Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1453: The air-piercing knife, the power of the Taoist weapon!

"How can it be!"

Ghost Wolf's eyes widened, and for the first time, a solemn look appeared on his face, even a little panicked.

This kind of panic was extremely rare for him.

As the top three assassins in the Immortal Ruins, Ghost Wolf has killed too many people, even Yuanying has two skills. He has also performed many extremely dangerous tasks. He has been besieged by many Yuanying gods, and his character has reached the ultimate level. Tempered, like refined steel that has been tempered for hundreds of times, like a rock from Mount Tai, nothing can make him move or panic.

But this time, he panicked!

This is because he knows how strong Zikong is!

His stabbing sword is the treasure of the Hundong Sect. It was left behind by a powerful god-transformer in ancient times. It has been tempered countless times with his Tao Fruit throughout his life.

This is a powerful Taoist weapon!

After being stabbed, it will leave traces of the great path in the enemy's body, swallowing up the opponent's essence, blood and cultivation at all times. Only the powerful God Transformation can hope to resolve it.

As for Jindan and Nascent Soul, once they are attacked, they will be killed immediately!

But the kid in front of me, who is only in the realm of forming a baby, can actually burn the traces of the avenue, and can repair his body so quickly, it is simply unbelievable.

Ghost Wolf is shocking.

But he quickly calmed down. His Taoist heart far surpassed that of Kumu Jijiu, Qin Shuang and others. He was extremely courageous and fierce, without any hesitation.

"Jiang Taichu, you will always be an ant in the lower world! Since you are an ant, you must have the consciousness of an ant, lie down on the ground, and then die silently! You should not resist!"

The ghost wolf's expression was sinister, with boundless determination flashing across his face.

He held the stab in the air with both hands, slowly raised it, and thrust towards the void. With a hiss, the void shattered. He pierced the space, escaped into it, and disappeared.

The next moment, he appeared behind Jiang Tian, ​​and the stream of thorns appeared again, stabbing Jiang Tianhou's heart fiercely, silently.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this sword is silent, but only the strong ones above Nascent Soul can feel that the space is shattered and a hole is pierced.

This space-shattering power is unparalleledly powerful. Once it is affected, even the immortal golden elixir and even the more tenacious and powerful Nascent Soul will be shattered and annihilated.


This knife is too weird, and its speed is as fast as the speed of light.

With Jiang Tian's heaven-defying speed, without using Kunpeng's extreme speed, he only had time to turn half of his body. The three-foot-long divine disk behind him roared, and the Geng-Gold knotted infant trembled. Jiang Tian transformed into the Geng-Gold Immortal Body and lifted it up as if Arms made of gold met the attack.

As a result, Jiang Tian's right hand was stabbed with a knife, and the terrifying power of space fragmentation caused cracks to appear on Jiang Tian's right hand, and sparks burst out.

The terrifying force of piercing the space directly blasted through the cave sky barrier through the back of Jiang Tian's hand, punching a huge hole in a thousand-foot peak outside the cave sky.

Everyone was frightened for a while, and cold sweat was pouring down.

too strong!

The ghost wolf's stab could definitely easily kill a Nascent Soul Heavenly Lord!

Regardless of which level of Nascent Soul he is in, he definitely has the strength to kill ordinary Nascent Souls with one blow.

And this, even if you are the Nascent Soul Consummation, even if you are half-step into becoming a god, you may not be able to do it. This is how terrifying the ghost wolf is!

The assassination technique made his combat power far higher than his cultivation level, allowing him to kill enemies beyond his level!

"This time, you are so lucky! If it hit your Dantian, you would have died!"

The ghostly voice of the ghost wolf sounded, but the man and the stabbing knife disappeared without a trace.

As his name suggests, he is as erratic as a ghost and as vicious as a wolf. He is the best assassin monk. He can escape into space immediately if he misses a hit.

"But you won't be so lucky this time! Hit!"

Then, without any warning, the ghost wolf appeared in another completely unimaginable position, and stabbed again at an incredible angle.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

Ghost Wolf uses all his strength!

He broke through the space to hide again and again, and jumped out of the space to stab Jiang Tian again and again. Jiang Tian just used his Gengjin Immortal Body, which had the strongest defense, to resist with difficulty.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Jiang Tian was stabbed several times.

