Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1329: Liberate the Star Realm, the master returns!

I saw the sky above the city.

A figure with black hair and black eyes wearing long clothes was like a god flying in the sky, killing with all his might.

With every strike he made, thousands of Yaochi monks turned into billowing blood mist and exploded. It didn't matter whether they were building foundations or golden elixirs. There was only one death.

What's even more frightening is that there are many demon cultivators and human cultivators from the Celestial Stars coming over in a steady stream.

The army was defeated like a mountain, and the situation took a turn for the worse. Now the battle situation has completely shifted to Tianxing's side, and nothing can stop it.

"Go to the teleportation array quickly! Run!"

Zhuo Bufan was so frightened that he felt like he was dying, but he immediately had a plan and rushed out the door with his soldiers.

He couldn't take care of the numerous property, wives and concubines. The most important thing now was his own life. He had no worries about leaving green mountains without firewood. He could not kill the inexhaustible Heavenly Star Dogs. As long as there was a spark of fire, they would rise up and rebel.

But it doesn't matter, if Chen Liuhe dies here, Tiandao Sect and the entire Yaochi will not sit idly by and take bloody revenge. When the time comes, they will massacre the city again in three days, no, they will massacre in ten days, killing everyone.

Zhuo Bufan was thinking wildly, and just as he flew to the door, the golden swallow chased him again, hugged his arm, and said softly:

"Captain Zhuo, where are you going? If you want to leave, you must take the slave family with you, otherwise I will be liquidated by Jiang Taichu!"

"Take your ass! Get out!"

Zhuo Bufan was about to curse.

Suddenly he felt a chill in his chest, and a short knife had pierced his Dantian.

This blood-stained dagger, in Jin Yanzi's hand, was clearly his own saber.


At the same time, almost a dozen maids and servants, headed by Lu Chengfeng, all shouted loudly and launched a sneak attack.

Both sides suffered casualties. In the blink of an eye, dozens of corpses fell to the ground, and the ground was covered with blood and broken limbs.

"A bunch of little cowards dare to plot against me!"

Zhuo Bufan was furious.

A Qi-training monk dares to sneak attack on me, you think you are too short-lived.

"Jin Yanzi, former captain of the Seventh Battalion of the Third Guards under Fairy Destroying Desire, has been waiting for you for a long time!"

Jin Yanzi was holding a blood-stained dagger, and the charming look on his face had long since disappeared, replaced by cold murderous intent, his eyes were cold and stern, and his voice was sonorous and powerful, just like the sound of a sword.

"Lu Chengfeng, formerly of Fuge City, under the command of the city lord of Jianghaishan, and captain of the 2nd Special Forces Brigade of the Ninth Guards, is here to learn from you your brilliant moves!"

I don't know when, Lu Chengfeng had changed into the standard military uniform of the Tianxing monks guarding the army. The blood-red robes that had been scorched and shot through and became ragged were fluttering in the wind. He was holding the broken-edged sword equipped by the military a year ago and was murderous. shouted.

"Bitch, you bad old man! Just die!"

Even though Zhuo Bufan was injured, he was still strong. He drew his long sword and struck at Jin Yanzi and Lu Chengfeng.

Jin Yanzi's cultivation was low, Lu Chengfeng was injured, and he had no cultivation resources. His vitality had long since dried up and his magic power had been scattered.

Zhuo Bufan's long sword was a spiritual treasure-level weapon, as well as many protective weapons. For a time, the two of them could only parry but had no power to fight back.

But no matter how much they were injured and how much blood they shed, Lu Chengfeng and Jin Yanzi still fought hard, and the broken-edged daggers in their hands continued to attack Zhuo Bufan like a violent storm.

Zhuo Bufan was so frightened by this life-threatening fighting style that his two limbs trembled. This is simply a weakling who cannot be beaten to death. Can't he just bleed?

Little did he know that Lu Chengfeng and the others were not fighting alone at all. The souls of Jiang Haishan, Mie Yu, and thousands of monks who died fighting for the Tianxing Realm were now possessed by their souls, accompanying them and giving them infinite power.

