Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1513 Discussing major issues together and doing disaster relief

From the shore, there was a roar of applause.

"It's ten times and a hundred times better than the Black Stone Society!"

"Yes, yes! I heard that they took advantage of Jiang Taichu's troubles in the world to make a fortune and withhold relief materials. Even if I sprinkle the crystals in the water, I will not donate them to them!"

"Oh, the Black Stone Society lives up to its name. The heart is as black as ink, like a stone in a latrine, smelly and hard, even if you scold it!"

Many monks and mortals were making crazy complaints.

"Blackstone Society, what exactly is it?"

Jiang Tian asked.

Long Shengnan shook his head and said softly: "I have never heard of this before..."

"This brother, have you never even heard of the infamous Black Stone Society?" Next to him, a fat and well-dressed young man who was called Fatty Yan by several young gentlemen looked at Jiang Tian and took the initiative to say.

It turns out that Jiang Tian's possible attack on the Penglai world has caused huge waves, and many civilians are afraid. I heard that the man is as powerful as the ancient demon, and with one blow, all living things within a hundred miles can be wiped out. Therefore, it is necessary to build many shelters or wear defensive weapons.

This Black Stone Society is a disaster relief organization composed of major cities and sects in Penglai World. All major sects jointly signed that all relief materials and donations must be paid to the Black Stone Society, otherwise, they will be killed without mercy.

However, the Black Stone Society has retained a large amount of materials or distributed them to large sects, giant cities, and famous families.

As for the common people, many of the defensive weapons created by the many shelters built are simply not available. For a time, there were many complaints and the people were in dire straits.

Jiang Tian let out a chuckle and said calmly: "The Jade Girl Sect is amazing, the intention is not small, this move has won the hearts of the people!"

"Maybe they are just kind..." Although Long Shengnan was sinister, he was not as sinister as Jiang Tian.

At this time, Bai Muxue smiled again and said: "Everyone, we are facing a powerful enemy, and disaster relief is no small matter. The little girl's efforts alone are too meager to turn the tide and protect the people of the world. I also invite monks above the Golden Pill Heavenly Lord, Or important people from the sect or city can board the ship to discuss important matters together!"

"Oh, I won't have a chance later, I want to practice, I want to practice!"

Fatty Yan showed a look of deep envy, then he stamped his feet and beat his chest, filled with regret.

He had just donated at least three hundred kilograms of crystals, but he was only from a wealthy family in the ordinary world and had no cultivation, so he was not qualified to enter the flower boat and see the beauty up close.

"Forget it, brother, you have worshiped all the major sects, but you have not passed the inspection once. You have no basis at all. Don't have such unrealistic illusions! You spent three hundred kilograms of crystals. Shi, what a pity..."

Next to him, a bright girl in red clothes, who must be the fat man's sister, complained unceremoniously, which made the fat man cry without tears.

"What's such a pity! Donate it to the poor! Besides, there are no unbroken eggs in the nest. If the big devil Jiang Taichu comes in person, we will all be gray and none of us can escape. What's the use of the crystal stone? To make a coffin?"

The fat man had a simple sense of justice and said casually.

"Brothers are mortals too?"

The fat man saw that Jiang Tian did not have a treasured light magic weapon on his body, so he immediately sent out three protective magic tools and said:

"It seems you haven't bought the magic weapon yet! My name is Yan Junze, just call me Fatty Yan. Yes, I'll give you some!"

Jiang Tian took it and thanked him.

Fatty Yan was carrying a wine flask and was drunk. He immediately poured out the bitter water to Jiang Tianda:

"You don't know, everything changed when the devil Jiang Taichu started something. Brothers like me, after all, I have thousands of acres of fertile land and endless houses. In the past, all those little bitches were willing to follow me. But now, only the monks are the most Popular. Even during the Qi refining period, it is now a favorite!”

He pointed at a monk at the third level of Qi training not far away, took a sip of strong wine, and said with full of sadness and bitterness: "That guy turned out to be my family's nurse, and in order to earn crystal stones, he obeyed my orders. Now my fiancée has gone with him and broke the engagement with me!”

Jiang Tian took a closer look and saw at least five or six young and beautiful ladies from famous families surrounding a Qi Practicing monk. They were talking loudly. The girls next to him looked at him with admiration and nodded repeatedly.

"Brother Yan is really miserable!" Jiang Tian expressed deep sympathy.

"Who says it isn't?"

Fatty Yan slapped his thigh with an angry look on his face:

"It turns out that this is not the case at all! We rich young men in the secular world are so glorious. All the beauties and famous ladies rush to my arms. Now, they are all going to the monks. You are not a monk, beauties with great wealth. I’m too lazy to talk to you! After all, crystal stones are useless in the face of life and death threats! It’s all Jiang Taichu’s fault, if he dares to come, I’ll blow his eyes out!”

At this time, the bright girl next to Fatty Yan wrinkled her nose again and said mockingly: "Tsk. If Jiang Taichu comes, I can beat you to pieces with just one sneeze!"

At this time, many monks began to rise up and board the ship one after another.

"The eldest son of the Tianlang Sect, Han Tianyang, has met the fairy and is willing to work together with the fairy to relieve the people."

A Foundation-Building Dzogchen monk looks to be about twenty years old, but has a wild appearance. He wears animal skin clothing, revealing a strong bronze chest. He has a sinister temperament and a ferocious light in his eyes. He rises from the ground and empties his breath. , flew past the treasure ship.

"Rogue cultivator, Wu Fengcheng. I am willing to help the fairy!"

A golden elixir true king, with an aura as ethereal as an immortal and an extraordinary demeanor, cut through the sky from afar, stepped on his sword, broke through the gentle clouds, and entered the ship.

"The master of Langhuan Palace, Ling Yuxiu. I admire the fairy's grace and come here to see her!"

A treasure ship crossed the sky, its light was bright, and it sent out ripple-like mana fluctuations. It slowly approached and floated above the flower ship.

A man with unusually handsome appearance, handsome figure and tall figure appeared, and with a flash of light, he entered Bai Muxue's treasure ship like a ghost.

All of a sudden, many big shots, dozens or even hundreds of them, entered the ship one after another.

"Let's go, brother! We are extremely lucky to see Fairy Muxue. There is no chance of getting on the boat. I know many places that are safe and have fine wine and beautiful women. Even though we are prostitutes, we can also relieve our worries! "

Fatty Yan enthusiastically extended an invitation to Jiang Tian. I plan to spend a lot of money and scatter all the money, just like being exiled in a doomsday carnival.

Jiang Tianyu shook his head and refused. He came here to find out some information, not to wander around the streets and alleys.

At this time, a round-faced maidservant walked out of Bai Muxue's flower boat and said softly: "The fairy wants to discuss with you today about saving the poor people. It requires the full support of many Taoist friends, but it cannot be separated from the mortal world." All righteous men, please lend a helping hand. Now, those who can donate a thousand jins of crystals can enter the flower boat to discuss important matters with the fairy!"


Fatty Yan, who was about to turn around and go to the brothel to pick up girls, immediately stopped and magically took out a few spar bills. He held the bills in his fat hands and shook them in the air. He said loudly: "Fairy Fairy, here, here, donate three thousand Jin, the three of us will go!" He raised his hand and nodded at Jiang Tian and his sister.

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