Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1529 The power of becoming a god, the danger of Jiang Tian!


The world-shaking God-Emperor gave a low roar, the divine treasure inside his body roared, and a mighty god within suddenly opened his eyes.

The space of a hundred miles shook, as if there was a harmonious sound of the great road, and the heaven and earth were awakened by the gods and communed with them.

Suddenly, the precious gold thunder mace came out.


The void generates electricity, which is composed of the lines of the avenue. The thunder and lightning is as thick as a dragon, wrapped around a metal path thousands of feet long and containing extremely hard metal. It is like a golden light pillar like Optimus Prime, sweeping out across the sky. .

The thunder dragon wraps around the golden pillar, and the rhyme of the Tao breaks through the void!



The many visions created by Jiang Tian were shattered by the thunder and lightning golden pillars, as if they were made of paper.


With one blow, Jiang Tian was sent flying horizontally. His body was like a wheel, rolling across the air. Wherever he passed, hundreds of hard meteorites like mountains exploded.

After smashing through dozens of huge meteorites and ancient chariot wreckage, Jiang Tiancai barely managed to keep his body steady, but even so, blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

Although he has had several divine bodies added to him, and several of them have reached a state of transcendence, after all, he is not a real Nascent Soul, let alone an incarnation of a god. Even if he condenses extremely powerful laws, he is not even close to the Great Dao.

With the help of several divine bodies taking turns to manifest themselves and many laws holding on, they were able to barely withstand the attack of the world-shaking God Emperor.

From the perspective of everyone at the Luoye Lake, Jiang Tian directly smashed through a hundred miles with one blow and disappeared from the screen.

"Senior Taichu..."

Long Shengnan cried out in tears, his energy boiling all over his body, and the Nine Laws True Dragon roared and struggled wildly.

But the shackles of the avenue immediately suppressed it, and the long thorns of true essence pierced into her Nascent Soul, causing her to almost go crazy from the pain, and all the true dragons of law were annihilated with a pop-pop sound.

"Hahaha, my monitoring weapon is still too close, and the monitoring range is too small. Who would have thought that Jiang Taichu would be knocked out hundreds of miles away without a fight!"

Mo Yang stood with his arms akimbo, looking up to the sky and laughing wildly, triumphantly, gloating and mocking.

"Dead. A God-Transforming God Emperor used a bloodline weapon to shake the sky. Even if Jiang Taichu's whole body was made of golden elixir, it would still be broken!"

"Congratulations to the world-shaking God Emperor for your victory, for getting rid of the scourge of Jiang Taichu for the Immortal Ruins, and for avenging Prince Chunyu and many fellow Taoists!"

"The God-Emperor who shakes the world, controls the great road, and has magical powers that shake the world and make the devil cry. In the future, he will surely overthrow the universe and shock the ages!"

Several divine generals laughed wildly and heartily, and some even bowed to pray and flatter themselves.

At this moment.

In the endless high-altitude outer battlefield, a long roar came, and Jiang Tian turned into a bright light and rushed directly.

"Eh? You can take a beating!"

The world-shaking God Emperor was stunned for a moment, showing a hint of astonishment.

He believed that one blow from the fragments of the Great Dao within him could wipe out at least half of Jiang Tian's life, but it was obvious that Jiang Tian was not seriously injured.

"Shaking God Emperor, are you a woman? Or did you not take the elixir at night? You have no strength at all! Come again!"

His clothes were torn, revealing crystal but cracked skin, with crystal blood flowing.

But the fighting spirit was still surging, and the three-foot-long divine disk behind him continued to operate as usual.

The bright light blooming from the divine disk enveloped him, making him look like an unyielding demon god standing in the void.

People were shocked and couldn't believe it. Even many divine generals showed expressions of deep surprise and shock.

The reason why the World-shaking God Emperor got this title is that his strength in those days shook the world of Immortal Ruins, shocking the past and the present. Since his debut, he has had few opponents.

Moreover, the two great avenue fragments, Gold and Thunder, are extremely powerful and domineering beings. When the World-Shaking God Emperor takes action, even if the opponent is half-stepped into becoming a god, he will often kill the enemy within three moves.

Now, Jiang Tian, ​​an infant cultivator, could withstand his full blow, which was simply unbelievable.

"Shuzi is rampant!"

The world-shaking God Emperor was furious when he heard this, and his majestic shouts seemed to come from the nine heavens, echoing in the sky for hundreds of miles, shocking the world:

"Jiang Taichu, wait until you have cultivated Nascent Soul, reached the top and transformed into a god, and then you will talk to me like this. Now, you are not worthy!"

