Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1473 One sword can be a million swordsman

"Jiang Taichu, Guard Commander Shen Qiang has fully recovered. He is an unparalleled half-step god. He is infinitely close. Do you think you are your opponent?"

"Don't resist stubbornly. Your end has come. Surrender!"

"This is your only chance, don't make a mistake!"

After a brutal and bloody battle, there were only three generals left in the Golden Crow Guard. Their losses were extremely heavy and their morale was extremely low.

But when they saw Shen Qiang recover, they felt as if they had been given a shot of chicken blood and became a hundred times more confident again. They felt that with Shen Qiang's presence, Jiang Tian was completely vulnerable.

"Jiang Taichu, we admit that we did make a mistake before and underestimated you. However, you are still incomparable to Chief Shen Qiang!"

"No matter how strong you are, you are just a child born from the golden elixir, and he is infinitely close to becoming a god. This is the difference between mortals and immortals, humans and gods. It is like a chasm that cannot be crossed!"

"Kneel down and surrender! You have killed too many people, your crime is unforgivable!"

Even Jing Shimin and Shi Zhenxiang, who were originally scared to death, walked out of the ship, jumped up and down, scolded Jiang Tian, ​​persuaded him to surrender, and threatened him.

"I have killed too many people and my sin is unforgivable!?"

Jiang Tian's face was sarcastic, his eyes were as cold as iron, and he asked in a cold voice:

"You invaded this world, and the God-destroying light cannons fired indiscriminately across the board. How many people did you kill? Not millions, but hundreds of thousands? Are they not human?"

"You are undeclared war and come to assassinate me. Should I just kill you at the slightest sign, raising my hands without any resistance and letting you kill me?"

"Your life is life, but our life is not life?"

"That's right!"

A Golden Crow Guard God General took a step forward, his eyes were raised above his head, and he said proudly:

"All creatures in the lower realm, whether mortals, monks, civilians, or emperors, must listen to the orders of the upper realm and the Immortal Ruins."

"We will take life and death, obey and obey according to your heart. If we let you die, you should commit suicide to apologize. If we want to kill you, you should wash your neck and wait for us to chop it!"


Jiang Tian's eyes became colder, like ice that had been frozen for thousands of years, and his murderous intent became more intense.

"Why? Jiang Taichu, after all you are the strongest person in a remote galaxy in the solar system. Don't you understand this?"

Another divine general, although his whole body was stained with blood and had been killed by Jiang Tian just now and fled like a wild dog, was now extremely arrogant and domineering:

"It's very simple. In the world of cultivation, the strong are respected and the weak are ants. This is the truth of justice. You are too weak, so you should be bullied, enslaved, and killed!"

"Hahaha, do you know what the outcome was when someone spoke to me like this before? It was a dimensional world in the Western Land in the solar system! The Buddha Sect led hundreds of thousands of armies from various countries to Ji Mo!"

Jiang Tian looked up to the sky and smiled, then his face turned cold, and he said in a deep voice: "If you have a sharp weapon in your heart, your murderous intention will suddenly arise. With my ability, I can kill indiscriminately, who can stop me?"

"But over the years, I have been reminding myself to keep a peaceful heart and a heart of compassion for the mortal world. If you want to become a god, you must first become a mortal!"

"You always think that you are strong, but you don't know that in my eyes, you, and even the Ruins Emperor, can crush ants to death with just a raise of my hand!"

"You are very weak. But weakness has never been an obstacle to survival, arrogance is. Now, you will pay the price for your arrogance!"

"I don't want to kill, but you insist on seeking death! It's okay, I haven't killed someone so happily in a long time! Then just die!"

As Jiang Tian uttered his last words, he slashed out with his sword across the sky.

The three-foot-long bright divine disk behind him rotated rapidly, and endless true energy and power of law were poured into the Jue Tian Sword, turning into a huge sword light that was thousands of feet long.

As soon as the sword light came out, it immediately pulled out a long tail of light in the void, cutting countless space cracks, streaking across a hundred miles of void, and passing by hundreds of Golden Crow Guard warships like a dreamy bubble.

Before many monks could react, they heard a loud roar, and more than a dozen starships were cut into two without any hindrance, as if they were sliced ​​by wax oil and hot knives.

