Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1595: Condensing the Law of Chaos and breaking through!

In this case, it is not surprising that such a battle situation occurs.

You must know that the Xu Huang Palace has been operating in this world for thousands of years and is deeply rooted. There are not many Immortal Land survivors above the Immortal Ruins.

The total number of people in the Dakou family totaled no more than 100,000 people.

There are still some remaining Immortal Land clans, numbering hundreds of thousands, but they are basically reclusive and have no intention of resisting the Immortal Ruins Dynasty.

And what about the Immortal Xu Dynasty?

There are at least several billion people, including at least five to six million monks, and the number of transformed gods is more than ten times that of the killers. The power disparity is too great.

It turns out that only by relying on the Gate of Chengtian and many secret strongholds and hiding circles, the powerful bandits and killers could survive.

But once it is exposed and a frontal war breaks out, it will immediately be at a disadvantage.

"Haha, the big bandit family and the killer dynasty are just clowns and old devils, they are not vulnerable at all!"

The headmaster of Tianmang Cave made bold words and laughed arrogantly.

"The beautiful world of Immortal Ruins belongs to us after all!"

"Their ancestors were defeated by us, not to mention their descendants, they are nothing more than ants, I can crush them with one finger!"

The headmaster of Tianji Cave had a stern look on his face as he swept through all the major strongholds while preaching on various occasions.

"It has been two months. I don't know where Jiang Taichu is hiding. He is hiding his head and showing his tail. He is like a shrunken turtle. Don't you dare to come out and fight with me? I am so disappointed in him!"

The Fire God Emperor had flying black hair and a tall and majestic body. After clearing a stronghold, he looked down at the mountains and rivers thousands of miles away, shook his head and sighed, as if his face was full of disappointment and his words were full of contempt.

For the Xianxu Dynasty, there were frequent reports of good news and laughter.

But for the big bandits and the killers, there was bad news one after another, heavy losses, a precarious and gloomy situation.

Strongholds were destroyed one after another, and they could only implement guerrilla strategies. To put it bluntly, the big bandits were now like rats crossing the street.

They can only hide in those wild and remote mountains, swamps and barren mountains and rivers, hiding and being cautious, and they dare not show their heads at all after being beaten.

Even so, it was still difficult to escape the pursuit of the Immortal Ruins army. An army of iron cavalry traveled across the sky, traversing mountains and rivers, chasing in all directions.

There are countless detection instruments, large and small, scattered across the sky, mountains and cities. As soon as Shan found out, the monks from all walks of life in the Immortal Ruins immediately swarmed forward, often tens of thousands of people attacking hundreds or thousands of people.

They were fleeing for their lives every day, monks were dying all the time, and even Niu Duota, Tu Fei and other big bandit leaders were injured.

Although the God Emperor of Fire only struck a few times, he was able to seriously injure the Avatar every time, destroy hundreds of miles of mountains and rivers, and his prestige grew.

Some people have already called him the first divine emperor and the fourth unparalleled giant. Even the three unparalleled giants have been overshadowed by him.

As for Jiang Tian, ​​he had not dared to come out to fight for many days and had become a laughing stock.

"He also established a new heaven, claiming to be the emperor of heaven, and trying to occupy our great rivers and mountains. He is really claiming to be king from the south, and ants want to swallow up the sky. It is ridiculous and unreasonable."

"After all, he is a country bumpkin from a remote star. Facing an established god like the Emperor of Fire, it is normal for him to be fearful!"

"I heard that one of his subordinates, the Seven Bandits, was beaten until he vomited blood and cried for his father and mother. He didn't dare to come out. It's really hilarious!"

Above the Immortal Ruins, whether mortals or monks, billions of people are full of ridicule and contempt, sneering and ridiculing.

In a secret stronghold located in the barren mountains and swamps.

Thousands of monks looked exhausted and dusty, their magical instruments were damaged, their armors were broken, and their bodies were stained with blood. Many monks were injured. Some had swallowed pills and were sitting cross-legged in meditation. Some were scanning the sky outside with vigilance, as if Like a frightened bird. Some were lying on the ground groaning. They didn't even have any healing elixirs, so they could only use mana to repair their broken bodies.

The Dakou family has a strong foundation, but they fight almost every day and have almost exhausted their healing elixirs.

Ushi Tada was smoking a dry cigarette with a sad face and empty eyes. All ten of his direct disciples died.

Tu Fei had just experienced a big battle and came to the meeting. Shen Zang was already cracked, the blood all over his body was condensed, and his stained hair was in strands. He was sitting on the rock, panting.

