Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1597 You will not die, the battle that shook the Immortal Ruins

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

At this time, Jiang Tian had a lot of confidence, and every word he spoke was like a pair of peerless heavenly swords, with a surge of arrogance that soared into the sky.

The power of self-confidence, sharp edge, and indomitable spirit make people feel a kind of firmness, invincibility, and destruction of everything.

"Lord, you have to be careful about this!"

Yun Zhongzi came over. He was a descendant of the ancient heavenly generals. Although his blood lineage was very weak, he was always handsome and elegant. He was not stained by the dust of the world and did not eat the fireworks of the world. He was like a banished immortal coming to the dust.

Now, his feathers are stained with blood and dirty, his star crown is broken, and he cannot maintain his elegance during the battle.

His face was solemn and worried, reminding Jiang Tian.

After all, he was a direct god emperor who once swept through the Immortal Ruins and defeated the great pirates in a row. In terms of strength, he was second only to the unparalleled giants.

"Pass my order down."

Jiang Tian's face was as cold as iron and his expression was firm. He was not moved at all, nor did he hesitate at all.

He is very confident. After this breakthrough, he is no longer what he used to be. His strength has greatly increased, more than ten times and hundreds of times before. He is not afraid at all.

Moreover, the big bandit killers, who have suffered consecutive defeats, need a big victory to boost their morale, otherwise, the team may collapse.

"Senior Yun Zhongzi, don't hesitate any longer. Once the lord is back, you should take the initiative and sweep everything away!"

E Chun roared, with a hint of anger and anger.

He has been chased by the Immortal Ruins army for two months. He is as panicked as a lost dog, which is frustrating and annoying.

"Yun Zhongzi, don't hesitate, just fight him. We should believe in His Majesty Taichu's strength!"

Tu Fei and King Qingjiao all persuaded him, and they were full of fighting spirit. Even if Jiang Tian was defeated, could they still not kill the God Emperor of Liehuo if they joined forces?

"Okay! I will obey your Majesty's orders!"

Yun Zhongzi finally nodded, summoned many disciples, and asked them to pass the message to various strongholds, inform the entire Immortal Ruins world, and attract the Liehuo God Emperor to come over.

When Bai Muxue heard all this, she opened her eyes with difficulty and turned her head, as if she wanted to say something, but she was too injured to speak.

"Don't move! In this battle, you are not allowed to make mathematical deductions. My cultivation is different from before, and the variables are too great. Deductions are just in vain!"

Jiang Tian showed a smile and covered Bai Muxue's forehead with his big hands.

Bai Muxue closed her eyes obediently, but was a little embarrassed. She turned her head and said in frustration: "Master, I look too ugly like this. I can't see you!" A tear rolled down the corner of her eye, but was caught by the Law of Fire. Transpiration into white mist steam.

Her admiration for Jiang Tian is very deep.

In fact, any woman who came into contact with such a great hero like Jiang Tian could not love him.

Be it her, Long Shengnan, Princess Liqi, Ao Jiao and other women all have feelings for Jiang Tian.

However, they knew that the relationship between Jiang Tian and his wife was very deep and majestic, so they did not dare to show it at will.

"Silly girl, your appearance is beautiful and ugly, but it's just skin, so why should you care?" Jiang Tian smiled.

"But, I hope that in your lord's memory, I am the beautiful woman playing the piano and singing softly on Luoye Lake!"

Bai Muxue turned her head, with blood and tears in her eye sockets, looked at Jiang Tian intently, and said affectionately:

"I know that you and your mistress have a deep relationship, and you will definitely not like me. However, I fought to death for your ideals and your struggle. You will definitely remember me deeply in the future."

"When the time comes, I will live in your memory and occupy a place. That is my greatest luck!"

Her voice was choked with tears, like a cuckoo weeping blood, wailing in sorrow, which made Long Shengnan and other female cultivators turn their backs and weep silently.

