Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1333 Who are these people?

Zhou Quan said and took Jiang Tian and the others to look around.

They saw that in the huge Colosseum, the Tianxing monks fought with the ferocious monsters with inferior magical weapons. They were beaten by the monsters to the point where they had broken bones and muscles, spurted blood from the mouth, and even swallowed them in one gulp, just for the sake of Earn a few crystals and use these crystals to obtain residence qualifications.

The monks in Akano, even mortals, are qualified to sit in the magnificent stands, surrounded by maids wearing light gauze clothes, their bodies looming, walking back and forth, politely flattering, and living a life like a wine pool and a forest of meat.

They saw that the Tianxing girl with beautiful appearance and noble status, who turned out to be the daughter of the city lord, was now so thin and skinny from hunger, wearing ragged clothes, that she was sold as a slave here. Their parents and relatives also wanted to obtain the right to live, and even Just a little spiritual grain, otherwise, he would starve to death. The real dragon quickly gave her dozens of crystal stones to save her from the fate of becoming a slave.

They saw that two Tianxing Qi Practitioners, who were originally brothers, drew their swords at each other for a small profit, and beat them to death. In order to survive, the ugliness of human nature was magnified thousands of times. Ding Lingdang quickly stepped forward to dissuade them and offered some spiritual grains and food to them.

They saw injured monks who had no elixir, maggots sprouted from the bloody wounds, and the stench was overwhelming. They were lying on the ground dying, groaning in pain, with eyes full of despair and helplessness, waiting to die with the names of their wives and children in their mouths.

They saw that in the wine shop, many Tianxing monks gathered to drink, their eyes were desperate and depressed, they were drunk and passed out, and they were very drunk. They live in intoxication and dream, hoping to anesthetize themselves to forget the pain of the subjugation of their country and the loss of their ancestral land. Some of them burst into tears, pounded the table and roared to fight back to Tianxing, but they were only met with ruthless ridicule and ridicule.

"The slave girl who was sold is the daughter of the city lord of Jufeng City. She has both talents and talents. Unexpectedly..."

Ding Lingdang's eyes were filled with tears, her delicate body could not stop trembling slightly, and her pink fists were clenched, trying to hold back the tears.

"This is war. Once you fail, you will be worse than a slave, and your life will be worse than death!" Jiang Tian sighed.

When encountering injustice, they sometimes help and assist, but most of the time, they just watch quietly.

Whether it is the earth world or the star world, many civilizations are not aware of the dangers of the starry sky, do not understand how difficult survival is, and always have illusions.

This is the cruel truth.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten, and everyone is no exception.

"This is all because we failed in our duty and failed to protect the Heavenly Star Realm, which is why we let them suffer!"

Ding Lingdang gave alms along the way, helping the seriously injured monks, wiping his tears and murmuring.

Beside him, Bai Ze looked ashamed, clasping his hands behind his back, looking at the sky without saying a word.

"It's not your fault! The decline of Tianxing can be calculated from the 'Era of Emergency' when the stars wandered. At that time, the Ruins Emperor suddenly turned his back and attacked the fairy land and many dimensional worlds. The Tianxing Realm urgently stopped advancing the magic circle, but it has already This has led to the instability and collapse of many spirit gathering formations and gravity formations!”

"Thousands of years ago, when another race from outside the territory invaded, Lord Shengtian cut through the teleportation formation with one sword, forming a valley of swords. At that time, the formation completely collapsed. From then on, for hundreds of years, it was difficult to produce a golden elixir. ”

"Compared with worlds such as Yaochi that have entered the gravitational range of the South Gate Double Star, the foundation of the Tianxing Realm is too poor and is not in the same order of magnitude at all! So, don't blame yourself. The rise of a civilization will always encounter many twists and turns!"

Jiang Tian's eyes became deep and vicissitudes, and he walked and looked all the way, sighing with emotion, and communicating with everyone's spiritual consciousness.

"Tianxing has been liberated! Free them all! Kill the defenders in the refugee camp, activate the teleportation array, and let them all go back!"

Bai Ze looked irritated, his eyes flashed with Senhan's murderous intent, and he suggested this to Jiang Tian through a sound transmission from his spiritual consciousness.

"Don't be in a hurry. Once the teleportation array is opened, it will alarm the powerful people in the Akano world and cause unnecessary trouble to us!"

Jiang Tian remained calm: "It only takes me three or four days to clear this world. I won't let them suffer for too long!"

"Brother, don't worry."

Zhou Quan didn't know what Jiang Tian and the others were discussing and why they were throwing so much money, so he winked and said:

"Here, as long as you have money, you will live a happy life. In the morning, you will watch monks fighting monsters, in the afternoon, you will go to the gambling house to drink and gamble, and in the evening, you will go to the prostitute village to have fun with a rich lady from the star world. It is fulfilling and enjoyable. One day has passed!"

He has shares in those wine shops and gambling houses, and now the business is booming. Even Brother Akano likes to come here to play. He has made a fortune, and his daily income exceeds that of a small town lord.

