Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1451 The third turn of the divine disk, the assassin attacks

Wu Shujian straightened his clothes, punched out a dust-cleaning charm, washed away the blood and black dust, and returned to the look of red lips, white teeth, delicate eyebrows, rustling white clothes, and a jade tree standing in the wind.

He strolled over, clasped his hands in his fists, and prayed with joy on his face: "Congratulations to Brother Taichu for taking a further step in your cultivation, for your profound magic power and long life!"


Suddenly a loud noise came.

Jiang Tian's body actually exploded and fell into pieces. Bones like precious gold, essence like fire, and blood like amalgam all collapsed at the same time, like a goddess scattering flowers.

Just like a nuclear explosion, everything within a radius of hundreds of miles trembled, and the entire cave seemed to collapse. Wu Shujian was once again knocked dozens of miles away, vomiting blood.

But Wu Shujian's eyes flashed with a hint of schadenfreude. He clutched his chest and struggled to stand up. Tiny flying swords like silver fish flashed behind him. He said in his heart: "Okay, he went crazy and his body exploded. I have Opportunity strikes!"

At the golden elixir level, although the golden elixir is immortal, it can reorganize the physical body.

But every time it is reorganized, it requires paying a huge price. If part of it is destroyed by the enemy, this part of the body will even be permanently lost. If only the golden elixir is left, most monks would rather be reincarnated and cultivate again, otherwise the time to reunite the physical body would easily take thousands of years to count.

With Jiang Tian's current terrifying cultivation level, if his body disintegrates, he will never be able to recover within a few hundred years.

Just as Wu Shujian was stalking Jiang Tian silently, about to start a killing spree, the situation in the field changed strangely.

Countless blood, bones, and flesh floating in the air gradually regrouped under the pull of invisible forces. The Stone Cauldron, the Mother of All Things, sheds countless mother energy to nourish Jiang Tian's body and make up for the scars and defects.

The Chaos Mother Stone Cauldron is said to be the first mother stone when the universe first opened, the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Stone. It has the power to nurture all things in the world. It can nourish the world and make up for a human being. It is too simple.

After the repair, Jiang Tian's Suzaku True Fire Divine Body became even more perfect.


Circles of terrifying air currents pushed in all directions, like a hurricane passing through. None of the ancient bronze temples could withstand his pressure. They were torn to pieces and turned into powder like paper.

Jiang Tian's physical body is extremely perfect.

Even though Wu Shujian had traveled across the Immortal Ruins and met extremely powerful geniuses and evildoers, he could confirm that no one he had met before was as perfect as Jiang Tian was at this time.

"Even the immortal body of Nascent Soul is not so perfect!"

Wu Shujian sighed with envy and hatred.

But this was still not the end. Jiang Tian's Suzaku True Fire body was once again stretched and exploded.

The spiritual energy contained in the gods of the Golden Crow Ancient Emperor and the Land Crow is simply too strong.

Coupled with the Fuso Sacred Tree and the Three-Legged Golden Crow, the energy contained in many clones has reached an incredible level.

They will not be willing to be refined easily, they are constantly counterattacking and exploding.

This time, Jiang Tian exploded even more completely, leaving only his head, and all the Suzaku divine body turned into billowing energy and disappeared.


The Mother Stone Cauldron of Chaos rotates, and the first breath of Chaos pours and flows, which seems to be able to breed all things, and also nourish and strengthen Jiang Tian's divine body.


Jiang Tian exploded again and again and reorganized again and again, experiencing a total of nine times, and finally the Suzaku True Fire Divine Body reached a transcendent state.

At that moment, countless tiny Suzaku particles gathered together like dust and sand, and finally, Jiang Tian was formed out of thin air.

At this time, Suzaku's true fire body is already transcendent, not much different from the original body, except that there is a Suzaku pattern on the forehead, which is like a burning flame.

And all of this is external.

The inner changes are even more essential.

At this moment, Jiang Tian's Suzaku Golden Pill had expanded to an unparalleled level. It was too vast and kept rushing towards Nascent Soul, even turning into a god.

"It's scary! At least his fire cultivation has reached the level of Nascent Soul, or even the realm of gods..."

Wu Shujian screamed as if he was seeing a demon.

