Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1632 Why do you want to throw yourself into a trap?

One of the eight guarding families in the Immortal Ruins, the Yue family.

After seeing this scene, the head of the family, Yue Xuanxu, sneered and shook his head:

"Jiang Taichu is too arrogant. He thinks that by killing the Master and the Sword God, he will really be invincible on the Immortal Ruins. The trump cards of the Xuhuang Palace, the Academy, and the Zhentian Palace have not been played yet. Just transform into a god, and you can still be invincible. There are as many as a hundred. In addition, the old Xu Emperor is still there, and there are countless formations, secret treasures, divine laws, etc. in the Xu Capital, as well as in the major cities and sects of the Immortal Xu. Looking for death!"

"Jiang Taichu really doesn't know how to live or die!"

In the academy, Fairy Yulian also snorted and laughed: "If Jiang Taichu is outside, he will be ethereal. He has the power to transform into a god, sneak up and hide, and deceive the world, so it is naturally difficult to kill him. But he fell into a trap and shook the city. , then there is only a dead end!”

Next to them, several formation masters sneered and said, "Maybe Jiang Taichu doesn't know that the entire ruins is a super killing formation! It can kill even the void-returning power. Otherwise, with the sword, The God is so powerful, why would he be willing to serve for the Xu Huang Palace instead of replacing him and becoming the emperor on his own? "

In fact, Jiang Tian's propaganda was not considered safe by the killers. We should establish a base based on the city and seize the pond, slowly map it out, and use ten or even twenty years to eliminate the Xianxu Dynasty.

But they knew the rules. Now that the new heaven was established and Jiang Tian kept his word, Jiang Tian would definitely consider what they suggested. There was no need to say more.

But the leader of the Jade Girl Sect, Bai Muxue's mentor, rushed to the Fallen Immortal Sea to visit Jiang Tian to discuss the matter.

This woman has half-stepped into the realm of deity cultivation and is called Fairy Ruilong. Although she is already a thousand years old, she looks like she is only in her thirties. She has a beautiful face and a voluptuous figure. Standing next to Bai Muxue, she does not look like a master. Apprentices, more like sisters.

"My disciple has been fighting in the Immortal Ruins for several months and has caused trouble for the sect!"

Bai Muxue accompanied Jiang Tian to pay homage to her mentor. With tears in her eyes, she prostrated herself.

These words are not false.

Bai Muxue had a lot of activities in Penglai World. But the Jade Girl Sect's heel is above the Immortal Ruins. After the news of Bai Muxue following Jiang Tian came out, the Jade Girl Sect was immediately bloodbathed and wiped out, with thousands of disciples killed and injured.

Although the Jade Girl Sect is a female generation, they understand the righteousness well and are not weak at all. They use the intelligence system all over the Immortal Ruins to deliver news to the powerful enemies and help them avoid the pursuit of the Fire God Emperor.

Otherwise, all the powerful bandits might not be able to survive Jiang Tian's exit, and they would be wiped out.

Therefore, Dako Qunhao had a very good impression of Fairy Ruilong.

"It's not your fault. Our Jade Girl Sect is originally a descendant of the ancient Heavenly Court, and sooner or later we will have a battle with the Xianxu Dynasty. However, heroes make the times. The appearance of fellow Taoist Taichu made this day come earlier!"

Fairy Ruilong was elegantly dressed in palace attire, wearing a jingle ring. Her expression was very kind, her face was radiant, her eyes were clear and bright, and her slight crow's feet gave her a bit more charm.

She is well-mannered, graceful and proficient in the art of charm, which can make the emperor fall for her.

In fact, the Seven Great Bandits once revealed to him that Fairy Ruilong was originally the concubine of a certain generation of divine emperors. Only because she was a descendant of the Immortal Earth and her bloodline was excluded, she was defeated in the palace struggle. Even her own son was killed. Be obliterated.

So she left the Xuhuang Palace and joined the Jade Girl Sect as the first sect leader. What she did was revenge.

This is actually the reason why the Jade Girl Sect has developed smoothly before.

After all, she is an imperial concubine. Although she remains anonymous, her influence is still there and she has many connections. Many important people in the Immortal Ruins know about this relationship, so they turn a blind eye to the various activities of the Jade Girl Sect.

She walked up to Jiang Tian and bowed with her hands folded. Every move she made was graceful and graceful. Her voice was hoarse but full of magnetism and very touching: "I, Ruilong, have met His Majesty Taichu!"

"Get flat!"

Jiang Tian put his hands behind his back, looked calm, and accepted the gift calmly.

The supreme person of a mere fairy market is supreme in the eyes of others, but it is nothing in Jiang Tian's eyes. After all, he once reached the top of the universe. Everything in front of him was nothing like what he had achieved in his previous life, so he didn't take it to heart.

"I wonder what Sect Leader Ruilong wants from me?"

Jiang Tian motioned her to sit down, and when Long Shengnan served tea, he asked with a smile.

