Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1457 The Power of Suzaku Law, the Sky-Breaking Sword

"This boy is evil!"

Far away, the White Python Guard Commander Wu Huan's face became more solemn than ever before, his eyes were concerned, and his consciousness swept towards the ancient demon abyss, not letting go of any detail.

The sect masters of the Six Heavenly Sects of Hailan and even Shen Qiang, the leader of the Golden Crow Guard, were slightly moved, but besides being surprised, they were more excited.

"So strong! I haven't seen such a powerful monk in a long time! This time, a battle with him will temper my Taoist heart, stimulate my bloodline and cultivation, and may help me reach the sky and reach the realm of god transformation!"

Shen Qiang touched his chin, his clenched fists tightened again, his deep and majestic eyes shot out, and his fighting spirit burned like fire.

And in the battlefield, the ghost wolf's face, which was like eternal ice, also showed a look of panic, and he said in a voiceless voice: "Zhuzi, what kind of method are you doing!"

"This is called King Kong Cover, Iron Cloth Shirt, and the Thirteen Taibao are practicing kung fu!"

Jiang Tian was fooling casually and felt very relaxed. At this moment, after the thunder tribulation was over, the divine disk turned three times, the Suzaku golden elixir was formed, and the divine body was transcendent, everything was perfect. He could finally give it a try.

The next step is to hit with pressure! Regardless of the gods and Buddhas in the sky, everything will be wiped out!

"You're pretending to be a ghost, you're the Thirteen Taibos. Break it for me!"

The ghost wolf roared loudly, and the black cloak automatically stretched without wind, stretching into the void. Wherever it passed, the space was shattered and annihilated. This space turned into infinite mana, poured into the stabbing knife!


I saw that on the shining surface of the stabbing knife, brilliant and magnificent Dao lines suddenly emerged. These were traces of the Dao, involving the secrets of space. They were very mysterious and profound. The Dao was natural and possessed the power of heaven and earth. The charm of reason. He saw that these traces of the avenue suddenly condensed into entities and turned into rays of light, exploding towards Jiang Tian.

Every ray of light is extremely bright and crystal-clear, reflecting the bright light, which is very dazzling and magnificent.

But any Nascent Soul cultivator would feel frightened when he saw it.

It's as if the soul has been cut into pieces!


Sensing Jiang Tian's danger, Ghost Wolf finally revealed his trump card and put it on the table.

Since a Taoist weapon is forged by the power of transforming gods with a lifetime of supreme Tao fruit, it must contain the power of the Tao. Even a fragment cannot be resisted by any Nascent Soul monk.

Tsk tsk tsk!

The crystalline silk threads twined and penetrated towards Jiang Tian, ​​like colorful poisonous snakes, beautiful but deadly!

Wherever these threads passed, even the void was distorted, and countless muddy holes appeared in the space. Some of these muddy holes were dark, some were colorful, and were emptier than vacuum. They were nothingness in the true sense, even space. None exist


Ghost Wolf shouted mercilessly with his eyes, and he was very determined in his heart.

This is the ultimate activation of the Dao weapon. Even the fragments of the Dao contained in it are released. Jiang Taichu will die!

But who would have expected!

A blazing red light suddenly burst out between Jiang Tian's palms.

This red light is like red crystal, crystal clear, without a trace of impurities, but rolling like a tide, fluffy like a glow, and the overall look is like the shape of a flame. Each ray of red light is composed of countless fiery red runes. Together, this red light is a law!

Suzaku’s True Fire Law!

At this time, Jiang Tian's Suzaku Golden Pill had already formed a baby, and the imprint of the Suzaku True Fire Law was left on the divine plate. It had been extremely sublimated, and its power was by no means comparable to what it was originally. With the Suzaku Law, you can make fire in the void, burn everything, refine the sky with fire, burn mountains and seas, refine stars and shatter the moon, it's all a matter of course.

Click! Bang bang!