He swung his golden thunder mace and struck Jiang Tian.

Between the heaven and the earth, countless thunders exploded, the billowing golden aura filled the air like a tide, and the lead clouds tens of thousands of miles away trembled. Under the pressure of the layers, the vast domes and space crystals were trembling as if they were about to break.

Everyone in the world below felt this terrible pressure. If it weren't for the war outside the territory, countless creatures would have died miserably.

On the battlefield outside the territory, the fluctuations were more than ten times that of those below. There was a roar of the avenue, as if it was mobilized by this wave.

In fact, it was indeed the case. The avenues contained in this world were resonating and trembling, endless thunder and lightning penetrated from the boundary membrane, and countless battleship wreckage turned into the essence of molten steel and copper, pressing towards Jiang Tian.


Wherever it passed, there were endless traces. Huge meteorites like mountains were brutally torn apart, crushed to pieces, exploded like fireworks, and mushroom clouds rose.

This scene is very astonishing. The waves of precious gold are like the ocean tide, and the thunder is as thick as a giant dragon shooting dust floating in it. They all contain traces of the great road, and they are all coming together to kill.


Jiang Tian's face was as cold as iron, but until now, he had not used the Jue Tian Sword, but swiped the Green Lotus and Golden Lotus down again.

He wanted to consume the energy and blood of the world-shaking God Emperor, drag him to the first level of god transformation, and then kill him with one sword.

Along with the green lotus and golden lotus brush down.

The Wood Element Law and the Geng Metal Law of the Whirling Divine Tree are poured into it, forming a towering giant tree and countless golden lotus petals. The towering giant tree is extremely tough and thick to withstand attacks, and the golden lotus petals are extremely sharp for attack. Each petal has It was like a peerless strange knife within a radius of a few miles, easily splitting the space and spinning out.

The world-shaking God Emperor is like a dragon leaping over the golden sea, while Jiang Tian is like a lotus blooming in the endless sky. Each has its own power and strengths.

Boom! Bang, dang, dang!

Countless laws collided together, and the cold and dry sky boiled instantly, setting off huge hurricanes and waves that pushed them hundreds of miles away.

Like ghosts crying and wolves howling, the dark wind howling, although there is a vacuum in outer space, it has set off a hurricane.

This is caused by space fluctuations and does not belong to air flow, so the lethality is even more terrifying.

Under the violent impact, a small satellite with a radius of hundreds of miles exploded, burning fiercely for a long time, like the sun rising across the sky, illuminating the Penglai world below.

Moreover, all kinds of strange phenomena appeared one after another, including headless demon gods, ferocious birds with six wings, three-headed tengu... and even rows of mighty and majestic ancient armies driving chariots and fighting fiercely.

In the Daosheng era of the Immortal Land worlds, a fierce battle broke out in this meteorite belt between the invading Ruins Emperor's followers and the Immortal Earth natives.

Those pictures contain majestic magic power and are imprinted in the magnetic storm and even the space crystal.

Originally, after tens of thousands of years, it had dimmed and disappeared, but now it was inspired by the infusion of mana from the two men. It was as if the dim LCD screen was electrified, and the picture appeared again. The scene was very shocking.


Under the impact of the thunder dragon and the tidal ocean of gold.

The towering trees could no longer hold up, and their screams broke. Under the suppression of the fragments of the avenue, the laws were annihilated one after another, causing a shocking explosion, and the endless cyan wood-based law fragments flew across and shot out for more than a hundred miles.

Even the more tenacious golden lotus of law could not withstand it. It was annihilated and smelted by the thunder of the world-shaking god emperor, and was swallowed up by the golden avenue.

But there were only three golden lotus petals whirling into the sky, whirling and shooting out.

"Hmph! Xiaodao'er!"

The world-shaking God Emperor looked contemptuous and waved his sleeves, wanting to blow up the Golden Lotus of Laws directly.

But the three-piece golden lotus suddenly shrank in size, and accelerated tenfold and a hundredfold, as if it could tear apart space. It came in an instant, directly splitting his Gun Dragon robe, piercing through the inner Taoist-grade armor, and passing through his extremely tough armor. His physical body hit his divine treasure.



Within his body, the divine treasure that was like a divine palace in an immortal palace trembled violently and roared, and terrifying cracks appeared, spreading rapidly like a spider web.

"not good!"

The world-shaking God Emperor was shocked.

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