Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1600: Shaking the Tribulation Sword with bare hands, the Chaos Divine Body is invincible

"Jiang Taichu, you are too arrogant! This is the skeleton of the Imperial Concubine of the Xu Emperor. You are looking for death!"

"This is a treasonous act. This is the biggest provocation to our Xu Huang family. Today, I will kill him to show the world that the Xu Emperor's lineage must not be humiliated!"

“The Immortal Xu royal family’s majesty is supreme and cannot be desecrated!”

"Kill him! He must be crushed to ashes, and his soul must be extracted and burned in the devil's fire for ten thousand years before he can relieve his hatred!"

Many members of the royal family were shouting, gnashing their teeth with overwhelming hatred, wanting to rush forward and fight Jiang Tian, ​​tearing Jiang Tian into pieces.

The remains of the concubine were their ancestors, but their heads were slapped by Jiang Tian. How could they bear it? This was a slap in their faces. This makes them, who are arrogant and think they are superior to others, intolerable.

"Jiang Taichu, you have lived enough!!"

The Emperor of Fire roared, and the angry flames in his deep eyes danced and burned fiercely. He flew with anger, took a step in the air, and the flame wheels rose under his feet, making him rush towards Jiang Tian as fast as lightning.

"The God Emperor of Fiery Fire has been a powerful force for thousands of years and is famous in the Immortal Ruins! Jiang Taichu is no match for him!"

"Jiang Taichu, no matter how strong you are, compared with the Emperor of Fire God, you are just an ant and a bug!"

"Jiang Taichu, your life is over! If you dare to provoke the God Emperor of Fire, you are violating the rules of heaven! The God Emperor will trample you under his feet like a dead dog!"

The royal family members and guards all cheered excitedly, hundreds of thousands of flags covered the sky, and war drums shook the heavens and the earth!

Jiang Tian used Kunpeng Extreme Speed, while Liehuo God Emperor used the Xing Zi Jue in the Nine Heavens Technique of the Ruins Emperor. Both of them are unique skills in body speed, far surpassing the sky-breaking techniques of Ghost Wolf and Yun Zhongzi. It can be said that when you meet your opponent in chess, you will meet a good talent!


Under the extreme speed of the two, the distance of more than a hundred miles passed by with just a snap of a finger. The two had already collided in the electric light and flint.

No one saw this collision clearly, but there was a sound of great ethics, which was very mysterious and complicated.

It's like Buddhist chanting, like evening drums and morning bells, and like the vast fairy sounds coming down from the nine heavens, solemn, vast, magical, and mysterious.

"This is the voice of the avenue. Once the two of them take action, it will be an avenue-level collision!"

"Back off!"

"Children, activate the body protection formation!"

Many Cave Heaven Masters exclaimed, their faces changing wildly, knowing how terrible this collision was.


The void collapsed, and everything in the ten directions was extinguished. This was a great destruction. Cracks in the void were punched out, intertwined with laws and flames. The wind roared, destroying everything. The terrifying fluctuations were like hundreds of nuclear weapons exploding at once.

The space crack could even be called an abyss, spreading out for ten miles. Wherever it passed, the mountains collapsed and the earth subsided.

There were even meteors with a radius of one kilometer suddenly falling from the sky, pulling out long flames, penetrating the mountain peaks, and igniting flames that reached the sky. The attack of the two people actually spread to the sky.

"So strong!"

Even if many monks activated the formation, they were shocked to the point where their ears were bleeding and they were on the verge of collapse. Even the powerful ones at the level of gods did not dare to neglect and retreated one after another.

This was just the first blow between the two of them. Neither of them used their full strength. It was just a contact and test, far from reaching a climax!

But it's already so terrible.

No one can predict what kind of terrible scene will happen next.

"Jiang Taichu, you are indeed very strong! No wonder you dare to provoke the Xianxu Dynasty! But, this will be your end!"

"In the eyes of this emperor, you will always be an ant pariah born on a marginal planet, and you will never be able to stand on the stage!"

In the battlefield, the figure of the Emperor of Fire was revealed, standing proudly on the ancient chariot, uninjured, his eyes were cold, but there were flames lingering, his black hair was flying, his armor was bright, his shirt was blood-red, his broad chest and burly The figure gives people a sense of oppression and is breathtaking.

This is a kind of imperial majesty, aloof and solemn, with overwhelming power and unparalleled coercion.

"Haha, I am an ant? But this ant killed your descendants and your brothers!"

Jiang Tian stood with his hands behind his hands, his expression slightly mocking.

Jiang Tian, ​​dressed in black, has deep eyes, as if the stars are disillusioned, and his expression is indifferent, giving people a feeling of lightness and lightness. He is very chic and otherworldly, as if he is a banished immortal who does not eat the fireworks of the world.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Jiang Tian's momentum seems to be somewhat weaker than that of the God Emperor Liehuo, just like the relationship between gods and mortals, monarch and subjects.

However, some figures at the headmaster level of Dongtian discovered that Jiang Tian's every breath and every move were integrated with heaven and earth. They seemed to be part of the laws and avenues. The connection was extremely close.

Jiang Tian said tepidly:

"And what can you do to me? Aren't you just watching helplessly but unable to do anything?!"

"Jiang Taichu, you successfully angered me!"

The Emperor of Fire was furious, filled with hatred, and his eyes were full of evil. He grabbed the handle of the knife on his back with his right hand and pulled it out inch by inch.

Every inch of this flaming mysterious knife is exposed, and thousands of rays of holy light and divine radiance burst out, like a sun rising, making it dazzling.

At the same time, there was a scorching power like a volcanic eruption, rushing in all directions. This billowing heat wave was too terrifying.