When Jiang Tian heard this, his heart trembled slightly, and he said softly: "Is this why you stayed at the end to intercept the Emperor of Fire God with the formation?"

"Even if the disciple doesn't take the initiative to attack, God Emperor Liehuo will not let me go. The disciple promotes your deeds in the Penglai world every day. The Immortal Xu Dynasty has listed the disciple as a must-kill..."

She suddenly showed a smile, and the blisters on her face burst when they squeezed each other, blood flowed all over her face, and she whispered:

"Not to mention this, my frustrated lord, Muxue feels very peaceful as he can wait until you come back before he dies..."

As she spoke, her eyes became as soft as water, and she said with infinite nostalgia:

"You seem to have become more powerful, just like the unparalleled hero in my dream. Lord, my disciple believes that you will definitely be able to realize your ideal..."

"It doesn't matter if this is the case, or if the disciple dies with such a perfect memory, in my memory, you will always be so perfect..."

"You won't die!"

Jiang Tian's tone changed for the first time.

He looked at Bai Muxue's eyes seriously as never before and said firmly: "As long as I, Jiang Taichu, am here, you will not die! Even if you die, I will use your soul seeds and creation materials to help you reshape your body. !”

"From today on, no one in this world can hurt me, Jiang Taichu! This is my promise to you!"

After he finished speaking, his face hardened and he activated his divine principles.



The Nascent Soul in Jiang Tian's body suddenly opened its eyes, and the Taotie God surged out from the small divine disk behind him.

This god turned into the celestial form of a gluttonous divine beast, hovering over Bai Muxue, and only opened his mouth to take a breath.


The law of fire that originally smelted all things and was indestructible, even fragments of the avenue rose and fell, like paper, cracking one after another and turning into a trickle.

The gluttonous heavenly phase was like a long whale sucking water, swallowing it up in the blink of an eye and quickly collecting it into Jiang Tian's body.

"You broke the laws of the Emperor of Fire so easily? There are even fragments of the avenue!"

"The three scholars are really impressed!"

"My lord has reached the ultimate level and has become stronger! Moreover, he is more powerful than ever before!"

Many big bandits and heroes were dumbfounded and shocked to the extreme, feeling the power of Jiang Tian's law.

"Maybe, she is really qualified to fight against the Emperor of Fire!" Even Ji Yusha, who had always disliked Jiang Tian, ​​was stunned and murmured.

"The whirling sacred tree creates all things!"

Jiang Tian shouted again.

A whirling sacred tree appeared in the sky above Bai Muxue, and its laws were urged down like green silk ribbons, nourishing all things and creating vitality.

This whirling sacred tree is ten times and a hundred times more powerful than before, full of surging life breath, and stars twinkling between the branches and leaves, as if it contains small worlds full of vitality, running endlessly and endlessly.

"I told you, you won't die!"

Jiang Tian shouted low, activated his magic formula, and volleyed towards Bai Muxue.

In Bai Muxue's shocked eyes, countless divine tree laws formed runes of healing, restoration, and creation, blooming with bright green light, covering Bai Muxue.

Bai Muxue just felt like she was back in her mother's womb. She had never felt that kind of warmth, comfort and security.

Amid everyone's incredulous exclamations, they saw that all of Bai Muxue's bubbles had dried up and faded away, and her greasy skin had grown back, and even her internal organs and damaged dantian were restored in seconds.

The entire stronghold is full of vitality, green light lingers, and the laws of the sacred trees rise and fall, almost like a fairyland.

At this time, an explosive news spread throughout the endless and vast territory of the Immortal Ruins world, shocking people's hearts.

"Jiang Taichu is back!"

"A battle between the Emperor of Fire and the Tianxuan Mountains! Threatening to twist off the head of God of Fire!"

The entire Immortal Ruins was dumbfounded.

"Is Jiang Taichu crazy? Dare you challenge the Emperor of Fire?"