Suddenly, Lu Chengfeng was struck by a sword, which passed through his chest.

But he did not retreat, but let the sword pierce his chest, suddenly took a few steps forward, hugged Zhuo Bufan tightly, and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Kill Zhuo Bufan!"

Zhuo Bufan was anxious.

Jiang Taichu and others were about to attack and occupied many teleportation formations, so they would not be able to escape.

His true energy surged all over his body, and he punched Lu Chengfeng on the back one after another. He did not know how many sections of Lu Chengfeng's bones were shattered, and the fragments of his internal organs came out of his mouth, but his arms It's still like an iron hoop clinging to him tightly, and he won't let go.

But at this moment, Lu Chengfeng still felt no pain. As the blood and true energy passed by, his consciousness gradually blurred.

But he seemed to hear Mie Yu, Jiang Haishan, and countless dead comrades, family members, fellow brothers, and disciples encouraging him in his ears:

"Chengfeng, come on! Master, don't let go. If you hold on for a little longer, the city will be broken and this evil thief won't be able to escape!"

Jin Yanzi, on the other hand, stabbed crazily with a short knife. Although he was shaken by Lu Chengfeng's strong wind every time, he vomited blood and flew out, but he got up and stabbed him again and again.

When Tianxing's army arrived, Lu Chengfeng, Jin Yanzi and others were all killed in the battle, and almost all of them turned into bloody gourds. However, Lu Chengfeng did not let go of Zhuo Bufan until his death.

Many Tianxing monks were surprised and couldn't believe it.

Lu Chengfeng's arm was shattered. It was supposed that he could not trap Zhuo Bufan at all, but for some reason, Zhuo Bufan was stunned and did not break free.

Zhuo Bufan's Dantian was pierced and he was captured alive. In order to separate the two of them, Zhuo Bufan had to be cut into pieces with random blades.

When Jiang Tian led Bai Ze and Ding Lie to kill the last Yaochi monk, he landed from the sky.

"Lord of the Beginning, you, old man, are finally back!"

"The Lord of the Beginning!"

The entire Star Capital City was filled with joy. Both mortals and monks were so excited that they burst into tears and knelt down on the ground to pay their highest respect to this invincible man who overwhelmed the Jade Pool monk army and the monks of the Star Realm.

"How can this be?"

But those monks who took refuge in the world of Yaochi felt like they were mourning their heirs.

They thought that by becoming Yaochi's lackeys, they could exchange for cultivation resources, achieve ultimate sublimation, greatly increase their strength, and enjoy endless glory and wealth.

However, he did not expect that Jiang Tian would return with force and become so powerful that he could crush hundreds of thousands of Yao Chi's army in one day, trying to turn the tide and take back the Heavenly Star.

"Alas, we were wrong from the beginning! We underestimated Jiang Taichu!"

Some people shook their heads and sighed, with regrets surging in their hearts. They knelt on the ground and shivered, their faces looking ashen!

"Hall Master Zhou! It's so fun to be the deputy city lord of Star Capital City!"

Bai Ze's cold gaze fell on a person kneeling on the ground.

"Here..." The man was shocked and raised his head.

Surprisingly, he was the former leader of the Cloak Hall of Shengtian Sect, Zhou Xuan. During the middle stage of foundation building, he was highly regarded by Bai Ze. Later, he surrendered to Yaochi and became the deputy city lord of Xingdu City. He was majestic and domineering. But now, he seems to have been defeated. Like a rooster, dejected.

"You who have taken refuge with foreign enemies must be killed according to law!"

Bai Ze said coldly.

"Disciple, I realize my mistake. For the two hundred years of hard work I have done in serving Tianxing, please let my family go!"

The wandering heart is like a dead road.

"Whether I should be spared or not is not decided by me, but by the Law of the Star!"

Bai Ze shook his head and said coldly. With a wave of his hand, the monks from the Law Enforcement Hall had already escorted him down.

