Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1578 Why should I pay back what I robbed based on my ability?

The water from heaven is the first water of heaven and earth. It contains the essence of water, which is much more powerful than the elite of sunflower water, Xuanshui, and the essence of dripping heaven.

It is obviously a liquid, but it is in a solid state, with crystal clear waves, and has the power to create all things. A strand is like a river, and a puddle is like a sea.

The water spiritual energy contained in it is simply measured by the vast sea. There are countless fragments of the water avenue that are ups and downs, which can completely push Jiang Tian's Xuanshui Qinglong Golden Pill to the realm of infant formation.

At this point, Jiang Tian has all the materials needed to condense the Chaos Divine Infant.

Because the Mother Stone Cauldron is so powerful and is originally a chaotic substance, Jiang Tian doesn't need to look for other earth-type divine materials at all.

Jiang Tian walked step by step, which was better than strolling in the courtyard. He lowered his head and played with the wind and rain flag as if he was in a deserted place.

Everyone's eyes followed him. At this moment, the two sides had stopped fighting. Everyone's hearts jumped into their throats. The vast Shuiyue Cave and Sky were silent for hundreds of miles, and you could hear a needle drop.

"Jiang Taichu, put down our cave treasure!"

The corners of Zidian Shenjun's eyes trembled, his face showed anger, and he shouted loudly.

Suddenly, the electric light rolled, the clouds rolled, and the whole place trembled for hundreds of miles. It seemed that there was a sense of the great road, making him like a god, suppressing Jiang Tian with the power of the stormy waves.

Although these pressures were directed at Jiang Tian, ​​many monks could not bear it and their livers and gallbladders were broken.

"Why let it go?"

Facing the peerless majesty of the Purple Lightning God, Jiang Tian felt as at ease as if the spring breeze was blowing on his face, and he didn't even raise the corners of his clothes.

"This is the most precious treasure of our cave. It doesn't belong to you. Of course you have to return it!"

When the Purple Lightning God Lord opened and closed his eyes, thunder was lingering, and he was filled with anger.

Jiang Tian shook his head slightly and asked in confusion: "I robbed it based on my ability, why should I return it?"

Zidian Shenjun was slightly startled, but his face turned red and he was speechless.

In the world of cultivation, killing people and seizing treasures is extremely common.

Probably because Shuiyuedongtian was too strong and always robbed others, he was used to it. When he was robbed for the first time, Zidian Shenjun became angry and couldn't accept it.

Going forward a little further, the Wind and Rain Flag originally belonged to the ancient heaven, and finally fell into the hands of Shuiyue Dongtian.

But the descendants of the ancient heaven are still there, so why have they ever thought about repaying it?

Sun Xiaoshenjun smiled when he heard this and said calmly: "This fellow Taoist Taichu, what he said is quite interesting!"

Zidian Shenjun snorted coldly and said angrily: "We, Shuiyuedongtian, have been bullied. We should let him see how hard I waited."

Lord Xuanwu quickly stopped him and said softly: "Uncle Master, if we really fight, we may not be able to win. Maybe the seven bandits are also in the dark. In addition, the killer dynasty in the world..."

At this time, Sun Xiao Shenjun took a step forward and said leisurely:

"Fellow Taoist Taichu, please return the Wind and Rain Flag to us. We will just treat you as if you have never been here! You can retreat calmly!"

"What if not?"

Jiang Tian raised his eyebrows.

"With just a few transformed gods in my Shuiyue Cave Heaven, I may not be able to stop Taoist Taoist Fellow Taichu, but what if the other five caves, even the Xuhuang Palace, Baiyue Academy, and Zhentian Palace are all dispatched?"

Sun Xiaoshenjun said calmly.

In an instant, everyone understood what Sun Xiaoshenjun meant.

He didn't want to fight Jiang Tian, ​​he just wanted to keep the Dongtian treasure, the Wind and Rain Flag. The bargaining chip he threatened was that if Jiang Tian was unwilling to leave the storm flag, then he would notify other forces and surround Jiang Tian.

"Honestly, with my current strength, it's okay to fight ten transformation gods. Dozens, hundreds, I don't have much confidence!"

Jiang Tian said honestly.

Everyone in Shuiyuedongtian looked angry and gnashed their teeth.

This guy is really arrogant and domineering. He even promised to beat up ten gods. Who gave you such courage?

"It seems that although Taoist Taoist disciple Taichu seems to be arrogant and domineering, he is very self-aware!"

