Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1555: One battle determines victory or defeat, the leader of the seven bandits

"Jiang Taichu is too reckless, and his strategy is at odds with ours. We are engaged in guerrilla warfare, while he is engaged in offensive and defensive warfare. We cannot pee in the same pot!"

Another Dako family leader said.

Cloud neutrons!

He is also a descendant of the ancient heavenly demon god, of the White Crane bloodline.

He has a handsome appearance, dressed in white feathers, wearing a star crown on his head, holding a crane's beak, and carrying a long sword with a white scabbard. He looks handsome and elegant, as if he is an immortal.

"If Jiang Taichu can really recover, his strength will probably be no less than mine. If we join forces, who will be in charge? Who will keep the word? Who will own the territory!"

This man was dressed as an old farmer, wearing a tattered coarse cloth waistcoat, exposing his bronze chest and lumpy flesh. He was smoking a jasper-stemmed tobacco pipe and said with a chuckle.

Niu Tada!

The great demon of the sacred bull bloodline.

His ancestor was responsible for countless spiritual fields and elixir gardens in the ancient heaven. He was an earth god general and a great farmer in the ancient heaven.

Until now, he has become a bandit, occupying the mountains as king, and often robs homes and houses, but he still likes to farm. On the captured land, the palaces were immediately bulldozed, the palaces were swept away, the land was renovated, and seeds were sown.

It is said that he also controls a small unknown world, which is filled with ancient exotic herbs and spiritual plants.

"Old Niu, don't be too selfish. If Jiang Taichu can really lead us to conquer the Immortal Ruins, with flowers and mountains and hundreds of millions of territories, will we still need your land?"

E Gongming frowned.

"I think we, the Da Kou family, should not join forces with Jiang Taichu. We will send him away when he recovers from his injuries."

Ao Xuanhan, the king of the green dragon, said in a cold voice:

"There's nothing to say about this. I always feel that he may not be from the ancient earth, but from the depths of the starry sky, pretending to be a descendant of the immortal land. We all know that the ancient earth is surrounded by the Immortal Prison Formation. Stepping into In the Age of Dharma, how could he have such a powerful inheritance in order to deplete the Death Star?"

This was a great bandit who could stand on an equal footing with E Gongming. Although he was a junior, he had the blood of Qingjiao and was the legacy of Emperor Ao.

With the same dragon bloodline, he is much more powerful than Ao Feng, the leader of the Dragon Sect.

Just because he built the Dragon Water Palace in the Falling Immortal Sea above the Immortal Ruins, and was able to stand for thousands of years despite hundreds of sieges and strangleholds from the Ruins Emperor Palace, his strength and knowledge are ten times or a hundred times stronger than Ao Feng. .

What he said makes sense.

In fact, this is also the reason why they imprisoned Jiang Tian, ​​Gui Lang and others. They couldn't figure out the details of Jiang Tian.

He believes that if Jiang Tian came from the solar system, he would not have such a powerful cultivation level. Need to be treated with caution.

At this time, Ying Long took a step forward and said:

"Seniors, Jiang Taichu is indeed from the ancient earth. He has met my distant ancestor Ying Ziyu!"

Next to him, Ying Long's father, Ying Shan, nodded and said, "My son has always been honest. I can testify to this!"

Many big bandits were rebellious and unwilling to live under Jiang Tian. For a while, everyone argued and discussed endlessly, but could not reach a unified opinion.

At this time, E Gongming was very irritated and said coldly:

"It seems that except for our E family and Ying family, everyone does not agree to join forces with Jiang Taichu."

"Let's do this. Our two families will give him the Pearl Tree. This tree was stolen by the E family and the Ying family and has nothing to do with you. You shouldn't have any objections, right?"

"Yes. I have no objection!"

Many of the big bandits were not unreasonable people, and they all nodded.

"Whether we join forces with Jiang Taichu or not is up to you. They may not be interested in us yet!"

E Gongming snorted coldly.

That day, he hid in the Gate of Chengtian and observed the battle between Jiang Tian and the three great gods.

To be honest, Jiang Tian is just slightly inferior.

He even suspected that even if he didn't take action, Jiang Tian would be able to save himself or even defeat them.

There's just a price to pay.

"Tch. What a big deal. I, old cow, knocked him out of the sky with one hoof!"

Niu Tada chuckled and said proudly.

"It makes no sense for us to imprison other people's disciples."

Ignoring Niu Duota, E Gongming said again:

"After Jiang Taichu recovers to his peak cultivation level, we will release him directly, whether to leave or stay. Listen to their opinions!"

"What if he wants to stay? Let him be the eighth eldest brother and be my younger brother!"

Ushitada chuckled, blowing out two streams of green smoke from his thick nostrils.

