Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1280 The innate demon baby, conceived by the Destroying Star

And Gu Hu shivered and knelt on the ground, tears streaming down his face, like the most devout believer seeing a god.

Many demon commanders and generals behind him bowed deeply, with expressions of reverence and joy on their faces.

Jiang Tian tried his best to see the white-clothed god clearly, but it was in vain.

It's not that Jiang Tian's spiritual consciousness is insufficient, but that Ayu's memory is likely to be destroyed by this god-man, or that when he appears, he puts a restraint on his face to hide his true appearance.

Although he couldn't see this man's face, Jiang Tian still felt that he was very familiar.

The face can be changed at will, but a person's behavior, movements and charm are difficult to change. Jiang Tianneng was sure that he had definitely met this person in his previous life.

However, in his previous life, Jiang Tian had lived forever and lived for ten thousand years. He had seen countless monks, mortals, true immortals and gods. For a while, Jiang Tian could not determine the origin of this person.

"I'm late."

The god in white sighed quietly, with fatigue and depression, sat down on the Taoist platform, looked around, and said:

"I met the Vulture interstellar hunting team of the Star Federation, thirty interplanetary warships. The team was led by the king of weapon refiners - Zhuo Feng! On Neptune, he almost used the 'Clear Discrimination Eye' to scan out My soul and identity are so dangerous!”

"Xingyao Federation... there are actually powerful people who have come to the solar system and to Neptune!"

Jiang Tian was shocked.

This is a very advanced cultivation civilization in the central galaxy deep in the universe, and its weapon refining technology is even more powerful in the galaxy.

Able to create battleships that can travel faster than the speed of light and travel across the universe, and giant magic weapons that can destroy stars and even interstellar weapons.

In his previous life, after he overcame the tribulation and became an immortal, he once traveled to this planet.

At that time, the Annihilators led the demon tribe to invade. Jiang Tian and Hongsheng Xianzun, the chairman of the Xingyao Federation, jointly formed a coalition and fought a hundred-year war with the Annihilators.

"The Vulture Hunting Group...later the Vulture Interstellar Expeditionary Force?"

Jiang Tian thought about it carefully and his expression changed wildly.

The vulture hunting group is famous, powerful and has a very high status.

Almost all are composed of monks above Nascent Soul, who ride on star battleships to detect and hunt down Annihilators and their henchmen throughout the universe, and are directly responsible to the head of the Federation.

The names of each of them who sacrificed their lives will be engraved on the Heroes' Monument of the Star-Glory Federation and written on the last page of the National Code of Ethics that they recite every day for people to commemorate.

This hunting group was small at first, but they made countless achievements, became more and more important, and continued to expand and become bigger and bigger.

Hundreds of years later, it even expanded into an interstellar expeditionary army, with hundreds of millions of members, each of whom was a federal elite. This army also became the most prestigious interstellar army in the Star Federation.

"According to the calculation of time, now is just the initial stage of the vulture hunting group. This king of weapon refining, Zhuo Feng, I overcame a tribulation and became an immortal in my previous life. When I traveled to the Starry Federation, I saw his name on the Heroes Monument. His name, according to records at that time, he died in an unknown place, the battleship he was on lost contact with his home planet, and his body was not found. He was a true weapon-refining genius, and his strength was unparalleled! "

A lot of information flashed through Jiang Tian's mind.

This Zhuo Feng has a distinguished background and extraordinary talents. Whether it is cultivation, fighting or weapon refining, he has broken many records and dominated an era. Especially in weapon refining, he has extremely profound attainments and strong creativity. He not only inherits He not only mastered the classical theory of weapon refining, but also carried forward the past and opened up a line of modern weapon refining, inventing many military and civilian magical weapons that have far-reaching influence and benefit future generations.

Even hundreds of years later, when Jiang Tian arrived in the Xingyao Federation, these magical weapons were still in use and did not fall behind at all.

Originally, he owned a large amount of industry and wealth in the Star Federation, and he was at the forefront of the entire Star Federation. He was famous and had a high status, just like Gates and Ma Xiaowei's status in the earth world.

However, when the Annihilators began to invade, he gave up all worldly glory and enjoyment, donated half of his assets to the country, and joined the army. Starting as a private, he formed the Vulture Hunting Group and became the three founders of the Vulture Hunting Group. A person and one of the elders.

"Your Majesty, are you injured?"

Jiang Tian's thoughts only flashed across his mind for a moment, when Na Guhu asked with concern, his face full of nervousness.

"It doesn't matter."

The white-clothed divine man said in a nonchalant tone:

"I destroyed many of their warships on Neptune, almost wiped out all the chasing groups, and then rushed to the earth. Only Zhuo Feng was left alive. But Zhuo Feng was so crazy, even if he suffered He was seriously injured, the spiritual fetus was destroyed by my secret method, and the Nascent Soul was half dead, but he still insisted on chasing me. "

"This Zhuo Feng, I'm afraid something is not good!"

