Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1515: Deduction of major cases, the truth of history

"Come and try!"

Long Shengnan stood up, his eyes were cold and stern, and he was about to start a killing spree.

But Bai Muxue waved her sleeves to block Han Tianyang's pressure. A smile appeared on her elegant and elegant face, and she persuaded softly:

"Fellow Daoist Han, those who enter this ship are all distinguished guests of the slave family. Please show some respect. The recording is just a trivial matter, and the slave family does not care. With your identity, why should you care about them?"

"Hmph. Grandpa, I'm going to give the fairy some face today, and I won't punish you and other offenses!"

Han Tianyang put away his power, and the Yan brothers and sisters climbed up tremblingly, with lingering fear in their hearts and earth-colored faces.

Han Tianyang sat down again, but his face was still ferocious, like a wolf that chooses people to devour. He glanced at Jiang Tian like an ant and snorted with disdain:

"They are just a bunch of mortal ants. We, as cultivators, are discussing how to save you, but you still mess up the venue and interfere with the fairy's discussion. You deserve to die!"

"Sir, this boy is so arrogant, I will kill him!"

Long Shengnan's dantian roared softly, communicating with Jiang Tian's spiritual consciousness, and his beautiful eyes were filled with murderous intent.

After all, she was once a saint of the sect, a majestic war god, and she had never been so slighted and humiliated.

"If you want to kill him, there is no need to rush!"

Jiang Tian smiled calmly and said through his spiritual consciousness: "Let's find out more about this party first!"

Bai Muxue saluted Jiang Tian and said softly:

"Young master, please don't blame me. Fellow Daoist Han has such a bad temper, and he doesn't know the rules of the slave family, so he attacks you out of a desire to protect and care for you. You seem to have some cultivation skills, so you might as well come and talk to us..."

"I'm with my companions, so I won't have to do it!"

Jiang Tian gently shook his folding fan and declined politely.

"Then it's up to you!" Bai Muxue nodded kindly to Jiang Tian, ​​looked away, and did not insist.

"Today, regardless of personal friendships or trivial matters, let's talk about the big things in the world!"

Bai Muxue withdrew her gaze, glanced at Han Tianyang, and laughed softly, her voice clear and sweet, as if coming from the sky.

"Yes, yes, such frivolous people should be beaten out! If the fairy were not present, I would tear them into pieces for fear of being rude to the beautiful lady!"

Han Tianyang has wild hair, a tall figure, and a domineering and wild aura, like a primitive savage. He smiles with bared teeth, revealing white teeth like a wolf. He has a murderous and ferocious aura. He is from the Tianlang Sect. , the exercises he practiced were extremely cruel.

"If Fairy Muxue has any ideas, she might as well say it clearly. We at Langhuan Palace will definitely support her!"

Ling Yuxiu chuckled gently and raised his glass in a toast, acting elegantly and appropriately.

In this world, Langhuan Palace is the largest palace, with dozens of Jindan ancestors sitting in charge. In the eyes of everyone, they are unshakable and aloof.

As soon as he spoke, many women present showed signs of admiration, which obviously made Yuxiu quite attractive.

Yan Li even murmured with intoxicated eyes, pointed the crystal eye of the branding artifact at him, and gave him countless close-ups.

"Although I am a casual cultivator, I have admired the fairy for a long time, and I am willing to do my best. The fairy's skill in making large-scale documents can deduce human affairs without any mistakes. What he hears and sees, his judgment is closest to the truth."

Wu Fengcheng opened his mouth, although his aura was ethereal, but his eyes were stern, with a domineering air of "I am the greatest in the world, and I will leave you alone".

"Everyone has heard that Jiang Taichu dominated the solar system and invaded the worlds of Hailan. Our Penglai world is also in danger. But do you know why Jiang Taichu invaded this world?"

Bai Muxue asked lightly, her beautiful eyes were good at seeing, and her fairy posture was moving, but there was no sense of charm and coquettishness. She was like a man who had attained the Tao, talking to others about mysteries.

Mentioning Jiang Taichu's name, the three floors above and below became silent for a while.

The sound of a needle dropping could be heard, and everyone looked solemn.

After all, Jiang Taichu had a great reputation. His fierce battle record, his overwhelming domineering power that swept across the world, and his ruthless acting style made all the talented people lose their voices.

