Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1275 Jiang Taichu, you actually know how to sneak attack


In response, Jiang Tian just flicked his fingers.

A golden finger light directly shattered the demonic energy of her sword light.

A big hole appeared in the old woman's chest. The magic pill was shattered and exploded in the air uncontrollably. Her body was broken, and the crystal flesh rained like fireworks, and then scattered to the ground.

The devil old man was so angry that he was trembling all over, but he had no choice but to send a message to another old woman: "This boy is too strong, please come out of seclusion."

The old woman glared at Jiang Tian fiercely and turned back quickly.

At this time, Jiang Tian used his spiritual consciousness to search for many memories and messages in the young devil's mind, causing Ayu to tremble all over, pee and feces, and howl miserably.

Searching for souls is a form of extreme torture, especially if the person being searched dares to resist, he will be tortured tenfold.

"The demons have indeed fought with Annihilus in the Age of Mythology, and they are also the guardians of the Destruction Star..."

Jiang Tian sighed lightly.

It turns out that the Tunguska Demon Lake is a passage that leads directly to the place where the Destruction Star sleeps deep underground.

Although the Destruction Star mainly devoured spiritual energy, due to the extreme depletion of the earth's spiritual energy, it gradually fell asleep and even occasionally emitted spiritual energy.

The demons in Tunguska used this as a resource to consolidate themselves and improve their strength, but they also preserved the Miao descendants.

They are uniquely endowed with the ability to withstand the benefits of the Destroying Star for a long time. Of course, they do not want Jiang Tian to defeat the Destroying Star and revive their spiritual energy.

Therefore, it is to entangle many powerful people from the secret realm and alien gods on the earth to resist Jiang Tian.

At first, forces such as Atlantis and Babel were unwilling to surrender.

However, they were all defeated miserably by Ayu and other powerful demons. They were planted with magic patterns to restrain them, but they had no choice but to take action against Jiang Tian.

"Nascent Soul!"

Jiang Tian's heart suddenly moved slightly, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

In the deepest part of the Tunguska Demon Lake, there sleeps an old demon who was born in the ancient mythological era. Moreover, his strength is really impressive, and he is already a Nascent Soul.

Jiang Tian now has the combat power to crush the powerful Jiu Ying. Since his rebirth, he has killed many Jiu Ying and suppressed many Jiu Ying.

But Yuanying was the first to encounter it.

This also made Jiang Tian quite dumbfounded.

Before, he always thought that the first real Nascent Soul he encountered must be in the Immortal Ruins or an advanced dimensional world. He never expected that it would be on Earth.

With Jiang Tian's current strength of six divine fake elixirs, he has a certain chance of winning against the early Yuanying, but it is also very dangerous.

When the golden elixir reaches the Nascent Soul, it is already a qualitative change in the level of life. The Dantian turns into a spiritual fetus. In the spiritual fetus, the broken elixir becomes a baby, and the golden elixir gives birth to the Nascent Soul.

The Nascent Soul is the gathering of the essence of acquired life. It is the support for cultivation and immortality, and the basis for forming the Tao body and immortal body.

To put it bluntly, the golden elixir is just the formation of a baby. Compared with the real Yuanying, it is still far, far away.

Conceiving a baby is only the limit of the golden elixir. It is still a special kind of golden elixir, but the essence in the golden elixir is carved into the prototype and germ of the fetus.

Nascent Soul monks have extremely long lifespans, reaching tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of years. They live for a long time and live as long as the sky, overlooking the common people. Therefore, Nascent Soul is often called the Lord of Heaven.

The Nascent Soul Heavenly Lord is so powerful that it is unimaginable. He has touched the laws of heaven and earth. Tao, magic and heaven and earth are in harmony. One blow is equivalent to dozens of nuclear weapons exploding together, destroying the heaven and earth, and even penetrating the continent. .

It is even possible for the Nascent Soul to escape from the body and wander into the void. The Nascent Soul can leave the body and travel in different dimensional worlds. It can open the eyes of the sky, deduce all things, distinguish yin and yang, and know how to seek good fortune and avoid disaster.

For example, the True Dragon Ancestor and others are already the rulers of the third-dimensional world, but they are only at the infant level. Even if you have not yet reached the stage of conceiving a baby, you can successfully ascend to the throne if you just have the tendency to conceive a baby.

It can be said that in the central galaxy deep in the universe, even in those places where cultivation civilization is most prosperous, Nascent Soul is very rare. It can be called rare and aloof.

Often, not one of the hundreds of millions of monks may be born, and it is more than enough to control several planets or even a small galaxy.

"This is the Destruction Star..."

Through Ayu's mind, Jiang Tian saw a beautifully shaped magic weapon floating in the depths of the red magma.

This magical weapon is extremely huge, with a radius of more than ten miles, and is composed of many facets.

Like a huge diamond, it exudes colorful brilliance, flowing with auspicious colors and rays of light, filling the surroundings.

In addition, Ayu had many magical skills, combat techniques, methods of refining magic weapons, and methods of absorbing faith in his mind, but for Jiang Tian, ​​they were too primitive and crude, and of little use value.

"Fellow Taoist Taichu, I would like to ask the Lord of Tunguska, 'Guhu', to let go of my useless great-great-grandson Ayu, and we can have a good talk!"

Suddenly, in the Tunguska Demon Lake, the demon door opened.

An old demon with a vicissitudes of life and a stooped figure walked out, surrounded by a group of old handsome men and generals with extraordinary bearing and demonic aura.

This old demon has no head or six arms. Both in appearance and height, it is similar to ordinary humans. It is only two meters long. It is not as tall as Demon King Ayushao. Even among the demons, it is considered short.

