Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1593 The Nine-Apertured Chaos God Infant is born, and the Immortal Ruins counterattack


Boom, boom, boom!

The second sound, the third sound, the fourth sound... each sound was stronger than the last.

In the end, it was like a god beating a drum, shaking the heaven and earth. All creatures within a radius of hundreds of miles were shaken to pieces.


When the ninth sound came.

All the craters within a radius of hundreds of miles were shattered at the same time.

Even those Yuanying bandits were shaken to the point of bleeding from all seven orifices, and all of them were terribly scared and fled madly.

"Master, the Yuanying has reached Dacheng, you guys hurry back to the base." E Gongming transmitted the message while retreating hurriedly.

This kind of fluctuation was too strong. If they stayed outside, they would be affected and might suffer serious injuries.

For a while, many bandits entered the base bunker and opened countless protective arrays.

But the base building was still shaking violently in the strong fluctuation, like a small boat in the huge waves. This is an ancient relic that can withstand the critical strike of the God of Transformation. It can be seen how powerful Jiang Tian's Yuanying is.

Although hiding in the bunker, E Gongming Yingshan could also see some clues through the monitoring branding artifact left outside.

One after another, huge golden light screens unfolded, and on them was the picture of Jiang Tian's breakthrough.

Everyone stood below and stared intently, with excited expressions.

Most of them were above the Nascent Soul stage, and had experienced the Nascent Soul stage, but had never seen such a Nascent Soul stage.

"What is this?"

Suddenly, a big bandit suddenly widened his eyes, showing an extremely shocked look.

Everyone was horrified to see that a long river of Xuanshui appeared behind Jiang Tian. The river water was as black as ink, extremely dark, and extremely heavy, pressing the space below to shatter and the earth to crack into huge gullies.

Moreover, not only behind Jiang Tian, ​​this long river spread endlessly, it was unknown how many tens of thousands of miles, hundreds of thousands of miles long, the rolling Xuanshui turned into a surging river, spanning the sky, and seemed to be able to span the entire Zheyuan Star.

But this is only the first level.

Then, a swaying divine tree appeared, and countless breaths of the heaven and earth turned into vigorous vitality and fell from above. Each breath could easily kill a Yuanying. Between the branches and leaves, there was a star-like vitality floating up and down, which could also create the world.

Then, Kunpeng flapped its wings and wanted to fly. Its wings were like clouds hanging from the sky. There were several mixed worlds around it. The space was annihilated and empty, as if it could strike across three thousand worlds and cross the heavens with one wing.

Then, the heavenly signs such as Lei Hou, Bing Shen, Geng Jin Shen Di, Ying Long, etc. appeared one by one, shocking the world.

"Heavenly signs! But, how can there be such a vast heavenly sign in this world, and there are so many, nine in total, even the gods of the ancient heaven can't reach it!"

E Gongming's face was shocked. He had a long life and extraordinary knowledge, but at this moment, he was also completely stunned.

Jindan Zhenjun has a Dharma image, and Yuanying Tianjun's Dharma image is generally called Tianxiang, because Yuanying Tianjun has powerful magic power and can interfere with heaven and earth, sometimes called Tianxiang.

But even the ancient saints could not reach the nine Tianxiang during the Yuanying period. If they cultivated two or three laws, they would be invincible.

"These Tianxiang are too terrible!"

Yingshan trembled all over, feeling like he was facing the ancient gods, the pressure was too heavy.

Facing this unparalleled divine power, everyone was shocked and wanted to crawl on the ground and kowtow three times and nine times.

But E Gongming showed a little joy, and said with a look of attention: "Humph, just relying on these nine Tianxiang, it is enough for Xuhuang to drink a pot!"

But all this is just a matter of course for Jiang Tian.

The most dangerous stage has passed. The nine Tianxiang are just the remains of the nine divine bodies, the appearance of the law.

When all nine kinds of heavenly signs appeared, the egg-sized spirit fetus in Jiang Tian's body finally lost its brilliance and auspicious color.


Then I saw a thumb-sized Nascent Soul sitting cross-legged, floating in the center of the spirit fetus. He was very small, with delicate eyebrows and beautiful eyes, and looked exactly like Jiang Tian. He looked extremely small and inconspicuous.

The Nascent Soul lowered his eyebrows and was pleasing to the eyes. The body was filled with chaos, and the whole body also emitted a faint divine light, with a kind of eternal, unmoving, and perfect Dao rhyme.

It was as if it was sitting there, and the sun and the moon collapsed and the stars were destroyed, and it would not be shaken at all, just like the Nine Heavens Immortal King Dao Zun sitting.

What's more peculiar is that ordinary people have seven orifices, while the baby has nine orifices, and there is an extra eye on the forehead and navel.

At the same time.

The nine heavenly signs such as the sacred tree, Kunpeng, Yinglong, etc., appeared behind the Nascent Soul one after another, turning into nine-colored divine light, surrounding the Nascent Soul behind, like a huge wheel.

The divine infant suddenly opened his eyes.


The myriad ways of heaven and earth seemed to roar with it. It seemed to be nurtured by the way of heaven, full of endless power. It was several times stronger and more perfect than a holy product incarnation, just like the essence of heaven and earth and the essence of the sun and the moon.


A tired, leisurely, and slightly satisfied sigh sounded in the crater.

Jiang Tian slowly opened his eyes, revealing a complex look.

After reincarnation for nearly ten years, after experiencing countless disasters and fighting in various worlds, this nine-orifice chaotic divine infant was finally cultivated.


