Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1620 The starry sky is stained with blood, and the ship is destroyed in one strike

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

Flat ruler!

This treasure was passed down from the era of the Overlord of Mu Lingxing. It far surpasses Taoist weapons and can be called a holy weapon. It is so powerful that it is terrifying.

At the beginning, the master once held this treasure and accompanied the old emperor to kill the ancient sages of the immortal land and bring peace to the world. It is said that Emperor Ao died under this foot.

After the establishment of the Xianxu Dynasty, he held this treasure as a ruler, pacified the world, deposed hundreds of families, swept through thousands of sects, overwhelmed many caves, and dominated Baiyue Academy. Among them, the gods who died under this ruler are unknown. Fanji.

As soon as this treasure came out, it grew bigger in the wind and turned into a length of a hundred feet, spanning the sky!

In fact, a magic weapon worth a hundred feet is not that big at all in this world.

But it doesn't mean that the bigger the magic weapon is, the stronger it is.

Everyone saw it.

The many Taoist rune patterns engraved on it bloomed with bright light and turned into shadows to soar into the sky. There were blue dragons flying in the sky to attract heavenly fire, Xuanwu sinking to the ground to attract Xuanming water, stars falling down and turning into power, and ancient ancestors. The sound of sacrificial rituals sounded, faint and hazy, noisy and ethereal, like Buddhist Zen singing, and like the sound of the Nine Heavens Immortal.

With the activation of the Pingtian Ruler, heaven and man interacted with each other. Between the heaven and the earth, three thousand avenues roared, and various laws boiled like a sea.

At this moment, countless creatures on the vast fairy ruins felt that the surrounding scenery was distorted and became less real. The world seemed to have lost some power, becoming "weak", and even felt unwell and dizzy.

"The Master has sacrificed and refined the Pingtian Ruler for thousands of years, and it has been integrated with the three thousand avenues of this world. When this treasure is moved, the power of the laws and avenues of the entire Immortal Ruins star will gather together to form a full blow! The power is really terrifying!”

There were senior figures who were living fossils, shaking their heads and sighing.

"Hmph, no matter how strong Jiang Taichu is, can he withstand the power of a big cultivation star?"

Looking up at the light curtain, Fairy Jade Lotus snorted coldly, a look of pride appeared on her pretty face, and she was determined in her heart.

"Huh, Jiang Taichu, no matter how great you are, you can't withstand the power of this treasure!" Yan Huan's eyes were shining brightly, and he looked at Jiang Tian as if he were looking at a dead person.

"Jiang Taichu will definitely be destroyed, his body and soul will be destroyed and his bones will be reduced to ashes!"

Under the large light screen of the academy, countless academy disciples were roaring, gnashing their teeth, and their eyes were extremely cold, cursing Jiang Tian to die.

This treasure is simple to say, but in fact, the master's refining of this flat ruler contains extremely profound knowledge of formations and talismans. It took the master thousands of years of water-milling work and daily sacrifices to reach the level of heaven, man, and things. The three are united and respond to each other, the highest state of the Trinity.

Its power far exceeds that of the ten peak gods who joined forces, and it is many times more powerful than the Ten Thousand Dao Hong Furnace Cauldron used by the God Emperor of Liehuo. It points directly to the legendary realm of returning to the virtual world.

"It's just a holy weapon. Knowing that I hold an immortal weapon, you dare to take it out and embarrass yourself!"

Just when the big bandits were frightened and reminded Jiang Tian to be careful, Jiang Tian showed a look of ridicule and contempt on his face and had already slashed out with his sword again.


This sword contains the divine principle of Kunpeng's silence and emptiness, just like a white horse passing through a gap or an antelope hanging its horns. It is wonderful to the extreme, and contains the ultimate swordsmanship, reaching the end of the sword.

The avenue of the sword is so sharp that it is like creating the world and dividing the yin and yang. It can easily destroy the space and form a chaotic hole in the space again.


With a soft sound, the Ping Tian Ruler was cut into two pieces as if made of paper, and then the Jue Tian Sword lightly split the master from the top of his head to his crotch.


The master yelled in shock and anger.

This time, the master's god was riddled with holes and collapsed. When it was difficult to condense into a whole again, the god who originally looked like a strong boy actually transformed into a weak baby form. The divine treasure that was originally a divine palace in the Immortal Palace was shattered and reassembled, and it actually took on the form of a spiritual fetus, as weak as paper!

With this sword from Jiang Tian, ​​the master's magical power was reduced from the state of becoming a god to the realm of Yuanying.

"This, how is this possible! Cut through the flat ruler with one sword, and cut down the teacher's realm!"

Fairy Yulian's pretty face was full of shock, her delicate body was shaking wildly, and her beautiful eyes were wide open, as if she had been beeped by a pig.

"Isn't he the son of the immortal fetus?"

Yan You, who originally regarded his master as a god and was full of confidence, looked as if he had eaten a dead child, which was extremely ugly.

"Trouble! Jiang Taichu's laws are as pervasive as mercury pouring down the ground. They penetrate deep into the internal organs and are stubborn. They have reached the bone marrow of the acupoints. I'm afraid it will be difficult for the teacher to repair the sacred treasures and gods."

Xuanhu's face also changed wildly, his whole body felt cold, and his heart felt like it was falling into the abyss.

The battle situation in front of them completely stunned them.

The ruler used to level the sky, one means that the master once used it to pacify the world, and the other means that it is level with the heaven and the earth, which can activate the power of the three thousand avenues of the Immortal Ruins and the endless laws.