Within a snap of a finger, all the trees within a hundred miles were reduced to charcoal and ashes.

With the second snap of his fingers, all the mountains within a radius of ten miles turned into a torrent of magma, and the peaks of thousands of feet paralyzed like baked wax oil.

The gods-level powerhouses in the distance suddenly changed their colors and couldn't help but retreat. In addition to the terrifying heat wave, they also felt a terrifying killing intent.

This is a terrifying thought of being the only one who cares about me, as if I am the master of this world, and everything is controlled by my heart.

"This Fierce Fire Mysterious Sword is just a customary name. Its real name is - the Emperor Fierce Fire Tribulation Sword!"

A strong man at the level of a living fossil stared at the knife closely, with a look of reverence on his face, his eyes focused, and every word he spoke was authentic.

"It turns out to be the Emperor's Fiery Tribulation Sword!"

"I heard that when His Majesty the Old Xu Emperor transformed into a god to overcome the tribulation, the Calamity of Heavenly Fire was born! But His Majesty the Old Xu Emperor was so talented and brilliant that he shocked the past and the present. He used the Nine Heavens Gang Fire to temper this sword and condensed it into it. Part of his spiritual transformation!"

"This sword is too powerful. It is a supreme Taoist weapon, almost a holy weapon!"

"Killing the Transformation God is as easy as killing a chicken!" Many Immortal Ruins monks exclaimed with admiration in their eyes.

An extremely hot aura that seemed to be able to burn everything filled the air. Every inch the Emperor's Fiery Tribulation Sword rose, it would burst out with thousands of divine powers, melting the mountains in the distance, cracking the earth, and distorting the void with water vapor and smoke.

And this is just the aftermath that occurs naturally when there is no activation.


There was a loud explosion.

This sword was completely in the hands of the Emperor of Fire. He stepped on the ancient chariot and slashed towards Jiang Tian.

"Hmph, I heard that you have a peerless sword called Jue Tian Sword. It is used by the defeated ruler Zhong Li. Take it out!"

this moment.

The God Emperor of Fire was full of confidence and roared loudly. With this knife in his hand, how could he defeat Jiang Taichu? His background is simply not enough.

"You are still qualified to let me use the Jue Tian Sword? That sword is prepared for the old dog of the Ruins Emperor!"

Jiang Tian sneered, stretched out his right hand, and struck out with a palm, actually shocking the Liehuo God Emperor with his physical body.

No one expected that this would happen!

Jiang Tian is only a Nascent Soul cultivation level, or even in the early stage of Nascent Soul!

However, the God Emperor Liehuo is a god incarnate and holds a powerful Taoist weapon, but Jiang Tian can physically defeat him?

The world was turned upside down, Jiang Tian did not use any magical powers or laws, and rushed forward to fight, fighting in close combat with his physical body.

Jiang Tian's punches and kicks were extremely simple, with nothing fancy at all, but his power and speed were so fast that he was unparalleled in the world. He was able to compete with the Emperor of Fire who held the supreme Taoist weapon.


Jiang Tian punched out, the world was turned upside down, all kinds of brilliance shimmered, the earth was exploded, the mountain peaks collapsed, and the sky was torn apart.


The Emperor of Fire God roared in frustration.

This calamity knife contains the power of the fire calamity of transforming gods. With one slash, it is like transforming gods to transcend calamities. The law of fire roars, and it can destroy ten or eight transformed gods without any problem.

But now that the blow was hitting Jiang Tian, ​​not even a white mark could be left.


Then the Emperor of Fire slashed down with one strike.

Phoenixes, white tigers, basalts and other strange phenomena swooped down like gods.

This was the catastrophe caused by the Heavenly Fire when the Ruins Emperor transformed into a god. He used his great magical power to gather it and refine it into this mysterious knife. Once it was struck out, ordinary gods could not hold it for even a second.


Jiang Tian's eyes were radiant, his figure was like a dragon soaring into the sky, and he punched the sky. Kunpeng quickly opened a rift in space.

At this time, his body was like a sword from the sky, slicing through the heaven and earth, like a torpedo cutting through thorns and waves, like a tiger rushing like a flock of sheep, tearing apart a series of flaming visions without even burning a single hair.

This is the power of the Chaos Divine Body.

Chaos is the initial substance that creates the world and gives birth to all things.

The Chaos Divine Body is like King Kong to the hemp rope and straw rope to the law-driven path of ordinary god-transforming monks.

Even if King Kong is just a baby, it cannot be strangled and obliterated by hemp ropes and straw ropes. No matter how long and thick you are, it will be useless!

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Tian rushed to the Emperor of Fire God, leaned back like a fully-drawn bow, and punched the Emperor's Fire Tribulation Sword.


With one punch, half of the Emperor's Fiery Tribulation Saber was shattered, and the Fiery God Emperor's arm was instantly shocked to the point where blood flowed.

Moreover, the fragments of the robbery knife shot out, and several fragments cut into the arm of the Emperor of Fire, instantly burning with blazing flames, and the terrifying temperature was very scary.

Everyone was shocked.

Jiang Tian actually punched the supreme Taoist weapon to pieces! This is not a monk in the human world, he is just like a divine son in the Nine Heavens Immortal Fetus.


The Emperor of Fire was very decisive. He raised his broken sword and slashed it down. The blood flashed, and the divine blood was filled with flames, and he cut off his right arm.

"God Emperor!"

At this moment, countless royal family members screamed and their eyes were about to burst. Many divine generals and divine guards were also shocked.

Just now, they were still saying that Jiang Tian was no match for the Emperor of Fire. Unexpectedly, in the second round, Jiang Tian shook the Heavenly Sword with his body and blew out one of the arms of God Emperor of Fire.

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