Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1305 Great disparity in power, the terrifying Yaochi army

Jiang Tian and the True Dragon Ancestor both had restrained auras and lacked sharpness, but in their eyes, the big black dog was just a dog, not even worth mentioning.

Therefore, they did not use medium-sized weapons, but just casually shot and killed by a ranger.

But as they watched, this arrow contained vast thunder energy and could kill a strong foundation-builder. It was already a killing blow, so they did not pay too much attention to it.

"How presumptuous! If you dare to shoot my master, you think your life is too long!"

Seeing this, the original turbid eyes of the True Dragon Ancestor became clear and sharp, and murderous intent flashed in them. His aura surged, and he instantly climbed to the level of Jin Dan, and then quickly climbed to Nascent Soul, and at the same time, he shot out with a palm.


The giant palm reaches across the sky.

In the sky, it seemed like a huge meteorite streaked across. It was extremely thick and huge, covering the sky and the sun, and its power was terrifying and overwhelming.

A dozen airships and warships exploded in the sky like a string of firecrackers, and hundreds of monks among them didn't even have time to scream.

Even the strongest leader at the peak of Foundation Establishment just turned the warship around. Before he could sail ten meters, it exploded in the air and turned into blood and flesh. He died and became a fool.

"My real dragon, you are an idiot. Kill it like this and beat it to pieces. No matter what I eat, it is all foundation building, not even a golden elixir!"

The big black dog stared in anger.

"Old Black Brother, this... the attack was too harsh, I'm sorry!"

The true dragon ancestor bent his waist and returned to his old slave image. He scratched his head and smiled.

"seek death!"

Jiang Tian snorted coldly and said:

"I'm just about to search for souls and figure out the defenses of the Yaochi army. If you kill them all, I'll have to work for a while!"

"This old slave is also eager to protect his master. Master, forgive me, don't be angry!" The True Dragon Ancestor's face stiffened, and he quickly bowed and admitted his mistake.


Jiang Tian was too lazy to pay attention to him and grabbed the void with his palm.


The void tore apart, and Jiang Tian's palm turned into a giant golden palm. He reached out dozens of miles away, gently grabbed the leading Taoist nun who was stepping on the sword, and then pulled him to him.

Kunpeng is extremely fast, breaking through space, and being hundreds of miles away feels like he is very close at hand.

The Taoist nun had already seen Bianhuang City from a distance.

Suddenly, a golden light flashed before his eyes, and the world was spinning. He came from the outskirts of the city to where Jiang Tian was. He was startled. He quickly held the sword in his hand and shouted softly:

"Who is this senior? Why should I embarrass my junior if I am a true immortal of the golden elixir? I, the ruthless sect Miaosu, have never met my senior, so how could I have offended my senior!"

Her sharp sword energy was condensed but not released, and it exploded as soon as Jiang Tian showed his bad intentions. This sword was enough to severely injure a strong foundation builder.

She was frightened and sweating violently.

After all, with her cultivation level, if the other party can capture her from a hundred miles away in an instant, it must be at least in the late stage of foundation establishment, or even the Golden Core Little True Immortal. Miaosu was not sure whether he was an enemy or a friend by taking action so rashly.

"From the Wuqing Sect, is Mie Yu your master?"

Jiang Tian asked.

"That's right, that's the junior's master. He successfully condensed the golden elixir a year ago, but unfortunately died in the battle to defend Raging Wave City! Does the senior know my master?"

Miao Su glanced around and saw that the Yaochi pursuers had disappeared. There seemed to be a lot of debris on the ground. Could it be...

"She is already dead..."

Jiang Tian's eyes were sad.

Mie Yu has an upright character, but because he has repeatedly misjudged his own strength, he has caused many oolong incidents, which has displeased both parties.

In the end, during the battle between Jiang Tian and Li Longyuan at Qingqiu Mountain, she was in a neutral position and did not help each other. Jiang Tian only gave her a small punishment in the end and let her go.

"I have been in seclusion for nearly three years. What happened to Tianxing during these three years? Why did the Yaochi army invade this place?"

Jiang Tian pondered for a moment and asked.

Fairy Miaosu suddenly realized that she was an old monster who was hiding from the world. No wonder she was so strong.

Immediately afterwards, Fairy Miaosu felt happy. If such a strong person was brought under the army or the Wuqing Sect, it would definitely be a great achievement.

"It all started when Immortal Master Zhenyin, oh, no, later his name was Jiang Taichu, became the Lord of the Stars..."

As Miao Su started talking, Jiang Tian gradually understood what had happened here in the past few years.

After Jiang Tian left.

Bai Ze immediately implemented Jiang Tian's plan. The human race and the demon race jointly built the Tianxing World, repaired many damaged formations, and opened the door to convenience.

A year later, the formation was finally successfully repaired and running smoothly. The crisis of the continent's collapse was completely lifted, and the spiritual energy was much pure and rich.

Many people feel that they suddenly become stronger and healthier, and many ailments heal themselves without treatment. And the number of people with cultivation talents has increased significantly.

Since then, the world of Tianxing has ushered in a prosperous era.