"Jiang Yunhe, I now appoint you as the commander-in-chief of the country. Command the entire army, identify traitors to the party, and deal with them severely!"

Ding Lie said in a deep voice.

"Yes! I will definitely live up to my orders!"

Jiang Yunhe clasped his hands and glanced at Jiang Tian gratefully. He knew that this must be Jiang Tian's arrangement.

Jiang Yunhe and several elite monks hurried away with the army.

Bai Ze, Ding Lie and others bowed to Jiang Tian and said: "Please, Lord Taichu, enter the palace, wash your hands, and discuss the next plan!"

"Congratulations on the return of the Lord!"

Many Heavenly Star cultivators and mortals shouted in unison.

Jiang Tian came to the palace, and everyone took their seats separately.

Jiang Tian first raised his hand to set up a soundproof array to isolate Long Yanan, then with a flick of his finger, he sacrificed Chen Liuhe's soul.

After all, Chen Liuhe was a strong infant-former. His soul was very solid. He no longer looked proud and domineering as before. Instead, he knelt down and trembled on the ground, saying: "Lord of the Beginning, don't kill me!"

Jiang Tian asked: "Is it the intention of the Ruins Emperor for Yaochi to invade the Earth Realm, or is it your own initiative?"

After hearing this, the True Dragon Ancestor's face froze slightly, and he stared at Chen Liuhe, not missing a single detail.

This issue is very critical. If the Immortal Ruins start to move around the world and attack the earth world, it will be a huge challenge and a real crisis of annihilation. After all, the earth has just regained its aura, and its foundation is too shallow. There is no way to resist the Immortal Ruins.

"It is our Yaochi Tiandao Sect who has taken the initiative on our own and wants to take over the Earth Realm and please the Ruins Emperor. It is not exactly the intention of the Ruins Emperor's special envoy..."

Chen Liuhe said bitterly.

Immortal Ruins is located in the constellation Centauri, the first generation of the South Gate Double Star, more than 400 million light years away from the earth.

In addition, Emperor Sheng Chongli used the Heavenly Sword to cut off the ancient road in the starry sky. Many teleportation formations were in dilapidated condition and lost their teleportation function, making it difficult to cross the void.

The Ruins Emperor's strategy is to capture the dimensional worlds one by one and push them across the earth.

But when they rushed to the third-dimensional worlds of Yaochi, Longmen, Beiming, and Penglai, they had already consumed a lot. Many Immortal Ruins monks died in the flames of war and space shuttle, and they could no longer withstand the consumption again.

Most of the strongest and responsible persons among the Immortal Ruins monks who arrived in the third-level dimensional world possess the strength of Nascent Soul.

They monitor this world on behalf of the Immortal Ruins. They follow their orders and follow their orders. From the world’s world lord and master to the traders and pawns, they all obey their orders and dare not disobey them in the slightest. They are called the "Special Envoys of the Ruins Emperor" and "Envoys of the Immortal Ruins". , or simply known as "Xu Shi".

There are already very few market envoys, and there are often only three or five people in a circle.

They are not willing to take action personally, but rather control and direct the monks in the third- and fourth-level dimensional worlds, allowing them to push across the earth.

However, Yaochi is already outside the solar system, hundreds of millions of miles away from the earth.

Every time they travel through the dimensional world, they need to use starships, which are very expensive, and they will encounter inexplicable attacks and battles. It is a veritable expedition.

Although Yaochi is relatively close to the earth, it is already within the gravitational range of the South Gate Double Star. This expedition started more than 20 years ago and consumed endless resources. More than half of them were killed or injured before reaching this place.

But he didn't expect that he would meet Jiang Tian, ​​a monster, and the whole army would be wiped out. This was a huge setback.

"The Ruins Envoys already have Nascent Soul cultivation. With such strength, even if there are only a small number of them, it is no problem to occupy the earth!"

Ding Lie suddenly frowned and asked, "They can definitely take action in person! Why not do it in person?"

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