Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1587 Leaving Shuiyuedongtian, aiming for Baiyue Academy

That Ji Yusha's face was filled with shame, and she was too embarrassed to meet Jiang Tian's eyes.

There is nothing to say. If Jiang Tian hadn't taken action, they would have been wiped out by Shuiyuedongtian.

But now, even Shuiyuedongtian has surrendered to Jiang Tian, ​​making them realize how powerful Jiang Tian is.

Taking a step back, they also lost to Jiang Tian in the assassination competition. If they are willing to admit defeat, they must surrender.

If you don't surrender, Jiang Tian and the Seven Bandits are not just for nothing. If they start fighting, how can they be their opponents?

"Yeah! We originally belonged to the same lineage, connected by blood, and we all bear a blood feud and have a common enemy!"

Jiang Tian's face was full of joy, he helped Ji Tao and others up, and said leisurely:

"Now, we should become one and work together to wash away the humiliation of thousands of years and demand justice. Let them pay for the blood feud with blood!"

"His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven is right, my previous situation was too small!" Ji Tao's face was full of shame.

When Jiang Tian proposed to take the world under his command, he resisted wholeheartedly. In the final analysis, he only considered that his rights were damaged, and the cultivation reserves accumulated by his ancestors for thousands of years were taken away by Jiang Tian.

But actually.

How could Jiang Tian care about his trivial things, but what he did was to kill the Ruins Emperor, help the mountains and rivers, and seek justice!

Jiang Tian discussed with them for a while, then stood up to leave, turned into a white rainbow that penetrated the sky and the earth, and left Shuiyue Cave with Bai Muxue.

Jiang Tian used the Kunpeng Law to break through the space, sneaking and disappearing, passing through the vast Immortal Ruins Continent like wind and lightning.

Within one day, the entire Immortal Ruins had been turned upside down. In the sky, columns of monks flew across the sky with swords, and crystal ships floated around in the sky. However, Jiang Tian's Xuan Gong was too domineering, and there was no danger. , no one noticed.

Finally, Jiang Tian landed in a small city hundreds of thousands of miles away from Shuiyue Cave and walked into a restaurant.

This place is a secret stronghold of the Seven Great Kou Family. Jiang Tian had made an appointment with them before to meet here after the operation.

"There are actually people who want these gold underwear, and some even anonymously offered a sky-high price of one billion crystal stones!"

Ying Long had an unscrupulous look on his face, playing with a pair of underwear, and said with a smile: "It's so popular! Should we steal a few more pairs?"

Niu Duota squatted on a chair, opposite Tian Shu, a deer-headed and rat-eyed man, was sitting. He was sipping thunder fire wine, smoking a dry pipe, shaking his head and sighing:

"I planted tens of thousands of acres of spiritual valley on the ruins of the Xuhuang Palace, just because I was afraid that those losers from the Xuhuang didn't know what they were doing and would mess with me!"

"Yeah... they just don't know the stuff."

Tian Shu drank too much and became so bold that he shook his head and said with a pale face:

"If they dare to destroy my Brother Niu's Linggu Field, I will destroy their Xuhuang Palace. Damn it, what the hell!"

Their operation has ended, they have all gained a lot, and they are drinking and chatting at the moment, very satisfied.

"Your Majesty, have you ever succeeded?"

Fu Heishui was hanging upside down on the beam. When he saw Jiang Tian come in, he landed on the ground with his hands clasped in fists and asked respectfully.

"Your Majesty is injured?"

"How's it going?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Jiang Tian with a bit of expectation, and came over to salute and ask.

The battle in Shuiyuedongtian was blocked by the boundary film and various isolation and prohibition restrictions. They did not know the true situation of the battle.

But the storm flag is indeed too important.

It may be Jiang Tian's only hope to condense the true seal of the water law, and it is also Jiang Tian's last step to enter the Yuanying.

If you can't get it this time, and you want to find suitable cultivation resources, you might have to wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Moon of the Horse?

Jiang Tian was indeed a little weak at this time. The previous attack on Zuling Mountain had taken a huge toll on him.

"You're lucky, I got it!" Jiang Tian said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden burst of joy.

"Congratulations, lord, congratulations, lord. This time I can finally set foot on the Nascent Soul!" E Chun prayed respectfully.

