Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1469 The moment of decisive battle, physical killing

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. I've killed you five times, but I haven't even killed you! You're really strong!"

In the end, many ships fell, the dust settled, and in the sky where the smoke disappeared, Jiang Tian's figure flashed again, shaking his head regretfully.

It seemed that he was frustrated that he couldn't kill Shen Qiang with just a few swords. Many people were shocked and angry. This was so irritating and arrogant.

"On a desolate planet, a country man from a remote area actually sits on our necks and poops and pees!"

"This kid is so arrogant! I can't bear it!"

Many people gritted their teeth with hatred and wished they could chew Jiang Tian to pieces.

But more people are frightened and feel cold in their hearts.

If you think about Jiang Tian's rise, although he is arrogant and seemingly reckless, almost every battle he faces is head-on and he does not engage in any conspiracy.

But has this child ever failed?


He pushed all the way, starting from the earth, expedition to all the major dimensional worlds in the solar system, and then traveled across four light years to the South Gate Star!

Sweep everything, destroy everything!

If he is not 100% sure, he will not contact you at all. Only when I accumulate enough capital can I give you a thunderous blow.

Moreover, there is momentum!

At this time, Jiang Tian's clothes were ragged and broken, revealing a strong and bloody body. His shoulder-length black hair was not tied up, but fluttering in the wind, curling back like a black waterfall. His body was as straight as a javelin, and his eyes were like swords. , the momentum is like a rainbow, there is a kind of domineering and awe-inspiring power that sweeps across the world and wipes out all the people, which makes people's hearts palpitate.

"Protect Guard Chief Shen Qiang!"

At this moment, Shen Qiang's eight half-step god generals lined up to occupy positions in all directions, filling the void with violent momentum to confront Jiang Tian.

Shen Qiang is currently troubled by the Kunpeng Sky Breaking Law left by Jiang Tian, ​​which has been unable to be repaired. It is like a deflated balloon, unable to display its combat power at all!

"The Six Heavenly Sects of Hailan, you are not here to enjoy the mountains and rivers in the lower world. You all come to attack Jiang Taichu. If anyone dares to fight and retreats, he will be killed without mercy!"

A god general shouted with anger.

In their eyes, Hailan is from a lower world and is a descendant of the ancient immortal soil. He is a slave and was captured as cannon fodder.

However, because Wu Huan and other chief god generals thought that killing Jiang Tian was a sure thing, they took action themselves. As a result, they lost their troops and suffered heavy losses.

This made him very unhappy, and he wanted to kill all these Hailan monks to vent his anger.

"Yes! I will obey!"

Those giants of Tianzong, such as Jing Shimin, were trembling with fear even though they knew that facing Jiang Tian would be dangerous, but they did not dare to disobey him in the slightest.

Because, under the blue sky, there is the world. Monks are also human beings, they also have Taoist companions and heirs, and they also have feelings.

If they don't go to war, their Taoist companions and descendants will also be wiped out, not counting their own deaths.

"Raven Guard, support Captain Shen Qiang!"

Ghost Wolf ordered.

"Turn on the God-Destroying Light Cannon! Shoot him!"

God will give the order.

"Activate the frigate shield and protect the front!"

All the famous captains were shouting.

This is very rare, because these ships are still indestructible even if the magical weapons used to protect them are not turned on. This design was originally used to deal with the possible arrival of outside monks.

But in fact, for thousands of years, no outside monks have appeared in the South Gate Galaxy. This design is considered superfluous and unnecessary.

But unexpectedly, the coefficient was turned on today.

Orders were passed down one after another.


Layers of huge ship-protecting formations unfolded layer by layer on each ship like a lotus flower in full bloom.

There was a white python holding the sun, a golden crow spitting fire, a divine crow howling ominously, a black snake and a divine turtle entangled to suppress... Countless visions appeared in the sky for a while.

This is an external manifestation of the magical power exerted by the defensive magic weapon. It has extremely strong defensive power, even ten times more powerful than Black Rock City's defensive magic circle, and can withstand a powerful blow from the God Transformation.

"Haha! Everything is in vain. I said, you will all die here today!"

While they were preparing, Jiang Tian had already begun to attack.

"Shen Qiang, don't waste your efforts. You can't break my laws. The only thing waiting for you is death!"

He wasn't attacking from close range.

Instead, it emerged a hundred miles away, and then cut through the sky like a golden rainbow. With a loud laugh, it swaggered towards Shen Qiang.


