Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1606: Fight Black and White Again, Confrontation with the Six Great Cave Heavens

This scene shocked everyone.

It was too bloody and cruel. Under Jiang Tian's palm, many of the royal family's children were turned into bloody powder.

"Jiang Taichu, this, we are going to fight to the death with the Immortal Xu Dynasty!"

Many people were aware of this, and the corners of Master Tianji Cave's eyes trembled, revealing a look of deep fear and shock.

"Father, have you seen it? Your Majesty, Taichu, has avenged you!"

Only Long Shengnan's face was filled with tears, but deep joy flashed in the depths of his eyes, and he looked up to the sky and sighed.

You must know that it was Prince Qiu Ming who led the three guards down to the lower realm, swept away the Dragon Gate, and wiped out the Long family. He was the chief culprit.

At this time, Prince Qiu Ming was killed, how could Long Shengnan not be happy and excited?

Jiang Tian certainly risked the disapproval of the world by killing the World-shaking God Emperor and the Liehuo God Emperor, but after all, it was on the battlefield, and it was life and death.

If the Xianxu Dynasty wanted to edict Zhao'an, it would make sense.

However, Jiang Tian was completely a killing god at this time, leaving no room for error.

Even if the Xianxu Dynasty rationally believes that it should win over Jiang Tian, ​​it will not win over Jiang Tian anymore.

Because Jiang Tian's attitude is that it's life and death, that I am invincible, and he doesn't show any mercy.

Moreover, many of the Cave Heaven Masters, heads of aristocratic families, princes, princes, ministers and other important figures present also knew that——

Jiang Tian's move was also a declaration.

Even the Immortal Xu royal family was slaughtered like pigs and dogs. What was the difference between other forces?

If he doesn't surrender, he will really kill him.

"Fellow Taoists, what can you do?"

Headmaster Tianmang Dongtian, with white beard and white hair, extraordinary bearing, was extremely depressed in his heart, his face was very solemn, and his spiritual consciousness said:

"Jiang Taichu is very powerful. From the beginning to the end, he almost didn't use any laws or magical powers, but he killed the world-shaking God Emperor with just his physical strength!"

"I'm afraid even if we join forces, we may not be able to withstand such a terrifying power..."

He is extremely old, already 8,000 years old. He has experienced the battle between the South Gate and the Immortal Earth monks in the Daoshu era, and is even higher in seniority than the Liehuo God Emperor.

Although he is not a member of the royal family, his cultivation is as great as the abyss and the sea. He has a similar relationship with the Emperor of Fire, and has very rich combat experience.

"Is the body invincible?"

The dozens of Avatars present frowned.

In fact, it was shocking for Jiang Tian to kill the Emperor of Fire, but it was nothing.

The God Emperor of Fire is naturally stronger than them, but they are both powerful in transforming gods, so they are just a bit stronger.

But Jiang Tian knocked out the Fire God Emperor with one punch, which made everyone feel terrified.

In the entire Immortal Ruins, there is probably no other person who can kill the God Emperor of Fire so easily. Even if everyone present joins forces, it will be difficult.

"This physical body is probably the strongest in the Immortal Ruins!" Even Ban Shan had to admit that his heart was heavy.

"Next, it's our turn!" Hei Baizi looked at Banshan with deep eyes and meaning.

In fact, all the powerful gods are aware of this, and their hearts are extremely nervous, and their heads are in a state of confusion.

If there is still a possibility for minions like Song Baoxin and Cheng Aojun to fish in troubled waters and escape by taking advantage of the chaos.

These Dongtian masters were stared at by Jiang Tian, ​​and they had to express their stance on this.

Moreover, the time Jiang Tian gave them would definitely not be too long. Life and death depended on Jiang Tian's thoughts.

"Besiege him from a long distance, trap him with secret treasures of laws, block him with a formation, and besiege him from a long distance with supreme Taoist weapons or crystal battleships. No matter how strong he is physically, he is not invincible!"