Jiang Tian stopped, looked at Zhou Quan, and said with a half-smile:

"In the next few days, you maintain order here, don't let the people in Akano bully these Sky Star refugees, and give the Sky Star refugees some daily necessities! Let them not kill each other..."

"If you can do it, I'll give you a set of top-quality armor."

"What do you mean?"

After Zhou Quan listened to the first part, he tilted his head and looked at Jiang Tian, ​​wishing he could curse loudly, thinking that you are already a refugee, why do you care about so many things?

"High-grade genuine armor..."

But after hearing the end, Zhou Quan couldn't help but show some excitement, and hurriedly patted his chest and said:

"Don't worry! Refugees are human beings too! It is my responsibility to maintain order here and maintain the basic survival of refugees!"

If you put on a top-grade genuine weapon-level armor, you will be like a chicken turned into a phoenix. It can withstand the golden elixir and can even be passed down as a family heirloom.

"Remember your promise!"

Jiang Tian slapped the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Gourd, and a set of armor flew out.

This set of armor shimmers with golden light, and is covered with exquisite runes, like a miraculous craftsmanship, perfectly made by nature.

"It's really a top-quality item..."

Zhou Quan held the armor in his hands, his eyes were shining, his saliva almost flowed out, and his whole body was shaking with excitement.

"Let's talk to the leader of the Akano Realm and try to form an alliance to jointly resist the Immortal Ruins."

Jiang Tian said with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"I'm afraid they may not agree!"

Ding Lingdang frowned.

"If you don't agree, then we'll kill him! Replace him with someone we think is suitable!"

Jiang Tian smiled lightly, as if he was saying something normal.

"Old Hei, you are here to protect these refugees! Anyone who dares to bully them will be killed without mercy!" Jiang Tian said with a smile.

"Then keep the golden elixir you revealed for me!"

The big black dog was salivating, and asked with a salivating face: "It's best to refine it into a magic elixir. I want spicy flavor!"

"Look how fat you have become?"

Jiang Tian looked disgusted.

Recently, the big black dog ate too many golden elixirs and began to gain weight. It was so fat that it almost became a ball shape, with its belly touching the ground and making squeaking noises when walking.

"I'm not fat, I'm plump. One pound of elixir a day is really no less! Otherwise you are abusing animals. Besides, I also want to lose weight, but I only have the strength to lose weight when I'm full!"

The big black dog said aggrievedly.

"Okay, okay! I'll just refine it for you! Just remember your mission!"

Jiang Tian was extremely depressed. After saying that, he took everyone and flew out of the refugee camp.

This time, when Jiang Tian went out, Zhou Quan did not stop him at all. Instead, he reluctantly shouted:

"Brother, remember to come back! If you encounter someone checking your household registration outside and you don't have proof of origin, it's quite dangerous! When you come back, Brother Zhou will treat you to a drink and a show!"

"What a good thing! Tsk tsk, dragon scale gold runes, thunder control runes, fire bath runes... these things can buy a huge city!"

When Jiang Tian disappeared from sight, Zhou Quan took out the high-grade armor and looked at it over and over again with a happy smile.

Suddenly, he turned to the collar.

A line of small characters embroidered with gold threads came into view: "Tiandao Sect Refining Pavilion is made by His Highness Chen Liuhe"!


Zhou Quan was so frightened that he sat down on the ground. His whole body was shaking like chaff, his eyes were straight, and he murmured in despair:

"I heard that His Highness Liuhe has fallen. This, this is their trophy. This, who are these people?"

He felt that something was not good. He was so frightened that his whole body was shaking like chaff. He was so frightened that he got up with weak feet. He hurriedly took out a sound transmitting instrument and said:

"No! This is going to be a big deal. I have to report it to my superiors. It's so shocking! The Tianxing rebels who killed Chen Liuhe have invaded!"

"Fat Zhou, who do you want to report to? Who invaded?"

At this time, the big black dog suddenly appeared out of thin air, holding a spicy strip in his mouth and chewing the elixir, swung his fat butt and walked over, asking with a smile.

"You, stop right here and capture me without mercy! Otherwise, I will kill you without mercy!"

Zhou Quan pulled out his long sword and shouted loudly.


The big black dog man stood up, slapped Zhou Quan and flew a hundred or ten meters away with one paw, and said with a smile:

"What did you just say? Say it again. Believe it or not, I roasted you to medium rare and ate it!"

"Brother Hei, don't be impulsive! Calm down! Be sure to calm down!"

Zhou Quan clutched his chest and vomited blood. He no longer dared to be presumptuous and said with a smile:

"Why are you eating me? I'm too fat, too greasy, too old, and the meat is too rough. You'll definitely have diarrhea if you eat it. I'd better take you to eat pork belly. It's tender, smooth, refreshing, and spicy. Yes! Brother, I’m treating you, open it up and eat it, it’s enough!”

"Pork Pork Dragon Pork? Is it spicy? It turns out you are also a gourmet and have good taste! I believe we will become good friends!"

The big black dog smiled broadly and saliva flowed.

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