Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1553 Obtaining the Zhugan Tree, the Gate to Heaven

"A sinister person!"

Finally, E Gongming suddenly jumped up to Ban Shan, opened his big scissors to the extreme, flashed with cold light, and cut suddenly.

At this time, although Jiang Tian's body was broken and could not be repaired, and he could no longer activate the Jue Tian Sword, his consciousness was very clear and his consciousness was not damaged.

He clearly felt that E Gongming actually relied on his physical body and the vast surging true energy to pass through without using any laws or avenues.

He understood immediately.

E Gongming's laws and avenues cannot perfectly resonate with this world and are difficult to implement.

Over the years, he could only rely on tempering his physical body and beating his true energy to improve his combat power, but he actually had such terrifying combat power, breaking through the laws and avenues.

"The old man is so cruel!"

Banshan's eyes widened in disbelief, and he quickly retreated.

Fortunately, he had already activated the iron cauldron to change its trajectory and hit it in the air, which would cause interference. Otherwise, he might have been cut off by the scissors in the air.


When the iron cauldron was smashed down, E Gongming's eyes widened, and he shook the sky with his fist. He was unparalleled in his bravery. He knocked the iron cauldron thousands of miles away, smashed through mountains, and smashed out huge rocks with a radius of ten or more than ten miles. dented.


First cracks appeared in the iron cauldron, and then it exploded uncontrollably, turning mountains with a radius of hundreds of miles into powder. This is a Taoist weapon with so much power that it can destroy heaven and earth.

At this moment, billowing air waves swept across the entire Wanren Mountains, and all living beings like ants were submerged and could only struggle.

Jiang Ni, Princess Tingyu, Zhao Shanhe, Cheng Aojun, Xu Changqing and others all prostrated on the ground, their bodies shaking uncontrollably. Facing the overwhelming power of the ancient god, they had no power to contend.

Banshan also felt uncomfortable. The iron cauldron and giant hammer were his natal Taoist tools and were closely connected to his gods.

At this time, the iron cauldron was instantly destroyed, the gods in his body roared, and he spat out a mouthful of blood, which was extremely miserable.

"You caused me to be disrespectful to the remains of my comrades. You bullied me like this. You should die!"

E Gongming stared at Ban Shan, shouted in a cold voice, pointed the giant crocodile-mouth scissors in his hand directly at Ban Shan, rushed up, comparable to the speed of light, and opened a rift in the space.

No one could have imagined that the ancient god E Gongming could exert such terrifying speed and combat power with only his true energy and physical body, without using laws and avenues, which was equivalent to his cultivation being forcibly suppressed to the level of golden elixir cultivation.

In the blink of an eye, E Gongming crossed the void for more than ten miles and came to Banshan. He punched out with his left hand and unfolded the huge scissors in his right hand, cutting the void, shaking the heaven and earth, and tearing the sky apart.

Ban Shan had no way to retreat, so he swung his giant hammer and faced him directly.


This giant hammer that once shattered meteorites and forged asteroids shattered into pieces under E Gongming's punch.

Banshan was like a rubber ball, spinning and flying backwards for dozens of miles, waiting for difficulty to stabilize his body.

All he saw was that only the handle of the hammer was left in his hand, the tiger's mouth was cracked, the skin on his arms was torn, and the muscle fibers were shaken into strands floating in the air. The sky was stained with red blood, and the muscles all over his body were rippling like water waves.

"Fuck you bitch. I'm not even afraid of my master or even the Ruins Emperor, so I'm afraid of you little brat? If I can't beat you to death with one punch, you can still be considered promising!"

E Gongming has wild eyes and is very wild. He was once a heavenly general, fighting in heaven and earth, with boundless domineering power. He was also the leader of the seven great bandit families. He burned, killed and looted. He was extremely violent and had a particularly hot temper. He cursed and wanted to catch up again.

"E Gongming, do you think we don't exist?"

Hei Baizi yelled. At this time, Banshan was already on the verge of death. Without any hesitation, he sacrificed his most powerful Taoist weapon.

"Chessboard, starry sky, dragnet!"

As the chessboard flew out from under the seat.

Suddenly, countless worlds emerged from it, and finally they were quickly abstracted into nineteen intersecting straight lines, a total of 361 intersecting points. Adding the four corners, there were a total of 365 black spots, covering the sky and the sun like a dragnet. The clouds suddenly came down.

In this giant network of chessboard evolution, every black spot contains a little starlight, and a little starlight seems to be a world.

