Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1289 At this moment, the whole world is silent

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

At this time, it was on the eve of the establishment of the Global Mythology Alliance.

At Sodoni International Airport, Air Force One special planes from many countries were taking off and landing, and dignitaries from around the world gathered.

From the Sordoni National Airport to the capital city of San Juan, for dozens of miles, traffic flowed like a long queue.

None of the cars are ordinary vehicles. They are basically super luxury cars. Maserati and Lamborghini are particularly flamboyant. Some are low-key and stable, such as BMW and Mercedes-Benz, but they have the logo of foreign envoys. They are heads of state and famous practitioners. car. At worst, he has to be a chaebol leader or the CEO of a Fortune 500 company.

This time, the leaders of the five permanent members of the world, as well as the famous pre-Qin sects, the Assyrian King of Babel, the new king of Atlantis Joffrey, the Egyptian Pharaoh Seti and many other powerful people from the secret realm gathered here to meet Jiang Tian.

One is to congratulate Jiang Tian on his plan to revive spiritual energy which has received unprecedented support and is about to be implemented. The other is to congratulate Jiang Tian on becoming the master of the Global Mythology Alliance, signing a soul contract, and completely surrendering to Jiang Tian.

After all, it turns out that although Jiang Tian is known as the most powerful person on earth, it is only a rumor in the underground world and not a final conclusion.

Now, many of the oldest forces have surrendered and established the Mythical Alliance. Jiang Tian's appointment as the leader is equivalent to an official announcement, officially establishing this status.

For example, CEOs of Fortune 500 companies and leaders of financial groups are not qualified to meet Jiang Tian. They can only attend the ceremony from a distance to show their support and respect for Jiang Tian.

On both sides of the street, countless Sordoni residents looked on with their tongues smacking in shock:

"Oh my god, our national prestige is too great now. Even the President of the United States came in person. When he saw the True God of the First Time on the news, he bowed deeply!"

"What does a deep bow mean? I see that the Prime Minister of Japan is kneeling down, just like a believer seeing the true God!"

"All of this was brought to us by the true God of the beginning!"

"Yes, if the True God of the First Age wants to revive his spiritual energy, China and Sodoni are the places that will benefit the most, and Kuilian technology is in our hands. Things change when the world changes. These big countries in this world all rely on Sansan!"

Jiang Tian did not bother to meet the leaders of various countries and the heads of financial groups, and only left it to Chen Yang and other outer disciples to entertain them.

Jiang Tian only needs to meet the Lord of Babel, Assyria, the new king of Atlantis, Joffrey, the famous pre-Qin sect, Kunlun Sect Li Wuji, Mangshan Ghost Emperor, Longchi Demon Emperor and other top powerhouses.

This is the backbone of the Mythical Alliance and the main force that will defend the earth in the future.

"The sinner, the King of Assyria, meets with the leader of the Taichu Alliance and expresses his sincere apology to the leader of the Taichu Alliance!" The Assyrian King bowed deeply, his hands trembling slightly.

"It doesn't matter!"

Jiang Tian smiled slightly and said: "Since you are loyal and surrender and are willing to sign a soul contract with me, you are my comrade-in-arms. We should put aside our past grudges and fight side by side!"

"Joffrey, meet the leader of the Taichu Alliance!"

Next to the Assyrian King, Joffrey, the King of Atlantis, even wanted to bend his waist to the ground, showing great piety.

Although Jiang Tian killed his father, and the True Dragon Ancestors and others came later and almost crushed the city of Atlantis, he still had to give in.

"If the leader of the Taichu Alliance doesn't dislike it, he can adopt Joffrey as his adopted son. This can be regarded as the greatest comfort to Orm!"

The queen of Aum was of first-rate beauty and charming, with a slender waist and high breasts. Her beautiful eyes almost watered when she looked up at Jiang Tian. She wished she could throw herself into Jiang Tian's arms, wag her tail and beg for mercy, and cry sweetly.

"I'm very sorry about your father. However, he died peacefully without much pain!"

Jiang Tian was noncommittal and didn't even look at the queen.

"Thank you Taichu Alliance Leader! As your warrior, the Atlanti civilization listens to you the most. Go wherever you need it, and settle down wherever it is difficult!"

"The Atlantis civilization must remember the kindness of the leader of the Taichu Alliance, save the people of the dimensional world in dire straits, and plant the red flag of the Mythical Alliance in every corner of the Immortal Ruins!"

