Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1471 Raise your hand and throw the mountain, destroying the ship with one strike

In the end, at the cost of losing two divine generals and seriously injuring many Nascent Souls, Shen Qiang finally entered the Golden Crow mothership.


The many arrows Jiang Tian released hit the Golden Crow Mothership and exploded like fireworks without piercing it or even leaving many traces.

"All monks enter the ship!"

"Ship, activate the naval gun weapon and bombard it from a long distance!"

A god general's eyes were red with hatred, and he ordered through gritted teeth.

I originally thought that when the three guards and six sects came out to kill Jiang Tian from the lower realm, it would be as easy and casual as traveling around the mountains and rivers.

But he didn't expect to suffer such a cruel defeat.

More than twenty half-step gods with names have died, and there are even more countless Nascent Soul Heavenly Lords. This is simply a huge loss for them and they cannot bear it.

However, he had to order everyone to retreat to the ship to avoid its sharp edge.

Under Jiang Tian's full exertion, the Unparalleled Nascent Soul and the Half-Step God Transformation were as if they were squeezed into clay and were completely vulnerable.

Whoosh whoosh!

In fact, Shi Zhenxiang, Jing Shimin and other Nascent Soul Heavenly Lords were already scared out of their minds. However, since the three guards were supervising the battle, they were afraid and did not dare to retreat easily.

After receiving the order at this moment, without even the slightest hesitation, they all jumped into the ship like bereaved dogs.

These ships are all made of strange gold, with endless Dao patterns and laws engraved on them. They can withstand the critical strikes of half-step gods and can last for a period of time.

"Jiang Taichu, today, I will cut you into pieces!"

"If I recover, you will be dead within three moves!"

Shen Qiang roared.

At this moment, he used various secret techniques and paid a huge price to finally disintegrate and suppress the many laws left in the wound, and he was still able to fight.

After all the monks entered the battleship.


Following the order, pillars of light, black light, and blazing fire intertwined across the sky and shot toward Jiang Tian, ​​each one extremely dangerous.

Seeing this, Fairy Yaoyue asked, "Brother Shujian, what do you think will happen next?"

"The fleet of these three guards has accumulated thousands of years of time. Every ship, especially the mother ship, has countless foundations and formations. Even if Jiang Taichu is very powerful and has a strong body, he can control the supreme law. , but it’s difficult to destroy these ships!”

Wu Shujian's eyes were attentive, flashing with wisdom, and he shook his head and said:

"It can be said that in this battle, Guard Commander Shen Qiang and the others were too trusting. If they had hid in the Golden Crow Mothership and attacked from the beginning, they might not have suffered such heavy losses, and they would have been able to capture Jiang Taichu!"

"However, even if Jiang Taichu cannot kill Shen Qiang and the regiment cannot destroy the three guards and six sects, with the strength he has shown now, Shen Qiang and the others will not be able to kill him. Jiang Taichu now comes and leaves whenever he wants. Just go, invincible, nothing can stop you!"

When the monks watching around heard this, they were all frightened.

Even Fairy Yao Yue looked shocked, and her heart was filled with turmoil.

The three dignified Golden Crow Guards are like heavenly soldiers and divine generals in the world of Immortal Ruins, plowing courts and sweeping caves, invincible. The six heavenly sects of Hailan World are also powerful existences across the entire continent.

But now, one hundred thousand golden elixirs, hundreds of Nascent Souls, and many half-step gods have come out, but they have been suppressed by one person. If this spreads to the upper world, I don't know how many waves it will cause!

"Even if Jiang Taichu didn't succeed in killing them all in this battle, he can kill the gods and Yuanying in half a step. This son is also extremely talented. In all the worlds of Hailan, he can be regarded as one of the most talented. The first person!”

Many people lamented.

And Jiang Tian, ​​at this time, sometimes escaped into the space, sometimes emerged, to avoid the laws of attack from the ships, his eyes were calm, without sadness or joy.

"Jiang Taichu, I will regain my fighting strength soon. You will definitely be invincible."