The headmaster of Tianmang Cave Heaven said mockingly, and next to him, Zhao Shanhe and several elders also showed mocking looks.

Jiang Tian's last observable combat power was Jiang Tian's fight with Ban Shan, Hei Bai Zi, and Jian Pu Tong Yu Jian.

When he killed Tong Yujian, Jiang Tianwei took action and used Tong Yujian as a whetstone for the bandit leaders.

During the battle in Shuiyue Cave, even now, it has not been exposed.

In fact, Shuiyue Dongtian has become a mole, always delivering messages to the killers of the great killers, otherwise, the latter might have been wiped out.

Therefore, in the eyes of the Immortal Xu monks, Jiang Tian's strength is only on par with Banshan and the others.

But Banshan and the others are not even a tiny bit behind the Fire God Emperor. The gap between Jiang Tian should also be huge, or even bigger.

"Perhaps Jiang Taichu set up a maze, invited you to enter the urn, and wanted to join forces to surround the Emperor of Fire God?"

"With his own strength, he defeated the God Emperor of Fire? Whether you believe it or not, I don't believe it anyway!" The headmaster of Tianji Cave Heaven thought of another possibility.

"In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are scum!"

Another sect leader laughed and said:

"Jiang Taichu is nothing more than a rat, running around and not daring to fight head-on. If he dares to show his head, he will be shot to death!"

"Since Jiang Taichu is a mouse, he should have the consciousness of a mouse. He can hide in a dark corner, eat some leftovers, steal three melons or two dates and survive. He must jump out and treat himself as a mouse. A dragon in the sky?"

In the cafeteria of the academy, disciple Song Baoxin said mockingly. Next to her, the dark-skinned maid Asang covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Hahaha, Song Baoxin, your metaphor is very good!"

Next to them, Cheng Aojun, Xu Changqing and other elite disciples all laughed.

The academy disciples are actually still the remnants and descendants of the Immortal Land, selected from the second and third level worlds.

But interests will make people forget history. They don't think they are descendants of Emperor Sheng and Emperor Ao at all. They are unwilling to investigate, or even if they find out the truth of history, they don't care.

"However, little brother, I have an opinion. Please refer to it, fellow Taoists!"

Song Baoxin had just entered the God of War Ranking in an assessment competition, and was able to enter the back mountain of the academy. He even received guidance from Confucius, Banshan, and Fairy Yulian.

Therefore, his status has become very high, and he can keep pace with Xu Changqing and others. At this time, he is also in high spirits:

"I heard that Jiang Taichu and the big bandits were burning, killing and looting everywhere. They have a very deep background. Should we take advantage of the situation and rob them?"

"Okay! This Jiang Taichu is dead. Just take advantage of his illness to kill him! Take advantage of his death to take away their treasure!"

Xu Changqing's eyes were filled with hatred and he said viciously.

During the battle between Jiang Tian and the Sword Servant in the forbidden area of ​​the Forest of Steles, he was struck by the Sword Servant's sword energy and cut off one of his arms. Later, he asked the Xuanhu Dajiujiu in the back of the academy to help him create a unicorn arm.

The pain that day made him always hold a grudge against Jiang Tian.

This matter is also strange. He was obviously injured by the sword servant, but he hated Jiang Tian.

Maybe he felt that Jiang Tian was easy to bully, or maybe he was used to being a slave and no longer hated his master.

The academy disciples immediately reached an agreement, called their friends, formed an army of academy disciples, and rushed towards the Xuantian Mountains.

Not only the academy disciples.

In fact, all major caves, large sects, aristocratic families, even small and medium-sized sects, and even low-level gangs rushed to the Xuantian Mountains to witness the grand scene of Jiang Taichu's execution and the unparalleled power of God Emperor Liehuo.

The key is.

They also want to add insult to injury, fish in troubled waters, and rob Jiang Tian and the Da Kou killers of their cultivation resources.

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