A Tianzong from Hailan World rushed towards Jiang Tian from the side. More than thirty Nascent Soul Heavenly Lords joined forces and launched a strike.

Thirty Nascent Soul Heavenly Lords acted together, their strength was terrifying, and they knew how powerful Jiang Tian was, so they acted without mercy. The vitality of a hundred miles in radius was suddenly drained away, the void collapsed, and one blow was enough to destroy a hundred miles in radius, the earth sank, and the sky collapsed.

More than thirty people with completely different laws and powers converged into a torrent of energy, like a sky river exploding and falling from the sky.

The beam of light, which was as thick as a mountain, was as thick as a mountain. It carried endless destructive power and was about to smash Jiang Tian, ​​the Black Rock City below, and even the Ancient Demon Abyss into powder.

Facing this devastating blow, all the onlookers' monks lost their voices. Qi Jiuyi was so frightened that his body trembled and he almost sat down on the ground.


Ao Jiao and Qi Liqi wanted to scream, but they couldn't. Their hearts seemed to be crushed by the violent pressure.

But the next moment.

Jiang Tianxin waved his hand as if sweeping away dust. It was as if the universe was born from the bottom of the sleeve, turning the sun and moon upside down, and the world in chaos. The torrent of energy as thick as a pillar of heaven was shattered into pieces. The next moment, it was blown away by the endless wind, leaving not even a drop of residue behind. .

"So strong!"

At this time, Ao Jiao truly realized that Jiang Tian's two breakthroughs in the Ancient Demon Abyss were not simply multiplications, but an extreme improvement of ten times and a hundred times.

At the beginning, when Jiang Tian faced more than twenty Nascent Soul Heavenly Lords above Shibapan Island, Jiang Tian still needed a tug-of-war. They fought back and forth for a long time, and even used the Juetian Sword. But now, Jiang Tianzhen waved his sleeves and the oars flew into ashes, and no Nascent Soul could stop him.

"How can it be!"

The head of the Tianzong, who was on par with Long Baxia, also thought very highly of himself. He never imagined that he would be unworthy of Jiang Tian with a wave of his sleeves!

"Come again!"

He roared wildly, unwilling to accept failure, and sent a message from his spiritual consciousness that he would use the sect's secret method and kill Jiang Tian here even if he burned the Nascent Soul.


But Jiang Tian no longer gave them a chance.


Then, under the stunned gazes of countless monks, Jiang Tian pointed out casually and made an understatement.

? This leader of Tianzong, who had peak Nascent Soul cultivation and was a mid-level Nascent Soul, acted as a vanguard and wanted to make meritorious deeds. He was directly exploded by him in the air. Countless scarlet blood filled the void, and the broken limbs flew all over the sky.

After that, Jiang Tian swung his hand sword again, with a golden sword light that was a hundred feet long, and directly cut seven or eight Yuanying elders and hall masters into two pieces. Even Yuanying had no time to escape, and was strangled by the law of Gungeng Gold. It has to be crushed into powder.

to the end.

? Jiang Tian was dissatisfied that his killing method was too slow, so he jumped up and turned into a golden rainbow that penetrated the crowd.

He did not rely on any magic power or use the divine channel technique. He simply relied on his physical body to rush forward. He was like a comet with a golden rainbow piercing the sun, crossing the sky, like an extremely sharp heavenly sword cutting butter. , bumped into the Tianzong crowd who took action.


In the sky above the Ancient Demon Abyss, there were dozens of Nascent Soul Heavenly Lords from the upper realm on the spot, who were hit by Jiang Tian's volley or swept by the tail of the escape light.

They were all blown up out of thin air in an instant as if they were hit by a space battleship. Their solid bodies could not withstand the impact at all, and even their Nascent Souls were instantly shattered.

With just a snap of a finger, the Hailan Nascent Soul Heavenly Lords, who were hundreds of miles into the void like an iron curtain across the sky, retracted again, much faster than when they attacked.

All the powerful men of Hai Lan Tian Sect, including many divine generals, looked at him with horror and fear.

Qi Jiuyi and his daughter, Ming He, Takong, etc., and even Wu Shujian's eyes widened. The endless creatures in Yingzhou, including mortals, monks and even monsters, were all stunned, as if they were seeing ghosts!

At that moment, the whole world was dead silent.

This was an unprecedented horror that made everyone feel terrified. It was even more shocking than when Jiang Tian killed so many gods just now.

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