Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1623 The law appears and the sword god of the Imperial Palace is defeated

When you reach the realm of Sword God, your Taoist heart is as stable as a rock, and your face will not change even if Mount Tai collapses in front of you.

But after hearing Jiang Tian's words, he couldn't help but feel angry. The light in his eyes was a bit colder, like a long sword that cut across the sky and pierced the sun and the moon:

"Jiang Taichu, you are just a frog in the well. You have no idea of ​​the vastness of the universe. You have never seen a truly strong person."

"A hundred years ago, it would have been difficult for me to kill you. But now, in my eyes, you are just a local dog that can be killed casually!"

As he spoke, the ancient bronze sword flew out of his hand, jumped out, and transformed into the law of swordsmanship.

These laws are composed of tiny sword rays, which look crystal clear and bright like a spring rain. The sword rays form runes, and the runes are condensed into laws. The laws are spiritual and changeable. Sometimes they are like dragons, sometimes they are like dancing phoenixes. The sky is sometimes like a flame burning the sky, sometimes like an undercurrent of a glacier.

The laws of the Flying Immortal Sword dance and twist around the Sword God. They are extremely intimate and completely controlled by him, like his cute and loyal servant.

"Is this the power of the Holy Soldier?"

"Holy Soldier! Holy Soldier!"

This sword instantly attracted the attention of hundreds of thousands of monks, and countless people were moved by it.

The so-called Taoist artifact contains a piece of Taoist fragments, either made by the God-Transforming Power's lifelong sacrifice of Tao fruits, or the deity left the body when the God-Transforming Power died and was entrusted in the artifact.

Generally speaking, Taoist weapons can only be controlled and used by the monks who transform themselves into gods. If the Yuanying monks forcefully activate them, it will be extremely difficult. They can often activate them once or twice, and they may even suffer backlash, be seriously injured, and their cultivation level will fall.

The holy weapon contains a complete avenue, which is often tempered and polished by the giant of returning to the void, and forged by the fruits of the path.

The power is often ten times or a hundred times that of Taoist weapons.

What is the avenue?

The end of law!

The result of the infinite condensation of the law!

There are only a few holy weapons in the entire Immortal Ruins!

As a true holy weapon, the Feixian Sword contains the complete laws of the ultimate sword. These laws of the ultimate realm have been transformed into a section of the sword's avenue.

As soon as this sword is released, the entire Immortal Ruins' endless and vast territory will appear. Countless monks' swords were lamenting and admiring, and they were all trembling slightly, as if in fear and surrender.

The laws contained in the body of the sword cultivator and in the Taoist sword are slowly swaying out, as if being attracted, just like thousands of carp chasing the dragon, and hundreds of flowers chasing the phoenix, rushing towards the Xuantian Mountains.

"Once this sword is released, how can Jiang Taichu withstand the second sword!"

Many people were convinced that Jiang Tian was in danger this time.

The sword god stands with his hands behind his back, his eyes arrogant and proud, and he is dressed in long white clothes. His handsome appearance carries a touch of melancholy and vicissitudes of life, giving him a strange charm.

However, monks with strong strength and keen senses all felt that a murderous aura gradually emerged from the sword god.

"The name of the sword is Feixian."

"Since I stepped into the Immortal Ruins, this sword has been used three times. The first time was to kill the great monster from outside the realm that had been under the deep sky for ten thousand years. The second time was to defeat Master Pingtianzhi. The third time was to pacify the six caves with one sword. !”

"The world only knows that there is a huge difference in strength between me and the Master and others. But they don't know that looking at the entire Immortal Ruins monks, who is qualified to stand shoulder to shoulder with me, the Beidou Miao descendant? I will kill them with just one sword!"

As soon as this word came out.

The whole audience was shocked.

"What? Master, have you ever fought against the Sword God? Moreover, you have already been defeated by the Sword God?"

Many people looked at the Sword God dumbfounded and couldn't believe it.

It turned out that they all thought that the Master was equal in strength to the Sword God of the Xuhuang Palace, but they did not expect that he was no match for the Sword God.

"Hmph! Master, who is the Sword God's opponent?"

"The Sword God is a Beidou monk, and his skill inheritance is far higher than that of Immortal Ruins!"

"If Master hadn't been afraid that the news would spread, which would be detrimental to Master's ability to suppress the Immortal Ruins and conquer the world, Master would have been disgraced!"

On the distant mountain, several sword servants looked proudly and sneered, looking down at the Immortal Ruins monks as if they were ants.

In the eyes of the Xianxu Dynasty, the Master was even more symbolic.

