Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1608 Bloody counterattack, the feast begins

Heibaizi has always been personable, elegant, noble and handsome, like an immortal descending from the world, just like a celebrity from the Wei and Jin Dynasties.

But at this moment, under Jiang Tian's approach, everything was in chaos, panicked like a bereaved dog, and extremely embarrassed.

But in any case, Hei Baizi's approach was the academy's great sacrifice. He was personally passed down by his master, and had been famous for thousands of years. He had extremely rich combat experience, so he was not without resistance.


The black and white chess pieces suspended around him suddenly turned into two qi, black and white, surrounding the surroundings like a rainbow. The two qi circulated endlessly, like a Tai Chi diagram, containing the law of life and death, trying to resist Jiang Tian's attack.

"Like an ant!"

Jiang Tian snorted lightly and punched him.

Jiang Tian's punch was simple and unpretentious, without any fluctuations in mana, not to mention rays of light and auspicious colors, and no roar of great avenues and laws.

All there is is power!

Pure, supreme power!

Breaking all laws with one force, nothing can stop it.

Under this punch, the black and white Tai Chi diagram suddenly erupted with bright light, the laws within it collapsed, and the avenue fragments turned into powder.


Hei Heizi looked up to the sky and screamed, the divine treasure in his body trembled, and the deity suffered a strong backlash and cracked in an instant.

It's too late to retreat again.


Jiang Tian's eyes were cold and ruthless, without any ripples. His fists rushed forward, piercing through the damaged and disintegrated Yin-Yang fish diagram, and punched Hei Baizi's chest.


Hei Baizi vomited blood, the bloody arrows were dazzling, and a deep fist mark was already dented in his chest.

The violent force, centered on this fist seal, rippled out like ripples, instantly covering the whole body, reaching Shenzang and all the limbs, shaking again and again.

Bang bang bang!

The bones all over Black and White's body shattered into countless pieces in an instant. With a rumble, the gods collapsed, and the gods were shattered. The next moment, he was completely transformed into a rain of crystal flesh, and even his soul was destroyed.

Jiang Tianxin waved his hand and used Taotie Guiyuan to swallow up all his spilled energy, blood and spirit, turning them into cultivation materials.


Jiang Tian twisted his neck and made a series of explosions like fried beans. A cruel and happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, which swept away the depression in his heart.

Since Jiang Tian's rebirth, although he has been killing people freely, he is actually very careful in his actions. He is not 100% sure and will never act rashly.

In the forbidden area of ​​the Stele Forest, he was surrounded and killed by Hei Baizi, Sword Servant Tong Yujian and Banshan, and almost died. Of course it made him furious.

Jiang Tian, ​​who had reached the ultimate level of cultivation, broke out of the barrier today, killed his enemies with force, and took bloody revenge. Of course, Jiang Tian was filled with joy.

"Grand sacrificial wine!"

"Senior! How could you fall!"

"Jijiu, Lord Jijiu, you have the Mysterious Art of Creation. You will definitely be able to resurrect the two seniors, right?"

"Or, if you give it to the Xuanhu Grand Sacrificial Wine, you will definitely be resurrected, right?"

Many academies offered wine, taught students, and disciples fell to their knees, beat the ground and howled, and many people had blood and tears in their eyes.

Cheng Aojun, Xu Changqing, Song Baoxin and other disciples were all shocked and speechless, full of disbelief.

As a great sacrificer and the master's direct disciple, Banshan and Heibaizi can be said to be the pillars of the academy!

Now being killed by Jiang Tian is like the collapse of a building or the breaking of a pillar. It is an unbearable loss for the academy!

As for the other monks, it was like a basin of cold water was poured down their heads, cooling them from head to toe. Jiang Tian is so strong that killing Da Jijiu is as easy as killing a chicken.

"This is the academy's grand ceremony for two people!"

"The strength is completely on par with the masters of Dongtian, only slightly inferior to the God Emperor of Fire, but he was so brutally tortured!"

In the past, many heads of aristocratic families and kings of states and counties were all aloof and arrogant figures in the Immortal Ruins, but now they were so frightened that they were scared to death.

"My lord is so powerful!"

Long Shengnan and Bai Muxue finally breathed a sigh of relief and showed beautiful smiles.

"Invincible, invincible, invincible!"

Brother Fu Heishui was so excited that he jumped up and down and cheered.

"Come on! Come and fight my lord!"

Tian Shu became emboldened, picked up the wine jar, drank a lot of wine, his eyes were red, and shouted loudly while waving a long knife.


Headmaster Tianmang Dongtian roared.

At this time, he was already horrified.