"We might as well shake hands and make peace. If you surrender now, I will not kill you, but I will plead for you in front of Prince Qiu Min. When Prince Qiu Min is hiring people, he will definitely use you more! I am not kidding, nor am I You can’t keep your word. Here, everyone can be a witness!”

Shen Qiang said in a deep voice while repairing his body quickly.

At this time, everyone thought that Jiang Tian would go with the flow and bow his head.

After all, with his current record, he is enough to be proud of the world. There is no shame in surrendering to Prince Qiu Ming.

What a surprise!

Jiang Tianqu shouted coldly:

"Prince Qiu Ming, who is he? He is worthy of letting me, Jiang Taichu, take another look!"

"Shake hands and make peace? You don't know that this world already belongs to me, Jiang Taichu. From the moment you invaded this world without saying hello, your fate has been determined!"

"Only death!"

As soon as he finished speaking.

"Zhu Zi, you are arrogant!"



One after another roars came from many ships.

Immediately afterwards, there was a thunderous roar that shook the sky and the earth, beams of light spread across the sky, the wind howled, the sun spread across the sky, and all the magical weapons on the ship started to explode.

The area where Jiang Tian was located suddenly turned into chaos and chaos. The sky was dark and the earth was dark. The sun and the moon had no light. Every law fluctuation could kill Nascent Soul Heavenly Lord. There were hundreds or even thousands of law fluctuations, filling the void and rolling like a tide. , like a vast ocean, invading and tearing towards Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tianyi was not afraid, his ragged clothes were flying and making hunting noises.

There was a ten-foot-long black gluttonous vortex blooming around him. All light pillars, ghostly winds, and flames, when they arrived in front of the vortex, immediately fell into it, disappeared into thin air, and were swallowed up.

"Shen Qiang, do you think you still have a chance to heal?"

Jiang Tian smiled coldly and mocked:

"Do you think that by hiding in a turtle shell, I can't do anything to you?"

"Forget it! Today, I will let you, the so-called gods, priests and generals of the upper world, see clearly what real power is!"

Jiang Tian's words were decisive!

"Haha, does this kid still want to blow up our ship?"

"He can indeed blow up ordinary ships, but what about the mothership?"

"Didn't he see that his arrows exploded when they hit the mothership, leaving not even a white mark?"

Many monks ridiculed Jiang Tian at this time. In their eyes, Jiang Tian was like a fanatic who shakes a tree with a fly, ridiculous and overconfident.

When everyone was laughing and ridiculing, they suddenly saw Jiang Tian reaching out to grab the ancient demon abyss.


Under the horrified gaze of countless people, a towering peak rose from the ground and flew far above the Golden Crow Mothership, crashing down like an asteroid falling from the sky.


At this moment, countless upper realm monks all looked up in shock.

Ten thousand feet is tens of miles. A mountain that is tens of miles tall is almost the size of a city on Earth.

With this grab, Jiang Tian grabbed an entire city and then smashed it head-on. How terrifying was that power? That strength is so terrifying, almost like a god.


The mountain peak suddenly hit the Golden Crow Mothership.

The warship formations that had been activated for a long time were completely activated under the violent collision, and you could see the flames burning in the sky, the sword energy soaring into the sky, and illuminating thousands of miles.

The huge mountain peak was blocked by the defense and attack of the escort formation, and eventually collapsed.

"Haha! Jiang Taichu, you think you can destroy my Golden Crow Mothership with a few broken rocks. What are you kidding me? You are so ignorant!"

Just when Shen Qiang showed a mocking smile.

"Come on the mountain!"

The three-foot-long bright divine disk behind him rotated, and Jiang Tian was enveloped by the shadow of the thick earth dragon. He let out a low roar like a dragon's roar, and grabbed it with both hands.

"Second seat!"

"The third seat!"

"The fourth one!"

Jiang Tian is like a god in myths and legends, with infinite divine power.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he picked up a giant mountain weighing hundreds of millions of tons and smashed it down with a roar. Almost at the snap of a finger, hundreds of mountain peaks were absorbed, and the Golden Crow Mothership also suffered hundreds of violent impacts.

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