Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1603 The physical body breaks through ten thousand ways and shakes the world

This cauldron is the crystallization of Master's thousand-year Taoist fruit, and it is also the life-saving trump card of Emperor Agni.

It can even be said that these ten thousand Hong Furnaces were not prepared for Jiang Tian at all, but for the peerless strong man from outside the territory.

But now, Jiang Tian has become the biggest threat to the Xianxu Dynasty. If God Emperor Liehuo uses it now, it will not be considered as a disgrace to the name of the Ten Thousand Dao Hong Furnace.


Facing the giant net that was gradually compressing and roaring and trembling with various laws, Jiang Tian let out a sigh and dispersed a three-foot-long Gengjin Shenze sword that had been condensed in the air. The Shense runes were like It looked like it was cast from gold, and fell with a clanging sound, like the debris of fireworks scattered.

Jiang Tian lowered his hands and just stood in the void in black clothes, as if he had nothing to do and gave up resistance.

"Jiang Taichu, you are indeed the most talented monk in the history of Immortal Ruins. Even the ancient sages from thousands of years ago may not be as good as you! At your age, they cannot be compared with you!"

The Emperor of Fire God praised in his mouth, but his face was as cold as a knife and an axe, and his blazing eyes were full of murderous intent. He pinched his fingers with both hands to activate the Ten Thousand Hong Furnace Cauldron, using this cauldron to activate the power of half of the Immortal Ruins, He charged towards Jiang Tianzhen crazily, showing no mercy or mercy.

At his level, he has experienced royal infighting, life and death fights, and galloping on the battlefield, and his temperament is so sophisticated that he naturally understands that a lion must use his full strength to fight a rabbit, so how can he allow himself to be merciless in the slightest.

"What a pity! If we wait another hundred years, the Emperor of Fire will definitely be defeated!" Lord Sun Xiao shook his head and sighed.

"Once Jiang Taichu is searched for his soul, Shuiyuedongtian will be disbanded immediately, and his disciples will be dismissed!"

Lord Xuanwu is already considering a retreat.

Once Jiang Tian is defeated, if the alliance between Shuiyue Dongtian and Jiang Tian is exposed, the Xianxu Dynasty will surely retaliate and purge wildly, which will be a disaster!

"Hey, this son, doesn't he know that our Immortal Ruins are open to all rivers and make the best use of everything? If he surrenders, he can at least become a divine general!"

Headmaster Youdongtian didn't understand and shook his head regretfully.

The masters of Dongtian, the heads of aristocratic families, and even princes, generals, ministers and nobles all felt very sorry.

Jiang Taichu was extremely talented, so why did he have to be the enemy of Xianxu? Wouldn't it be nice to just be a slave?

"Jiang Taichu is going to die, so there should be a lot of treasures in Zuowang Peak!" Song Baoxin geared up, showing a greedy look.

"What? It can't be broken!"

"this is too scary!"

Niu Duotian, King Qingjiao, Tu Fei, Yun Zhongzi and other big bandits all rushed towards the giant net and made crazy moves to rescue Jiang Tian.

But no matter what methods they used, it was useless. They were even shaken out by the powerful law, flew dozens of miles away, and were seriously injured.

For a moment, all the heroes looked worried and desperate, feeling cold from head to toe.

These ten thousand Hong Furnace Cauldrons affect the laws and avenues of the Immortal Ruins, which is equivalent to gathering the power of this world. It is so terrifying that it is almost weird. If a piece of the world is used to suppress it, who can resist it.


Seeing that the ten thousand giant nets had closed, surrounding Jiang Tian like a colorful crystal cocoon.

Long Shengnan and Bai Muxue both screamed, with tears rolling down their faces, their hair flying, their beautiful faces pale, full of despair and sorrow.


Brothers Fu Heishui roared up to the sky, fluttered their wings and flew across the space, using sound waves to attack and interfere with the space. They wanted to blast away the "cocoon", but they were backlashed by the law and flew away. Blood spurted from their mouths, and their eyes were full of anxiety and despair.

"How could this happen!" E Chun and Ying Long looked into the void and yelled, extremely distressed.

"Hahahaha! This is the unparalleled majesty and profound heritage of the Xianxu Dynasty. Jiang Taichu, no matter how strong you are, you are just a pariah from a remote place on a marginal planet!"

Many of the royal family members laughed wildly and happily.

They are at the top of the pyramid in this world, with vested interests, and Jiang Tian wants to wipe out everything, making them terrified. Now that Jiang Tian is about to die, they are extremely happy and their serious worries are gone.


