Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1611 Master meets Taichu, who is the peak of the avenue?

Jiang Tian killed eighteen powerful gods in a row on the Xuantian Mountains. When the news spread, the entire vast Immortal Ruins and many worlds were shocked by it.

Immortal Ruins.

From the perspective of the universe, this is a big cultivation star that is ten times or even a hundred times larger than the earth, shrouded in countless spiritual energy tides, laws and Tao Yun.

It is located in the most suitable orbit of Nanmen II, slowly rotating, and surrounding it, there are many planets, such as sea waves, deserts, etc., which look extremely vast and vast.

And at this moment.

The entire Immortal Ruins, as well as many worlds and billions of people on the extremely vast continent, were all in deathly silence.

The streets are empty, the clouds in the sky are stagnant, and the breeze is frozen. In shops, restaurants, tiled houses, wealthy mansions, and the blessed land hanging high in the sky, wherever there is a golden light curtain, wherever you see it Everyone in the scene was stunned, as motionless as clay and wood sculptures, as if their souls had been sucked out.

Only a still picture remains.

No one expected that Jiang Tian would win!

In fact, the battle between Jiang Tian and the Emperor of Fire attracted too many people's attention.

It can be said that in the ten thousand years since the establishment of the Xianxu Dynasty, it has never been as turbulent and magnificent as it is today, which has attracted the attention of all the monks.

After all, Jiang Tianzai can do anything.

Since entering the South Gate Two Star System, he has killed Nascent Soul, defeated the Three Golden Crow Guards, slaughtered the God Emperor, and destroyed the Prince. He is invincible in the four worlds below Hailan World. Finally, he joined forces with the seven major bandits and caused huge waves in the Immortal Ruins. Under the nose of the Xu Huang Palace, they went on a killing spree and carried out bloody massacres.

In the end, the direct fire of the God Emperor was attracted, and together with the academy's two major sacrificial wines and the six caves, they joined forces to surround and kill Jiang Tian on the Xuantian Mountains.

Such unscrupulous and wanton behavior can be called the number one bandit since the establishment of the Xianxu Dynasty, the unparalleled hero, and the world-destroying devil.

Not even the powerful criminals and the Killer Dynasty, who are known as the descendants of the ancient heaven, have ever started such a battle.

However, they had to admit that Jiang Tian was the most evil genius in the history of the Immortal Market!

In less than fifty years of life, setting foot on Yuanying is already unprecedented, like a rare thing. The key point is that Jiang Tian only has the cultivation of infants, but he has the combat power to kill half-step gods and even gods. Once he enters the Nascent Soul, he can even kill the gods. This is really unbelievable and unacceptable to everyone.

Therefore, the battle between Jiang Tian and the Liehuo God Emperor was like a meteor hitting the mainland, attracting countless people in the Immortal Ruins to watch.

"In any case, Jiang Taichu is no match for the Emperor of Fire!"

"They are just ants and mustards born on a remote planet. They are like pigs and dogs, how can they be worthy of the majestic Emperor of Fire!"

"He killed the world-shaking God Emperor before, but that doesn't mean anything. He probably plotted it through despicable means. It's definitely not powerful or profound in cultivation!"

"That's right. Otherwise, why did Jiang Taichu not dare to take the lead during this period of time when the Xianxu army was beating up the big bandits like dogs?"

Many monks were talking about it.

From the desert world of thousands of miles of red land to the Tianmang Cave with blooming flowers.

From the dilapidated and desolate ancient city of Xuanqiu to the vast and majestic Xudu Divine City.

All the Immortal Ruins monks looked down upon Jiang Tian and were full of ridicule and contempt.

The Immortal Xu Dynasty itself was established by the invaders.

Thousands of years ago, when the Immortal Earth and many planets entered the orbit of the South Gate Two Star, the Nanmen One Star monks invaded quickly and took advantage of the Immortal Earth Wanderers to enter the Taoist era and occupied this large cultivation star.

In the long history, they expelled the wanderers from the fairy land to the lower world. On the one hand, they tampered with and burned historical books, promoted enslavement education, and used the academy selection system to soften and confuse the indigenous descendants. On the other hand, they established countless starry sky air-entraining magic circles. Breathing the auras of many worlds into the Immortal Ruins planet like a dark place.

Now, the natives have become the lowest slaves. No matter their skills, cultivation resources, strength or numbers, they cannot compare with the invaders!

The key is that the descendants of the Wanderers have long forgotten the truth about the history of the ancient heaven and have forgotten to resist. They regard the invaders as their masters, the executioners who slaughter them as the arbiters of fate, and the fairy ruins that belong to them as a fairyland hanging high in the sky, as a place that is elusive and unattainable and needs to be worshiped.

From the perspective of the Immortal Ruins monks, they despise the lower world and the people there. Just like humans look at ant nests and rat nests. He thought it was just a barbarian land, like a backwater, full of inferior beings, filthy and lowly, not even qualified to be a furnace.

