Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1311 Little Princess Hailan, terrified

Now, the news has come out that Bai Ze was controlled by Jiang Tian with the Star Crown Feather Clothes. Without Bai Ze, Jiang Tian, ​​who only had the early stage of foundation building, how could he be Yuan Zihua, Kun Ling, Zen Master Kuhai and their opponents?

At that time, as soon as Bai Ze was born with tens of thousands of demon cultivators, Yuan Zihua and the others surrendered without having the courage to fight Jiang Tian.

By the way.

Even Jiang Tian's killing of Li Longyuan was ignored intentionally or unintentionally, or was considered to be opportunistic.

In their eyes, Jiang Tian was just a clown who cheated and deceived, and was completely vulnerable.

"Compared with these geniuses, Jiang Taichu is nothing. He is not even worthy of carrying their shoes!"

A look of deep disdain appeared on Shi Ruoxue's face, she shook her head slightly, and then showed a hint of anger, saying in her heart:

"What a pity. Jiang Taichu has already fled back to the earth with his tail between his legs. If he comes here again, I have already avenged my father's great revenge!"

At this time, suddenly a maidservant in palace clothes walked in quickly and heard a message from her spiritual consciousness.

Shen Lang stood up, glanced around, and said solemnly: "Miss Long Yanan is here! Let's go and greet her! Remember, be careful in your words and actions, and be ten times more respectful, otherwise, I won't be polite!"

When Long Yanan walked in, his peerless appearance and noble and reserved demeanor immediately stunned everyone.

She was like a royal princess patrolling the place, making those beautiful female nuns and maids become the light of fireflies, eclipsed and unable to compete with the sun and the moon.

"She is indeed the True Dragon Goddess of Hailan World. We can only look up to her!"

Yuan Hongjue's eyes widened and he exclaimed.

As a descendant of Yuan Zihua and a leader in the new era of Tianxing World, he sees many nuns and beauties in daily life, and he has a very discerning eye.

But this is the first time in my life that I have seen someone as dazzling and beautiful as Long Yanan.

The Dragon Gate is known as the ancient god raising the real dragon, which can overwhelm the ordinary dragon clan. Her grace is unparalleled.

"Shen Lang has seen Fairy Ya Nan, and today he can see Fairy Tianyan, and he will die without regrets!"

Shen Lang raised a toast and invited him with great courtesy.

The cultivation levels of Shen Lang and Long Yanan were between the same, or even higher.

But Long Yanan comes from the second-dimensional world, has a huge background, and has huge reliance, but it is not what he, Shen Lang, can compare with.

"What Brother Shen said is true. Fairy Ya'nan is truly incomparable in beauty and beauty. No one in the world of stars can compare with her!"

"What you are saying is wrong. In a remote place like Tianxing, or in many other worlds such as Yaochi and Hailan, how many people can compare?"

Many young talents applauded, like a loser meeting a goddess idol, which made Shi Ruoxue and other female cultivators feel sour.

“I’ve met all of you fellow Taoists, and I’m so impressed!”

Long Ya'nan smiled reservedly, was charming and gorgeous, and dazzling, but in fact, he was like a needle on his back, a mute eating coptis, and unable to express his sufferings.

She had been held hostage by Jiang Tian and became a victim of the knife.

Jiang Tian didn't kill her for the time being, but just used her to attract more strong men, and finally used her to kill her.

But who knows when Jiang Tian gets upset and kills her!

She has carefully considered Jiang Tian's strength, which should be perfect in the late stage of Jindan, and is not invincible in the heavenly star world.

But the old servant behind him is a veritable Nascent Soul realm, and the big black dog is also unfathomable... This is difficult to handle.

"Sister Yanan, come on, come on, please take a seat. I'm here to introduce you to elites from all walks of life..."

Huangfu Pingtian held the wine glass and greeted him with a cheerful face. Even Shen Lang took the initiative to give up his position as the leader, showing respect in every possible way and not daring to show any slight or indifference.

"Senior, please take a seat..."

Unexpectedly, Long Yanan did not take his seat. Instead, he respectfully saluted Jiang Tian and let Jiang Tian take his seat first.

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help but look at each other with embarrassed expressions.

Jiang Tian used the secret method of returning to the origin of the Chaos Divine Body to suppress his cultivation at the foundation level. His aura did not leak out at all, and they could not tell Jiang Tian's true cultivation at all.

Everyone guessed that he should be Long Yanan's follower, but why did Long Yanan respect him so much.

"Girl, are you deliberately reminding them to be on guard against me? If you don't want your soul to be destroyed, you'd better not mess around!"

There was a sudden roar in Long Yanan's mind. I don't know when, a soul-devouring consciousness transformed into a god and demon standing tall in the sky, overlooking her soul, threatening and shouting loudly like thunder.

"Yes, junior understands!"

Long Yanan's soul trembled and he trembled. He didn't expect Jiang Tian to see through it, but there was nothing he could do.

Her face turned pale, she lowered her head and tied her hands, not daring to say anything more.

"You guys come too!"

Jiang Tian smiled faintly, found a seat and sat down casually, and called the True Dragon Ancestor and the big black dog to join them.

Seeing this, everyone was stunned again.

Of course they were full of respect and fear for Long Yanan, and they also had a high opinion of Jiang Tian.