After all, he was the right-hand man of the old Xu Emperor. He conquered the country and established the dynasty. His status was there.

But in terms of strength, he lost to the Sword God a thousand years ago, but the Sword God didn't publicize it.

"Human Saint? Today, even if you are a Human Saint, I will kill you!"

After saying that, the Sword God stretched out his hand, grasped the hilt of the flying sword, and slashed out towards Jiang Tian!

Suddenly, a peerless majesty spread out, sweeping across the world and stirring up the world.

The sword light is extremely sharp and dazzling, as if it can cut through chaos and divide yin and yang.

At this moment, the stars in the great Immortal Ruins all shook. Countless people felt the majesty of the supreme holy soldier in unison, their hearts trembled wildly, and their livers and gallbladders burst.

Wherever the avenue of sword passes, a sea of ​​hundreds of miles of clouds splits apart.

The sword energy soared into the sky, and the stars and rivers trembled slightly. This sword seemed to be able to tear the sky apart and cause stars to fall.

On the earth, with a radius of thousands of miles, the rock peaks were flattened and fragmented, ravines were intertwined, and abyss was formed.

"This is the ability to move mountains and reclaim seas, and to create rivers from land!"

Many monks were so shocked that they became speechless and moved.

How strong is the Sword God of the Xuhuang Palace?

Maybe no one really knows except the old emperor and the master.

The Master, Master Dongtian and others who had ever fought against him kept it secret.

Today, after witnessing this overpowering sword that destroyed everything, everyone realized the terror of the Sword God.

"The Sword God comes from the Holy Sword Sect. It is the legendary sword sect that stands at the top of Beidou. It spans several star galaxies and has been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years. It is extremely ancient and powerful, and has the most powerful techniques. . The power of the skills controlled by the Sword God is absolutely beyond our imagination!"

Yan You sighed.

Even though the Sword God once defeated the Master with a sword, Yan Huan, as the Master's direct disciple, was unwilling to accept injustice, but in the face of absolute strength, he had to admit the Sword God's power.

The other sacrificial wine drinkers were silent when they heard this, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

Compared with the vast Beidou Star Territory, and compared with the rumored superior Sword Sect of the Holy World, even the huge Immortal Ruins, and even the Wood Spirit Galaxy before its destruction, all seemed too small.

It is rumored that the Sword God is just the loser in the power struggle of the Holy Sword Sect.

In short, he couldn't survive in the Holy Sword Sect, so he had to flee to the outside world and come to the Immortal Ruins.

But the Sword God's sword was enough to suppress the entire Immortal Ruins, cut off Baiyue Academy, and flatten the six caves.

"Your Majesty, be careful!"

At this moment, Bai Muxue exclaimed and her pretty face turned pale.

Even though many of the killers knew that Jiang Tian was powerful, they still showed a trace of nervousness. After all, Jiang Tian was facing the majestic Sword God of the Ruins, who was a myth of invincibility above the Immortal Ruins.

"Well done!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were filled with strange light and he gave a light drink.

The light suddenly shone brightly in his womb, and a divine disk suddenly appeared behind Nascent Soul with his eyes closed. This divine disk is radiant, with nine divine laws gathered and coiled, and power like a mountain torrent fills Jiang Tian's spiritual womb.

Jiang Tian used the power of law for the first time!


Jiang Tian shouted lowly.

Then he saw that Jiang Tian's body was surrounded by a layer of realms, colorful, like a strong barrier, firmly protecting Jiang Tian within it.

The sword god's tens of thousands of sword energy, cold sword light, and peerless sharp sword law hit the overlapping areas, and suddenly made a sound like gold and stone.

The first thing I saw was a whirlpool-like black hole, where the Taotie God appeared, swallowing up countless sword energy like a whale swallowing a cow.

Immediately afterwards, there was a Gengjin Immortal God Emperor with a crown on his head, brilliant golden light all over his body, wearing armor, and holding a long sword. He slashed out with a sword, smashing many sword laws and avenues into pieces.

At the end, a red bird flew into the sky, driving away red fire, refining the sky, and burning the remaining sword light into flying ashes.

Jiang Tian had a total of nine levels of realms and laws, but the Sword God swung his sword and only touched three of them, annihilating them and completely defeating them.

"This, what kind of law is this, can actually destroy the avenue!"

"Why is this field so magical?"

"Generally the Nascent Soul only has one realm, but Jiang Taichu has nine realms in total. How is this possible!"

Many spectators stared wide-eyed.

Even the Sword God had a look of astonishment on his face, and he no longer dared to underestimate Jiang Tian.

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