But Aum's widow and son both knelt down and bowed down, weeping with gratitude, expressing their loyalty with excited expressions, wishing they could tear their hearts out.

Seeing this scene, countless people were moved and sighed, deeply aware of Jiang Tian's current power.

"This is the Lord of the Mythical Alliance, the number one person in the world, respected by all four realms. Whoever dares to provoke you, even if he kills you, you must surrender, otherwise, you will be wiped from the face of the earth. go!"

Ye Tianren put his hands behind his back and said calmly.

Many Tianqing Sect disciples have great pride in their hearts.

In the current Tianqing Sect, the four great old monsters of the Yingying Sect are in charge, and the three great false elixirs are blessings. The remaining heavenly and earthly immortals are gathered together. Their power is so great that it can sweep across the earth, and no force dares to compete.

"Fellow Taoist Taichu, may our friendship last forever!"

Finally, Li Wuji bowed slightly and shook hands with Jiang Tian, ​​his face full of reverence.

"Definitely! The Mythical Alliance cannot do its daily affairs without your support!"

Jiang Tian nodded, patted Li Wuji's shoulder, and smiled meaningfully.

Seeing the world-famous strong men bowing their heads to Jiang Tian, ​​the current heads of the famous pre-Qin families such as the Yu family, the Yin family, the Ji family, the Jiang family, etc. all turned pale and completely despaired.

"Well, if these people hadn't been confused by Yu Jingtian when Jiang Taichu extended the olive branch, then now we will become the core of the Mythical Alliance like Li Wuji, and I'm afraid we will also accept their worship. At least the status will not be the same. How much worse than Li Wuji!" A family owner sighed.

Each word was like a heavy hammer hitting everyone's chest, and they felt so regretful that they couldn't describe it.

Many members of the famous pre-Qin families couldn't help feeling regretful, their faces were extremely ugly, and their hands were shaking violently.

A single tree cannot grow into a forest. Jiang Tian knows that unity is strength. Originally, Jiang Tian wanted to unite with the Kunlun Sect and the famous pre-Qin sects to build the Mythical Alliance. They would have held important positions, but now they are only qualified to watch the ceremony.

Subsequently, the Mythical Alliance announced its establishment, signed a soul contract with many forces such as the Global Defense Alliance, Secret Realm, and Dongtian, and jointly issued the "Declaration to Resist the Dimensional World and Save Humanity on Earth."

The declaration stated——

All ethnic groups in the world, all national governments, secular and cultivation organizations and forces in the world support the recovery of spiritual energy and publish and share cultivation methods to achieve human evolution and strengthening.

After the spiritual energy is revived, the three tribes of monsters, demons, ghost cultivators and any other race must take human beings as the core, side by side with human beings, fight for human beings and earth civilization, and must not intrude on the human world, otherwise, they will be killed without mercy.

Practitioners should fight for the secular world. The blood of the strong should be shed for the weak, and they should not infringe or interfere with the secular order!

Before the threat of the Immortal Ruins, all ethnic groups and all forces should fight for the earth's human community. They must attack the Immortal Ruins and must not seek refuge in hostile dimensional worlds such as the Immortal Ruins. Those who violate the contract will be killed without mercy.

Regardless of any race, civilization, any armed force, any social group or force, or any individual, as long as they are willing to fight against the atrocities of the Immortal Ruins, they are part of the Mythical Alliance and can sign this contract.

The Earth Realm should unite with the Celestial Stars, Heavenly Kingdom, Western Earth, and all forces that oppose the atrocities of the Immortal Ruins and the Dimensional World to form a solid alliance.

Finally, after the meeting, Jiang Tian finally announced that the spirit-guiding array would be opened immediately to revive spiritual energy globally.

In the command and dispatch room.

U.S. President Bush, the new Russian Emperor, EU President Jung and other big figures gathered together, looking expectantly and nervously at the big screen.

On the outer layer, there are also the figures of the King of Assyria, Joffrey, Li Wuji and other powerful people on the earth.

In addition, there are reporters from major media around the world, including BBC, CNN, Reuters, Daily News...

Hundreds of media outlets gathered together to focus their cameras on Jiang Tian, ​​heads of state, and personnel.

Through their lenses, six billion residents around the world are either holding mobile phones, sitting in front of computers, or sitting with their families in front of the TV, holding hands, watching intently, expecting, and nervous With.

At this moment, the whole world was silent.

At this moment, the hearts of six billion people around the world were beating neatly for Jiang Tian and for the revival of spiritual energy.

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