Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1293 The dazzling world, golden elixirs appear together

At this time, Qing'er has already condensed the golden elixir!

The aura of Destruction Star cannot be covered, it is endless and vast!

Zhao Xueqing was actually forced to cross the three levels of Qi training, foundation building, and golden elixir, and stabilized in the middle stage of golden elixir!

Considering that she has the Immortal Body of the Immortal Phoenix Female and has already reached perfection, her strength at this time may be able to overwhelm at least four old monsters with infants, which is only slightly weaker than herself.

"You brat, try to get away from me. Be careful, Qing'er will beat you up!" Jiang Changgeng rolled his eyes at him.

The whole living room burst into laughter and endless happiness.

Jiang Tian was immersed in the ecstasy of becoming a father for the first time. He teased his children every day, accompanied Qing'er, and looked at his precious daughter's cute smile every day. Jiang Tian only felt that his heart was filled with happiness and he was extremely satisfied.

Outside, the influence of the resurgence of spiritual energy was just revealed at this time, and various strange scenes appeared, which were shocking.

Everyone felt a sense of disbelief.

In the initial stage of spiritual recovery, volcanoes and earthquakes erupted, and the aftershocks did not subside until ten days later.

The nine spiritual dragons crossed the sea, stretched across the sky, and gathered in Sodoni, which brought great shock to mankind around the world.

In China, deep in Lushan Mountain, someone saw a white ape hanging on a tree, swallowing the essence of the sun and moon, and drinking wind and dew.

In the Rocky Mountains of the United States, a tiger king appeared, sitting cross-legged and meditating, his fur shining all over his body, playing with his mobile phone, watching American TV series, and a few days later, he was speaking in authentic American English.

A month later, more and more strange things happened on the earth. Everyone understood that these things had a great relationship with the recovery of spiritual energy.

"The animals have become spirits! They have evolved! Jiang Taichu said it before, and it is exactly what he expected!"

"It's so scary! A few days ago, a snake appeared in my backyard. The snake could talk. It politely asked to borrow something to eat. It came to my house and opened the refrigerator and dragged away a chicken. I was so scared that I dared to Don’t you want to borrow it? In two days, this snake will actually bring me a pig!”

"That pig in your house is definitely not the pig in my backyard. My little fragrant pig turned out to be the same size as a calf. It also developed scales and could fly sideways. It claimed to have the blood of a pig-woman dragon. Now it has blood He recovered, but he didn't want to leave, saying he wanted me to be his guardian master. Now he doesn't do anything. He eats fifty pounds of beef a day and can't afford to feed him. Is there any alternative food? I'm afraid he'll be hungry and eat me. Waiting online, it’s very urgent!”

"Pig Po Dragon? The magical animal in "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio" is also found in Indian mythology. It likes to lie there and play drums with its tail on its belly. It's very cute. You can sell it or not, but I can afford it! "

Ordinary people are speaking out in online forums, and various mutations are springing up. Not only animals, but even flowers, plants and trees have become spiritual.

Major websites have opened special sections such as "Revival of spiritual energy", "Great changes in the world", "Have you been attacked by animals or plants today", and there are numerous reports.

The aura of the earth is rapidly recovering, and the world has become completely different.

Not only did some people's illnesses disappear, but many master practitioners even emerged. Then the logic of the whole world becomes different.

The existing political and social order is being shaken and subverted, and violent conflicts are rising rapidly.

Every country and government has established academies for cultivation, martial arts, and supernatural powers. The police and military have established corresponding departments, providing high salaries and many resources to attract practitioners to join.

Cultivation has never been lifted to an unparalleled height like it is today.

Only China, due to its support for Jiang Tian's spiritual recovery plan, adequate emergency plans, and super stable social order, everything is still under the leadership of the party and the government, and it is entering a new era of spiritual recovery in an orderly manner.


At the top of Mount Tai, nine colorful rainbows are thousands of meters long. They are like peerless heavenly swords, shooting straight at the bullfighting, soaring into the sky.

At that moment, the entire northern China and several provinces felt an earth-shattering force of oppression.

Those nine vast auras soared into the sky like dragons, causing the entire land in the north to tremble with a radius of hundreds of miles. Thousands of meters high in the sky, more thunderclouds gathered, each one covering a radius of ten miles, majestic like a canopy.

"What's this?"

"It's so scary! Could it be that the devil has resurrected? Get into the bunker quickly!"

Some citizens walked out of the bunker and looked up at the sky in shock.

"What kind of devil! This is China's most loyal guardian, the Nine Elders of Hongmeng in the Mythical Alliance! Don't you even watch the news? The official has announced in advance that you are not allowed to enter the land within a hundred miles of Mount Tai to avoid injury!"

Next to him, someone took out his tablet and scrolled through the news to show the people around him.

Most of the Nine Elders of Hongmeng were born in China during the Tang, Song and Yuan Dynasties. They were previously suppressed by the Prisoner Immortal Formation, their golden elixir was broken, and their cultivation was unable to be used.