To put it bluntly, their fringe third-level worlds, even second-level worlds such as Hai Lan, are extremely scary even in the Immortal Ruins. Its name makes future generations tremble and feel extremely uneasy.

"Do you still have to ask? Jiang Taichu is a demon! He has three heads and six arms, a green face and fangs. He likes to drink human blood and eat human flesh alive. He also likes to eat children!"

Fatty Yan whispered.

"You don't want to hearsay. Even if he likes to eat human flesh and drink human blood and is a big devil, where did you get the detail that he likes to eat children?"

Yan Li retorted.

"Because the meat of children is relatively tender! I just go to a brothel to choose a concubine, and I also like younger ones!"

The old god Fatty Yan is here and he is confident.

When Jiang Tian heard Bai Muxue mentioning him, his expression did not change at all. He just communicated with Long Shengnan's divine consciousness and said:

"Whether this woman's skills in writing documents are accurate, whether she is just a wasted name, or whether she is worthy of her name, we can find out today!"

Long Shengnan nodded and remained silent for the moment, quietly listening to other people's discussions.

"Jiang Taichu is a demon born on the edge of the planet. Since ancient times, poor mountains and harsh waters have always liked the emergence of cruel creatures. This is normal. I heard that he has led his disciples to this world, and they are in Wanqiu City, Xizhu City, and Yangqu Mountain. The top priority is not to find out why Jiang Taichu invaded this world. As the saying goes, since he came to invade, we should kill him!"

Han Tianyang spoke in a cold voice.

The light in his eyes flickered, flickering on and off, like a ferocious beast, filled with majestic murderous intent and domineering.

"Indeed. Jiang Taichu's attack has caused turmoil in the world of Penglai. Many strong men have fallen under his claws. We should work together to save the common people, and secondly, use our swords to fight Jiang Taichu. Guard my home for him!”

His words immediately received a burst of echo. Many people deeply agree.

A powerful enemy attacks, and the world of Penglai is facing annihilation. There are no eggs left under the overturned nest. No one has the right to stay out of it. Don't ask why, just fight him and kill him.

"Since Fairy Muxue asked this question, she must have used the art of writing to deduce the answer. Please make it clear that I am willing to listen attentively!"

That made Yuxiu say softly.

"I used tens of thousands of classics and documents from the Guangwen Tower of Zongmen to deduce an astonishing answer."

Bai Muxueyu waved her hand, and hundreds of jade slips flew out into the air, blooming with bright light. These lights rolled and gathered to form words and pictures in the air. This was the process of her reasoning in the slips.

"That Jiang Taichu, the Immortal Ruins and all the worlds may have come from the solar system and wandered to the South Gate Twin Stars. And the lineage of the Ruins Emperor is not our ancestor, but the culprit who killed our ancestors. This Jiang Taichu came to this world , not to plunder and invade, but to take back the territory that belongs to them on the ancient earth! "

As soon as she said this, the whole place fell silent.

Many monks and mortals showed expressions of disbelief and were shocked and moved by it.

There were also people who showed some deep thoughts, staring closely at the pictures and words, silently.

"How can this be!"

Some monks were unwilling to accept it and did not believe it at all. They laughed and said:

"Fairy Muxue is proficient in numerology and calculation. Since she created her original writing technique, she has never made any mistakes in predicting misfortunes, seeking good luck and avoiding misfortunes, and even deciphering historical monuments. But this time, she must have made a mistake!"

"The slave family has always believed that the truth of the world, even the three thousand avenues, are hidden in the art of mathematics. If you want to ask about the future and find a future, you have to lower your head, look back at the past, and explore among the piles of old papers. History will not Simple repetition, but always similar.”

Bai Muxue was not in a hurry and said softly:

"I started from the classics and documents and used mathematics to calculate the probability. This answer has the highest probability. Of course, if there are new classics and documents in the future, maybe the slave family will come up with a completely different answer. But at least for now, this is what the slave family has obtained. The only answer!”

"I do not believe!"

Some monks laughed and said:

"The solar system is a peripheral star system, as small as dust and as dim as candlelight. The earth, which was called Saturn in ancient times, is said to have long been desolate and lifeless. And the people living on it are ordinary people like ants and cockroaches. Could it be that, These people actually have the same ancestors as us? What a joke!"

"How is this possible! What she means is that our world all comes from the declining solar system?"

Not only the monks didn't believe it, but even Yan Junze's brother and sister didn't believe it. They were so round-mouthed that they couldn't believe it.

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