Sun Xiao Shenjun admired him sincerely, then changed the topic and said calmly:

"Although I, Shuiyue Dongtian, are weak, if I fight to the death with all my strength, I can at least delay you for three sticks of incense. And within this time, hundreds of transformed gods can borrow the teleportation array and arrive together! So, you don't have to The only other option is to leave this flag and retreat calmly.”

"I am self-aware, but you are too confident!"

Jiang Tian smiled and said:

"I dare to guarantee you that before I kill you all, no other transformed gods will be able to arrive!"


Sun Xiaoshenjun said with a smile: "Can you seven bandits intercept and kill them? You can't do it!"

"There is no need for the Seven Bandits to intercept and kill them, but they must take action to intercept and kill the Seven Bandits..." Old God Jiang Tian said with a smile.

"What's the meaning?"

Everyone looked confused.

Jiang Tian just chuckled: "You will know the reason soon."

At this time, the message jade plaque on Lord Xuannu's waist suddenly rang. His face changed drastically and he said: "The Emperor's Palace ordered me to wait for emergency help. Something big has happened!"

The heroes of the seven major bandits have already dispersed, and according to the established plan, they set out separately to plow the courtyard and sweep the holes.

Compared with the eastern region, where flowers bloom in the warm weather and there is hazy mist and rain, the north is much bleaker, with not a single blade of grass growing, thousands of miles of snow, thousands of mountains and birds flying away, and thousands of people disappearing.

A team of several hundred people appeared in the mountains. They all had strange shapes, with deer heads and rat eyes, but there were no monks under the Nascent Soul. They were a very capable team.

"Brother Ying Long, I heard that the Xu Emperor chose the imperial mausoleum here to use the extreme cold atmosphere to preserve the corpses of the royal family's dead, so that they can be revived?"

The big bandit Tian Shu, with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, a goatee, sinister eyebrows and rat eyes, looked nervous and alert, glanced around, took a sip of strong wine and asked.

He does not belong to the Seven Great Bandits, but he has reached the half-step state of becoming a god. He is a descendant of a divine rat. Like Ying Long, he likes to dig and rob graves. He helped Jiang Tian steal the Zhugan tree that day, and he also brought his tribe to participate. , made great achievements.

"Resuscitation is nothing. Those old monsters whose blood clots and have stopped living, including the Ruins Emperor, are full of corpses and bone stubble in the Ruins Emperor Palace!"

Ying Long dismissed it, lay down behind a boulder, scanned the mountains in front, and said:

"This is a land of rising dragons. It is said that ancestors are buried here, which will bring blessings and good luck to future generations... Alas, I didn't expect that the Xu Emperor is also a fan of Feng Shui and metaphysics. Maybe his ancestors are also tomb robbers!"

Ahead, you can vaguely see the mountain ranges like dragons. The ridges are undulating and majestic. The situation is majestic and the weather is myriad. They are opposite to the sun, moon and stars, as if there is life breathing.

Rumor has it that in ancient times, when this place was still near the solar system, there was a waterfall of ten thousand feet, like a cascading waterfall in the sky, endless, like a miracle. The ancient sages of the ancient immortal land once built a dojo here.

It has gone through the era of wandering, the era of brakes, and the era of road damage. Things have changed and the world has gone through great changes. Now this place is completely dry, with not a single weed left. It is covered with ice and snow. It is regarded as the site of the imperial mausoleum by the Xianxu royal family.

"What if there are big rice dumplings?"

There are many tomb robbers in Tianshu, but not many royal tombs. At this time, I was a little nervous and kept drinking.

Tian Shu is as timid as a mouse, but when he gets drunk, he becomes a powerful person. He is invincible in all kinds of ways and is wild and domineering.

"The hooves of a divine donkey can be used in the mouth!"

Ying Long chuckled, and with a sway, he disappeared from the spot, and a big hole appeared where he was.

They continued to advance, thousands of miles deep, reappeared, and finally reached the core.

A hundred miles ahead, there are fortresses and camps where many monks are stationed, and there is even a deity in charge.

In addition, there are majestic unicorn beasts, white bears, and spiritual cranes, entrenched everywhere, with alert and ferocious eyes. They are tamed tomb-guarding beasts.

Huge tombs, like large and small mountain peaks, stand majestic in the wind and snow.

Around it, there are gorgeous watches, sacred pillars, merit monuments, screen walls, ancestor worship platforms...

There are many buildings with exquisite shapes, shining with treasure, radiating auspicious colors, extraordinary bearing and solemnity.

It is engraved with various great achievements and splendid articles of the Xu Huang family for future generations to commemorate.

Tian Shu's eyes were filled with greed, and he smiled and said: "Children, get ready, I can already smell the scent of Mingwei. This time, we must completely loot the Immortal Xu Imperial Tomb!"

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