Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1335 Brother who dares to bully me, go to hell

When Lei Bao saw this scene, he was so angry that his lungs were about to burst. His eyes were stern, and he gritted his teeth and shouted angrily:

"Okay, okay, Zhang Qianlei, you are tough, right? I have something even harder waiting for you. Let's see how long you can handle it!"

"What's going on? I told you to go away and stop sneaking around in the main area of ​​the mountain gate. Are you deaf?!"

At the mountain gate, the guard leader roared menacingly.

"What's going on? Why don't you go away? You want to die!"

"Didn't you hear? You are not allowed to wander around here. Do you have evil intentions? Believe it or not, I will kill you with one sword!"

At the same time, three qi-training monk guards flew to Jiang Tian, ​​raised their hands to push him, and even pulled out their swords, dancing and showing off their power.


Jiang Tian withdrew his consciousness, his eyes flashed with a frightening murderous intention, he raised his palm and waved suddenly.

"How dare you hit me!"

The guard leader was hit in the air and thrown hundreds of meters away. He fell to the ground like a dead dog with half of his teeth missing. He was furious.


The three guards in front of Jiang Tian, ​​who were only capable of practicing Qi, could not withstand it. They were immediately shaken into a blood mist by Jiang Tian's sleeve, filling the air and disappearing.

"Hiss! The power of one sleeve can kill three Qi practitioners, it's so terrifying!"

The guard leader raised his eyes and saw the scene where several of his companions were shattered into blood stains. He couldn't help but tremble in fear and gasped.

"Master, it must be foundation building, or even later stage!"

"Report to the elders or..."

"Don't move! Don't make any noise! ​​If we move, we will die!"

The other guarding monks were also frightened and backed away with fearful eyes, like little white rabbits encountering a vicious wolf.

"Bai Ze, wait outside! There are no experts here, I can handle it all by myself!"

Jiang Tian's spiritual consciousness sent a message, and with a sway, he walked in and disappeared from everyone's sight in the blink of an eye, even his spiritual consciousness could not be found.

The guard leader's face was sometimes ashen and sometimes pale. He wanted to chase but didn't dare to chase. The opponent is too strong and cannot be stopped. If he goes up to him, he will die.

Besides, he didn't know that Zhang Qianlei had been secretly arrested. He just thought that Zhang Qianlei was still an elder of the outer sect and held a high position of power, and he couldn't afford to offend him.

Previously, he deliberately made things difficult for Zhang Qianlei's friends, shouting and killing him. It would not make sense if he told them, and he would even be held accountable by Zhang Qianlei.

He was hesitating and hesitating, sighing.

Behind him, a majestic shout suddenly came: "If you don't guard the door properly, why are you standing here stupidly?"

When he turned around, he saw his brother-in-law landing at the mountain gate with a flying sword. The guard leader immediately went up to him and complained:

"Brother-in-law, you came just in time. Just now, there was a monk who didn't understand the rules and wanted to find someone. He forced his way through the mountain gate. I stopped him and he killed three guards!"

At this time, the guard leader was quite proud. If I can't deal with you, can't my brother-in-law also deal with you?

My brother-in-law is a master of foundation building, an elder who teaches skills, and is highly regarded by the sect leader. Even Zhang Qianlei doesn't dare to make a mistake, let alone you?

Shen Jiuling, the elder who taught the technique, frowned and asked, "Who is he here for? So arrogant and domineering! Is he the guest of the sect master?"

"No, I'm looking for Zhang Qianlei!"

The guard leader said this.

"Really looking for him!?"

Shen Jiuling's face suddenly turned cold, and his pupils suddenly shrank, as if facing a formidable enemy.

Zhang Qianlei is a monk from the earth world, and has been secretly captured and tortured.

Could this be Zhang Qianlei's reinforcements?

Shen Jiuling's face became very serious and dignified.

Moreover, the other party immediately started killing people as soon as they disagreed with each other. This clearly meant that he knew about Zhang Qianlei's situation and the person who came here was evil!

"Can I remember this correctly? It's so clear!"

The guard leader fanned the flames and said:

"Brother-in-law, you have to vent your anger on me. Doesn't it matter that he is Zhang Qianlei's friend? He dares to slap me! Is this a slap in the face? This is a slap in your face! Everyone knows that I am yours. !”

"Shut up! Call the sect's monks above the foundation level and come with me to find him!"

Shen Jiuling and his brother-in-law were not thinking about the same issue at all. They had no patience to listen anymore, but they looked solemn and authentic.

He just scanned the entire sect with his consciousness, but found no trace of Jiang Tian at all. He expected to use a superb and powerful concealment technique.

But don't know.

Jiang Tian entered the Yu Lei Sect and immediately used an invisibility power to rush towards the secret stone room where Zhang Qianlei was imprisoned.

There are more than ten formations arranged around this stone chamber.

Sound insulation and invisibility are the most basic. In addition, there are thunder and fire formations, five elements killing formations, and ten thousand blades piercing the gods.

There is even a God-breaking formation targeting divine consciousness. Once the spiritual consciousness probes inside, it will be counterattacked and killed.

These formations, within formations, echo each other, making it difficult for even a True Immortal of the Golden Pill to pass through safely.

But for Jiang Tian, ​​these formations were too low-level and could be cut through with one sword.

However, Jiang Tian did not use brute force to break through, but quickly found loopholes in many formations. With only three snaps of his fingers, he passed through many formations and came to the door of the stone chamber. He used another wall-penetrating talisman. Enter the stone chamber.

"Who are you? Who let you in!"

"How did you get in!"

Seeing Jiang Tian suddenly appear, Lei Bao and others were all shocked and shouted loudly.