However, Jiang Tian now allowed his servants and even a dog to sit at the table, which made them a little unhappy.

After all, they are also young men and women, giants and heroes, with noble status, high power, and strong cultivation. They can just sit at the table with the servants, but how can they sit with the dogs? Is this a slap in the face?

Everyone endured their displeasure, pinched their noses and sat down, their expressions not very good.

Hu Canghai showed a somewhat meaningful expression and said in a mocking tone:

"Fairy Ya'nan, you are the heir of the famous Bolong Clan. Why are your servants so low-level, only in the early stage of foundation building? How can they be used smoothly if they are so vulnerable? How can they be responsible for protecting you?" "

Long Yanan no longer dared to hint Jiang Tian's identity with words. She just raised her eyes above her head, smiled coldly, and said:

"You don't have to worry about who I use! What qualifications do you have to comment? Make it clear who you are!"

Hu Canghai was immediately embarrassed to the point of being scolded in person, his face turned red and his neck thickened, and he said with a smile:

"Haha, Fairy Yanan, my reminder is out of good intentions. After all, we have not completely occupied this world, and there are still remnants of the Shengtian Sect causing chaos everywhere. Fairy had better bring a few more reliable followers to be safe!"

"Okay, Canghai."

Shen Lang answered with a smile:

"Fairy Ya'nan's strength is at the late stage of Jindan cultivation, which is a bit stronger than yours. In the Tianxing world, she can walk sideways. Does she need any followers to protect her?"

"Don't disturb her mood by talking nonsense anymore. Come, let's raise a toast together and welcome the arrival of the Asian Fairy!"

At this time, only when facing Shen Lang, Long Yanan smiled slightly, raised his glass and said: "It's not easy for Brother Shen to achieve what he has today. I was negligent."

She just opened her red lips slightly and took a sip.

Shen Lang quickly raised the glass with both hands, drank it down in one gulp, and said with a humble smile: "Fairy Ya'nan, these words offend me. This achievement is not worth mentioning."

He considered his tone and said:

"Inviting Fairy Ya Nan here is not only the intention of me and the Duanmu family, but also the intention of Chen Liuhe, the eldest son of Tiandao Sect."

He talked eloquently:

"Tianxing originally belonged to the Longmen World. In the final analysis, it belongs to Hailan World and Cuanlongmen. But Longmen World not only disobeyed orders and sent troops to capture this world, but also went to war with Hailan World. Hailan World was beyond its reach, so we, Yaochi World, came to help A helping hand!”

"Once we capture the Earth World and fulfill His Majesty the Ruins Emperor's long-cherished wish, it will be a great achievement that will shake up the past and the present. It will be of great benefit. By then, our Yaochi and Hailan World will have a 50-50 share of the credit. I don't know what Fairy Ya Nan wants. How about next?”

"It turns out that there is your shadow behind this!"

At this time, Jiang Tian glanced at Long Yanan with a half-smile, which made Long Yanan's delicate body tremble slightly.

The True Dragon Ancestor already showed a hint of worry.

The Dragon Gate World is his homeland, and there are still his descendants there. Is it already in raging war?

Long Yanan's eyes struggled, and finally he seemed to smile faintly, and said with difficulty:

"It's easy to say how to divide the credit. However, it may not be as easy to take down the earth world as imagined, right? After all, it is the mother planet of many dimensional worlds! I heard that many strong people have been born..."

"Wherever there are strong people in the earth, they are all small characters, like ants!"

Yuan Hongjue showed a look of deep disdain and said disdainfully: "The earth has exhausted its spiritual energy and has become a Death Star. It does not have the external conditions to breed strong men. Back then, my ancestor Yuan Tiangang was able to call himself a national master and respect Taoist ancestors in the lower world. , let the emperor of the Tang Dynasty bow his head."

"There was a man named Jiang Taichu who invaded this world before, but he only had foundation building cultivation and golden elixir strength, even in the early stage of golden elixir!"

Guangkun Daozi also said disdainfully:

"He doesn't have much strength at all, he's just a person who is trying to gain fame. He only builds his foundation and relies on various heaven-defying drugs such as Exploding Yuan Dan to forcefully push up his cultivation. Later, he uses despicable means to control Bai Bai with Xingguan Yuyi. Ze, he suppressed many strong men and became known as the master!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"You're only building one level of foundation, but you still have the nerve to claim to be the master. How shameless! I can crush such a weakling with just one hand!"

Hu Canghai scoffed with a sullen face and said with a malicious smile:

"I heard that he is handsome and has delicate features. If he dares to come, I won't be willing to kill him, so I will take him as my male favorite and pamper him! Hahaha!"

"No wonder you look down on me, it turns out you have different hobbies!"

Everyone was filled with satisfaction, and there was a burst of joking and chuckles. If it were not for the presence of the distinguished Long Yanan, everyone would have laughed wildly.

The big black dog stared at everyone without saying a word, with greedy eyes and saliva flowing from its mouth.

I ate another golden elixir today, but this time I have to control it and not eat it raw. I want the master to refine it into a magical elixir to taste.

"That's too much!" The True Dragon Ancestor's face was filled with anger, his teeth were chattering in anger, and he was about to explode.


At this time, Long Yanan suddenly stood up and slapped Hu Canghai's face sharply from the air.

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