Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1487 One person can destroy a city

In fact, he returned in disobedience.

According to Yan Wei's opinion.

He, Yu Linzi, is a talented elite, a genius who is valued by the Ruins Emperor. The so-called good steel is used on the blade, and he must not die in battle to protect a few ants from the lower realm. Instead, he should return to the Immortal Ruins to preserve his strength.

But Yu Linzi convinced Yan Xuan with just one sentence:

"Yan Youjiu, if one day your hometown is invaded by bandits and your parents and brothers die, will you sit back and ignore it?"

"Your Excellency Yu Linzi, regardless of safety, kept his promise, and returned to protect the beauty's hometown. This is a good story!"

After hearing Yu Linzi's story, a monk who looked like a Confucian scholar felt deep admiration and clapped his hands in praise.

"Then Jiang Taichu also has one nose and two eyes, and he doesn't have three heads and six arms. What's so scary!"

"As long as we unite as one, work together, and work together, we may not be able to defeat Jiang Taichu, the bandit devil!"

Everyone nodded in agreement, feeling that as long as Yu Linzi returned, everything would be stable.

At this time, thousands of feet high in the sky.

Suddenly there was a creepy Jie Jie laugh, and he said coldly and pitifully:

"Who said I have one nose and two eyes? Why can't I have three heads and six arms?"

Immediately afterwards.

The voice was unruly, full of banditry and demonic nature, like a thunderous explosion, rolling down, causing the sun and moon to hang upside down, creating chaos between heaven and earth, and everything in the ten directions was annihilated. The earth shook, the palace shook, and it almost burst open on the spot!

"Come to die in unity? Then I, Jiang Taichu, will help you! Get out of here. Today, I, Jiang Taichu, will send you back to the west!"

"Jiang Taichu is here!"

The whole audience was shocked.

Everyone was scared out of their wits.

Jue Fenglan shouted coldly and said: "Activate the city protection formation!"

As she gave the order, rumbles were heard, and powerful formations were activated one after another. Seeing this city standing on top of the tens of thousands of glaciers, it seemed as if it had suddenly awakened.

Layers of magnificent magic circles unfolded outside Winterfell, like flowers blooming. All he saw was green light gushing out, black light billowing like a tide, and the roar of the mythical beast. There are countless different appearances. Splendid mountains and rivers, the rise and fall of the sun, the black python swallowing the sky... Each layer of different aspects represents a powerful magic circle.

"Bang bang bang."

The Black Rock City in Yingzhou World has dozens of large formations, so it is said to be impregnable.

The Winterfell City in front of us has more than a hundred magic formations alone. Each of the formations was built by top formation masters from the Immortal Ruins, who worked hard to build it and spent countless financial and material resources of the Juefeng family.

Any Nascent Soul cultivator will have a difficult time facing a layer of formation, and they may not be able to defeat it even with all their strength. What's more, there are hundreds of magic circles overlapping each other now?

But Jiang Tian's face was calm, and his eyes were neither happy nor sad. In his eyes, the hundreds of formations set up by the masters of formations were as if they didn't exist. He was about to step into Winterfell.

"Fellow Taoist, stop."

A gust of wind roared out of Winterfell, transforming into an old man in black.

The old man was tall, with a thin appearance, eyes as sharp as an eagle, a tiger looking at a wolf, and a rage that could swallow thousands of miles. He was the head of the Juefeng family, Jue Fenghuang.

Back then, he was a figure who was on par with the Beihai Sword Emperor. Half-step Nascent Soul was not much weaker than him.

At this time, the head of the family said with a solemn expression:

"My Juefeng family has no enmity or enmity with my Taoist friends. Why do you think my Feng family is easy to bully?"

Jiang Tian said in a cold voice: "There is no grievance now, but that does not necessarily mean there will be no grievance in the future. I want to kill the Xu Emperor, and your Juefeng family are the royal relatives of the Xu Emperor Palace. How dare I rest assured!"

"Fellow Taoist, how can I feel relieved?"

Jue Fenghuang asked.

Jiang Tian said with an indifferent expression: "I want to enter Winter City, rest for a while, let's get in touch and get to know each other more, and when I think I can rest assured, I will leave naturally! You put away the formation and let me in!"

"The people of our city have barren mountains and barren lakes, and the pond cannot accommodate giant whales. There are no large rocs in the forest. My Taoist friends are all over the world and are omnipotent. We should choose another smooth road."

Jue Fenghuang declined politely, looking very sincere and sincere.