"Let's give it a try!"

E Gongming glanced at everyone and said with a smile:

"Although we, the seven great bandit families, come from the same lineage, we have been fighting separately over the years, just like a pile of scattered sand."

"Whoever wins a fight will be publicly elected as the leader of the seven great bandit families. It doesn't matter if you don't want the names of these seven great bandit families. From now on, they will be called the Heavenly Restoration Army! The names of bandits are always unpleasant! "

E Gongming's demonic vertical pupils flashed with cold light, and he said somewhat slyly: "Everyone, do you have the courage?"

"Okay! I've wanted to compete with you for a long time!"

Tu Fei grinded his sharp teeth, glanced at the crowd, and said with a smile.

"Before the competition, we have to kidnap a few princesses and saints to breed offspring. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, we can still be worthy of our father and mother!"

Brother Fu Huairen looked at each other and said secretly.

"Haha, if I win, everyone's territory will belong to me. Wouldn't there be billions of fertile fields?"

Ushi Tada was gearing up and excited.

"Haha, you guys are so weak. I'm just afraid I'll knock you out with one punch!"

The dragon body of the Green Dragon King shuddered, the dragon scales all over his body rustled, rolled and moved, and he smiled ferociously with a stern look in his eyes.

"After all, we are a family, let's stop here. In fact, after a little collision, everyone will know what their respective strengths are!"

E Gongming smiled and said: "When the time comes, Jiang Taichu will make you convinced!"

After the meeting dispersed, E Gongming immediately brought E Chun and Ying Long Yingshan to visit Jiang Tian.

"Little friend Taichu, you are recovering well!"

The moment he saw Jiang Tian, ​​E Gongming was shocked.

I saw a time array with thousands of silk ribbons hanging down, covering Jiang Tian, ​​a three-foot divine disk blooming behind Jiang Tian, ​​and a thousand-meter Guiyuan Taotie, standing in the crater, swallowing the power of stars towards the universe.

Around him, thousands of Heaven-Building Pills floated, exploding one after another, turning into pure medicinal power to repair Jiang Tian's damaged Dantian.

The terrifying true fire of the sun and the vast strange power of the stars were all instantly swallowed up by Guiyuan Taotie. The three-foot divine disk had gradually solidified and was even more radiant than before.

"It's horrifying! It's a serious injury that can't be recovered, but he actually repaired it in one day!"

Master Yingshan Yinglong and Echun were also shocked, their eyes trembling.

Jiang Tian can actually swallow the power of stars in the universe to improve his cultivation. This is so unbelievable. Only a powerful person can achieve this step.

In fact, they overestimated Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tian indeed knows this method, but the speed is too slow. The stars and moonlight alone are not enough to support Jiang Tian to repair quickly.

He fought all the way through Beiming World and Penglai World, killing many Nascent Souls and even the World-Shaking God Emperor.

Jiang Tian did not waste any of their energy, blood, Nascent Soul, and god fragments, and stored them all in the Sky-Swallowing Demon Gourd.

Just now, Jiang Tian's first step was to absorb and refine this energy, and the power of the stars was just a supplement.

"Senior Gongming, everyone, thank you for your help!"

Jiang Tian's eyes suddenly opened, his divine light shining brightly, he took the three-foot-long divine disk back into his dantian, sacrificed the years formation disk into the sky-swallowing demon gourd, stood up, and cupped his hands to express his thanks.

"Fellow Taoist Taichu, you fight to protect the earth. We fight to restore heaven and avenge our ancestors. But we all have the same goal to kill the Xu Emperor and overthrow the Xu Emperor Palace!"

E Gongming held Jiang Tian's hand affectionately, sat down on a cold meteorite, and said with a smile:

"To be honest, I admire you very much. Over the years, we have never established a base, nor have we successfully occupied any world. We have only scattered troops, ambushing and destroying everywhere. And you, in just half a year, completely occupied the worlds of Hailan, It’s not easy!”

"There is nothing we can do about it!"

Jiang Tian smiled bitterly and said:

"If the Ruins Emperor's lineage wants to conquer the solar system, the fastest way is to borrow the boundary cave-level teleportation arrays in these worlds. I must build a steel fortress to stop them!"

"Indeed. The arrival of the Destruction Star on the ancient earth is said to be a great opportunity to become an immortal. It has a fatal attraction to the Immortal Ruins."

E Gongming said.

Jiang Tian nodded.

After the spiritual energy is revived, the earth develops in the direction of a bright cultivation star, and can even become a holy land for cultivation.

"In addition, the Immortal Ruins seem to be facing a crisis of annihilation. They must find a new place to live. This place is the earth."

E Gongming said again.

"What is the crisis of annihilation?"

Jiang Tian moved slightly, confused.

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