Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1484 Killing Prince Chunyu with one move shocked the world

"If fellow Taoist Taichu loses, I will use the space escape method to bring him to a safe area. You must hold back Prince Chunyu and others!"

The corners of Ghost Wolf's eyes trembled as he spoke gloomily.

"It's not a good idea for you to choose this teleportation array! It's very bad!"

Wu Shujian did not continue, regretting it to the extreme.

He really didn't expect Xuhuang Palace and Baiyue Academy to respond so quickly. As soon as he and Jiang Tian appeared, they were blocked by Yan You.

If not so quickly, he could still inform his family to avoid and hide through Hailan Realm. Now that they are blocked, how can the Xuhuang Palace let his family go?

"Senior, don't worry. We will hold him back!" Long Shengnan was full of fighting spirit and his eyes were firm.

"Wu Shujian, it's useless for you to surrender now. I have served as a guard among the nine guards of the Xuhuang Palace for so many years. Don't I know their style of doing things?"

Ghost Wolf urged: "I would rather kill hundreds of millions by mistake than let one go. If you have any objections, they will eradicate them and leave no one behind! If you want to save your family, the only way is to delay it." Kill them all, and the news of your surrender cannot be spread back to the Immortal Ruins and to the Fertile World!"

"I know! Are you annoyed?"

Wu Shujian groaned angrily.

At this time, he discovered that Cheng Aojun and other peerless geniuses were looking at him with evil intentions, as if he was a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

They communicated with each other with spiritual consciousness, speaking thousands of words in an instant, and at this moment, Prince Chunyu had already taken action.

The sky was stained with blood, and within a radius of ten miles, the crystal snowflakes reflected the brilliant blood light, as if they were carved from agate.

The new wind roared, and on the stretching mountainous area, the snow and ice that were dozens of meters behind disintegrated inch by inch as if swept by a peerless heavenly sword, and huge ravines appeared, exposing the dark brown rocks in the depths. Even the hard rocks have horrific marks.

Prince Chunyu raised his jade-white finger and raised it a little higher in the air. The blood-colored flag rolled down from high in the sky, blocking everyone's sight. In this flag, countless bright blood-colored rays of light burst out, rolling like a tide, drowning Jiang Tian. . One of the bloody rays of light can kill Jindan and seriously injure Nascent Soul.

"So powerful! With the three most powerful laws gathered together, I'm afraid Jiang Taichu won't be able to hold on for three snaps of his fingers!"

"As soon as Jiang Taichu died, we immediately swarmed forward and captured the two rebel gangsters Wu Shujian and Gui Lang. The Xuhuang Palace and the Academy will definitely be rich in rewards!"

At this time, Cheng Aojun and others were shocked, and then they geared up and stared at Ghost Wolf and Wu Shujian with evil intentions, filled with murderous intent.

Prince Chunyu wants to make a contribution and kill the bandit leader Jiang Taichu. They have no chance to compete for the beauty. But Gui Lang and Wu Shujian have been regarded as their dinner.

At this moment, a bright golden sword light, like the sun piercing the sky, broke through the rolling tide of bloody red light, tore through the roaring wind, and penetrated the iron-blooded banner.

The next moment, he came to Prince Chunyu's neck.


Prince Chunyu was shocked. He used the word "Xing" in the "Nine Heavens Technique" and retreated for more than a hundred miles as fast as a stream of light. The light of the sword streaked across the place where he had just stood, and pieces of space were annihilated into chaotic holes.

At this moment, he saw the space behind him break open silently, a figure appeared, and the Gengjin Divine Sword slashed out like mercury pouring down the ground again.

Prince Chunyu was shocked.

He didn't expect Jiang Tian to be so fast. Like a tarsal maggot, the iron-blooded flag in the air rolled him up and flew away through the air.

The moment the banner rolled up Prince Chunyu, Jiang Tian's moves suddenly changed. With a single point of his finger, bright and sharp sword rays passed through the hole of Prince Chunyu in the banner.

However, these dazzling sword lights were unexpectedly crushed and blown away by the Shuo Feng Principle rolled by the iron-blooded banner. Then, they successfully picked up Prince Chunyu and flew towards the warship.

Jiang Tian's sword light was composed of Geng Jin's law, but it was crushed. Even if Jiang Tian didn't use all his strength, it was enough to show the mastery of Prince Shuo Feng's law of Chunyu.