It's just that his arms are above his knees, his eyes are as bright as magic lamps, with endless vicissitudes of life, containing profound wisdom and philosophy, the law is in line with heaven and earth, and his strength is extraordinary.


Jiang Tian's endless energy turned into a giant palm, grabbed Ayu, floated in front of him, and said without changing his expression:

"Gu Hu, as long as you make a soul contract with me and never take action against the human race and never unite with the Immortal Ruins, I will let him go and I will give up!"

"Yes. The old man has lived on the earth for tens of thousands of years. Our former master Annihilator will not come again, and I have regarded myself as a member of the earth. I am not only willing to help you establish the Global Myth Alliance, I am even willing to help you Deal with the Immortal Ruins invaders."

The eyes of the old demon from Guhu flashed, and an imperceptible cold light flashed away, and he said in a deep voice:

"However, I want to make a two-way contract. As long as you and I are alive, the two sides will never fight again! Taoist Taoist friends are too strong, and destroying my demon clan is like cutting grass. I want to leave some roots for the demon clan. I want Taichu Tao I promise not to take action against our demon clan."

He sighed sadly, bowed and clasped his fists, and said sincerely:

"Now that our demon clan has been killed by Taoist Taoist Taoist Fellows, there is not much left of us. Even if it takes thousands of years, it will be difficult for us to achieve success. I believe that Taoist Taoist Fellow Taoist's magnanimity will leave us a glimmer of hope!"


Jiang Tian pondered for a while and slightly cupped his hands.

The giant palm of vitality grabbed Ayu Shaomo Dynasty and handed it to Guhu.

At the same time, Jiang Tian and Guhu Laomo each sent out a black spiritual consciousness, intertwined in the air, formed rune information, and established a two-way divine soul contract.

The soul contract is divided into two parts and injected into the opponent's head respectively.

At this time, the giant palm of vitality also grabbed Demon King Ayu and came to the ancient lake. It collapsed instantly and Ayu regained his freedom.

"Okay, okay, okay. Brother Guhu, from now on, we will be comrades in arms."

Jiang Tian clasped his hands in his fists and said sincerely and sincerely: "You are welcome to come to my Tianqing Sect and stay for a few days if you have time. I, Jiang Taichu, will definitely sweep the couch and wait for you!"


Gu Hu bowed and clasped his fists, smiling broadly.

Everyone looked at each other in disbelief.

The battle ended like this, and Jiang Tian actually forced Gu Hu to give up and sue for peace?

"fair enough!"

"In fact, all the secret realms and alien gods are a powerful force, and it is best to use them for me!"

"Jiang Taichu is so domineering! After killing so many demons, the old demon king doesn't dare to do anything wrong!"

Many people thought so, smiling with relief and letting out a long breath.



Across the world, many people even ran out of their rooms and set off fireworks to celebrate this rare victory.

Suddenly, the old demon from Guhu's smile suddenly turned cold, his eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he smiled sinisterly:

"Jiang Taichu, you have always been upright and aboveboard in your actions, but I didn't expect you to be so despicable and shameless in the end, and you actually attacked and plotted secretly!"

Everyone was still confused as to why he was yelling and scolding.

Behind Ayu, he saw countless flying swords growing in size in the wind, connected end to end, forming a torrent of sword light, like an octopus opening its tentacles, shooting towards the ancient lake.

Jiang Tian is making a sneak attack!

When Jiang Tian gathered his vitality into the giant palm before, he integrated more than 9,000 flying swords into the giant palm and attached it to Ayu's back. Scattered throughout his body, hidden within the gaps in his scales, hair, and armor.

These flying swords have been refined countless times by Jiang Tian, ​​and are now thinner than ox hair, like dust, and almost invisible.

Although Gu Hu had been paying careful attention to Jiang Tian and scanned it many times with his spiritual consciousness, he did not notice it until the flying sword exploded.

At this time, thousands of swords were launched, like silver rivers surging, stabbing towards the ancient lake from all directions.


Gu Hu snorted angrily, his eyes filled with demonic light, and black demonic energy exploded around him.

The demonic energy was very miraculous, like black crystal, winding and expanding, clanging, changing rapidly, and guarding him in the middle.


Jiang Tian's heart flashed.

The black soul contract was forced out and shattered under the pressure of the soul-devouring consciousness!

The two-way soul contract was abolished.

No matter what the outcome of the Thousand Flying Swords attack, Jiang Tian’s second wave of attacks has already broken out!

Jiang Tian's eyes flashed with cold light. Without saying a word, he swayed across a distance of dozens of miles and appeared behind Gu Hu like a ghost.

The Jue Tian Sword is already tightly held in his hand.

Sweep out with a sword.

At this time, the tens of thousands of flying swords that had been secretly released were already piercing the demonic crystal together, drilling, winding, cutting, sweeping, splitting, chopping, grinding...

Suddenly, the sound of "click, click, click" could be heard continuously, like a heavy rain hitting plantains.

The demonic crystal ball is very strong, and I am afraid that nuclear weapons and even Kuilian cannot destroy it. Many flying swords were scattered and flew in all directions, piercing through several demon generals and commanders around them. They were bleeding profusely and almost died miserably.


Shocking cracks appeared in the crystal-like ball of demonic energy, as if it was about to collapse.

"Jiang Taichu, you are still too young!"

However, Gu Hu looked calm, hummed softly, made a mysterious seal with his right hand, and pushed it out gently.

Suddenly, many cracks began to heal.


But at this time, Jiang Tian's Jue Tian Sword had already attacked with boundless murderous intent and coldness.

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