One by one, the monks began to break through the bottleneck, and foundation builders appeared in large numbers. Even the golden elixirs began to be broken through, and several figures appeared.

Mortals live and work in peace and contentment, monks and strong men are sublimated to the limit, different races and monks and mortals live in harmony, and a glorious world is about to begin.

"We are very lucky to participate in, experience, and witness this great era together. We believe that the stars will usher in rare opportunities, and one day we will even conquer the stars and the sea..."

"But we must never forget that this world changed because of one person, his name is Jiang Taichu! He is the eternal master of this world!"

Jiang Tian's old friend, Bai Ze, the leader of Shengtian Cult, made an important speech in a speech.

In fact, at that time, countless people were grateful for Jiang Tian's kindness and regarded Jiang Tian as their savior. They kowtowed nine times in the morning and evening, burned incense and prayed, just like a true god.

After all, within a year after Jiang Tian left, several golden elixirs sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain. However, it turned out that Li Longyuan searched exhaustively and spent hundreds of years of hard work, but he could only accumulate two golden elixirs for himself and Shen Tiege. How could they compare?

Mortals, on the other hand, prefer this kind of orderly life.

The human race and the demon race have a truce and are recuperating. Mortals do not have to pay so much annual tribute. The demon race even helps humans build cities, build fortifications, and cultivate fields. Everyone is happy.

But right now.

The world of Yaochi suddenly entangled an army of one hundred thousand people who passed through the teleportation magic weapon, tore the boundary membrane, blasted through the dimensional barrier, and marched straight into it.

Although the strong men in the Heavenly Star Realm fought back bravely and were not afraid of death, strong men such as Mie Yu and Jiang Haishan fell on the battlefield, but they were still defeated and retreated steadily.

Because the Yaochi army is too strong!

Yaochi is a third-dimensional world, governed by the Tiandao Sect. The leader of the Tiandao Sect is in Yaochi, just like Li Longyuan is in the Tianxing World. He is like an emperor and sticks to his word. Many sects and families dare not disobey.

To put it bluntly, Tiandao Sect and Yaochi World are just two signs and a set of people.

Rumor has it that Tiandao Sect alone has several Yuanying old monsters in charge, dozens of Golden Cores, and countless foundation-building immortal masters and powerful Qi practitioners.

Yaochi's heritage is as profound as that found in many second-dimensional worlds.

Moreover, Yaochi now controls five fourth-level dimensional worlds that are no less than Tianxing. There are many medium-sized and small sects in the Yaochi world, and with these powers, it becomes even more terrifying.

This time, there is also a Nascent Soul Heavenly Lord sitting in the Yaochi invasion army.

The young master of Tiandao Sect, Xiao Tianjun Chen Liuhe, is the commander-in-chief and commander-in-chief of the army.

This person is extremely talented. He is only in his thirties and has already entered the realm of childbirth.

In addition, there are also true descendants of the four great heavenly monarch families in Yaochi, as well as young heroes from the dimensional world under Yaochi.

Each of them has a great background, either under the guidance of the Yuanying Heavenly Lord in the family, or as the son of the ruler of a world. They are all extremely talented and extremely strong in cultivation, at least they are also in Jindan cultivation, and they have elders and worshipers from the older generation behind them. Blessing.

And the Star World.

The number of monks who have entered Qi training can only be compared to ten thousand people, the foundation building can only be compared to three or two big cats and kittens, and the golden elixir is even rarer.

At present, many strong men from the older generation in Jiang Haishan and Mie Yu have died, Ding Lie has been seriously injured, and Bai Ze cannot play for some unknown reason.

"Is that all? According to what you said, even if the opponent has 100,000 troops, Bai Ze shouldn't have lost so much territory in three months! Especially, Bai Ze is still pregnant after all, how can he not be able to fight?"

Jiang Tian asked.

Miaosu's expression suddenly changed and he hesitated.


Jiang Tian snorted coldly.

A vast amount of mental pressure fell from the sky, condensing the entire space.

Miao Su's delicate body trembled, feeling as if she was being watched by an ancient god. She was breathless and even the cells in her body were trembling.

"This, this is a True Immortal of the Golden Pill!" Her heart was trembling wildly and she was sweating profusely.

The pressure was gone as soon as it started, but all the monks and mortals within a hundred miles radius felt this pressure and were trembling and uneasy about it.

Miaosu stumbled and almost fell to the ground. He barely managed to steady himself and said:

"Junior heard that... Yuan Zihua secretly poisoned Bai Ze. Yuan Zihua has surrendered to the powerful Yao Chi, and Taoist Master Kunling and Master Kuhai may also take action together! Therefore, the leader of Bai Ze has already cultivated a lot. I can only take command from behind the scenes! But these are just rumors. If there are any mistakes, please forgive me."

"They also dare to betray?"

"Bai Ze is their master. On Qingqiu Mountain, we have already let them go once. How dare they betray them again? They should not have let them go in the first place!"

Deep in Jiang Tian's eyes, Senhan's murderous intent and anger were slowly condensing.

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