And at this moment, according to the earth time, a year has passed, even if it is calculated according to the time of the fairy ruins, a month has passed.

The entire fairy ruins has been thundering and thundering, and the storm is coming.

Xia Nan Province, Dinghai County, Yunlong Mountains. Primitive monsters are everywhere, and all kinds of monsters are running around. This place is extremely dangerous.

But in this ten-thousand-foot mountain, there is a magnificent building covered by a strict formation, called Yuntian Palace.

It is one of the strongholds of Da Kou Yun Zhongzi.

The chief guard here, Yun Fei, is one of the descendants of Yun Zhongzi. He has already cultivated to the level of Nascent Soul. He is sneaking and hiding with a vigilant eye, leading a group of big bandits to patrol among the clouds.

Little is known about this place. Every time the big bandits come in and out, they rely on teleportation formations. Coupled with the dangerous surrounding environment, under normal circumstances, no Immortal Ruins monks set foot there.

"Commander Yunfei, it seems that there is chaos outside now. A large number of Immortal Ruins monks have invaded the Qingjiao King's Fallen Immortal Sea, and they are fighting fiercely."

Behind him, a monk in white clothes said with a hint of fear in his eyes.

Yun Fei looks very handsome, somewhat similar to Yun Zhongzi. He wears a white feather coat and looks like a banished immortal.

After hearing the words, he nodded and sighed: "All the gods in the academy have taken action to offer wine. I heard that the war is not over yet, and dozens of Nascent Soul monks have died in the Water Palace. Golden elixirs, and even more There are thousands of people! It’s very tragic!”

The Baiyi monk who asked the question sighed: "Tell me, will the Immortal Xu monks attack our Yuntian Palace?"

"It's very possible. Now the Seven Great Kou Family are making a lot of moves, and even the killers in the world have joined in. The Immortal Ruins have started a crazy counterattack!"

When Yun Fei heard this, his face became solemn, his eyes were extremely sharp, and he said in a deep voice:

"However, we cannot interfere or influence the war. We can only do our own thing!"

"Aren't the Dako family's actions now too eager for success? For thousands of years, we have been fighting a slow war of attrition, but now it is an extreme attack..." A Yuntian Palace disciple murmured next to him.

"Can it be consumed?"

Yunfei smiled and said:

"I think the strategy formulated by His Majesty Taichu is quite good. We are consuming them, but the Immortal Xu Dynasty is also growing rapidly. According to this pace, it may not be possible to recover the mountains and rivers after thousands of years!"

"But, can I withstand the counterattack of the Immortal Xu Dynasty? I heard that the real Jiang Taichu has left the Immortal Xu Dynasty!"

Some disciples are still very doubtful.


Yun Fei's face was extremely determined, his eyes shone with admiration, and he said, "Because we have Jiang Taichu!"

"How powerful is Jiang Taichu? I heard that on Zhiyuan Star, he once defeated the ancestors of the seven major bandits, including our ancestor Yun Zhongzi?"

A disciple suddenly asked excitedly.

"Yeah. Although I didn't see it in person, I was ordered to enter the Zhiyuan World to repair the damaged battlefield!"

Yunfei's eyes were excited and he sighed:

"Holy darling, several craters have been blown up, and those bases have been reduced to pieces. Those are the bases left by the ancient heaven, which can defeat the gods. They are all smashed to pieces! It's like a fallen planet. It was as if it had been hit hard several times.”

"Later, I also looked at the images left in the imprinted magic weapon. That Jiang Taichu was so powerful, he completely overpowered the Seven Kou Ancestors! That magical power is so ever-changing, so powerful!"

"Is there really such a powerful person in this world? I heard that he is the Jie Ying!" Someone looked full of admiration, but also had a bit of disbelief.

Hearing this, Yun Fei showed a trace of disdain and said: "You haven't seen it with your own eyes, so of course you find it unbelievable. I didn't believe it before. But I have seen the surveillance footage. He is like an ancient god, hitting from here." Over there, one punch hits a crater and even the ancient formations are destroyed. That’s terrifying!”

"Yes, after all, he has killed the world-shaking God Emperor. He must have the power to transform into a god..." Although everyone found it unbelievable, they still had to believe it.

"Now there is a saying circulating that he is not a mortal, but a powerful monk from outside the territory, or even the reincarnation of an immortal! His skills are more advanced than ours. It is clear that by forming a baby, a law can be born, and this law is particularly terrifying , there’s more than one kind…”

Old God Yunfei was talking, very excited. In his mind, Jiang Tian was undoubtedly his idol. He worshiped Jiang Tian even more than he worshiped Yun Zhongzi.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it turns out that he is the reincarnation of a powerful person, who was banished to the world. No wonder he is so powerful..." Everyone suddenly realized and gasped.

These legends are all unbelievable, but if it were not so, it would really be impossible to explain Jiang Tian's power.

Yun Fei even said proudly: "This time, I heard that Senior Taichu went to retreat. If he comes out again, he will probably be the number one in the Immortal Ruins and be invincible!"

Yun Fei was about to brag about Jiang Tian's combat prowess, when suddenly, a gloomy laughter came from above the nine heavens:

"Jiang Taichu is number one in the Immortal Ruins, invincible? Haha, let him come out and try with me!"


The faces of many Yuntian Palace disciples changed wildly. This person was far away, but the sound transmission from his divine consciousness covered a ten-mile radius. He was a peerless master.

But Yun Fei was frightened and felt extremely bad. He hurriedly sent a message: "Run away! It's a master!"

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