In the Immortal Ruins, those who can reach the Nascent Soul before the age of 100, or even just need to form a baby, are very rare! You can be proud of the world, ascend the God of War list, join Baiyue Academy, and even enter the Xuhuang Palace on duty.

And the Jiang Tian in front of him actually had the hope of becoming a god!

"If he reaches the state of becoming a god... maybe there is hope of going up against the sky and sweeping across the Xuhuang Palace!"

Wu Shujian's idea shocked him.

Ever since he was born, his ancestors had told him that the Ruins Emperor was supreme, wise and mighty, and invincible in every battle!

He has always believed this. But today, he actually came up with this idea.

In the end, Jiang Tian had no choice but to activate the Stone Cauldron, the Mother of All Things, and suppress it with endless and vast thick earth chains, firmly suppressing it in the state of childbirth.

The divine disk composed of Jiang Tian's nine golden elixirs kept roaring and trembling, as if it was being forged by an invisible heavy hammer.

When Jiang Tian's Suzaku divine body reached the transcendent state, the divine disk finally settled down, and the Suzaku shadow had become the true seal!

The extremely solid true seal of law!

This is equivalent to Jiang Tian’s Suzaku Golden Pill successfully conceiving a baby!

After three rounds of Jiangtian Divine Disk, it was finally completed!

At this time, Jiang Tian raised his head and looked up at the cave sky barrier.

"Thunder Tribulation!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were focused and he sighed softly.

This time, Jiang Tian got to see the Ancient Golden Crow Emperor, and got his gods, ancient Fusang trees, and many Golden Crows. This was such a great opportunity, it was like a poor boy winning a million-dollar lottery.

Up to now, Jiang Tian has not yet refined the Destruction Flame Bead, but has already completed the third turn of the Divine Disk, formed the true seal of Suzaku Law, and evolved the golden elixir to form a baby!

The Destruction Flame Bead can be stored as a resource for the next breakthrough and evolution, or even used as a magic weapon.

Jiang Tian's previous Gengjin Jindan and Taotie Guiyuan Jieying did not cause thunder tribulation. That was because the golden elixir was in a true Jieying state at that time.

But this time, Jiang Tian's Suzaku True Essence was close to the level of god transformation!

It would be impossible if it didn't cause a thunder disaster!


Groups of thunderclouds were generated out of thin air, with a radius of hundreds of miles, almost filling the sky above the entire cave sky. Boundless, all kinds of thunder clouds, including Ganghuo Divine Thunder, Yimu Divine Thunder, Xuanshui Qinglei, were formed in the sky. There are as many as ninety-nine and eighty-one ways.

"This is completely on the scale of the Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation! It's so terrifying!"

Wu Shujian was shocked and trembling, wondering whether Jiang Tian could survive the crisis.

"Well done!"

Jiang Tianyi was not afraid, and directly used the Lei Jian Divine Body to add the Taotie Return to Origin Law, swallowing up all the thunder calamities that were like a long river of horses and like a dragon coming from the Nine Heavens.

If you can't resist it, just let the lightning strike strike you down. Your whole body will stand in the vast thunder light without moving at all. If you let it be tempered, the Suzaku Divine Body will become even more detached and perfect.

In the end, all the flames, red birds and golden crows dispersed from Jiang Tian's body, gradually transforming into a mortal body.

This also means that Jiang Tian's Suzaku divine body has finally reached a transcendent state and has become his true clone. The moment when he completely became ordinary was when he was at his strongest and at his weakest.

Just when Jiang Tian's own face showed a smile.


A bright sword light suddenly appeared a hundred meters behind Jiang Tian. It flashed across the void and struck Jiang Tian heavily on the chest.

This sword light appeared extremely bizarre, as if it appeared out of thin air without any warning, and when it struck, there was no terrifying fluctuation.

But the moment he slashed at Jiang Tian's back, his power suddenly exploded. An extremely violent aura shook the entire cave, like a super nuclear explosion, devastating everything.

The shadow-like sword light was ten thousand feet long, even cutting open an abyss of tens of kilometers on the ground, and the entire cave sky seemed to be shattered.


Jiang Tian swayed and moved forward a few miles, but in the end it was still a little late.

A large amount of blood spilled from the void, and a wound more than one meter long appeared on the body. Extending from the shoulders to the ribs on the other side, the back was cut open, exposing the organs and bones.

Under this vicious and vicious blow, Jiang Tian was almost cut in half.

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