Cracks appeared instantly on Jiang Tian's Geng Metal Immortal Body. The most serious cuts even showed deep bones, involving organs, and the sky was stained with divine blood.

"Terrible! He is indeed the third-ranked assassin in the Immortal Ruins. I heard that no one has ever seen his true face in his entire life, because everyone who has seen him has died!"

Wu Shujian was frightened.

Baiyue Academy has set up many courses to train die-hard monks for the Xu Emperor, and the several assassinations of Ghost Wolf have been listed as classic cases by countless wine sacrifices and lessons for them to learn from.

It can be said that if the Sword God of the Xuhuang Palace had not personally suppressed it, the ghost wolf might not have been subdued now, and it would still dominate the world, making it impossible to prevent and helpless.

"Senior, be careful!"

Qi Liqi and Ao Jiao both cried out worriedly, and even Ancestor Takong was sweating for Jiang Tian.

He is of the bloodline of Kunpeng and is also known for his speed in movement, but he has not reached the point where Ghost Wolf can travel through space like a human drinking water and just let nature do whatever he wants.

Jiang Tian was content and unafraid. He had not shown his true strength at all. If he used Kunpeng's extreme speed, I'm afraid the ghost wolf would be captured immediately.

He has not used many magic weapons. If he pulls out the Jue Tian Sword, he may be able to cut through the stabbing sword in an instant!

Even his Gengjin Immortal Body was not fully used!

Because now he still has to resist the thunder tribulation in order to strengthen and temper the Suzaku divine body. Many times, once the thunder tribulation comes, he will immediately transform his body!

But Ghost Wolf is different. He attacks with all his strength, even risking his life.

Jiang Tian couldn't help but suspect that this boy must have something in the hands of the Xuhuang Palace, otherwise, he would not be so desperate.

"Admit defeat! Kneel down and surrender!"

The ghost wolf held a stabbing knife in his hand and shouted coldly:

"No one can be the opponent of the Ruins Emperor. Emperor Sheng Zhongli can't do it, Ao Wuchang can't do it, Jiao Rui can't do it, and you can't do it either!"


Bathed in the vast thunder calamity, Jiang Tian's Suzaku divine body continued to show scorched black marks, as well as horrific wounds left by the stabbing knife in the air.

"You once resisted the Ruins Emperor just like me, but in the end, you lost your energy and courage because of your failure. You are a true coward!"

But Jiang Tian was still very calm. Thunder Tribulation was a rare tempering, and the attack of the stabbing knife was also regarded as tempering by him.

Being cut and stabbed time and again, it was repaired and healed again and again, just like the iron that had been tempered for thousands of times, becoming more solid and tough, and strong to an unimaginable level.

Jiang Tian's face was full of sarcasm, and he said calmly: "I don't know what kind of failure and pain you have experienced? Is it because your wife and daughter were insulted, or your family was exterminated, will it hit you so hard that you forget who your real enemy is? Will it? Let you be enslaved to this level and serve your former enemy!"

Hearing Jiang Tian's words, Ghost Wolf's face showed anger for the first time!

Yes, rage!

Before, the ghost wolf's face was either contemptuous or contemptuous, but the underlying tone was always indifferent, as if he had no human emotions.

But this time, he was touched to the point of pain!

"Shut up!"

Ghost Wolf shouted with hatred, holding the stabbing knife tightly in his right hand!

"Stab it!"

The stabbing knife made a long and shrill sound in his hand, like a ghost crying and a wolf howling. It was the fragment of the great avenue inside, which was completely aroused and was whining and praising!

Streams of bright light flew from all sides of the stabbing knife toward the back in an instant, and were even magnificent and moving.

But those who really understood it, such as Patriarch Takong, were frightened and screamed. That was when space was stabbed into the smallest space particles, and the knife stabbed into the air without any hindrance at all.

At that moment, the great avenues of heaven and earth resonated in harmony, and the vast laws boiled!

It was as if a true god-forming power was awakening, and the pressure was so great that the entire cave was riddled with holes, and the ancient bronze palace was reduced to ruins.

Even the entire Ancient Demon Abyss is trembling!

Waves of turbulent space flow flew across the sky, with a radius of thousands of miles, causing mountains to collapse and the earth to crack.

Some golden elixir stage monsters suddenly split into two pieces, and crystal blood rained down. Without even a time to utter a mournful cry, the corpses fell heavily to the ground, and died silently.

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