Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1558 The new heaven was built, the Emperor of Taichu

Jiang Tian looked around at the E family's base. This base was shabbier than other bases, with not many magic weapons and treasures.

I think that in order to maintain the unity of the seven great bandit families, E Gongming often mediated and sent out many ancient relics.

Although the seven great bandit families came from the same lineage of the ancient heaven, they also belonged to different ancestors. After thousands of years, of course they each had their own opinions and interests.

Some kidnap, some dig graves, some steal, some burn, kill, loot and plunder...

If E Gongming, the living fossil, hadn't mediated and reconciled, they might have started fighting among themselves.

Jiang Tian and E Gongming chatted for a while.

The Fu brothers, Tu Fei, Yun Zhongzi, Niu Duotian and Qingjiao King groaned and screamed as they supported each other and walked into the E family base.

However, Jiang Tian left some room and only slightly injured the physical body and the divine treasure. The gods were not moved at all. After taking the precious medicine, he could recover within a few days.

"Congratulations, my lord, the divine disk has been turned again, and the true seal of the law of solidified wood has been condensed. The strength has been greatly increased, and the cultivation level has been further advanced!"

"Defeat the seven great pirate families in one battle and win beautifully!"

Guilang, Long Shengnan, Bai Muxue, Aotian Jianzun, master and disciple also came to pay homage to Jiang Tian, ​​their expressions were very happy.

"Still fighting?"

Jiang Tian nodded slightly, glanced at the big bandits, and asked leisurely.

"Hmph. If we hadn't come all the way and the ancestral skills were not so consistent with the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, I might not have lost to you!"

Tu Fei fought back, but his slightly trembling hands ruthlessly revealed his nervousness and fear at this time.

In fact, he said he was not convinced, but he was already convinced in his heart.

From the beginning to the end, Jiang Tian only used laws and true energy, but he was beaten to pieces by a group of their transformed gods. He had no choice but to deal with them. From every angle, Jiang Tian's strength was superior to them.

"Little A Fei, did you know that I helped them transform their exercises in the Penglai world so that the methods they practiced were consistent with heaven and earth, and within one day, someone could break through to the Nascent Soul?"

Jiang Tian smiled.

"I've heard a little bit, is this true?"

Tu Fei came forward, bowed deeply, and said with a wink, "I wonder if my Tiger God Nine Styles can be repaired and perfected?"


Jiang Tian smiled indifferently, and immediately a burst of spiritual consciousness transmitted his voice.

Tu Fei realized it carefully, and he suddenly became enlightened. With a little push, the tiger god in his body roared and roared, and the avenue resonated in harmony. Its power was more than three times the original, and he couldn't help but clapped his hands and praised:

"Wonderful! Taoist Taoist Taoist Taoist Master Taichu is really a learned man of heaven. After you made such a change, the power of the Tiger God's Nine Styles has doubled. The villain is now confident that he can twist off the Ruins Emperor's head and play it as a ball!"

"Senior seems to still lack water-based materials to condense the law. I have some there. If senior likes it, he can use it at will!"

Everyone's eyes were warm and their hearts were beating, and the Green Dragon King even stepped forward and bowed, as respectfully as if he were seeing a god.

"It's easy to talk! From now on, we are good brothers!"

Jiang Tian smiled.

Niu Duotian also highly praised Jiang Tian and said with a smile:

"Actually, Lao Niu, I very much agree with the positional warfare of Taichu Taoist friends. After fighting bloody battles to win the territory, naturally we can't give up easily and give it to the Xu Emperor at an advantage. We need to form a court and cultivate fertile land. The ancestral teachings say that if you have something in your hands, Liang, don’t panic! Lao Niu supports Taoist fellow Taoist to be the leader of the bandits!”

"Senior Taichu's swordsmanship and sky-breaking sword skills, Xiao Ke's skills also need your guidance and improvement!"

Yun Zhongzi said politely.

Jiang Tian looked at the unyielding brother Fu Huairen and said, "The two fellow Taoists have special blood, they seem to come from outside the territory!"

"That's not the case! We are from the lineage of Sky Bat Gods from outside the territory."

Fu Huairen looked proud, then his face wrinkled into a dry orange, and he cried:

"Our ancestors accompanied Emperor Ao to conquer the universe, but our clan has been hunted down for thousands of years. By our generation, we are the only ones left in our clan!"

Jiang Tian was stunned, and after a moment, he said worriedly: "I didn't expect that these two fellow Taoists are really descendants of a large clan from the outer starry sky. But you are brothers, and you are both male. Who will continue your legacy after you die... "

"do not talk!"

The two bats said in unison.

"If you two die, you will become extinct!"

Jiang Tian gloated.

"Tell you to stop talking!"

Fu Huairen's hands were shaking with anger, and he wished he could roast and eat Jiang Tian, ​​but he knew that he was no match for Jiang Tian.

"Brother, I almost died just now. I'm very worried. Let's go to the Fairy Ruins and kidnap seven or eight princesses to have children later!"

