Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1303 Sweeping across the dimensional world, leaving no one behind

But don't know.

Most of the nine divided divine bodies that Jiang Tian originally condensed were not perfect, and some were even only minor achievements, such as the Darkest Divine Body.

Therefore, the chaotic divine body condensed at this time is only half a step into success, but if it is tempered by these thunder dragons, it is likely to reach the realm of success.

They thought that Jiang Tian was provoking and humiliating the thunder dragon, and those thunder dragons must have been furious. They swarmed up and tore Jiang Tian into pieces and electrocuted him into ashes.

"How can it be!"

"They're scared!"

But was shocked to see.


Those thunder dragons actually shrank in fear and retreated step by step, like little white rabbits facing a fierce tiger.

What shocked them even more.

"No! You have to run!"

Jiang Tian actually stepped out of the pregnant fairy's placenta, turned into a golden rainbow that penetrated the heaven and earth, and rushed towards the thunder dragon and thunder cloud without hesitation.


Jiang Tian punched out.

Immediately, the magma collapsed, setting off huge waves, and the ground trembled, turning into chaos.

Just one punch.

He directly blasted a thunder dragon that was trying to escape into the air and blasted the magma and crust around it hundreds of miles deep!

"The power of one punch is so terrifying!"

Only now did the True Dragon Ancestor and others feel the terrifying strength of Jiang Tian after his breakthrough.

You know, every real dragon has strength comparable to that of the Golden Eagle, but it can't stop Jiang Tian's punches and kicks.


The other Thunder Dragons seemed to have intelligence, and screamed in terror. They fled away in fear and burrowed into the magma crust in all directions, wishing they could grow more legs.

"Don't run!"

Jiang Tian used his fists and palms to stun the thunder dragon with his physical body, and even ran into it without any skills at all.

This was an astonishing melee. Jiang Tian was like an evil tiger walking into a flock of sheep, acting unscrupulously.

With one punch and one kick, the Thunder Mountain immediately collapsed, the sea of ​​electricity rolled, and the Thunder Dragon shattered in mourning. Nothing could stop it.

Jiang Tian swayed freely and heartily, his momentum rising steadily, pushing the magma hundreds of miles away.

He doesn't dodge attacks at all, and his broken bones and broken muscles can be quickly repaired and are as good as new.

He is the most powerful chaotic divine body in the universe and is eternal.

Even if it is only a small success at this time, as long as the soul is immortal and the divine disk is not broken, it can be repaired quickly.

Only those who have transformed into gods or returned to the void can cause a certain degree of harm and threat to him. Ordinary Nascent Souls cannot hurt him.

But even if his physical body is destroyed, Jiang Tian can still use secret techniques to quickly restore his physical body without fear at all.

"It's as simple and crude as this, okay?"

"Simple and crude, just looking for lightning!"

"But the thunder calamity doesn't dare to strike down yet!"

"The master's strength is simply terrifying!"

The old monsters were all stunned. At this time, the real dragon had turned into a human form, no longer afraid, and said with a smile on his face.

However, after Jiang Tian destroyed more than a dozen thunder dragons, the remaining thunder dragons fled one after another and drilled into the depths of the magma. Then, many thunder mountains, thunder clouds and seas also collapsed into endless tiny thunder and lightning and disappeared without a trace. trace.

"I'll go and leave now?"

Jiang Tian scratched his head in frustration:

"This thunder tribulation is only half over. I haven't had enough yet. Can it have a beginning and an end?"

"Still...not satisfied yet?"

The four old monsters fell to the ground with a thud, stunned.

"Alas, although the Chaos Divine Body is only a half-step, it has finally condensed the divine Chaos Golden Elixir."

However, Jiang Tian was still very satisfied, even relieved, and secretly breathed a long sigh of relief.

This golden elixir in the shape of a divine disk has nine galaxies on it, which have different shapes due to the different brightness of the star light particles.

The first galaxy is the vague shadow of the whirling sacred tree.

The other one is Gengjin Divine General, and there are also Xuanshui Qinglong and Thick Earth Yinglong. Some are bright and solid, while others are slightly illusory and dim.

This is the result of Jiang Tianfen's divine body not advancing at the same time. The higher the level of the divine body, the brighter and more brilliant the galaxy will be.

But every galaxy represents a newly opened world.

At this time, Jiang Tian felt that the power in his dantian was surging and rising steadily, seemingly endlessly, reaching ten times or a hundred times more than before.

Jiang Tian was sure that since the Ancient Lake Demon with Nascent Soul cultivation was right in front of him, there was no need for any tricks or sneak attacks. He could smash him to pieces with just one slap.

"The Divine Body of Chaos claims to be all-encompassing and omnipotent. It is finally completed today, and it is indeed true!"

Jiang Tian checked it, and was stunned for a moment. Finally, his eyes flickered, revealing a happy smile.

turn out to be!

In addition to the nine main galaxies on the divine disk, there are many smaller galaxies that have not been condensed and formed, waiting for Jiang Tian to use his divine body and magical powers to leave more imprinted shadows!

This means that in addition to the power of the nine divine bodies, Jiang Tian can also develop new divine bodies and immortal bodies, truly reaching the point where he can incarnate billions of people, have endless magical powers, and be immortal.

To know.

He had excellent luck in his previous life, and he was backed by the Immortal Emperor and the powerful forces of the sect. He had endless resources to support him, but he could only condense a holy golden elixir, not even an immortal one.