Hearing this, Jiang Tian smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"He is riding a mount with a warrior, and he wants to chase me across the void! It's crazy!"

Sure enough, I heard the man in white say with disdain:

"It's just that Zhuo Feng is only a mere Nascent Soul. He needs to ride on a star battleship to cross the universe and conduct interstellar voyages. He wants to cross the galaxy to catch me with only his physical body. Even if he is not injured, isn't it just a dream?"

"He couldn't withstand the vacuum environment, and his body exploded several times. Although he chased him to the earth, he was exhausted. I fought with him for three hours, and finally, I punched him in the sky above Yanjing, China. Explode!”

The joking and ridicule in his tone reached the extreme, and he snorted coldly:

"That old guy still wanted to resurrect his body and save his roots. I saw that his soul was incomplete, so I ignored him! Even if he succeeded in seizing his body, he is just a madman and a fool. Life is really worse than death!"

"His entourage and mount saw that the situation was not good and ran away! But I was in a hurry to rush over to do something, so I didn't chase after them. I just erased their memories and left them to fend for themselves!"

Having said this, the divine envoy sighed regretfully:

"Oh, what a pity. Although Zhuo Feng's mount is still young, it has good blood. If it is cultivated and cultivated, it can be of great use in the future! However, these are trivial matters not worth mentioning. The innate demon infant—— How is it cultivated?”

From the beginning to the end, the tone of this white-clothed divine man was filled with deep disdain and cynicism, as if the birth and death of stars and the lives and deaths of hundreds of millions of people were not lingering in his mind.

It was only now that his tone became more serious and concerned.

"The innate demon baby has been successfully conceived with the help of the vast spiritual energy of the Destroying Star, and its grade is good and perfect. I'm afraid it can reach the swallowing star level!"

Gu Hu said respectfully, with an expression of flattery and merit.

"Huh? Sure enough..."

The white-clothed divine man remained motionless, neither chanting incantations nor performing any secret techniques.

However, with a cultivation as strong as his own, his spiritual consciousness can naturally cover most of the earth and penetrate thousands of kilometers underground and even deep into the core of the earth.

There was deep ecstasy and excitement in his tone, and even his hands were shaking violently as he said:

"If this innate demon baby is successfully cultivated, the million-year-old plan above can be implemented. This universe may be saved, and it may even become an eternal universe, and billions of living beings will not turn into nothingness!"

"Why are you saving the universe? This is like a mouse not stealing food, but looking after the owner's house and yard!"

Hearing this, Jiang Tian's face changed slightly and he was very surprised.

This white-clothed god and Gu Hu and other demons are clearly members of the Annihilator.

It's just that one is a cultivator of immortals, and one is a cultivator of demons. One is a human race, and the other is a demon race, but they reach the same destination through different paths.

But the mission of the Annihilator is to devour and turn the world and even the entire universe into great annihilation and complete nothingness!

All civilization and life, even matter, and even time and space, have completely returned to nothingness and death.

This result is more terrifying than the great collapse and chaos caused by the demons. After all, no matter how chaotic and collapsed the demons are, matter still exists.

As long as civilization still exists and time is still flowing, any material will be used again to contribute to civilization.

But Jiang Tian couldn't think about this issue in detail at the moment, and there was no need to think about it in detail.

After all, what this white-robed divine man said may not be true.

Jiang Tian had lived forever for thousands of years in his previous life, so he was already accustomed to strange things.

Almost every organization and force, ranging from sects, colleges, countries, to federations, stars, star regions, and even civilizations, will find an upright reason for their actions, shout a few slogans, confuse the people, and deceive people's hearts. .

Nobility is the epitaph of the noble, and despicability is the passport of the despicable. This sentence seems to make sense, but in fact it is completely wrong.

More often than not, being despicable is the epitaph of the noble, and being noble is the passport of the despicable!

History is written by those in power, they are just little girls they paint over casually, and they also control the slogans of the people!

In this world, it has long been difficult to distinguish between good and evil, true and false. Whoever says he controls the truth of history must be an idiot.

Soon, the white-clothed god made a few finger gestures to activate the forbidden runes on the platform, and was about to jump down.

Gu Hu stood up, bowed with humility and said: "Master Shijun, let Ayu accompany you down!"

"Haha, you want Ayu to be given to me as a hostage to make me feel at ease? You are serious, but to be honest, there is no need! I helped you build this magic pattern restriction, how can you stop me?"

The god in white laughed loudly, giving people a feeling of overlooking the world, arrogant and domineering.

Jiang Tian heard "himself" say respectfully: "Senior Shijun, this junior has been yearning for the Destruction Star for a long time, please ask senior to fulfill his wish!"

This was naturally Ayu's voice. Jiang Tian instantly understood that Ayu wanted to get close to the Destruction Star in order to obtain great blessings and nourishment.

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