"My guess is indeed good. If you don't let me enter the city, you obviously have a backup plan. When the strong men from the Xuhuang Palace come again, you may want to stab me in the back!" Jiang Tian's eyes were half-squinted.

"This is definitely a misunderstanding. This must be some villain who wants to blame our Feng family."

Jue Fenghuang's face became solemn and he was determined. "Fellow Taoist Taichu is wise, wise, and has great talents and strategies, but you must not be fooled by villains, causing pain to your loved ones and happiness to your enemies."

"It's true, but you still have a backup plan. Today, I just want to enter the city. You have to agree if you agree, and you have to agree if you don't agree."

"You still have a choice! Tell the world about this, break with the Xuhuang Palace, surrender to me, and I will let you live!"

Jiang Tian smiled calmly and took a step forward. The green-gold light curtain spread out under his feet, like a light path, leading directly to Winterfell. Immediately aroused a series of reactions.

"What do you mean, fellow Taoist? Are you trying to force your way into Winterfell?"

Jue Fenghuang's expression turned cold and he said grimly:

"Jiang Taichu, don't blame me for not reminding you. My Juefeng family has stood undefeated for thousands of years, and has won the favor of His Majesty the Xu Emperor. The depth of our foundation is far beyond the imagination of a late-stage talent like you."

"In the dispute between you and the Ruins Emperor, we will not interfere and just sit on the sidelines. This is my biggest concession. But you must think that we may pose a threat to you. All of this is planned by villains who want to provoke you." If we fight, the fisherman will gain."

Having said this, he glared at Ghost Wolf bitterly, then withdrew his gaze and said coldly:

"Fellow Taoist, stop here. We can still be safe. Otherwise, don't blame my Juefeng family for being angry. When the time comes, so what if they are transformed into gods? They will be crushed to pieces!"


Following what Jue Fenghuang said.

Within Winterfell, vast auras suddenly filled the air.

These auras are fluctuations in the magic circle, and each one is extremely powerful, far superior to Yuanying, and suppresses all living beings thousands of miles around, all kneeling on the ground, trembling.

In Winter City, countless figures were densely packed, and countless powerful men and killing formations were spread out in the city, waiting for Jiang Tian's arrival.


Jiang Tian hummed, and with a slight flick of his finger, Jue Fenghuang's figure was suddenly blasted into the air.

"Jiang Taichu, you are so brave!"

In Winterfell, there was a sudden roar.

Deep in the Juefeng family's ancestral land, facing a water mirror, Juefenghuang's face was ashen.

Although there was only one of his clones outside, being blown up by Jiang Tian in public like this would undoubtedly trample the face of the head of the Feng Family under his feet.

Next, Jiang Tian took one step forward and reached the sky above Winterfell, his eyes sparkling and his arrogance overwhelming.

This shocking battle between one person and one city has finally begun.

Outside Winterfell, countless monks were paying attention.

Not only the local sect families in Winter City, but also the entire Beiming, major aristocratic families, sects, Xuanming Cave Heaven, Beihai Sword King's lineage, etc. all cast their gaze over.

"One man fights one city. Is Jiang Taichu really so confident that he can defeat our city defense formation?"

The general who defended the city, Jue Fengrui, was furious.

"Brother Yulinzi, what should I do?"

Jue Fenglan's pretty face was full of panic, and her face was pale.

"Winter City has a profound heritage, and the magical craftsmen of the Immortal Ruins have been operating in Winter City for thousands of years, laying countless foundations and magic formations. Although this kid doesn't know why, his cultivation level has skyrocketed, and he is incredibly powerful. He even... Even half-step gods have been killed, but it’s not that easy to destroy this city in one fell swoop!”

Yu Linzi's face was solemn, and then he said confidently: "Don't worry. If the city really can't stop you, I will take you away. Jiang Taichu can't stop me!"

"Jiang Taichu wants to blow up this Winterfell. It will take a lot of effort. I'm afraid he will use that peerless sword. By then, his old strength will be exhausted and new strength will not be generated. It is the time for us to kill him!"

Thousands of miles away in the sky, several Nascent Soul elders from Xuanming Cave appeared above the lead clouds, their eyes as sinister as eagles, discussing and plotting the time to attack Jiang Tian.

"Jiang Taichu will fight Winterfell and both sides will lose. At that time, it will be a good time for us to avenge the Sword Emperor!"

Some die-hards among the disciples of the Beihai Sword Emperor are still dreaming of killing Jiang Tian, ​​becoming famous, and receiving awards and rewards from the Xu Emperor Palace.

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