Today's divine golden elixir, which even Jiang Tian did not dare to hope for in his previous life, far surpasses the foundation of his previous life!

Although the earth is known as the desolate Death Star, Jiang Tian has excellent luck and uses it as a foundation to dominate many worlds. The conditions are unique and far surpass those of some big cultivation stars.

There are many resources, including immortal materials and magical materials, as well as the blessings of the remaining aura of the destroying star and the placenta of pregnant immortals.

The most critical thing is the time acceleration array, so we can persist in practicing under extremely harsh conditions.

Various factors add up to a favorable environment, and I am afraid that the great religions and immortal holy places in the center of the universe may not have it.

At this time, Jiang Tian felt like a country rich nouveau riche in the cultivating universe, with a big gold chain, a small gold watch, and three small barbecue meals a day, which even the so-called gods and immortals could not compare with.

"It's a pity that Destroyer Star can't be taken away!"

After practicing in the placenta of the Pregnant Immortal for several more days, Jiang Tian completely absorbed and dried up the remaining spiritual energy of the Destroying Star, further solidifying the golden elixir of the divine disk. The True Dragon and the Styx also broke through to the Nascent Soul realm. Jiang Tian finally decided End the retreat.

"Lord, the Time Formation Disk can still last, so you might as well practice for a while longer!"

The True Dragon Ancestor suggested respectfully.

"No more practicing!"

Jiang Tian stood up, opened the thirteen umbilical cords, waved his hands and said:

"There is not much spiritual energy left, and the progress is too slow. Besides, it is time to sweep away the many dimensional worlds!"

He looked up at the sky, his eyes filled with cold murderous intent.

His gaze seemed to pass through the thick crust of rolling magma, reaching nine days away, deep in the void, and seeing bright and shining dimensional worlds.

Jiang Tian returned safely, finally became a golden elixir, and his cultivation skyrocketed!

Qing'er, everyone in the Jiang family, and many disciples and disciples were relieved and overjoyed. The entire sect was overjoyed.

This night.

After coaxing their daughter to sleep, Jiang Tian and Zhao Xueqing strolled in the garden of the dojo, bathed in the moonlight and the atmosphere was very warm.

The night is already deep, the moon is high in the sky, and the spiritual energy is like mist, gently covering the entire dojo, like thin milk, it is very peaceful here.

A stream of clear spiritual springs gurgled over the clean stones, making a pleasant tinkling sound; the breeze blew gently, and orchids swayed beside the path, exuding an alluring fragrance; in the water pool, a purple gold dragon leaned against the huge rocks. He was sleeping on his back, snoring slightly, and many white cranes and birds were sleeping with their necks crossed next to them. The place was peaceful and peaceful, making people feel that the years were peaceful.

"It's great that you are back safe and sound!"

Zhao Xueqing was like a little woman, holding Jiang Tian's arm, with bright eyes and white teeth, and a warm smile.

"make you worry!"

Jiang Tian gently held her hair and said softly.

Her face has also lost some weight. Jiang Tian is not here, so she has to make decisions on everything. She has to work for the sect and the Mythical Alliance, and she also has to take care of the children. It is very hard for her.

"There is nothing hard! This is the path you have chosen. I am your woman, so naturally I will fully support you!"

Zhao Xueqing chuckled, her eyes bright and gentle, but also firm.

She has always been so understanding of righteousness and magnificent, and tried her best to keep up with Jiang Tian's attack.

From the day she embarked on the path of spiritual practice, she did not want to hold back Jiang Tian. Instead, she guarded the rear for Jiang Tian and acted as Jiang Tian's right-hand man.

Jiang Tian smiled tenderly and walked with her along the cobblestone path, passing through the pavilions and pavilions, which looked very warm under the moonlight.

"It's so beautiful here! I wish you could live forever. I really hope we can walk and chat quietly like this forever..."

Zhao Xueqing glanced at the surrounding scenery, finally looked up at the bright moon in the sky, and sighed.

"Of course we will always be like this. Are you still worried about my three wives and four concubines?" Jiang Tian said with a smile.

"I know your feelings for me will never change. I'm talking about the overall situation of the Immortal Ruins and the earth world!"

Zhao Xueqing shook her head gently, her brows filled with an indescribable sadness, and laughed at herself:

"After giving birth to my daughter, I seem to have a lot more worries, worries, and worries about gains and losses! Before, I was really not afraid of death or any threats. In order to defeat my opponent, I would risk everyone's life!"

Her eye circles were slightly red, but her eyes were full of deep attachment and love, and she said in a trembling voice:

"But now, I always think about what will happen to the earth when the Immortal Ruins invade one day. What will happen to our Beibei? Will he be hungry? Will he be frightened by artillery fire? Will he be displaced?"

Jiang Tiancai gently held her in his arms, kissed her forehead gently, and said firmly:

"Don't worry! As long as I'm here, nothing will happen to my daughter, nothing will happen to you, and nothing will happen to the entire earth world! After all, I am now a Jindan cultivator, and even Nascent Soul is no match for me!"

After this small talk.

"How can I allow others to sleep soundly on the side of the bed? Most of the many dimensional worlds have become members of the Immortal Ruins. How can I let them go? They need to be swept away and no one is left behind!"

Jiang Tian immediately put it on the agenda to sweep through many dimensional worlds.

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