The iron-blooded banner carried Prince Chunyu to the warship a hundred miles away. The speed was so fast that it was difficult for Yuanying Tianjun to catch it with his naked eyes and consciousness.

Jiang Tian's Kunpeng's speed was already extremely fast, but with Prince Chunyu's Heavenly Writing Skill, which was also a unique skill of Baiyue Academy, and coupled with the Law of Shuo Feng to break open space, the speed was not much slower, which made many geniuses on the God of War list. They all cheered: "As expected of Master's direct disciple!"

Even the ghost wolf with the blood of the Crow was shocked:

"Come! Soldiers! Fight! All! Array! Line up! Forward! Line! The most powerful nine heavenly arts of the Xu Emperor's lineage are invincible! The secret of this line of heavenly arts is the limit of the speed of body movements in the world. , it’s really extraordinary!”

As soon as the iron-blooded flag fell, it immediately spread out.

Countless flying swords as small as silver fish flew out from the iron-blooded banner, grew larger in the wind, and whizzed towards Jiang Tian, ​​who was pursuing him.

Jiang Tian raised his hand, and a huge Vermilion Bird Wing appeared behind him, carrying an extremely terrifying hot aura, sweeping towards thousands of flying swords like a heavenly sword.

The sound of clanking was endless, and those flying swords were hit and smelted by the Suzaku Fire Wings. In the blink of an eye, they turned into a sword that looked like liquid metal and fell into Jiang Tian's hands.

Jiang Tian sacrificed the sword into the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Gourd, took out a stick of incense from the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Gourd, blew on it, and lit the incense stick.

This stick of incense flew towards the iron-blooded banner with curls of green smoke, and inserted into his hole.

"Prince Chunyu, now you know my rules!"

Jiang Tian said calmly: "Take this incense stick first, and I will visit your grave today next year!"

The iron-blooded flag slowly floated away, which was the appearance of the laws dispersing, revealing Prince Chunyu, but at this time he had been burned to ashes, and even his physical body and Nascent Soul had lost all vitality.

The whole place was completely silent, and no one could make a sound.

The atmosphere was horribly oppressive and suffocating.

Gui Lang, Wu Shujian, Long Shengnan, and Fairy Yao Yue did not come back to their senses, and even many visitors to the Ruins Palace, including the geniuses and monsters on the God of War List, also did not come back to their senses.

"It's just a move!"

Ghost Wolf's face was as pale as paper. He didn't even notice when Jiang Tian committed the murder. You can imagine the shock in his heart: "With only one move, he killed Prince Chunyu in the middle stage of Nascent Soul! Prince Chunyu practiced The god-level law, Nascent Soul, is also comparable to ordinary god-level transformations!”

"Prince Chunyu, is he actually dead?"

Cheng Aojun, Luo Changsheng, Li Huaishan and other geniuses and monsters all opened their eyes wide and their voices trembled in disbelief.

Prince Chunyu may not be the most powerful among the eighteen generations of the Xuhuang royal family, but he is definitely the most talented. Otherwise, he would not have contacted Baiyue Academy on behalf of the Xuhuang Palace.

Prince Qiu Ming and Prince Xia He were so amazing and talented, but they could only contact Jinwu and other nine guards, and the other could contact Zhentian Palace, and their positions were not as important as his.

You must know that the laws and avenues of the world all come from Baiyue Academy. The princes who have always been in contact with Baiyue Academy are all waiting to be enthroned as the Emperor of the Xuhuang Palace!

"You killed the prince! You killed Prince Chunyu?"

Suddenly, the black-faced maid standing on the bow of the boat screamed with trembling delicate body, and blood spurted out from the corner of her mouth. The sword in her hand, the Great Liang Dragon Bird Sword, shattered into countless pieces, and the fragments were like silver butterflies in the air. Flying and landing.

Only then did everyone realize.

Just now, the girl named "Jiang Ni" was praised by the Sword God of the Xu Emperor Palace as having "a sword as majestic as the Princess of the Xu Emperor." In fact, she was the maidservant of Princess Taiping of Xiliang World who was suppressed by the Immortal Xu. She also came to Chun Yu's aid. The prince, and even the Great Liang Dragon Bird Sword, which was a Taoist weapon, exhausted all its mana and collapsed miserably, but it still did not change the fact that Prince Chunyu was killed.

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