"It's the Supreme Nascent Soul!" Ying Long corrected seriously.

Long Shengnan also showed a hint of hope, and his eyes were filled with tears with excitement. She knew that the day was not far away when her father's great revenge would be avenged.

"Haha, this hard work was not in vain!" Ghost Wolf was also very happy.

After spending a long time with the Seven Bandits, he seemed to have found a warm family again. His gloomy and ghostly temperament was much less intense, and instead he became sunny.

Niu Duotian drank like crazy and shouted happily, Tu Fei laughed so loudly that the roof tiles shook, and even the aloof Yun Zhongzi showed joy.

Brother Fu Heishui was even so excited that he held his head and cried: "If His Majesty Taichu takes us to the Central Galaxy, we can find our wives! There will be no need to end the marriage! If my mother has knowledge, she will definitely be happy!"

"I'm so happy to jump out of my grave! Spread my wings and fly high!"

Bai Muxue glanced at Jiang Tian with her beautiful eyes and said, "Not only did I get the Wind and Rain Flag, but I also killed the Purple Lightning God Lord..."

"Zidian Shenjun, at least ranked in the top fifty on the list of powerful people in the Immortal Ruins, was chopped down by His Majesty. At this time, it was enough to shock the Immortal Ruins!"


"If the human world unites with our big bandit family, His Majesty Taichu will have another powerful helping hand, that's great!"

"His Majesty Taichu's combat prowess is unparalleled in history and is truly unparalleled!"

When she told the story of the battle, everyone looked at Jiang Tian with great reverence and shock, and fell to the ground in admiration.

It's not that they are flattering, but they really admire them. Such strong achievements are enough to stand proud of the past and the present.

"It is also inseparable from our cooperation with you."

Jiang Tian smiled and said: "This is the art of war, uniting the majority and isolating the most critical enemy."

After Jiang Tian understood their actions, he was very satisfied, and then said sternly: "The Wind and Rain Flag is a quasi-immortal material born in the sky. It can definitely help my Xuanshui Qinglong to form a baby. I must retreat and break through as soon as possible!"

"Has Your Majesty considered the retreat place?"

The Green Dragon King looked expectant, cupped his hands and fists, and said sincerely:

"It's better to go to the Fallen Immortal Sea Area and retreat in the Dragon Water Palace. There are one hundred thousand dragons stationed in that sea area. For thousands of years, they have built countless magic circles and restrictions. The barriers are so tight that they can completely block it!"

"Yes, all my subordinates are willing to protect His Majesty!"

"We can't defeat them even if we measure them. We guarantee that they will never come back!" Tu Fei, the Fu brothers, and Niu Tatian were all gearing up and their blood was boiling.

"No, I'd better go to Zhiyuan World!"

Jiang Tian leisurely said:

"When I break through in seclusion, I can't take action. You have to be restrained by me and you can't give it a try. Why should we passively be beaten? This doesn't fit in with my thinking."

"The best defense is to attack. During the period of my seclusion, you must continue to carry out beheading operations and sabotage operations. This is to create the illusion that I am here in the Immortal Ruins and make them unable to take care of themselves!"

"What the lord said makes sense!" Everyone nodded.

"However, before I leave, I will kill at least one of Banshan and Heizi!"

Jiang Tian's eyes flashed coldly, and he said in a deep voice: "Have you investigated the locations of these two people clearly?"

"Ban Shan and Hei Baizi are both in the academy! Even direct disciples have entered the academy!"

Yun Zhongzi raised his sword eyebrows, showing a hint of doubt, and said:

"Many of the master's disciples are very powerful. The academy is also known as the source of Taoism in the world. There are several incarnations of gods. Their disciples are like clouds, far beyond Shuiyue Cave. I'm afraid, they are not so easy to kill!"

Everyone showed a bit of solemnity.

It would be even more dangerous if he faced the Master.

The Master is one of the three unparalleled giants in the Immortal Market, second only to the Old Market Emperor, and is many times more powerful than the Purple Lightning God Lord.


Jiang Tian snorted coldly and said with a smile:

"Even if hundreds of gods gather together, together we will at least have the ability to escape unscathed! Why not give it a try!"

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