There were crisp crackling sounds. Under the incredulous gaze of the ghost wolf, the crystal light, instead of penetrating the red light of Jiang Tian's Suzaku Law, was burned to pieces by the red light flames and completely annihilated.

"If a real god-incarnation were to fight me with his natal Taoist weapon, I might need to be more cautious. But with just a half-step god-incarnation like you and a Taoist tool left behind by your ancestors, You just want to be my enemy, you are too far gone!”

Jiang Tian looked disdainfully.

His laws are supreme god-level laws, comparable to the Great Dao. The Ghost Wolf Stab in the Sky contains only fragments of the avenue, and this avenue itself is not complete. It is an incomplete avenue. It is only applicable to the South Gate Galaxy. It cannot be universally applicable and is equivalent to being incomplete. Add disability.

Such a great avenue, in Jiang Tian's eyes, is not a great avenue at all.

He reached out and saw countless Suzaku Laws and True Fire Laws evolving in his hands. The tiniest particles were all runes, and the runes formed the rules, just like the supreme scriptures and chapters of the Great Dao. Boom! These laws are combined into the Suzaku True Fire. It is extremely blazing and powerful, but it can be controlled by the heart. Wherever it burns, where it burns depends on Jiang Tian's consciousness. It is very mysterious.

The Suzaku True Fire spread blazingly and swept up, like a fire dragon across the sky, like a tiger rushing out, with a peerless killing aura. In the blink of an eye, those crystal space lights were burned to pieces, and along the space threads Burn towards the ghost wolf.

"not good!"

The ghost wolf's face changed drastically, warning signs appeared one after another, and his face was panicked.

He was like a fish leaping across the sea, like a crow piercing the sky, instantly submerged into the space, dragging the knife stabbing the air and disappearing instantly.

But this time, Jiang Tian would not let him go no matter what.

Even if he goes to Qiongbi and falls into the underworld, he will still be killed or captured alive.

"Surrender or die, you have only two options!"

Jiang Tian's eyes sparkled with purple lightning, illuminating the void and penetrating the space. Then, the three-foot divine disk behind him rotated, and the Kunpeng Golden Pill like a galaxy shined unparalleled. He used Kunpeng's extreme speed, and his whole person turned into a stream of light that penetrated the heaven and earth, leaving traces every step of the way. , the void trembled, and in an instant, he punched directly from thousands of miles away.


The space was shattered, and Jiang Tian's punch separated life and death. The ghost wolf that was originally hiding in the space suddenly flew out with a shrill scream, its cheeks were broken, and the black feathers on the black cloak flew. Like a black cannonball, it crashed through three mountains.


Rocks flew, and the ghost wolf rose into the air, with an extremely serious expression on his face, and stabbed Jiang Tian.


The power of the endless Taoist weapons is so vast that it fills hundreds of miles. The fragments of the avenue that shattered the space extended from the tip of the knife, and a very thin space channel appeared between him and Jiang Tian. Along the channel, colorful space cracks extended in all directions like tentacles.

Wherever this spatial rift affects, the sky twists and tears, the earth crumbles, the mountain peaks disintegrate, and even the golden elixir stage monsters are instantly torn apart. This is another level of power, belonging to the category of great avenues, transcending ordinary laws, and nothing can stop it.

But in the face of this devastating sword, Jiang Tian remained extremely calm, even a little contemptuous, and waved.


A flaming sword swept across everything, like a volcano erupting, like the roaring sea.

The space with a radius of dozens of miles was burned to pieces, revealing a huge hole, and countless space storms surged towards the absolute void. The heaven and earth collapsed at this moment, the earth and the mountain peaks danced, the sky fell, countless strands of heaven and earth vitality, centered on the void between the two people, rushed and poured into the hole like long dragons of essence, just like the sea was overturned, the whole world , at that moment, everything seemed to collapse.

This is a kind of great destruction, everything is dying and collapsing, and the power of space tearing and distortion cannot be stopped.

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