Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1459 Elite army, a sure-kill situation

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

This formation is too amazing.

Magnificent ancient warships flew across the sky at extremely fast speeds, breaking ten or even a hundred times the sound barrier.

These ancient warships were made of bronze, copper, fine gold, and spar. They were hundreds of feet long and astonishingly powerful. They were many times larger than aircraft carriers. They were engraved with countless runes and even mysterious and obscure Taoist patterns. They were indestructible. There are traces of swords left, obviously he will survive a lot of battles.

The warships were densely packed with countless generals and soldiers wearing armor.

Some of these monks are wearing silver python scale armor, some are wearing golden crow armor, as if they were made of gold, some are wearing black mysterious clothes and bird-head-shaped masks, their cloaks are fluttering in the wind, and their heads are ferocious. Almost all of them are practicing in Jindan. Because, his eyes were filled with bloodthirsty aura.

One after another, extremely powerful auras rushed in front of the battleship formation, one step faster. They were the sect masters and elders from the six heavenly sects in the Hailan world. Each one was in the Nascent Soul realm, and there were a total of three hundred of them.

More than three hundred Nascent Soul Heavenly Lords roared with laws, and their vitality boiled like a sea, streaking across the sky and tearing apart the void like a rainbow penetrating the sun. It seemed that the sky was shaking, as if it was about to collapse.

The entire world of Yingzhou was trembling violently, mountains and rivers collapsed, rivers collapsed, and in countless cities, civilians and monks all looked up to the sky.


Qi Jiuyi stood above Black Rock City, his face was shocked and speechless, as if he had seen a demon.

But this is still not the end. In the end, a huge ship about ten thousand feet long shuttles out of the void.

The warship was like a huge golden crow, made of black gilt, shining with light, extremely condensed and tenacious. Its huge wings stretched across the sky, and each feather was a position. There were extremely powerful monks sitting inside. Counting them, there are at least tens of thousands.

The most eye-catching thing is the bow of the ship, which looks like a ferocious bird's head, with its huge mouth open, fangs, and flames spurting out, as if it can burn the heavens.

The moment I saw this huge ship.

Qi Jiuyi, many Yingzhou monks, and even Zhang Qingyang, Aotian Jianzun, who were here to protect Jiang Tian, ​​all turned pale, frightened, and almost turned into clay sculptures and wood sculptures.

"This is the symbol of the Golden Crow Guards. The Royal Guards of the Xuhuang Palace... and the White Python and Dark Crow Guards are almost in full force! How is this possible! I closed all the teleportation formations. How did they get in? Yes. Moreover, I sent monks to monitor every important place, but no one noticed such a large-scale invasion!"

Qi Jiuyi trembled all over and his teeth trembled.

"Father, I heard that they have developed a sky-defying formation pattern that allows warships to hide in space without being detected at all! It seems that it has been applied to these three armies!"

Qi Liqi flew over and stood behind Qi Jiuyi, with a serious face and boiling fighting spirit. She was always ready for war. The Dharma erupted, and a huge blue Wu tree emerged, with a flaming phoenix burning up the sky and roaring loudly. The momentum is astonishing.

There is nothing to say, a big war is unavoidable. They are already approaching Jiang Tian. This is something that the Immortal Ruins world will absolutely not tolerate. They will suppress them bloody and kill the chicken to show the monkeys.

"Tens of thousands of golden elixir cultivators, three hundred Nascent Soul Heavenly Lords! There are also two semi-powerful half-step gods!"

At this time, Long Pojun, Long Shengnan and others had just broken out of the Ancient Demon Abyss. When they saw this scene, their faces turned pale, as if they had seen demons.

Raven Guard!

White python guard!

Golden Crow Guard!

But the elite army directly under the Xuhuang Palace!

They are high above, overlooking the galaxy, suppressing the worlds of the two southern star systems. They are invincible and no force can stop them!

It wouldn't be a problem for any of their teams to take action and annihilate a second-dimensional world. The Dragon Clan and the lineage of violent monsters would not be enough to watch under their hands.

Now, the three armies have joined forces to go down to the world to kill Jiang Tian!

This is something unprecedented!

Ao Jiao was so frightened that her face turned pale, and a trace of despair flashed in her eyes. She gritted her teeth and said: "Senior Taichu is our last hope. Let's go together and break a bloody path to let Senior Taichu leave! At least there is a glimmer of hope. But, I hope Senior Taichu When he becomes stronger, he will take revenge on us!”

"Ao Jiao, don't be so nervous."

Bai Ze flicked his sleeves and said with a stern look like a middle-aged boy:

"My lord's power has not been exerted even one-tenth, humph. What bullshit Golden Crow Guards, they are just a group of birdmen, catch them, roast quails and eat them!"

"There are so many golden elixirs... Damn, it will last me several years. I can store them up."

The big black dog was drooling and his eyes were excited.

"Crazy! A bunch of crazy!"

Long Shengnan laughed hysterically:

"This is the personal guard of the Xuhuang Palace. Even the top Yuanying is no match for the generals like Shen Qiang and Wu Huan. Not to mention, there are many ancient ships and large-scale offensive magic weapons. A single monk , You can never defeat a large army of monks! Even if you are a god, they can kill you alive!"

"Moreover, all of them are natives of the South Gate Galaxy and followed the Emperor of the Ruins to occupy the Immortal Ruins tens of thousands of years ago. The techniques they practice are consistent with this world and the law of the road, unlike us because of interstellar wandering and the environment. Change, lawlessness is natural. Therefore, their skills are more advantageous. With the same level of cultivation, their power is ten times or a hundred times greater than that of us descendants of the ancient earth and ancient immortal land!"

"Jiang Taichu will definitely die this time."

Her eyes were very determined, as if Jiang Tian was already dead and there was no possibility of a comeback.

"Retreat! Get out of the battlefield quickly!"

Wu Shujian was frightened and pulled Fairy Yao Yue back quietly, keeping a distance from Jiang Tian and the others.

Three half-step god generals, three hundred Nascent Soul Lords, tens of thousands of golden elixir troops, and hundreds of ancient battleships are enough to blow up this continent.

Even if you are in the realm of gods, you can't stop the other party from rushing towards you like locusts, because there are too many, and these are not locusts, each one is very powerful.

It was very rare for the three guards to be dispatched. Obviously, Xuhuangdian was determined to kill!

Next, there will be an indiscriminate attack, and the entire Black Rock City, the Ancient Demon Abyss, and even half of the world of Yingzhou will be reduced to scorched earth and death!

"Jiang Taichu, kneel down and surrender!"

At this moment, although the ghost wolf was completely locked by Jiang Tiandinghai's Ice God Law, he still seemed to have a huge support and roared triumphantly:

"If you know the current situation and let me go, I might give you a chance! I will plead for you in the Emperor's Palace, spare your life, and make you the most senior servant and follower of the Emperor!"

"I still say the same thing, no one can resist the Xu Emperor, not even Emperor Sheng Zhongli, not Emperor Ao Wuchang! Neither can you!"

"Now, you understand why I said this! The key is to recognize your own strength, and don't have unrealistic illusions!"

"You are alone after all! You are just an ant after all! And the Ruins Emperor, he is too strong! His subordinates are also too strong, too many!"

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