Now, the imprisoning immortal formation has been broken, the shackles of heaven and earth have been opened, they are traveling thousands of miles, leaping over the dragon gate and turning into dragons, and their cultivation levels have re-condensed the golden elixir.

Then, the spiritual energy revived, the world changed drastically, and Mount Tai became one of the main places to attract spirits.

The Nine Elders of Hongmeng received endless nourishment and were once again fully sublimated. Some even stepped into the late stage of the Golden Core and could be called great true immortals!

"Chiefs, I'm very happy to congratulate you. We in China have nine more top experts. China is safe!"

In the Forbidden City, Ye Zhantian was beaming with joy and looked at each other with several big leaders. After the situation stabilized, Ye Zhantian was quickly sent to the Shennong School for treatment. Even Jiang Tian went to see him and personally nursed and repaired his meridians.

It is said that Ye Zhantian was plotted by Ji Muxian, and his Qihai Dantian was destroyed and his meridians were severed.

This is an irreversible serious injury. Even in the Central Galaxy, a place where cultivation civilization is extremely prosperous, not many people can recover.

But Jiang Tian only spent more than ten minutes on refining several "Tian-Building Pills", and he was stunned to repair Ye Zhantian's Dantian again.

"There is such a heaven-defying elixir in the world, and the master can refine it in seconds!"

“Originally it should be called ‘BuTian Dan’, but the effect is so miraculous that it deserves the name ‘BuTian’, and it’s not much of an exaggeration!”

That scene shocked even the four old monsters of the True Dragon Patriarch, who couldn't believe it as if they had seen a miracle.

"Fight with your master, you are not afraid of your Dantian being destroyed!"

Immediately, they were ecstatic.

As long as the dantian does not disappear completely and turn into ashes, even if it is in tatters, it can still be repaired and rebuilt.

Ye Zhantian's dantian was repaired, but most of the true energy contained in it had dissipated, and his cultivation was reduced to the level of Qi training. However, there was no way and he could only repair it again.

But with the skills, elixirs, and many unimaginable resources given to him by Jiang Tian, ​​there is no great suspense that he will return to top combat power within three to five years.

"Yes, in the era of spiritual recovery, we, China, will surely lead the world and stand on the top of the world!"

"All of this is a great blessing brought by Jiang Taichu!"

Several leaders were even more ecstatic, full of pride and enthusiasm, and were full of gratitude and admiration for Jiang Tian.


In the Kunlun Mountains, Li Wuji could not help but fly up.

The vast true energy in his body swept and collided like a stormy sea, and finally gathered in his Dantian like all rivers returning to the sea. It was condensed layer by layer, and actually condensed into a small fake elixir the size of a pigeon egg.


Thunder and lightning as thick as an arm struck down, leaving Li Wuji charred on the outside and tender on the inside.

When the thunder dispersed, Li Wuji was pleasantly surprised to find that his fake elixir had further solidified into a golden elixir.

"I actually became a true immortal? And I condensed a fifth-grade golden elixir. How is this possible!"

Li Wuji stood blankly in the void, feeling the billowing spiritual energy boiling like a sea in a radius of hundreds of miles, pouring into his body.

But in the dantian, the golden elixir that shines brightly and is filled with the aura of immortality is so real.

It felt like a heart attack patient had been transplanted with a new, healthy heart, providing him with a steady stream of power. His blood was running like a mighty river, making huge roaring sounds.

At this moment, he no longer had any doubt that he had really advanced to the Golden Elixir.

Suddenly, the boundless ecstasy turned into a surge of heart, filling his whole heart. He cried with joy, crying like a child.

He practiced hard for hundreds of years and escaped from the world, just to one day be able to advance to the golden elixir, become immortal, and live forever.

He originally thought that under the Prisoner Immortal Formation and in the earth world where spiritual energy was exhausted, everything was just a dream. He would not be able to change his fate against heaven in this life, and there would be no hope for the golden elixir.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Tian actually broke the prison of heaven and earth, revived the aura of the earth, allowed him to sublime to the extreme, and was reborn!

"Jiang Taichu is right!"

He looked thoughtful, his eyes were beating with the fire of fighting spirit, and a fearless spirit slowly rose in his heart.

"Opportunities for development are yours to fight for! If you shrink your head and act like a tortoise, if you shrink your head for too long, your neck will degenerate. If you want to stick your head out, you will have no chance!"

He straightened his waist, and a sharp fighting spirit tore through the sky like a sword unsheathed, shaking hundreds of miles around.

At this moment, he seemed to be the master of the Kunlun Sect who was proud of the world, the ancestral court of the Heaven and Earth Dao Sect, and the origin of the Ten Thousand Dharma Sect!

"No matter how strong the enemy is, so what? Fight, only fight! Only by fighting can we tear apart the cage that imprisons us, and then we can ascend to the sky and see a different scenery!"

At this moment, it was as if the cowardly Li Wuji who was afraid of death had died, and a brand new Li Wuji had taken his place.

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