Being able to silently let them pass through the numerous formations and enter the stone chamber without any notice was definitely not an ordinary person.

"Get out of here and leave me alone!"

Zhang Qianlei, who was about to lose his strength, looked ecstatic the moment he saw Jiang Tian, ​​but the next moment, he struggled hard and shouted loudly.

How could he have imagined that in just a few years, Jiang Tian would have reached the realm of golden elixir, and it was not an ordinary golden elixir, but a divine golden elixir that could crush ordinary Nascent Souls!

He only thought that Jiang Tian was still at the same level of Qi training. Even if Jiang Tian was a genius, he was no match for a golden elixir and three fake elixir elders.

"So, I'm here to save you?"

Lei Bao and the three fake elixir elders were still frightened at first, but they quickly glanced at Jiang Tian's elixir field and quickly calmed down.

"Bastard! Who let you in? How dare you break into the forbidden area!"

One of the elders named Zhao Jueren swept his consciousness and discovered that Jiang Tian's cultivation was only at the early stage of foundation building. He immediately ignored Jiang Tian and started to curse loudly.

How did he know that Jiang Tian was always activating the "Taotie Guiyuan" magical power, and even had a thick earth-suppressing chain to compress and condense the golden elixir.

Before Jiang Tian breaks out his strength, his Qi will not be leaked at all, and there will be no momentum at all.

He looks like an ordinary person. I'm afraid only the old monster Yuanying with his piercing eyes would be able to see some clues.

Being able to detect the aura displayed by Jiang Tian is already the result of his strong spiritual consciousness and good vision.

Zhao Jueren is the law-enforcement elder of the Yulei Sect. He is very majestic on weekdays and enjoys abusing his disciples.

"Didn't you hear? Why don't you kneel down and beg for mercy!"

Seeing that Jiang Tian was a soft persimmon, he not only shouted harshly and scolded Jiang Tian, ​​but even took action towards Jiang Tian, ​​sacrificing a long knife, sweeping out like a hurricane, extremely decisive and straightforward.


This knife cuts out.

Suddenly, the purple thunder swallowed like a giant python, magnificent and dazzling, like a divine light in the sky, sweeping towards Jiang Tian.

"Qian Lei, you don't know my current strength! You must regret it. You went to Akano World by yourself and wasted your time!"

Jiang Tian was so free that he even chuckled at Zhang Qianlei. He didn't even raise his eyes, but just raised his hand to grab it.

Taotie returns to Yuan Dynasty!

This law, practiced to the extreme, can even swallow up the stars and the sea.

Although Jiang Tian has only initially mastered this devouring law, he still has no problem dealing with the thunderbolts fired by mere monks.

"This guy, doesn't he know that the Thunder Penalty Sword can kill golden elixirs?"


But in the eyes of the four people from Yu Lei Sect, this was not the case at all. They just felt that Jiang Tian was looking for death.

The Thunder Punishment Knife is an accurate weapon! It was given to Zhao Jueren by the Yaochi envoys in order to win over them.

With this knife in hand, Zhao Jueren's strength can be increased tenfold. Even the immortal golden elixir can be split open and turned into powder and ashes.

When this sword came down, the thunder and lightning was blazing, so fierce and domineering that it seemed to be able to shatter the void and break the earth.

Facing this terrifying sword, even the sect leader Lei Bao wouldn't dare to use the sword if he didn't hold a real weapon. He couldn't resist it and had to retreat.

But Jiang Tian didn't use any lightning protection magic weapon. He just stretched out his hand and shook it. It's simply ridiculous. Do you think the purple thunder struck by the real weapon was a joke?

Just when the three people in Thunderstorm all showed mocking smiles.

Just see it.

Those thunder and lightnings with fangs and claws, carrying a destructive aura, were like obedient kittens, shrinking continuously and entering the palm of Jiang Tian's fingers.

The vast thunder and lightning was suppressed into a thunder ball the size of a basketball, and the light became even more intense, like a blazing sun.

"How can it be!"

Zhao Jueren was so frightened that he almost fainted, trembling all over, dumbfounded, with a look of astonishment written on his face.

"Senior, spare your life!"

Seeing Jiang Tian's move, Lei Bao and the others were so frightened that they knelt on the ground with ashen faces.

At this moment, the divine disk in Jiang Tian's dantian was spinning, and his momentum was rising steadily, seemingly endlessly. They had already felt the aura of the immortal golden elixir.

Jiang Tianxiu was able to suppress them, and he had such magical powers. The three of them could not even think about resisting Jiang Tian. They could only beg for mercy.

"You actually condensed the golden elixir? It's over! You suppressed me again!"

Even Zhang Qianlei was stunned, his eyes were dull and he couldn't believe it.

When he and Jiang Tian parted, Jiang Tian was still at the foundation building level.

In the past few years, Zhang Qianlei also served as an outer sect elder at the beginning, and also obtained a lot of cultivation resources that were unimaginable on earth. However, even so, he only improved two small levels, reaching the middle stage of foundation building.

This kind of advancement, in the world of Akano, is already a rapid advancement, traveling thousands of miles a day, and I don't know how many people are envious of it.

Zhang Qianlei never expected that Jiang Tian would improve so quickly in the earth world where spiritual energy was exhausted and cultivation resources were even scarcer.

"Brothers who dare to bully me, you must die!"

Jiang Tian's eyes turned cold, and he waved his hand without any mercy.

The extremely compressed thunderball passed through a stream of light and hit Thunderstorm and the others instantly.

With a muffled roar, Zhao Jue and the other two elders were beaten into ashes, not even the scum was left.

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