready for change

Although these foreign gods have not reached the level of Nascent Soul or Transformation God, many of them are at the middle to late stage of Jindan.

Golden elixirs are rare even in the world of cultivation deep in the universe.

A golden elixir can often control a small planet, or dominate a country or a city, not to mention it is extremely rare on the earth in the age of Dharma.

There are dozens of them, all taking action together, which is unique on earth. It is an unprecedented and shocking event.

But seeing the Yamata no Orochi rising into the sky, its eight huge heads roared together, spraying out colorful snake venom, and shot toward Jiang Tian.

The elephant-headed god jumped directly into the sky, flew to the sky above Jiang Tian, ​​and stepped down.


This kick was like an ancient god stepping on the earth, with infinite power and the void was shattered.

Suddenly, a huge elephant foot appeared in the air. It was as solid as a mountain, and it hit Jiang Tian in the air.

Before the elephant's feet arrived, the violent pressure had already arrived. The ground within a radius of ten miles trembled and rippled like waves. Countless fibers turned into fibers and flew away. Huge stones exploded one after another. A huge footprint with a radius of several kilometers appeared on the earth. superior.


The Egyptian Pharaoh Seti stood on the top of the black pyramid, with gloomy eyes and ancient and obscure spells in his mouth.

Suddenly, a breath of death filled the air from the inside of the black pyramid and the endless coffins. The gray air formed into runes and scriptures, covering the sky and the sun, and silently entangled towards Jiang Tian.

These dead auras may look inconspicuous, but they are very vicious and dangerous.

This is an ancient secret spell that controls life and death and can deprive all vitality. It is not much weaker than the underworld water of the old monster in the Styx. Once the strong golden elixir is contaminated, all vitality will be slim.

"Alas, even with your humble skills, you still dare to provoke me. You are simply desperate!"

Jiang Tian sighed regretfully, and suddenly, he grabbed it at random.

Amidst the shocked eyes of countless people, and the unbelievable exclamations of the son of the King of Assyria, he grasped many blue lightnings in his hands.

Those thundering beasts that could destroy cities and destroy warships kept shrinking and entered Jiang Tian's palm. They were as obedient as cats and finally turned into a rolling and rotating thunder ball as big as a basketball.

At this time, the death spell of the Egyptian Pharaoh has also arrived.


Jiang Tian casually waved his hand, and the thunderball flew out and exploded, blasting away all the death energy. It roared out without losing its momentum, shocking the Egyptian Pharaoh to the point of screaming, his skin and flesh were torn all over, and even his fingers were blown off. Several.

The next moment, Jiang Tian raised his hand and pointed.

A ray of Geng-gold finger light penetrated through, like a giant pillar holding up the sky, directly smashing the phantom of the elephant's foot into pieces, and then in the frightened scream of the elephant-headed god, it exploded like a firecracker, and the blood Rain, broken bones, and fragments of internal organs were scattered everywhere, as if there had been a heavy downpour, accumulating a thick layer on the ground.

As for the venom and poisonous gas of Yamata no Orochi, Jiang Tian was not afraid at all. Even if it splashed on his body, it would not hurt him at all. He just took advantage of the situation and waved.


A golden thread running through the sky and the earth appeared, thousands of meters long, cutting towards the Yamata no Orochi.

This golden thread is extremely thin, but extremely bright and dazzling, illuminating a radius of dozens of miles.

At that moment, it seemed as if there was nothing between heaven and earth except this golden thread.


The Yamata-no-Orochi, which was not even afraid of nuclear weapons and could withstand the attack of Kuilian, was split in half by a golden wire like wax oil. The mountain-like corpse fell to the ground with a loud rumbling sound and was dirty. Blood flowed everywhere.

It was so late and so fast, it all happened in a snap of a finger.

At this time, the magic power or weapons of other golden elixir masters with weaker cultivation and slower speed had just arrived.


In response, Jiang Tian just stamped his foot lightly.

"Boom" sound.

An invisible air wave formed a ring of clouds, rolling out and pushing in all directions, like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

Many golden elixirs screamed in agony, all magical attacks shattered, people flipped over and flew out, everyone was seriously injured, blood spurted from the mouth, some were even shocked to the point of breaking bones and muscles, and the golden elixir cracked.

With one blow, Jiang Tian killed Yamata no Orochi, Ganesha, seriously injured dozens of golden elixirs including the Egyptian Pharaoh!

"His! This boy's strength is so terrifying. I'm afraid he must have the strength of Nascent Soul!"

Orm, the King of Atlantis, looked uneasy and took a breath of air.

"Wait, I underestimated him!"

Egyptian Pharaoh Seti was also shocked and took a step back subconsciously. His sinister triangular eyes were full of fear and uneasiness, and his eyelids were beating crazily.

"What should I do? Why not surrender..."

Orm and Sea King Arthur looked at each other and communicated with the secret language of the Sirens, already shaken.

They don't have a life-or-death feud with Jiang Tian, ​​they just have different stances.

But at the end of the day.

Whether they follow Tunguska or Jiang Tian, ​​they are just cuddling and have no intention of dominating.

Even the Young Demon King Ayu was moved and shocked. Even if he defeated Jiang Tian, ​​he would still suffer heavy losses.

"Jiang Taichu, we have no grievances or enmities, so we might as well shake hands and make peace, divide and rule."