You must know how terrifying the power of a cultivation star is.

But he didn't expect that Jiang Tian would cut through it with one sword like he was chopping melons and vegetables.

That's not all, Jiang Tian actually destroyed Master's divine treasure again and shattered the gods, which was equivalent to killing half of Master's life.

"Jiang Taichu, I will fight you until death!"

The master's eyes were about to burst, and he looked like a madman. All kinds of laws and avenue fragments roared all over his body, and he tried to restore his peak state, but it was still in vain.

Jiang Tian's three consecutive sword strikes all contained Kunpeng's divine principles. Each time, they created a hole in the space, severely injuring the master, and taking the opportunity to leave various divine principles to linger and destroy the master's wounds. Let his god disintegrate directly and fall to the realm of Yuanying. With another strike, Master even Yuanying will be shattered.

Although the Master hates Jiang Tian very much, he has lived for thousands of years and has gone through countless storms and waves, and still remains calm.

He found that he still seriously underestimated Jiang Tian's strength. Jiang Tian originally had the power to transform into a god. Coupled with the blessing of immortal weapons such as the Juetian Sword and the Mother Stone Cauldron, it was even more terrifying.

"You guys, don't you know how to support me? You're stupid!"

While he panicked and retreated towards the many invisible battleships like a bereaved dog, he transmitted his voice with his spiritual consciousness.


Many invisible warships and majestic war machines were arrayed across the sky, blocking out the sky and the sun. Various large-scale Taoist weapons trembled and roared, constantly bombarding the powerful pirates.

After all, according to the advance plan, their responsibility was to hunt down the big bandits in order to interfere with the duel between Jiang Tian and the Master, and did not let them attack Jiang Tian. Because, according to previous deductions, when Jiang Tian was disturbed, the master killed Jiang Tian with almost no surprise.

But they never expected that a stone thrown by Jiang Tian could withstand all attacks, making them all feel like Muggles.

In fact, these captains and generals are all experienced in hundreds of battles, rich in experience, and masters of adaptability. But the problem is that Jiang Tian takes action too quickly, and the situation takes a turn for the worse. All of this happens in a few clicks. .

"Full speed ahead!"

"Rescue Master, intercept Jiang Taichu!"

After being reminded by Master, these captains and commanders reacted. Many ships abandoned the great pirates and roared into the sky, killing Jiang Tian like lightning. Various large-scale Taoist tools were turned on, bright lights burst out, and strange phenomena erupted. , the momentum was earth-shattering, bombarding Jiang Tian, ​​blocking Jiang Tian and the Master, like a sky across the sky.

"Master is backing off!"

"This, how is this possible!"

"This is a sacred person who stands at the top of the Immortal Ruins and broke the eternal night of the Immortal Ruins. He was hit hard repeatedly and was repelled by Jiang Taichu!"

Seeing this scene, many Immortal Ruins monks were extremely shocked, feeling as if their worldview had collapsed.

They couldn't bear that the Master, who was supreme and omnipotent in their minds, was being chased and fled in embarrassment.

"Hmph! It's a piece of scrap metal. You still want to stop me?"

"Master, you are dead!"

Jiang Tian sneered, Kunpeng performed extremely fast, one step in the air, the curve of his body refracted, as graceful as a dragon, as graceful as a thundering giant, like dancing on the ice, and like a butterfly flying up and down, hitting the ship with all kinds of things that were enough to kill it. The God Transformation's attack coefficient was evaded, and in just one second, he crossed a distance of a hundred miles and arrived at the side of the first ship.

This ship is about a hundred feet long, and its thick hull is covered with densely packed flying swords, like a huge metal hedgehog.

Its name is also very simple and straightforward, just called "Wanjian".

This is a main attack ship. Once released, thousands of Taoist-level flying swords will fly in unison, and even a transformed god will be easily beaten into a sieve.

Jiang Tian flew over and punched the ship without using any magic power.


A hole the size of a fist was exposed where the punch hit. There was a blazing red color around the hole, but as soon as the hole appeared, it disappeared immediately because the surrounding ship hulls were melted by the ultra-high temperature generated by Jiang Tian's high-speed bombardment. The long hull quickly became red-hot.

Those flying sword patterns were annihilated, as if they were made of red wax oil and were melted by heat, bending and flowing down.

This blazing red color quickly spread towards the entire hull, and soon covered the entire hull, making the Wanjian ship look like a large piece of iron taken out of a large iron furnace. Many monks inside, including a The captain, who was halfway to becoming a god, turned into ashes in an instant.

Afterwards, Jiang Tian punched and kicked, becoming invincible. It's like the God of War descending and charging into a group of vulnerable enemies, charging through the air, destroying everything that stands in his way.

With one punch, a million-ton warship bloomed like a huge fireball, and the spar reactor shattered and exploded with as much power as a hundred nuclear weapons exploding in unison, emitting molten metal radiating with dark red light. The earth bursts out like blooming flower buds, and the molten metal flies away, forming a torrential rain of fiery "metal magma".

A kick was thrown out, like a sword from the sky, and a magnificent ship about three hundred feet long was split into two halves. The monks inside were shattered into pieces of flesh and bones by the violent force, like broken fibers. Flying in the air, the soul, golden elixir, and Yuanying are all destroyed together, often completely falling without even letting out a scream.

Jiang Tian used all his fists and kicks to push and bleed all the way. It only took less than a minute to destroy the invisible battleship that the Xianxu Dynasty was proud of and had spent thousands of years of hard work developing and building.

He came to the master who was horrified and had not recovered at all!

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