Jiang Tian's strength was so strong that Tangtang transformed into a god. Under Jiang Tian's hands, he was completely as fragile as paper and was crushed to pieces by Jiang Tian with a casual slap.

Their cultivation level with Ban Shan and Hei Baizi is only about the same. If they continue to fight, what good results can they achieve?

In fact, everyone was aware of this and had no intention of fighting at all. They just wanted to escape quickly.

The situation took a turn for the worse, and the army was defeated like a mountain!

Jiang Tian's consecutive killings of Ban Shan and Hei Bai Zi shocked everyone!

For a moment, escaping lights appeared in all directions, golden rainbows shot out in all directions, and various flying magic weapons such as crystal warships, flying boats, flying swords, etc. emptied their air and flew away, like avoiding snakes and scorpions, like birds and beasts scattering. General.

"Now that we're here, how can we leave without saying goodbye!"

Jiang Tian chuckled, stepped into the air, and the supreme power interfered with the law, bursting the space, and ejected with the curvature of space.

They are the pillars of the Xianxu Dynasty, second only to the Academy, Zhentian Palace and the Xuhuang Palace.

Since they can't be used by me, then I'll kill them with one palm and kill them all to avoid getting in the way during the peak showdown.


Jiang Tian's speed was simply unparalleled. With pure physical strength, he could surpass the speed of Xingzi Secret and caught up with the headmaster of Huanhua Cave in the blink of an eye.

This person was the first one who advocated a duel with Jiang Tian. He was very greedy and was thinking about getting Jiang Tian's skills and inheritance.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!"

His figure was like a butterfly dancing on the ice, and like falling petals, graceful and elegant, but extremely fast.

However, the next moment, he was stopped by Jiang Tian.

"Daoyou Taichu, no, senior, no, Your Majesty, I am willing to sign a soul contract with you, follow you to fight in the Immortal Ruins, always loyal, never betray..." The head of Huanhua Cave Heaven shouted shrilly.

"Too late!"

Jiang Tian's figure did not move at all, his eyes were cold.

"Daoyou Taichu, do you really want to fight to the death with the Immortal Ruins? You have already killed Sheng Huang and the chief priest of the Academy. If you continue to kill, you will be the enemy of the whole world. No cave heaven, sect, or family can tolerate you. Besides, I am also a god after all, how can I let you control me?"

Seeing this, the head of Huanhua Cave Heaven knew that there was no way to end it peacefully, and his face was covered with murderous intent.

The divine treasure trembled and roared, and the gods sang and danced, like the empty Buddhist chanting, and the whole body was like a variety of flowers growing on the tree, and various wood-related laws flashed, and the falling flowers were like rain, colorful and crystal clear.

Various sword qi patterns were engraved on it, which seemed magnificent, but in fact, one piece could easily wipe out a peak Nascent Soul.

At this moment, the head of Huanhua Dongtian, urged all his cultivation, ready to fight to the death with Jiang Tian.

"What if the whole world is an enemy? A small fairy ruins, a mere Nanmen galaxy, how can it be in my eyes?"

Seeing this, Jiang Tian just smiled indifferently and waved his sleeve with his right hand!


An extremely shrill scream, piercing the clouds and splitting the sky, shook the entire Xuantian Mountains, and even interfered with the laws of heaven and earth.

Everyone was shocked to see.

Those fallen flowers, with various laws in them, suddenly became chaotic as if swept by a hurricane, and shot into the head of Huanhua Dongtian.

In an instant, the headmaster of Huanhua Dongtian became a sieve, with countless holes, and countless blood arrows flew together, dyeing the sky red.

The blood of the gods splashed all over the sky dripped on the ground, containing powerful vitality, the grass became a big tree, and the mountains of a hundred miles were instantly covered with green.

A god pushed open the door of the God's Treasure, broke out of the body, and fled in a panic.

This god's eyebrows and eyes were still like the headmaster of Huanhua Dongtian when he was young, and he fled with a face full of fear.

"Can you escape?"

Jiang Tian chuckled and used the God's Law. Taotie Guiyuan was like a black hole, directly swallowing up this god.

Another supreme god, the Lord of the Cave Heaven, fell!

It happened so fast!

The conversation between the two was completed with divine consciousness, in an instant, thousands of words and thoughts!

So, in the eyes of everyone, it was just a flick of a finger, and Jiang Tian killed another powerful god!

At this moment

Hundreds of thousands of Xianxu cultivators were already frightened to death, their souls were out of their bodies, and they only regretted that their parents didn't give them two more legs.


"Assist the lord and stop them!"

The Green Dragon King, Tu Fei, Niu Duotian, Yun Zhongzi and other big bandits looked at each other, their eyes flashing and their blood boiling.

They knew that the real counterattack and bloody massacre had begun!

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