Many Dongtian sects, heads of aristocratic families, princes, ministers and other important figures were frightened and moved to death.

The power of this treasure is so great that any master and monster can deal with it, and they will always live under the pressure of this treasure, shrouded in shadow.

It carries the power of heaven and earth to suppress people, and uses thousands of avenues as a furnace to refine it. Who can resist it can only surrender loyally.

At this time, the ten thousand giant webs had turned into a huge cocoon, and then evolved into the shape of a huge furnace, which was the same as the shape of the ten thousand giant furnaces. It was like a replica, but it was much larger, and it was completely the condensation of the great avenue and the law. .

This Ten Thousand Dao Hong Furnace is the final way to kill!

The bronze furnace sacrificed by the Emperor of Fire before was just an introduction to unlocking the laws and avenues of magical power, just like a key!

At this time, the furnace was very condensed and tightly sealed, and Jiang Tian inside was completely invisible.

Countless laws and avenues turned into ice, fire, wood thorns, mountains... and attacked Jiang Tian crazily.

"The God Emperor of Fire is unparalleled in his bravery, his majesty is unparalleled, his supernatural powers are astonishing and the gods are weeping. He has such power in a small test. Who in the world can stop him?"

"The God Emperor is indeed a gift from heaven. He is the only emperor of all time. He is arrogant and powerful in the world. He is powerful throughout the ages."

"Jiang Taichu is nothing more than a clown, vulnerable! He deserves to end up like this!"

Many Dongtian sects, heads of aristocratic families, and royal aristocrats are using their spiritual consciousness to propagate loudly, complimenting and flattering like crazy.

The Fire God Emperor's eyes were arrogant, and suddenly he felt sad in his heart. He shed two lines of clear tears and said in a trembling voice: "Children, I have avenged you..."

But at this moment, among the thousands of torrential furnaces, Jiang Tian suddenly heard a mocking chuckle:

"God Emperor of Fire, is this your method?"

Everyone looked in horror and saw a pair of crystal palms, which seemed to be hanging down and filled with the aura of chaos. They were suddenly thrust out of the Ten Thousand Tornado Furnace, and then they grabbed the edge with both hands and gently opened it.


Thousands of laws are boiling, and the avenue is shaking!

At this moment, the entire Immortal Ruins was affected, roaring and wailing, lightning and thunder thundered for nine thousand feet, and the wind and clouds stirred for hundreds of thousands of miles, like a wounded beast roaring crazily.


The Ten Thousand Dao Hong Furnace was actually torn out of thin air by Jiang Tian's pair of fleshy hands. In these hands of flesh and blood, the extremely tough laws and powerful avenues were as fragile as paper!

Under the horrified glare of the Emperor of Fire, Jiang Tian stepped out of the Ten Thousand Dao Hong Furnace with his hands behind his back.

He didn't use any magic power. He stood in the void out of thin air with only his physical body. It was so natural, as if the heaven and earth had become his slaves to support him, as if all the avenues had become his ministers, listening to his orders!

This is the majesty of the Chaos Divine Body!

Like a son of God!

The God Emperor of Agni is very powerful. Whether it is his physical body or his true essence, the gods and gods are unparalleled. He can control the laws of the fire system like an arm and a finger.

These Ten Thousand Dao Hong Furnaces are the collection of Master's Tao Fruit for thousands of years. The embodiment of Dayan Tao Principle is that even a peak god can be easily crushed to pieces.

Unfortunately, what he met was Jiang Tian, ​​who had cultivated the Chaos Divine Body!

The chaotic divine body is the body of the innate gods, the body of the gods, and it is the body of the most powerful creator god among the gods.

Although Jiang Tian's divine body is only a small one, equivalent to a baby of God or a young son of God, it is still comparable to many highly accomplished immortal bodies and holy bodies.

The Ten Thousand Great Furnaces used by God Emperor Liehuo can smelt all things and can even kill transformed gods, but in Jiang Tian's case, they are vulnerable to a single blow.

This is Jiang Tian's trump card that is enough to dominate the world of Immortal Ruins. It can be said that without the power of divine transformation of the Holy or Immortal Grade, it is almost impossible to kill Jiang Tian with the ordinary divine transformation of Immortal Ruins. He is like a true god, possessing an immortal body, invulnerable to all laws, and unafraid of thousands of ways.

Even if the master comes in person, Jiang Tian dares to compete with him just because of his powerful body!

"This is impossible!"

God Emperor Liehuo's face was filled with fear and disbelief.

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