Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1504 Historical truth, I want to kill people

At this time, Li Yuan stood up, took a step forward, and bowed: "Senior, we just had a big battle, why don't you come to Fengyun Sect to rest and recuperate?"

Although Xuanming Cave Heaven was good, it had been overthrown by Jiang Tian. He guessed that Jiang Tian would need to retreat to improve his cultivation or heal his injuries after the battle, so he made this statement.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was envious.

Being able to invite Jiang Tian to live in the sect at this time can of course take the opportunity to form a friendship with Jiang Tian. Since Jiang Tian still has to fight against the Immortal Ruins and leave this world, then Li Yuan can guard this world.

But they did not argue for favor. After all, Li Yuan's Fengyun Sect had the largest area of ​​​​the dojo and the most abundant spiritual energy. It was also Jiang Tian's best choice.


Jiang Tian nodded slightly, agreed happily, and looked at him deeply.

This Li Yuan was originally on par with the Beihai Sword Emperor.

However, when Long Shengnan led many third-level worlds to intercept and kill Jiang Tian on Longmen Shibapan Island, he did not take action. This will undoubtedly face great pressure.

Then, he led everyone to fly towards Fengyun Sect calmly.

"Senior Taichu, Li Yuan is available!"

Long Shengnan and Jiang Tian's divine consciousness communicated.


Jiang Tianxi's words are like gold and his face is calm.

"Back then, under the orders of the Xu Palace, I went down to the lower realms, joined forces with Yingzhou, Beiming, and Penglai to set up an ambush on Shibapan Island to intercept and kill my senior. I also found Li Yuan!"

Long Shengnan said:

"But Li Yuan refused! Originally, he dared to disobey his orders like this, and I could lead the strong men to sweep across his sect. However, he was so cruel that he actually said that he was injured by a monster and lost his arm!"

Hearing this, Jiang Tian glanced at Li Yuan, who was flying with his sword, and said with a smile: "It was not injured by a monster, it was cut off with a magical weapon. Moreover, the magical weapon is not low-grade, and there are actually residual laws."

"Yes. The disciple also had suspicions at the time, but he was unable to get to the bottom of it! This person should have been rebellious against the Ruins Emperor!"

Long Shengnan said:

"Li Yuan's situation is different from Wu Shujian's. Wu Shujian is just impressed by your strength, but Li Yuan agrees with your philosophy! This is the most stable alliance!"

"You're right!"

Jiang Tian nodded in approval and said:

"Although the cultivating community has always used force to convince people, they are afraid of my strength today, but in the future, if they are threatened by a more powerful force, they may betray me. Only the recognition of ideas is the real recognition. Many monks can die for their ideals!”

Then, Jiang Tian looked at Li Yuan and said with a smile: "Does Li Yuan not agree with the Ruins Emperor?"

Li Yuan quickly bowed and said: "That's true. Xiaodao has been fond of ancient books since he was a child. He once visited all the sects in the entire Beiming world. I have read through the records of the ancient times. Those skills and other Xiaodao still have Don’t read it, just read the various anecdotes recorded in ancient times!”

Having said this, he looked solemn and said:

"I once accidentally read in classical books that many worlds surrounding the two stars of Nanmen, including Immortal Ruins, originally came from the solar system! And the Ruins Emperor is an invader, or even a traitor!"

"Indeed, tens of thousands of years have passed since this history, but the blood of the ancient sages of the ancient earth still flows in our blood."

"Yes, I have just figured out the history here, but it is true!"

Jiang Tian said.

"It turns out that this is all true. I originally thought it was just a legend!"

Li Yuan's face was shocked.

Li Yuan pondered for a moment and said:

"The great achievements of the ancient sages on the ancient earth and the ancient immortal land, the bravery that faced the crisis, and did not hesitate to risk everything to start an interstellar wandering, and the courageous struggle that did not hesitate to die with the enemy...all deeply inspired and moved me! I I always feel that even if they are losers, they are still heroes! And even if the Ruins Emperor won the war ten thousand years ago, even if he is stronger, he is just a despicable villain and a clown compared to them! That’s all!”

"It seems that in Shenghuang Chongli's generation, there were no masters who could return to the void and join the Tao. At least they had not conducted interstellar travel."

Jiang Tian was silent for a moment, his eyes flashed with vicissitudes of life, and then he said:

"They don't know that their laws, and even the avenues, are only suitable for the solar system. Once the coordinates of the starry sky move by light years, the laws and avenues are no longer consistent with the heaven and earth. Therefore, as soon as they arrive at the South Gate Star, they will enter the era of Dao Damage. , the combat power cannot be exerted to one or two tenths!"