Fu Heishui said in a trembling voice with tears streaming down his face.

"Haha, don't be impatient!"

Jiang Tian laughed loudly and said leisurely:

"Although I come from my homeland on Earth, I am actually a reincarnation. In my previous life, I have been to the Central Galaxy. To be honest, there are countless Sky Bats there, and the female bats all have mouths and fangs, and are sinister and wild. , the body hair is strong, and there are many females but few males. It is often the case that several females share one male.”

"It's really the reincarnation of a powerful man!"

"It's strange! It's strange!"

Everyone's hearts trembled.

I had long felt that Jiang Taichu's magical powers were far superior to those of the Xu Huang lineage and the natives of the Immortal Land. When I heard it today, it was indeed the case.

"Is this really happening?"

"There are so many females, but so few males, so refreshing!"

But the Fu brothers immediately approached Jiang Tian, ​​one pinched his shoulders, the other hit his legs, and said with a flattering smile:

"Senior, is there a way to the Central Galaxy? Can you help us brothers and sisters get married? I want one with a sharp mouth and fangs, thick body hair, and a sinister and wild look. The betrothal gift and thank you gift will be generous!"

"We are not short of money!"

"The Immortal Ruins have the path to the central galaxy, and only the Ruins Emperor should control it."

Jiang Tian leisurely said:

"You two brothers followed me to conquer the Immortal Ruins and captured the Ruins Emperor. If we still can't go to the Central Galaxy, will we still be short of female bats?"

"Senior Taichu, you must take us there! We really can't be exterminated!"

"As long as you can be a matchmaker for us, Senior Taichu, you will be our living ancestor from now on!"

The Fu brothers immediately surrendered, patting their chests and making impassioned promises.

At this time, E Gongming's face became solemn and he said: "Everyone, stop chatting. Just now, everyone has seen the strength of fellow Taoist Taichu."

"In terms of strength, he dominates everyone. In terms of merit, in the short time he arrived in the Immortal Ruins world, he swept through the four star worlds of Hailan, killed the world-shaking God Emperor, and severely damaged the three guards including the Golden Crow."

He cupped his hands and said:

"The old man proposes that from today onwards, the seven great bandits will respect Taoist Taoist friend Taichu, form the Heavenly Restoration Divine Army, respect him as the Lord of Heaven, and call him Taichu Heavenly Emperor. Following his orders, we will blow up the Xu Palace together and kill Xu. Emperor, old dog, do you have any objections?"

"Senior, I am willing!"

E Chun was the first to react, trembled, bowed and clasped his fists.

"Emperor Jiang Tian!"

"We are willing to respect Taoist Taoist fellow Taoist Master Taichu. However, no one dares to disobey orders and prohibitions when given!"

Many other heads of the big bandit families and powerful gods also knelt down and bowed, vying to be the first, their eyes reverent and they spoke loudly.

If Jiang Tian came to the world of Immortal Ruins and killed people all the way, they still had doubts.

Just now in the crater, Jiang Tian defeated more than a dozen powerful gods, and he was so powerful that they were convinced.

With Jiang Tian's current strength, he still had a slim chance of winning against the heroes of the Immortal Ruins, but at least he was far higher than them.

I'm afraid that looking at the entire Immortal Ruins, there are dozens of star worlds, and among the hundreds of millions of monks, there aren't many who can overwhelm Jiang Tian.

Of course they would be convinced that such a peerless strong man would lead the Seven Great Bandits families.

"Back then, the Xuhuang Palace once promised high-ranking officials generous salaries and unlimited training resources, and wanted to subjugate the seven great bandit families, but the seven great bandit families were unruly and ignored them! I didn't expect that Senior Taichu would end up in a fight. Let them be convinced.”

In the hall, Long Shengnan looked at a big bandit hero who lived in the Immortal Ruins and could swallow thousands of miles like a demon. His fierce reputation could stop children from crying at night. They all bowed and knelt down to Jiang Tian. He felt that he had never seen anything like this in his life. So wonderful.

"The seven great bandit families are of equal strength, each has its own inheritance, and no one obeys the other. They have been fighting each other for thousands of years, and they are like a piece of scattered sand. There are giants among them, and they have tried to unite them, but they have not been able to do so. But the Lord Taichu, What a truly amazing and unparalleled talent!"

Ghost Wolf understood the history of the Seven Bandits, and the more he thought about it, the more powerful and extraordinary Jiang Tian became.

"The Lord of the Heavenly Court is called the Emperor of Heaven. This flag is raised to compete with the Xuhuang Palace. The decisive battle is not far away!"

Bai Muxue's heart was up and down, and her blood was boiling. She looked at Jiang Tian with a pair of beautiful eyes full of fascination, wondering how there could be such a strange man in the world.

They knew that above the Immortal Ruins, a shining star was about to rise, its rays of light would be the most dazzling under the starry sky, enough to eclipse the Ruins Emperor.

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