Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1467 Battle with Shen Qiang, the Golden Crow Divine General

This beam of light, the inherent law, is emitted by a real weapon, but it is a large real weapon. After being condensed and enhanced several times, it is completely comparable to the power of a Taoist weapon. It can annihilate even space and turn it into a chaotic hole.

One blow is equivalent to at least hundreds or even thousands of nuclear explosions. No Golden Elixir Heavenly Lord can withstand it for even one second and can kill hundreds or even thousands of Golden Elixir Heavenly Lords, even Nascent Soul Heavenly Lord. A desperate death.

Hundreds of thousands of God-destroying light cannons are attacking at the same time. Even if the God-Transforming Power is here, they will still have a headache.


The void trembled, the aftermath shook thousands of miles, and the sky seemed to be torn apart.

The huge hurricane roared like ghosts and wolves, sweeping away all living creatures. The ground shook violently, and many huge mountain peaks were broken and flattened.

"I'm going to die! It's over!"

Long Shengnan was so shocked that his face turned pale and desperate, and he was trembling.

At this moment, she suddenly realized that in the eyes of the powerful people in the Immortal Market, she was just an ant and a piece of grass, not worth mentioning at all.

And she also noticed that the sect leaders and elders of six of the seven heavenly sects in the Hailan world went down to suppress Jiang Tian, ​​but no one from the Guanlongmen showed up.

"It is very likely that the Dragon Gate has been exterminated by the Xuhuang Palace. The Xuhuang Palace is so cruel!"

Amidst the mixture of terror, a thought emerged uncontrollably from her mind, and a wave of grief and anger completely enveloped her.


Jiang Tian's eyes were cold and his expression was contemptuous. He took one step forward, rolled up his sleeves, wrapped up Long Shengnan, used Kunpeng's extreme speed, broke through the space, and disappeared into the alien void.


His forbidden area was indeed torn apart by the God-Destroying Light Cannon, and all the laws of the Sea Ice God were shattered and broken. Space cracks, colorful, magnificent and brilliant, spread in the forbidden area like tentacles.

The space was annihilated in groups, turning into pitch-black holes, extremely deep. The mixed hole is absolute nothingness. It does not even exist in time and space. It is countless times emptier than a vacuum.

For a time, countless spatial streams surged toward the mixed cave like colorful silk ribbons, bolts, and long rivers. The spatial force field was distorted, causing a terrifying spatial collapse. There, any Nascent Soul within a hundred miles radius could not move. They will all be strangled to pieces. Even if they truly transform into gods, they will have to shed a layer of their skin even if they don't die.

The screams sounded horrifyingly.

The shrill wail was earth-shattering.

Many of the Raven Guard's generals are good at space escape. However, in the face of such a terrifying space collapse, they are completely helpless and cannot even break free.


Some gods would split their bodies out of thin air, with blood and internal organs flying in the air. Even the golden elixirs would be cut open, and the sections would be neat.

The fragments of the golden elixir that were supposed to explode out of control once they broke were suppressed by some inexplicable force, but they didn't explode and just floated in the air.

Another divine general exploded out of thin air like a rotten watermelon, and the blood from his stumps filled the sky, before being crushed into powder and blood mist.

Others are like five horses dismembering a corpse, with heads, limbs and internal organs flying in all directions, ten or a hundred miles apart, but the person is not dead yet, but is howling miserably, but cannot control his body.

There is even a divine general who has entered space fragments in his body. The space sometimes collapses and sometimes expands. His body is like an inflated toad. One moment it swells to a height of a hundred feet or a thousand feet, covering the sky and the sun, and the next moment it becomes an inch. Xu's doll is almost invisible.

But everyone knew they wouldn't survive.

Whether it is Jiang Tian's forbidden area or the God-Destroying Light Cannon, they all contain the power of law. Once affected, it will cause permanent damage that cannot be repaired.

This is like a mortal body, flesh and blood, coming into close contact with nuclear radiation.

That kind of law power cannot be easily eliminated, but is hidden in their bodies, constantly releasing murderous intent and death energy. Even when they die, it may not disappear.

In addition to Ghost Wolf, many other Raven Guard's half-step god generals have fallen or been seriously injured. But Jiang Tian disappeared without any harm.

What is invincibility?

At this time, Jiang Tian's strength was called invincible! Each of the eight half-step god generals were extremely powerful and had their own strengths. At this moment, they were all reduced to ashes in the blink of an eye.

Including the white python guards who died before, a total of seventeen half-step gods died here.

"Da da da da! How can he be so powerful? It's just a golden elixir, but it's as easy as killing a chicken to kill a half-step god. Wait, it's too far!"

Shi Zhenxiang, the leader of the Tianxiang Sect, Jing Shimin, the leader of the Taoist Sect, these powerful Tiansong people from the Hailan world were so frightened that their souls were shaking, their whole bodies were shaking, and their teeth were chattering.

They are all Nascent Soul Heavenly Lords, and their eyes are so vicious. It can be seen naturally that any of Jiang Tian's laws are flawless and extremely perfect, even surpassing the laws and principles of the Xu Huang lineage! Even those direct descendants of Prince Qiu Ming are no match for him. This made them even more frightened, and they had no idea where Jiang Tian was coming from.

"This kid is too scary! His space law is too strong. After he escaped into the space, there was no space fluctuation. I couldn't even tell which space he entered!"

The ghost wolf was so frightened that his face turned as pale as a corpse that had been dead for three days. Although he escaped, he was not feeling well.

The crow feathers all over his body fell off, and the wings transformed into a cloak were bleeding and appearing and disappearing. This was because his blood was about to be exhausted and his magic power was unstable.

"Where are the people?"

Shen Qiang also roared angrily, showing a hint of panic.

He stood majestically and proudly above the group of Golden Crow warships. His eyes like magic lamps bloomed with two hundred-foot-long bright beams of light. They swept back and forth, seeming to be able to illuminate the Nine Netherworld and see through the sun and moon.

This is his supreme pupil technique, which can see through the alien space, and all monsters and demons can't hide, but at this moment, Jiang Tian can't be found.

The vast spiritual consciousness that belongs to the half-step god transformation is pushed out like a stormy wave crashing on the shore, filling the void thousands of miles around, not sparing any detail.

"Are you looking for me?"

Suddenly, a cold and pitiful voice, like a devil's whisper coming from the depths of hell, sounded behind Shen Qiang, less than ten meters away.

"What the hell!"

A stream of cold sweat instantly climbed up Shen Qiang's forehead. He never thought that Jiang Tian's space technique was so powerful that he didn't even notice when it came behind him.

"Golden Crow Exploring Claw!"

Shen Qiang didn't even turn around, his right hand turned into a claw and grabbed back.

Suddenly, the bird's claws, which were larger than the villa, were like cast precious gold, shining with bright golden light, splitting the space, pulling out five black space cracks, extremely concentrated and sharp, and grabbed towards Jiang Tian.

What's even more terrifying is that with its strike, blazing flames instantly filled the sky ten miles behind it. The temperature was so high that all the rocks within a hundred miles of it melted and shattered, losing all life and turning into ashes.

These flames are composed of extremely high fire laws, and can turn all surrounding energy into part of the flame, like sun jade, like the true fire of the sun, shimmering and compelling.

Shen Qiang is by no means a weakling, and he has rich combat experience. He has a sure-kill move, using the limit of half-step transformation into a god. There is no nonsense or ridicule, which will only make him passive.

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