"That's why the Ruins Emperor can take advantage of the situation and sneak in!"

"Even though you have failed, you are still a hero! At least, they left you root seedlings behind!"

Jiang Tian finally commented.

"It's just that the Ruins Emperor spent thousands of years confiscating and burning all these ancient books. He didn't even allow them to be passed down orally. If anyone mentioned it, they were immediately suppressed and exterminated. Therefore, more people only know about the Ruins Emperor and don't know about the Emperor at all. The emperor and many other ancient sages!”

Li Yuan was silent for a long time, then laughed at himself and said:

"Perhaps, Xiaodao is a bit pedantic. After all, the current ruler is the Xu Emperor, as stable as a mountain! The current Immortal Xu rules a galaxy and dozens of large and small planet worlds. His Nascent Souls are like rain, transforming from generation to generation. The gods are endless. This generation is extremely prosperous, with the three gods of the Academy, the Sword God of the Xuhuang Palace, and Tianhe Xingjun of the Zhentian Palace!"

"As for the trail, it is only half a step into the Yuanying. It has been stuck at this pass for hundreds of years. With this kind of disobedience, it is like a mantis under the wheel. It is basically a mantis trying to control the car. I can't change it at all, and I can only imagine it in my heart. That’s all!”

He let out a long sigh and said, "It's just that Xiao Ke still can't help but fantasize about how prosperous we would be if the ancient sages had won!"

"Don't think too highly of the Ruins Emperor!"

Jiang Tian smiled calmly and said: "The Ruins Emperor's technique is indeed powerful, at least it is consistent with this galaxy, but the bigger reason is that he has arranged a world-shattering formation to draw the spiritual energy of many worlds to the Immortal Ruins. Among them, they have endless resources to produce such talented people!”


Li Yuan looked angry.

"indeed so!"

Ghost Wolf said:

"In fact, as long as these amazing formations exist, with the level of spiritual energy in your world, no matter how advanced you practice, you will never be able to reach Nascent Soul!"

"Originally, in your world, there was a Xuanming Cave that fell from the depths of the starry sky. You could use this to break through to the Nascent Soul, but you also saw the result..."

Li Yuan trembled all over, and a cold and stern look flashed in his eyes:

"Indeed, when Xuanming Cave Heaven fell into this world, we were ecstatic. But immediately, the Xuhuang Palace was alarmed and Prince Qiu Ming sent people to occupy the lower world..."

"What are they talking about?"

Wu Shujian looked at Long Shengnan in surprise. Obviously, he doesn’t know the inside story of the Immortal Ruins.

"Fellow Taoist, you don't know?"

Long Shengnan quickly communicated with his spiritual consciousness and said briefly.

Immediately, Wu Shujian and Fairy Yaoyue's mouths grew round, and the muscles in the corners of their eyes trembled: "What? It turns out that the Ruins Emperor has occupied our ancestral land?"

"Damn it, I'm going to kill someone!"

Wu Shujian was so angry that his lungs almost exploded.

"In this way, Senior Ao Feng and others are really admirable!"

Fairy Yaoyue had a complex expression on her face. She thought she was superior and looked down on the monks in the lower world. Unexpectedly, they were the ones who controlled the truth of history.

"Fail, and it's either extinction or enslavement."

Jiang Tian sighed: "The winner cannot treat the loser as a life of the same level, let alone give them the opportunity to develop and grow!"

"The Ruins Emperor's IQ is online. After extracting the spiritual energy, he still uses Baiyue Academy to select talents from all the worlds, scouring the world, and opening an opportunity for the slaves to not be so desperate. In this way, some talents will be grateful and loyal. , follow closely!”

"like me……"

Wu Shujian's face turned bitter, and his heart was filled with sadness, thinking that he was just a fool. All the cultivation resources were plundered and they were still working for the Ruins Emperor.

"For example, Yu Linzi!"

Jiang Tian did not mention Wu Shujian, but said mockingly:

"He thought that everything he had, including his cultivation, reputation, and status, was given by the Ruins Emperor, and he was grateful to the Ruins Emperor. Therefore, even before he died, he still had a strong will to fight and would not take a step back. He thought that he was doing something for Fight for your beliefs and die with honor!”

"Actually, he is just foolish and loyal. He doesn't know that everything he has today originally belonged to him. It was just taken away by the Ruins Emperor and then returned to him! Even without the Ruins Emperor, the world could have been better. !”

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