Give due respect to Elder Ruilong and Jiang Tian. After all, she had sacrificed a lot for this war, and the sect was almost broken up. Her disciple Bai Muxue was also considered her direct disciple.

Elder Ruilong put down the teacup, a look of solemnity appeared on his pretty face, and said softly: "I was slightly injured some time ago, and I am in seclusion to heal my wounds. I heard that His Majesty Taichu threatened to destroy the ruins within seven days, I hurriedly broke through the barrier and came to meet you in a hurry."

"Oh? What's the problem?"

Jiang Tian took the spiritual fruit from Long Shengnan and asked with a chuckle.

Ruilong said with a solemn expression: "Your Majesty Taichu, I know that you are a Nine-Heaven Divine Dragon. Not only are your cultivation levels against the sky, you are powerful, you also have a broad vision and a small world, and you are domineering. However, Xudu is not as simple as you think. If you go, you will be trapped in death, and you will never come back."

Fairy Ruilong thought she was already very polite.

After all, she was once an imperial concubine and knew all about the layout of various ruins. In her opinion, the combination of those formations, restrictions, those strong men sitting in charge, and some old monsters sleeping on Mu Lingzu Mountain can destroy even a thousand transformed gods. She didn't say that Jiang Tian was "a moth to a flame, an egg to a stone", which was already being polite.

Jiang Tian knew that she meant well, so he was naturally not angry. He smiled leisurely and said, "Don't worry. Fairy Ruilong, I am not a reckless person. If I see something wrong, I will retreat!"

"There is a planet there that was passed down from the Wood Spirit Star and was banned in the Overlord Era. It is said that although the Overlord died, his obsession never died and he has been entrenched near the South Gate One Star. In the end, this obsession's remnant soul, Collected and trained by the Master, Lao Xu Emperor, Tianhe Xingjun and others, as formation spirits, he deployed a super killing formation!"

Fairy Ruilong took a deep breath and sighed: "At the beginning, the sages and emperors of Emperor Ao's era all reached the realm of returning to the void and were called saints. The strong men of the ancient heaven all died in this formation. Do you think... …”

She shook her head slightly.

That clearly means that even the ancient sages can only die and disappear. No matter how strong you Jiang Taichu is, what can you do? What big waves can be made? Can you escape the terrifying formation restriction that even the ancient sages killed?

Jiang Tian laughed and said softly: "Elder Ruilong, I have always believed that changes in the sky are not something to be afraid of, and ancestors cannot be punished. We should respect our ancestors and sages, but we cannot refer to their trajectories in every move. I To be disrespectful - if they were really capable, or if they were capable enough, would they have lost the beautiful rivers and mountains thousands of years ago? Would they have allowed the Immortal Ruins to fall into the hands of the descendants of the Wood Spirit Star? "

"What they can't do, can't I do it?"

As soon as Jiang Tian said this, Ruilong was stunned and couldn't believe it.

She never expected that Jiang Tian was so arrogant that even the sages of the ancient heaven would not take him seriously.

After being stunned for a moment, Sect Master Ruilong showed a hint of regret, smiled bitterly, and said: "Your Majesty Taichu, with your magnanimity, you should be able to listen to some criticisms and remonstrances. Then I said it bluntly - you may be The joy of victory is overwhelming!”

"You are indeed amazingly talented and invincible in the Immortal Ruins. But you must know that a person's power is limited after all. If the Immortal Ruins Dynasty is really easy to deal with, how can it be able to maintain its power for thousands of years. You know, many Immortal Land natives before The descendants are all resisting, but as you can see, the Immortal Ruins Dynasty is getting stronger and stronger, while we are almost destroyed!"

"Your Majesty Taichu, you should learn the lesson from the last time. If you had been more low-key, you would not have been greedy for credit and did not launch the flag-raising operation, which caused huge waves in the Immortal Ruins. Some time ago, the big bandits would not have been brutally surrounded and suppressed, and they would not have been chased. I'm so scared that I'm afraid to put it bluntly - if you hadn't come out of seclusion in time, I'm afraid the big bandits would have been extinct!"

"Your Majesty was lucky once, but God does not favor you every time. Such good luck!"

"I have made up my mind and there is no need to discuss it further."

Jiang Tian shook his head speechlessly.

Talking about military and political matters with this woman is like playing the piano to an ox.

At that time, Xuhuang Palace, Zhentian Palace, and Academy had jointly cracked the Gate of Chengtian, leaving the killers with no way to escape, which resulted in heavy losses. It wasn't that Jiang Tian's flag display was inappropriate.

In fact, even if the killers are hiding everywhere, they will still be bloody hunted and find it difficult to escape.

"Why did you throw yourself into a trap?"

Fairy Ruilong was anxious, so she had to emphasize her tone and said: "Fellow Taoist Taichu, if you go to Xudu, you are really just throwing yourself into a trap. I have received the news, and all the major guarding families and major cities have gathered in Xudu. , deploying several deep lines of defense, hundreds of thousands of monks, ready to fight you to the death!"

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