His eyes flashed, he bowed and clasped his fists:

"You form your Chinese Mythology Alliance, and we form our own alliance. From now on, you and I will stay on the same page. When the Immortal Ruins invade, we will fight against the Immortal Ruins together. How about that?"

"You are a member of the Annihilators who invaded the ancient earth. You are more disgusting than the Immortal Ruins. Do you think I will cooperate with you?"

Jiang Tian smiled slightly and punched out without any nonsense.


Suddenly, a white mark stretching over ten miles was drawn directly into the air.

The power of the fist destroyed everything, and countless battleships, chariots and demon masters exploded in the air and turned into powder.

Wherever the punch passed, strong winds roared, people fell over their backs, and there was chaos and tragedy. The entire formation of the Tunguska Demon Clan was torn apart miserably.

This blow killed at least a thousand demon masters, and there were countless strong Qi practitioners, some even at the foundation-building level.

"Jiang Taichu, you have gone too far!"

Seeing this, Young Demon King Ayu burst into anger and shouted loudly.

"Hmph! Did I go too far? I already gave you a chance, but you didn't know how to cherish it, so you simply killed him!"

Jiang Tian's face was calm and indifferent, and he walked towards the demon army step by step.

"Let's do it together, form the Demon Emperor's Killing Formation, and kill him for me!"

Seeing this, the young demon king became murderous, his demonic aura surged, and he shouted sternly.

I never expected Jiang Tian to be so disrespectful. After all, there are many strong people in Tunguska Demon Lake and they are huge.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

"This beast must be killed!"


Countless demons roared, the military formations were neatly arranged, and tens of thousands of demon warriors stood in the sky, occupying different positions. Suddenly, the demonic energy burst out, shooting straight into the sky like a stream of energy smoke.

The extremely vast and thick demonic energy tumbled together and formed a shadow of the Demonic Emperor in the air, as tall as a thousand feet and as towering as a mountain.

This demon emperor was vague, but seemed to have come through the ages, full of ancient and vast aura. He was sitting on the emperor's platform nine days away. Suddenly, a big hand like a hill stretched out and grabbed Jiang Tian.

This is the ultimate killer move of the Tunguska Demon Lake.

The army of tens of thousands of demons extracts half of the demonic energy, simulates the demon emperor's appearance, and integrates it into one blow. Even if these warriors only have Qi training skills, they are so numerous and their lethality is extremely terrifying. Even the strong infants may not be able to withstand it. .

"Little tricks!"

In response, Jiang Tian looked slightly mocking and waved.


A purple electric thunder knife that penetrates the sky and the earth is a thousand meters long. It sweeps out like a knife cutting through water, spreading out in a fan shape.

At this moment, it was as if the void had been chopped into pieces, and colorful space cracks suddenly appeared, winding hundreds of meters away along the traces swept by the thunder knife.


With this slash, the thousand-foot-tall Demonic Emperor's Faxiang exploded in the air.

At this moment, it was as if several nuclear weapons exploded simultaneously. The ground shook and the mountains shook in a radius of hundreds of miles. The void trembled. Huge mushroom clouds rose in the sky. The billowing demonic energy dragged long flaming tails and scattered in all directions. .

At this moment, tens of thousands of demons in the army all vomited blood and were shaken violently. At least several thousand people were hit by mana backlash or mana shock waves, and their bodies exploded to death on the spot.

Although the magic circle is powerful, it also has great drawbacks. Once it is broken, it becomes an indiscriminate attack. As long as it is within a certain range, it will be brutally affected.

At this time, the son of the King of Assyria, the Pharaoh of Egypt, and the King of Atlantis, Orm, and others all led their own strong men and retreated dozens of miles away. Their faces were pale and frightened, and they hesitated to persist to the end. , or just leave.

At this time, Jiang Tian had already rushed into the military formation composed of dozens of demon warships, and started a one-sided massacre like a tiger rushing into a flock of sheep.

"Bang bang bang!"

Jiang Tian can shake the world with every move he makes. With every punch and kick, the force is so majestic and terrifying that it is comparable to the explosion of a nuclear weapon.

Boom boom boom!

Those ancient demon battleships that terrified mankind all over the world and could not be destroyed even by nuclear weapons exploded in the air like lit firecrackers, sending debris flying.




Jiang Tian roared, and with one punch or one kick, he could often blow up a battleship, and even cut one into two with a single wave of his command.

At this moment, in Jiang Tian's dantian, six fake pills roared and jumped, roaring crazily, and his power seemed to rise endlessly.

Without the restraints of the Immortal Prisoner Formation, Jiang Tian felt as if the sea was vast enough for fish to leap, and the sky was high enough for birds to fly, and he played heartily.

"Use magic weapons to attack from a distance, not close combat!"

The young demon king Ayu's eyes were about to burst, and many demon generals were roaring, heartbroken, and their livers were trembling.

In just a few minutes, Jiang Tian killed most of their tens of thousands of demons. This was a tragic loss that they could not accept.


Many demon soldiers drifted away one by one, breaking the original dense military formation with a radius of about ten miles into pieces and scattering it to within a hundred miles.

They occupied positions in the sky and on the ground, in all directions, and attacked Jiang Tian again.

They avoided Jiang Tian's sharp edge, and tens of thousands of demon troops moved flexibly together, flying up and down, using long-range attacks, hoping to consume Jiang Tian alive here.

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