The entire giant network is intertwined with many laws such as yin and yang, life and death, clumsiness, virtuality and reality. It is vast in power, contains infinite laws, is tenacious and immortal, and can destroy the Dacheng Transformation God. E Gongming and Jiang Tian must be killed together.

"It's too fancy and too big to be practical!"

E Gongming roared angrily, pointed his crocodile-mouthed scissors diagonally at the sky, shattered the void, and instantly tore the giant net apart as he opened and closed it.

However, seven or eight silk threads were still cut on E Gongming's body, and the skin and flesh were immediately torn open, and the bones were deeply visible.

Then, the Sword Servant's Dao Sword also exploded in an instant, and E Gongming was beaten up and down, covered in blood.

"Your mother! I want revenge! I will cut you into pieces!"

E Gongming shouted and rushed towards Hei Baizi.

"Senior, don't fight with them anymore. This kind of war of attrition is meaningless. After the junior breaks through, wipe them out in one fell swoop!"

Jiang Tian’s divine consciousness transmitted his voice.

He respected E Gongming very much. He was once an ancient heavenly general who fought bloody battles to defend the immortal land.

In terms of age, E Gongming's lifespan was actually longer than Jiang Tian's lifespan in his previous and present lives combined.

No matter what, he deserves the word "senior".

"Yeah, I know. Don't you want that Zhugan tree? The old man just sent the boys from the Ying family and the Tian family to steal it!"

While E Gongming fought continuously with the three transformed gods, his eyes showed a cunning look, and his spiritual consciousness transmitted:

"I fought with them, just shaking them. They guessed right, my old arms and legs can't support it for long!"

At this time, Jiang Tian scanned his consciousness and saw it.

The thieves with pangolin and field mouse bloodlines, as well as some weird spirits, were frantically digging holes in the ground around the Zhugan tree, forming a large empty area.

Echun and Yinglong came back and were busy giving instructions.

At some point, Long Shengnan, Ghost Wolf, Bai Muxue, Aotian Sword Master and others also entered.

But the Zhugan tree was not uprooted, but kept sinking.

Under the big tree, a huge void portal with a radius of ten miles was actually arranged.

The Dao patterns and talisman arrays on it are very simple and mottled, and they should be ancient relics, but the level is not low and can be transmitted hundreds of thousands of miles, even to the outside world.


The entire Zhugan tree suddenly collapsed, and many pangolins and field mouse spirits were jumping and jumping, extremely excited, dragging the Zhugan tree into the portal with their shoulders and hands raised.

Light suddenly burst out, and the void portal, the Pearl Tree, and many spirits disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Boom! There was a loud noise, and a deep pit with a radius of more than ten miles collapsed where the Zhugan tree originally stood.

"Today, I will fight you to the death! Kill, kill, kill!"

At the same time, E Gongming used Bi Sheng's cultivation and critically attacked Hei Baizi and the others ten times in a row to repel them.

"Everyone, take the first step. If you have time another day, I will take the heads from your necks!"

Suddenly, he smiled evilly, slapped the storage bag, and created a void portal with spatial fluctuations. He took Jiang Tian to step into it and disappeared in an instant.

Hei Baizi, Ban Shan and Jian Pu, all covered in blood and in a state of embarrassment, all rushed forward, but couldn't find even a single shadow.

"This old thief is so cunning!"

Banshan spat out bloody spit.

This mouthful of spit stained with divine blood caused the rocks to break into pieces, and rolled up huge waves that caused the towering trees to snap like straw.

He cursed loudly: "Destroy my Taoist weapon. If I find him one day, I will definitely twist his head off!"

"Even the beaded trees were dug away by them!"

Hei Heizi was extremely annoyed, looking at the huge pothole and the many intricate passages with trembling eyes:

"It was those people from Da Kou Ying's family who did it! We were only focused on fighting E Gongming, and we didn't even notice that it was stolen from us right under our noses!"


The sword servant put away the three-foot green peak, returned the sword to its sheath, and said with a solemn expression:

"The big bandit family wants to unite with Jiang Taichu."

"Once Jiang Taichu has the help of the Heaven-bearing Gate left over from the Daoshu era, he can freely travel through the worlds of the Immortal Ruins. The defense lines we have painstakingly arranged will be in vain!"

"Moreover, the Dakou family still has many cultivation resources. If they are opened to Jiang Taichu, how long will it take for him to break through to Nascent Soul?"

Jiang Ni, Princess Tingyu, Cheng Aojun, Zhao Shanhe, and Xu Changqing all thought of this, and their scalps went numb and their hearts almost exploded.

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