The headmaster of Huanhua Cave Heaven said softly, but his eyes were as cold as ice, flashing with endless murderous intent.

Surrender to Jiang Tian, ​​how could the Xianxu Dynasty let them go? They will be purged bloodyly, and the probability of their death is extremely high.

And, even if they escape, what about their descendants?

Many people have signed soul contracts with the Xianxu Dynasty, and they have nowhere to run, and will be crushed to death.

In a battle with Jiang Tian, ​​the odds of winning are of course slim, but at least a glimmer of hope, especially for future generations, can be preserved.

"I'll wait, there's no other choice!"

Headmaster Tianmang Dongtian glanced at Zhao Shanhe, showing a hint of sadness, and said with regret.

From the day he started practicing, he knew that this would be a bloody path.

Monks are strong and live a long life, but if they kill people to seize treasures and compete with other monks, they will lick blood from the edge of a knife and often not end well.

However, he also understood that the higher the cultivation level, the lower the probability of dying in a sword bush. For example, with the power of transforming gods, on the Immortal Ruins, only one or two people would die in vicious fights in a thousand years.

Therefore, he did not expect that one day he would have to make a life-or-death decision even though he had reached the top of the mountain and stood at the top of the world.

The key is that his son Zhao Shanhe may also die after him. This is his most beloved disciple.

However, fortunately, he lived a long life and had many Taoist companions and heirs, so he left behind a lot of blood.

"Father, I understand!"

Zhao Shanhe's heart pounded, his whole body felt cold and he was trembling slightly. This was an unprecedented sense of crisis.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered that when he first entered the Qi training period at the age of ten, his father threw himself into the wild mountains in order to temper himself. When facing a black tiger, it seemed that he could be torn into pieces at any time.


Seeing that many Dongtian masters were moved by the news, the happiest ones were Banshan and Baizi.

After all, it would be extremely dangerous for the two of them to deal with Jiang Tian, ​​and their chances of winning were extremely slim.

But now, with more than a dozen transformed gods dispatched together, the odds of winning suddenly skyrocketed.

"Jiang Taichu, if we fight again today, I will definitely tear your head off!"

Banshan was tall, with muscles all over his body as tangled as a horned dragon. He wielded a giant hammer, and his dusty face showed a look of murderous intent and cruelty.

Under the admiring gazes of Song Baoxin, Cheng Aojun and other disciples, Banshan took one step forward, left the flying boat, and approached Jiang Tian.

"Jiang Taichu, you have done a lot of killing, and you have repeatedly caused a bloody storm. You are the number one demon in the Immortal Market forever, and everyone will kill you! Today, I will support justice and kill demons!"

Black and White's breath was empty, his green clothes were washed out, he grabbed the chessboard and jumped out, his fighting spirit rising steadily.

Except for Sun Xiao and Xuan Nu Shenjun, the other five Cave Heaven Masters, Supreme Elders and several heads of Shenjun families spread out in tacit agreement and stood hundreds of miles apart. There are a total of eighteen people, all of whom have transformed into gods and cultivated themselves.

Some of them have strong sword aura, some are flashing black light, some are blazing fire, or some are majestic and majestic like mountains... But each one of them has extraordinary magnanimity, has the power to swallow thousands of miles, and is overwhelming, filled with the aura of a superior, standing in the void. .

They looked in all directions, arrogantly looking at the heaven and earth, facing Jiang Tian. Although they were nervous and cautious, their fighting spirit was very strong.

This kind of self-centered aura is definitely not a bluff, you can't even pretend it, it is a record that shines in the annals of history, and it can only be released with the support of powerful and unparalleled magical powers.

It can be said that, except for the three giants and several divine emperors, they are the masters of this world, as high as gods.

In the past, they were on one side, high in the sky, and no one obeyed the other. But now, they actually joined forces to kill Jiang Tian, ​​which is unprecedented.

It can also be said that no matter what the outcome of this battle, today's formation alone is enough to shine in the annals of history.

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