The terrifying sword light from the sky is like mercury pouring down the ground and the Milky Way hanging upside down. It penetrates all the way and fills the entire void.

Almost as soon as the ship cracked, colorful fireballs exploded, strangling the thousands of Golden Crow monks in the ship, including many Nascent Soul Heavenly Lords and two divine generals, into a rain of flesh and dust.


At this moment, everyone screamed in shock, as if seeing a demon, their hearts felt cold.

In the sky, the aftermath of the sword light rolled, and the cold sword energy enveloped thousands of miles. Thunder exploded, but snow fell thousands of miles away, and the ground was frozen and frosty.

The sun and moon hung upside down, and there was chaos between heaven and earth.

Countless upper realm monks were stunned.

The power of this sword was so explosive that it wiped out hundreds of miles of void and slashed hundreds of ships. Its strength completely surpassed that of Dao weapons and reached an unprecedented height.

Jiang Tian only needs to count his swords to chop all the starships of the Golden Crow, White Python, and Dark Crow Guards into pieces, leaving no chickens or dogs behind!

Everyone realized that after Jiang Tian sacrificed this sword, his strength increased greatly and he went straight to the gods.

This sword was so powerful that it was like Pangu wielding the giant ax that opened the sky and the creation spirit splitting the chaos. It seemed to be able to chop stars, shatter the moon, and divide the sky.

"What kind of sword is this? Why is it so powerful? Could it be a Taoist weapon! No, it's even more powerful than a Taoist weapon!"

Jing Shimin, Shi Zhenxiang and other Tianzong sect leaders were so frightened that they even lost their souls.

They have never seen such a powerful magical weapon, not even in Hailan or the Immortal Ruins.

Jiang Tian didn't talk nonsense at all, turned into a sky-shattering rainbow, and rushed directly towards Shen Qiang. When he encountered the military formation, he also ran straight across it, and slashed down with the Juetian Sword in his hand again and again.


Almost with a snap of the fingers, three more military formations were smashed into pieces and annihilated by the Jue Tian Sword.

At this time, the three-foot divine disk behind Jiang Tian rotated extremely fast, and in the end it was almost impossible to distinguish the distance. The nine golden elixirs almost condensed into one, turning into a chaotic golden elixir.

This is a secret technique called the "Nine Changes of Samsara and Nirvana Wheel". Only with nine laws and nine kinds of gold-dividing elixirs can it be used. The nine laws cycle endlessly, forming endless murderous intent and destruction, which can be short-lived. The power of transforming into gods exploded, shaking the sun and moon, making the heaven and earth tremble.

Just see it.

With one slash of the sword, the void for hundreds or thousands of miles was shaken, thunder exploded, ice and snow fluttered, the sword light surged like waves, and the ships were like toys made of clay being smashed down by a giant hammer of ten thousand tons. , exploded in the air, turned into fireworks, and collapsed into painted cakes.

The three-foot divine disk rotates like a brilliant wheel of light, like a scorching sun. The chariot of the Sun God runs through the void, like a cutting machine, cutting ships into pieces, indestructible and moving forward indomitably.

Countless monks in the upper realm did not even utter a scream, whether it was golden elixir or Nascent Soul, they all fell instantly and died miserably. Some were beaten into cokes by lightning, some were torn apart by space cracks, some were twisted into a shower of flesh by sword light, and some were beaten into meat patties by huge pressure.

Behind Jiang Tian, ​​there were scattered limbs and broken arms flying in the sky, huge battleship wreckage, a hundred thousand golden elixir monks, and hundreds of starships. All of them were killed by him, just like plowing a courtyard to sweep a hole, forcibly. Break out a passage.

In fact, Jiang Tian's goal was to kill Shen Qiang, and he just killed them casually. But Jinwu and the other three guards were killed until rivers of blood flowed. Corpses were scattered all over the field, and blood was scattered all over the sky!

"He can fight for three thousand miles with one body, and he can be a million warriors with one sword! This is his true limit, it's so terrifying!"

Wu Shujian's heart trembled.

This time, for the first time, he wavered on whether he would capture Jiang Tian's Heavenly Sword.

Jiang Tian was extremely terrifying without the Jue Tian Sword, but with the Jue Tian Sword, he was almost unstoppable.

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