Naturally, they were not optimistic about Jiang Tian challenging the Emperor of Fire.

However, after witnessing Jiang Tian kill the Emperor Liehuo and eighteen powerful gods.

The whole audience was shocked.

Everyone felt as if they had been slapped with a slap in the face, and their brains were all blurred.

Everyone speculates that even if Jiang Tian retreats and breaks through, he has just stepped into Nascent Soul, and is still as far away from becoming a god, especially a direct-transformed god-incarnation emperor like the Emperor of Fire. He might be able to resist a dozen attacks, but definitely not for long.

In addition, the two Academy Grand Priests and many Dongtian Masters and God Transformation Powers are here, just like a group of boxers who have won gold belts forming a super luxury lineup, beating a three-year-old child together, it is as easy as a piece of cake.

No one expected that it would end like this. The God Emperor of Fire, the majestic God Emperor, the direct descendant of the old Xu Emperor, was actually easily killed by Jiang Tian. Together with the academy's two major sacrificial wines and many super-luxurious teams of Dongtian's masters, they were crushed to pieces by Jiang Tian with his body like chopping melons and vegetables!

This means that the six caves exist in name only!

Above the Immortal Ruins, the six pillars holding the sky were all broken!

All local forces except Xudu collapsed in an instant!

Moreover, Jiang Tian did not use any conspiracy or secret magic weapon, but actually pushed his body horizontally, just like a bulldozer crushing eggs, punching and kicking, blasting many transformation gods.

When he came back to his senses, countless monks and mortals above the Immortal Ruins were furious, resentful, and crying bitterly.

"The God Emperor of Fiery Fire, with unparalleled martial arts and martial arts, countless supernatural powers and laws, reaches the heaven and earth, just like a true god coming to the mortal world, how can he fall?"

Some of the monks had pale faces and sad eyes, as if the sky had fallen, as if their own father had died.

"God Emperor of Fire! How could you leave us?"

"What should I do!"

Countless people of the Immortal Ruins stamped their feet and howled, beat their chests and cried loudly, shedding blood and tears. It was so painful that they couldn't bear to live.

The Emperor of Fire is indeed a wise master. Queen Laoxu, the third emperor, once led the Nine Guards on an expedition to the dimensional world, put down the rebellion of the Seven Bandits, established many dispatched agencies in the lower world, and created the special envoy system. He once pioneered the establishment of the Immortal Ruins War God List, established an academy, and a selection system to select many talented generals from the lower world. Including erasing the wanderings of the Immortal Land and the history of the ancient heaven, burning classics, and killing those who propagated it, they also made some achievements... One by one, one by one, it can be said that to the people of the Immortal Ruins, the Emperor of Fire God is a wise king. , his achievements are illustrious and extremely brilliant.

For them, this feeling that the sky is falling is not an exaggeration, but a reality.

With the power of transforming into gods, he intercepted countless laws of heaven and earth, condensed them into fragments of the great avenue, and turned them into gods within his body. Whether it is to pass through the Nascent Soul or to transform into a god, one has to overcome tribulations. Mortal monks who steal the heavenly laws of this world will naturally be counterattacked and suppressed by this world.

But once you successfully overcome the tribulation and achieve the status, you will be recognized by heaven and earth. They transformed into human gods, and their inner laws and avenues resonated with heaven and earth, just like the sons of heaven and earth, and heaven and man were one.

And once they fall, the world will be like losing a beloved son, and it will naturally feel sad, angry, and shaken. The sky thousands of miles away will wail, the wind will rain bitterly, and the thunder will explode. Other living beings also feel the connection between heaven and earth, and feel the consciousness of heaven and earth. They are depressed in their hearts, feeling sad, angry, confused, and helpless.

Many caves and Baiyue Academy are also in a gloomy state.

"Ban Shan and Hei Baizi have left us forever!"

On the mountain behind the academy, in that pure place, Fairy Yulian, Yan Wan, Xuan Hu and many other sacrificial wines all looked at the golden light curtain with sad eyes, feeling extremely painful and sad.

"Jiang Taichu's men actually attacked the junior soldiers in the academy. Isn't this the big one bullying the small ones?"

"The strong bullies the weak, despicable and shameless people!"

"Do you really think that because he has the biggest fist, he is the most reasonable?" Many academy disciples showed angry expressions and yelled loudly. They wished they could fight Jiang Tian for three hundred rounds and cut Jiang Tian into thousands of pieces, crushing his bones and scattering ashes to relieve their hatred. .

"The Master has appeared!"

At this time, someone suddenly stared at the golden light curtain in disbelief and exclaimed.

At this time, countless people in front of the light curtain saw a tall, tall, and majestic figure appearing on the messy Xuantian Mountains.

This is an old man!

The old man wears old green clothes that have been washed, but are not stained by dust, giving people a sense of unusual cleanliness. His face is pale and ancient, his head is tall and horny, and his temperament is kind and dignified.

It’s the Master!

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