Tian Shu was holding a big wine jar and was very drunk. Thinking of his dead comrades, he couldn't help but sob softly.

Bai Muxue had been checking around and adjusting the hiding formations, but when she saw those disabled monks, she couldn't help but shed tears.

She hated herself for being useless!

After the war started, she had been adjusting the support array of Chengtian Gate everywhere to avoid being tracked.

But only one third was successful, and the rest were discovered.

But in fact, this is not her fault. Although she has been personally taught by Jiang Tian, ​​the time is short after all, and she still cannot compare with the Zhentian Palace, which is proficient in space magic circles, and the Academy's great wine, the Yulian Fairy.

Even the Fu brothers, who had always been very careless and careless, sat on the ground and remained silent.

"I contacted the killer dynasties of heaven and hell. They refused to join the new heaven..."

Ji Tao, the Emperor of the First Generation, looked solemn and sad, and went to Yun Zhongzi to discuss.

After Jiang Tian left the Immortal Ruins and went into seclusion, the seven bandits were handed over to Yun Zhongzi, who made all the decisions on major matters.


Yun Zhongzi nodded, not much surprised, but a trace of sadness flashed across his eyes, and his clenched fists tightened again.

Previously, the bandits and killers attacked wildly and made huge gains.

Some low-level sects or hostile forces that had been suppressed by the Immortal Xu Dynasty were ready to join forces with the killers to rebel against the Immortal Xu Dynasty. At least they could take advantage of the situation and fish in troubled waters.

It's only been two months, but a huge change has already taken place. There are more and more followers of God Emperor Agni.

Even those small and medium-sized sects that originally stayed out of the matter all met with God Emperor Liehuo, the direct ancient emperor, to participate in this war, besieging and killing the seven major bandits and killers in the world.

Originally, Yun Zhongzi still had a glimmer of hope.

The killers from heaven and hell come to his aid and can hold on for another month. But now, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for a month.

"Seniors, what should we do?"

Ji Yusha couldn't bear it, showed a hint of anger, and shouted:

"If Senior Taichu had not made an improper strategy, our Gate of Bearing Heaven would not have been exposed. Nor would there have been such heavy casualties! In such a short period of time, we have lost almost half of our killers in this world!"


Ji Tao couldn't listen anymore, his face became angry, he slapped her in the face and shouted:

"The Gate of Bearing Heaven was captured a hundred years ago. Zhentian Palace and the Academy have spent hundreds of years of hard work to crack it! Do you think that if it had just been captured, within a year or two, the formation masters of Zhentian Palace and Academy , is there any way to crack it?"

"It can be said that when the Chengtian Gate was captured a hundred years ago, our defeat today was already doomed!"

"This has nothing to do with His Majesty Taichu's strategic plan! If you dare to disrespect His Majesty again, I will kill you!"

Ji Yusha burst into tears and covered her face without speaking, but she felt extremely contemptuous of Jiang Tian for causing all this.

During the war, you go to seclusion, what a joke. You must be afraid of the Xianxu Dynasty, so you asked us to block the knife for you in front.

"Hold on! Save your strength!"

Yun Zhongzi stood up, cheered up, scanned the crowd, and said in a deep voice:

"Before Senior Taichu comes out of seclusion, as long as we can survive and save the roots for the new heaven in the future, it will be the greatest victory!"

At this time, a disciple flew over and said:

"Ancestor, no, there are three thousand troops patrolling the Immortal Ruins a hundred miles away! They seem to be led by two transformed gods!"

"Alert! If they don't notice, don't take action. If you notice, rush out immediately!" Yun Zhongzi gritted his teeth.

And at this time.

In the lonely and cold distant stars, in this inhumane dimensional world, Jiang Tian's cultivation has reached the moment when he is about to break through.

"Fire and water are incompatible. Today, I finally condensed the laws of water and fire! However, this process is too difficult!"

Above the dilapidated and messy crater mountain, Jiang Tian sat cross-legged in the void, his eyes revealed a solemn look, and he sighed.

Why are cultivators so much better than ordinary people?

In short, the spirit is powerful. No matter how high your cultivation level is, you cannot get rid of these three factors.

And corresponding to the essence, that is the physical body, true energy and mana or spiritual power.

Specifically speaking of Jiang Tian's breakthrough, it formed the divine body, divine infant, and divine law in a state of chaos.

Previously, Jiang Tian had already condensed the Chaos Divine Body and the Nine-Aperture Chaos Divine Infant.

The last step is also the most critical step!

It is to integrate the nine laws into the Divine Law of Chaos, and to imprint it on the Chaos Divine Infant and the inside and outside of the God's body!

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